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what if Trumpenstein blames China, not Russia & Puke-tin? what if the hack may have been a last ditch effort by the Ruskies in case their puppet lost the election, which he did? what if no doubt Puke-tin has stuff on his puppet, it's why Trumpenstein's a puppet? | |||
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what if i haven't celebrated Christmas since 2015? what if like Thanksgiving & other holidays, what's the point when you got no family? what if they might as rename the holidays DayOffWork Day & number them? | |||
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What if I forgot to mention the most damning evidence to MY conspiracy theory..? Remember the LOOK on tRump's face when he was told he WON the election... he wasnt happy or surprised he LOOKED TERRIFIED..did he not??? | |||
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What if ..it Figures....doesnt it..?? What if Saturn & Jupiter are at the Closest visual alignment that they have been since 1226...Yes thats a YEAR Im talkin about....?? What if Im buried in clouds since a clear nite{the 15th?} & will remain buried for the foreseeable future..?? What if they were pretty close together on that nite when I saw them...? What if my next view will probably be after Xmas...when they will have separated yet again..dammit..? What if ....should you be interested this will occur as soon as the sky darkens after sunset...Very Low in the west..? What if look pretty much where the sun goes down maybe 15mins after it darkens & you will DEFINITELY see Jupiter .. its so bright that it will be the very 1st thing to appear in the night sky..? What if it will have to get darker for Saturn to appear its falling quite far behind us so its only a bit brighterwe than the brightest stars..? What if this arrangement is most likely what caused the "Christmas Star" from the bible..? Enjoy What if they will remain close visually for days ..so look whenever its clear enuff for you..soon they will be lost in the glare of sunset....next time they are close is 2080 I do believe.. | |||
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what if didn't see Star of Bethlehem/Jupiter-Saturn conjunction? what if i was too late or clouds obscured it though i did see a few stars? what if had me high powered binoculars? what if wanted to see hot MILF and her daughter three houses up but they have no side windows? | |||
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what if new mutant strain of covid in UK? what if hope vaccines works against it as it will no doubt come here? what if my 102 yr old great aunt & hospital worker niece in law will get the vaccine soon if not already? what if i'm taking few days off work for the holiday, so there!? | |||
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What if I had a pair of binoculars I got in New York when I went there for a weekend, but they're buried somewhere? What if I didn't see the conjunction last night either but I'll look for it tonight? What if we don't need any mutant covids walking around anywhere? What if I'll pass on that thank you??? What if that's great about your 102 old great aunt and neice in law getting the vaccine tho xc? What if I can't wait til we all get it? What if meanwhile, I'm thinking of checking out Apple TV if it's not too expensive? What if, there's what sounds like a good movie being advertised, called "Wolf Walkers?" What if I still have to get back to Netflix's Stranger Things tho and catch up on that? What if maybe I'll do that today? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if Trumpenstein wants to raise the stimulus checks from $600 to $2000? what if the election wasn't over, i'd think he was trying to buy votes? what if i hope the new amount passes but i ain't holding my breath? | |||
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what if not looking forward to Christmas? what if 5th year in a row alone? what if guess i'll sleep late? what if i need to be adopted by rich, gorgeous, single actress? | |||
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What if it was only MOSTly Cloudy this afternoon ...but its gettin thicker ... so even tonite is unlikely....to see anything. What if at @ 6:30 I gotta peek at Jupiter & Saturn.... They are close but nothing special...Ah well?This message has been edited. Last edited by: Brucy Braless, | |||
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What if why stop with just one ..LoL..??? What if it seems like I just missed you..I was watchin Last nite's PBS Newshour..? | |||
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what if i have five days off work? what if it includes Christmas & the weekend? what if slept in this morning? what if not used to that? | |||
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What if it's nice outside today? What if, like 61? What if I went down to the pharmacy just now to pick up a couple things and it was nice breathing in air that smelled pretty Springlike? What if I like it, even if it is global warming? ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if c-c-cold here? what if in the teens? what if global cooling? what if ice age coming? what if Al Bore had it all wrong? what if hear that, BrucE, all wrong? what if wish it were springlike here, Kate, but without the storms? what if in spring maybe come the covid vaccine? | |||
