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what if 57 yrs ago today, someone killed JFK? what if i don't think Oswald acted alone, no matter what the mainstream media says (i'm talkin to you, Dan Rather)? what if i met RFK when i was a little xc? what if i don't think Sirhan acted alone? what if i wonder where Trumpenstein was then and what his alibi is? | |||
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what if Trumpenstein resigns? what if for a short time, Mike Penis is president? what if Penis pardons Trumpentein? what if lemme re-phrase this... what if Penis pisses everyone off by pardoning Trumpenstein cause Trumpenstein jerked Penis off by not resigning earlier & giving the GOP a less Nazi fascist candidate in '20, though not by much? what if weirder, more bizarre, more inexplicable things have happened...like me? | |||
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What if YES! ....EXACTLY !!! ![]() | |||
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What if ...I think they taste a LOT like Red Raspberrys..? What if I recall likin the raspberrys better because less seeds per unit of fruity goodness.. What if my mom used to grow raspberrys in our yard...under fairly shady conditions..? What if I believe they are a native N. American plant..if not they sure grow like one...? What if when I lived at the place that had the fire I grew Black Berrys yellow, red& black raspberries...I loved 'em? | |||
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What if yeah I can see the red raspberry taste there! What if John's mom grew raspberries too and he always had fresh berries growing up? What if I love blackberries...I used to walk by this blackberry bush when I was 12 and stand there and just pop berries into my mouth? What if all berries are good with me? What if berry pies are also good? What if, so is berry sorbet? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if I agree with all this? What if I don't think ANY Kennedy death didn't have some agenda by it? What if, too many people wanted their blood for whatever reason? What if my mom still cries when JFK and RFK are mentioned? What if, well wherever they are now I hope they're resting in peace? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if NOVA did a really good Sciency review of the Warren Report & the assassination itself..? What if their conclusion was everything was poorly handled but the report was quite factual...? What if Oswald was almost certainly the only one who shot at the prez..?? What if I dont/wont argue most conspiracy stuff.....so if you doubt them see if its on Youtube..? I found this one from 1988 w/Walter Cronkite this is not the most recent one that I watched..Im pretty sure. kennedy assassinantion nova 1988 | |||
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what if i've seen that Nova before? what if i believe the Warren Commission report was fantasy? what if they had an agenda & that both Hoover & LBJ had their spies in the group. one of whom was Jerry Ford? what if mainstream media- including PBS- covers up the truth cause they covered up JFK's affairs & his mistresses' involvement with the Mob, and the Mob was likely involved in either the conspiracy or cover-up of JFK's murder? what if the 1979 Senate Committee on Assassination concluded that 4 shots were fired, 3 from Oswald (or whoever in the Book Depository) & the the fourth from an unknown assassin on the grassy knoll? what if science can only do so much if evidence is missing, exchanged, damaged or tampered with in other ways? what if Nova did a faulty report on Anastasia/Anna Anderson & bungled DNA by allowing it shipped without constant supervision? what if the money hungry, mob-aligned Romanov family tampered with Anderson's DNA but weak Nova PBS nerds backed off the real story? what if Nova tried proving there's only been two xc's but i scared them off by wearing a Nixon mask!? | |||
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what if the newer one was better if I remember.. But the conclusion still stood the Warren Report was flawed but there was no CONCLUSIVE evidence that it was in error. I went thru a buncha nutball stuff with a friend on this VERY conspiracy.... I kinda avoid him now....LoL I think it was a NOVA season 40 episode #22 Cold Case JFK ? WHat if I remember the title as "Who Killed Kennedy " What if Most conspiracy stuff is not even as fun or interesting as this: Who Was The Babushka Lady?This message has been edited. Last edited by: Brucy Braless, | |||
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what if the History channel aired a series called the Men Who Killed Kennedy? what if a few episodes were omitted cause they implicated LBJ and one had an interview with Oswald's mistress, and the shows might be on YouTube? what if GOP apologists point fault at any theory that disses the Warren Report? what if the Warren Commission's mission from the outset was to blame Oswald, making it fantasy? what if evidence went missing, such as the bullet that hit the sidewalk, or tampered with, such as JFK's autopsy report & photos? what if i think LBJ definitely was involved in the cover-up? what if Oswald's post-assassination actions have all the markings of a man who was left behind & panicked? what if so many witnesses in Dallas died "accidentally" within two years of the shooting? what if there are way too many "coincidences" in the assassination to believe the Warren fairy tale? what if the people who believe the Warren fantasy are mostly an odd collection of GOP apologists & mainstream media reporters? what if when anything new is said about the JFK killing, it gets thrown in with UFO reports & Bigfoot sightings? what if it only proves how well the cover-up has worked, even though most people believe there was a 2nd shooter, a conspiracy and a cover-up? | |||
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what if i'm working on plans to be busy during Thanksgiving? what if there's work to do in the house & outside of it on Thursday & Friday? what if plus i have my editing to do? what if don't wanna be depressed being alone so gonna plan out my time? | |||
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what if it's been a year since i've seen a relative? what if i guess i'd better get used to it since most of them in Indhickiana are older than me? what if sucks that there won't be anyone to look after old timer xc when he gets even more senile? what if i'd rather blow myself up with TNT than go into a nursing home, losing everything i own to crappy medicaid? what if maybe Jen Lawrence or Amy Adams could adopt me, they are my online wives after all!? | |||
