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what if i'd imagine it'll be free? what if not, a lotta people couldn't afford it? what if they want the economy going again & getting people back to work, it'll have to be free? what if there's choices between vaccines, i wanna find out which one lasts the longest, if they know that? | |||
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what if cults were huge in Indhickiana during the '70s? what if i guess simple country folk are big prey for cults? what if i knew several people who either joined or almost joined, and a few who barely escaped? what if i was approached to join a couple different ones bit said no, i am already in the cults of followers of music & blonde haired buxom babes? | |||
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What if my cousin on my mom's side got sucked into a Jesus cult when she was 17 or thereabouts? What if she came back to visit her mother, my aunt, who had divorced and got remarried to my mom's brother? What if she said my aunt was "living in sin" because she divorced and remarried? What if my cousin stayed away from the family for many years but finally resurfaced shortly before my aunt died? What if, cults are scary, and fortunately I escaped that fate? What if, I had just heard too much about how it can fug with your mind? What if, I liked making my own mind up about my path and destiny, I didn't need someone else telling me? What if later tho I got sucked into little groupthink ideas that feel cultlike when I look back now? What if, but thankfully I'm done with all that? What if I just take what I like and leave the rest? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if I think this winter is Egg-Spected to be mild....? What if I previously thought that if I just Always got all the flu shots I'd be in pretty good shape when I got old...? What if with immunity fade ... not gonna happen I guess..? What if at least my immune system will get exercise..if thats a thing..?? ![]() What if yes if COVID Mutates out of the vaccine's reach.. then That form will probably become the dominant one ..? | |||
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What if I dont remember his characters being as bad as he is..? What if its amazing what a good & believable Female lead can do for Sci-Fi..?? | |||
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What if I do believe its supposed to be free...the 1 company is aiming for a Cost of $3 a dose...? What if Id gladly pay double or triple that..? | |||
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What if the last falsehood of that type I believed was Santa Claus Both my parents were dis-interested Catholics who gave me total choiuce as to what I wanted to do..?? What if all the kids were gripin @ havin to go to 'Religion'..so I Said .."Hell no!" ![]() What if to be honest with you I think that if no one was Exposed to...the god idea until they were 14 ..no one would fall for it..? What if but thats just my opinion..? | |||
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What if I think xc shoould start a 'Conspiracy Cult' or maybe a Conspiracy website about cults.. then he could become a youtuber & get his money for nothin & his Chicks for free..? | |||
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What if its not that hard to be tricked..my Mom & my Brother fell for the 'Bio-rhythms'thing in the late 60s...I think it was..? What if it was just a buncha pseudo scientific gobbledy gook & stuff..?. | |||
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What if $3 isn't that bad but free is just more helpful? What if I just think it's evil to charge people when the economy is so farked anyway? What if so long as they don't charge astronomically, I guess it's okay but free is still best? What if everyone needs to be safe, so we can grow our economy back of course? What if in other news, I stepped on the scale today and saw that I actually LOST a pound??? ![]() ![]() What if, that's an incredible blessing...I was expecting to gain at least 5 pounds? What if, so now we're back to business as usual until Christmas when all the fattening foods come out again? What if I might just make it through the holiday season without gaining all my weight back after all? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if i'm betting it will be free, especially for anyone who has insurance? what if even w/o insurance, i don't see how they could deny anyone? what if Trumpenstein's people would deny poor people but not Biden's? what if not unless some pharmaceutical company gets greedy? | |||
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what if snow flurries today? what if go away, snow? what if i miss the 90 degree weather? | |||
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What if we've got a tornado warning until 4:39 EST? What if we got two more minutes? What if I wonder what a tornado would do to my house and yard? What if, maybe the house would lift into the air, fly around and then land on Trump? ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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xc said: what if i'm betting it will be free, especially for anyone who has insurance? What if I wasnt very clear...$3 is what they were hopin to bring it in at & Yes I do believe the goverment will make FREE for Teabaggers & all red states..LoL What if but they wont get vaccinated because COVID is a hoax thats how Evil Hillary's band of reptilian baby eating aliens will implant their mind control devices..666... What if ..but we all know that..rite..? What if it appears I didnt mention this here... I heard on NPR the udder day..That Teabagger types are dying of COVID & denying thats what it is because they "KNOW" that COVID is a Liberal hoax..?? WTF??? What if thats a good example of what my signature line below is alla bout..?This message has been edited. Last edited by: Brucy Braless, Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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xc wrote: what if snow flurries today? What if its predicted there could be a foot+ of snow in the local snowbelt/Ski resort area..south of Buffalo...?? What if not enuff to stick around up where I am...? What if the Township has moved the Nov 1st street parking ban from Nov 1st to the 15th to Dec 1st & now to Dec 15th..weather looks pretty good 'round here..? What if out of the last, say, 10 years we have had a brutal Jan or Feb & the rest of winter usually has been creepily warm WAaaaaaayyy too often.. to NOT be Global Warning..uummmm Warming...? | |||
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what if December? what if bleeeeech!? what if hate the cold, any temp below 60 is too darn cold? what if i was rich, i'd have a winter home in the Bahamas? | |||
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What if I made enough turkey soup to feed a small army but I can't fit it into the refrigerator? What if, so I'm leaving it on the stove until it's all eaten up and hope it doesn't go bad? What if, I hope my mom and sister can take some of it? What if I don't even know what to put it in for them...we're almost all out of tupperware containers? What if but it's pretty good soup for my first time? What if, it just needs salt for every bowl but it's better to have to add salt than for something to be too salty? What if I learned that the hard way WAY too many times lol? What if I take whatever I or my family can't eat into downtown Philadelphia and give it to some homeless people there? What if I might just do that if I have to, that would be cool!!!! "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if never had turkey soup? what if wanted to fix a turkey for TG but never sure how to do it right? what if youtube videos are deceiving when they show one how to cook stuff? what if the cooks take things for granted that dunces like me don't know? | |||
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what if read this online about the vaccine?
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What if well looky what we have here..apparently tRump put xc in charga Vaccine distribution...that Craxxy..!?!
What if buy me 1 too..? | |||
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Brucy Braless: What if well looky what we have here..apparently tRump put xc in charga Vaccine distribution...that Craxxy..!?! what if someone forgot to tell BrucE that his BFF Trumpenstein lost the election? what if after Melancholy Trumpenstein divorces the orange haired baboon, he will be free to hang out with Bruce 24/7? | |||
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what if maybe you oughta move to Northern Canada, eh? what if the orange haired Sasquatch might move with you? | |||
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what if i dreamed last night that Linxi returned to the scrolls? what if not only that but she started working where i work? what if she made many mistakes at work cause she was chatting online too much? what if the bosses told me to tell her to start working better or else they'd can her? what if i told them to tell her themselves cause i ain't their gopher? what if the dream ended before i learned what happened next? | |||
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what if no one else posted today so far? what if FINE, the scrolls is MINE? what if that's cause i have no life? what if *sigh*? | |||
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What if I got paid today YAY? ![]() What if Christmas shopping soon? What if, I'm glad I don't have many people to buy for? What if that gets pricey and I'm poor as a humbug? What if I hope I can get together and exchange gifts in person with my family but I'm not really banking on it? What if we'll probably do the gift swap delivery thing with my sister coming over to give me my mom's gifts for me and her own, and me giving her hers and my mom's? What if and then we'll all do a zoom video thingie where we open the gifts in front of the computer screen? ![]() What if wowwwww? What if I'll be glad when the vaccine gets here? ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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