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What if yeah by late spring it should be gettin pretty safe again... if Covid doesnt mutate too much...? What if Covid turns into a zombie virus...... would alla the infected tRumpettes seem any different then..?? | |||
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What if Christmas Day? What if, Merry Merry to each and all? ![]() What if it rained like hell yesterday and last night? What if we have a leak in our kitchen ceiling, lovely??? ![]() What if there was a nice puddle on the floor last night and a long streak on the ceiling where the water was leaking in? What if we put a pail underneath it? What if thank goodness the rain is over now, that was a lot of rain? What if, all the snow is washed away now? What if, so much for a white Christmas!!! ![]() ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if this sounds like Trumpenstein is your 1st choice for Pres and then Al Bore? what if ![]() | |||
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what if Merry DayOffWork? what if work around house day? what if work on my books day... which is every day anyway? what if one more week to this awful year? | |||
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What if samn thats too bad abou-cher ceiling...? What if Im far enuff west & north of you that its gonna be cold & snowy from here on out..? What if thats gonna make the remaining bit of the move really unpleasant..? What if Suzie thinks she sold the place...so I GOTTA leave by February..LoL... What if ....damn ...thats gonna make this such a last minute rush & all..LOL What if Merry Xmas to you & Happy Holler.Days..? | |||
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What if ...Oh Hell Yah!... Im thonkin about a sex change & marrying him while he's in prison..LoL What if ..be funny if he's a lifer.... with no one to Pardom him....AAAAWWWwwwwwwww...? What if also a Merry Christmas to you..?? What if ....How comes no one wished ME ...a Hairy Christ's Ass..??? What if I just got a Christmas Hiss from my Girly cat....Some things never change..? | |||
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What if Im doin it wrong..? What if yeah thats what she said..? What if I just Texted my daughter a Hairy Christ's Ass wish..? What if she always ignores me anyways..? | |||
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What if Merry Christmas Brucy? ![]() What if hahaha Hairy Christ's Ass that's hilarious? ![]() What if my sister is coming over here in half an hour to do some food and gift swapping with us? What if that'll be interesting since there is a lot of food and gifts, and then we're gonna set up a Zoom video chat with my mom and sis? What if welcome to Christmas 2020? ![]() What if I hope it's not like this again next year? What if although, all things considered, this is really much less stressful? What if, there's not much to worry about at the table, just the two of us and the others take care of themselves from where they are? What if, rather than worrying about how many places at the table and will everyone have easy access to all the food there and does everyone have plates, glasses, utensils???? What if, yeah weird as this 2020 shite is, it kind of creates more space? What if, whatever y'all do, whether ya celebrate or not, just enjoy yourself because we all deserve to enjoy!!! ![]() ![]() What if, and kiss goodbye to this terrible year and the last four years with that terrible excuse for a president? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if the Hokey Pokey really IS what it's all about? ![]() ![]() What if cats really don't care how old they get? What if I started what looks to be a very good book called "Jimi Hendrix Turns Eighty," by Tim Sandlin? What if, baby boomers in a nursing facility in 2022? What if it was 2007 when this book was published? What if, so it's a futuristic look at pretty much where we're at now, but without covid or anything we could have foreseen back then? What if so it's a very interesting read? What if I hope everyone is having at least a halfway decent post-holiday weekend? What if, only 5 more days left of 2020??? ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if Trumpenstein belongs in a nursing facility? what if he hasn't signed the covid stimulus package which gives people unemployment insurance & everyone a stimulus check of $600? what if he's too concerned with golf & trying to upend the election results? what if he's Scrooge & the Grinch combined inside a fat ass Nazi? | |||
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What if yeah I heard that on the news yesterday? What if I guess Trump is trying to punish us for not voting him back in? ![]() What if to hell with him? What if I just woke up so coffee's in order? What if back laters? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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