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What if I must confess im 1 of those whose :rolleyez: at the mere mention of 'Conspiracy'.. What if ...what would be the point of hiding lying etc about it now..? What if Im not saying that there has never been any conspiracies its just that with alla that Cable TV time slots to fill that SHe-it is comin outta the woodwork,no? What if look at alla the nonsense & conspiracies tRump voters fall for..? What if some deny they are dying of COVID with their last breaths ..because COVID is a Liberal Hoax to try to control us all..?? What if thats enuff to sour me on just about all conspiracy stuffage..? What if the Kennedy assassination & autopsy were so badly handles that Everything that they say could be true ..but its such a mess no one can be sure..? What if ..hay.. remember the OJ trial.... there was more evidence against OJ than there has been in ANY OTHER trial.... Lawyers poo-poohed it all away..? What if ...besides the science doesnt claim that the Warren Report is correct..just that it cant be proven NOT to be correct.? What if just as I sent this Monster reply the Inet dropped out on me..? What if I was worried I might lose it but I was able to Copy & Paste into a note pad clone for Linux..? YaY! | |||
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What if its no funn .. but..this is a good year to be alone...? What if the COVID rate is takin off like a rocket around here..?? What if we went from that 1-2% 5-8 weeks ago to the Highest in NYS ..over 8% of tests are now positive..? What if at least its not the 50% that some red state has been producing...Damn Republican Fuck-Tards..? SMH | |||
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What if that would be the life, eh? Im Favoring Kristen Stewart & Emma Watson myself..LoL? ![]() | |||
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What if ..Whoa..How did I let this 1 slip by...? What if ...Pix or it didnt happen../? ![]() | |||
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What if I have to admit ..it sure does seem suspect..?? What if alla this kinda killed liberalism too..?? What if... WHOA! post #3366...you KNOW what that means..?? | |||
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What if I did pretty good today 2 trips to the new place...but I Still gotta organize things over there.....only the bedroom is ready for the bed.. WHat if I GOTTA have a computer ready to go...rite..?? what if I dont feel all wiped out as per usual either.?? | |||
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what if Caesar, Lincoln, leaders in Europe, South America, many killed in conspiracies? why hide it now? Protect reputation of those involved in conspiracy & cover-up & not disgrace their kin. USA acts like "it can't happen here", that only lone gunmen kill leaders. Ain't true. Oswald had connections to KGB, FBI, CIA and the gov't. LBJ was rotten to the core. The Mob had powerful influence & they were pissed off by RFK. It was a perfect storm of collaboration. The Senate Committee on Assassinations- 16 years after JFK- concluded there was a conspiracy & 2nd shooter, and this despite the many deaths of witnesses. Those deaths scared off other witnesses who spoke up later, and then labeled crackpots by Dan Rather-types & GOP apologists. The Warren Report is fake news, ha ha. LBJ would not have allowed them to report anything other than blaming it all solely on Oswald, which has been proven in '79 to be untrue. what if the gov't count on you to rolleyes at conspiracies cause that allows them to continue behind the scenes? what if don't forget Watergate & other political conspiracies where no one died (that we know about)? | |||
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what if saw him with classmates at local airport? what if RFK spoke at local university that day? what if John Glenn was with hum? what if RFK was shorter than i had thought? what if no pics, it was a school trip & none of us kids thought to bring a camera? | |||
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What if Wow that's pretty cool xc? What if, what was he like? What if I never met a politician before but I met a few celebrities? What if I talked my way backstage at a Cyndi Lauper concert in 1986? What if she was at the Spectrum in Philadelphia and I told security that I had dropped my backstage pass and someone stole it? What if they believed me? ![]() What if Cyndi was very nice and she signed my autograph on a paper cup? What if I lost that in a move, much to my chagrin, but the memory still remains? What if, and no I didn't think to bring a camera and take a picture of it either...oh well? ![]() ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if i was at the end of the greeting line at the airport cause i was small (hadn't sprouted yet) & the screaming girls yelling "Bobby!" were at the front of the line? i looked away for a while, thinking he wouldn't walk all the way down where i was, but he did, and he startled me! My eyes bugged out & he mocked my look in a funny way & rubbed my head. i thought that was cool. He had the longest hair for any adult i'd seen at the time. what if i've met a few celebrities too- Johnny Weissmuller (Tarzan), Nick Nolte, Harry Chapin (RIP), Brian Wilson, etc | |||
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What if wow that sounds really cool xc? What if wow you met some cool others...love Harry Chapin and Brian Wilson? What if I've tried ever since that Cyndi Lauper concert to talk my way backstage at other concerts but it never worked again? What if I even asked a security guard if he'd be kind enough to introduce me to Johnny Depp at a Hollywood Vampires Concert? What if, but he politely declined? ![]() ![]() What if, one of these days maybe we'll get another stimulus check, maybe enough that I can buy a backstage pass to another Hollywood Vampires concert? What if they had a tour scheduled for this year but they canceled it due to covid and it's currently scheduled for 2021? What if, I would love to just give Johnny a hug and look into his eyes for at least a minute? What if maybe hugging WOULDN'T be tabboo by then with the vaccine and stuffage? ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if it's been a slow, uneventful day? What if we got our turkey today? What if I cook it whether I meet my mom and sister or not? What if I'll just give them leftovers afterwards? What if I might try to make Turkey Soup too? What if, I don't know how good this turkey will turn out but hopefully it won't be like last year? What if, I thought it was fully cooked but nooooo. Fortunately no one got sick. What if I hope I can trust the dummy button this time? What if, meanwhile, I have nothing to do today...I feel like this is "hurry up and wait?" ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if Damm that IS cool..? WHat if I havent really met any celebs..? What if finally did some prep @ the new place.....mostly just rearranging to make room for MORE JUNK...YaY !!! | |||
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