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quote: what if le wants to know if this would still apply if Faith Hill & Martina McBride were your backup singers? what if i think there might actualy be a Poon Twang already, and it's Terry Clark's band? what if i just throw these country singers names around like i know anything more about them than their names? what if sure we like Hooters for the hot wings, too? what if girls lie, too? what if, heh maybe i know a little more than their names? what if Poon Twang could certainly cover that song...? what if i'm what iffing at 5:30 a.m. cuz i'm catering an office Thanksgiving lunch at noon? what if holiday catering hell has offically begun? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if lol, damn that le, she would make these choices suddenly difficult? What if even so, I still wouldn't, I'd just make Faith Hill my number 1 groupie? ![]() ![]() ![]() What if lol @ the Terri Clark thing? What if The Poons might do a remake of "Girls Lie" but put our own bitter, sarcastic cynical spin on it? What if cause you know we could? What if, if I can find Nora online, we might collaborate and post our demo of songs? What if dude, my utmost and sincerest condolences over the whole holiday catering hell? What if one more reason the holidays should be cancelled? What if and holy crap you were up WAAY WAAY too early? What if ![]() ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
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what if meal delivered...BOOYAH? what if in the rain, even? what if i've gotten so good at what i do it's kinda scary ![]() what if i need to shut the hell up this early in the season ![]() ![]() what if zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if thanks, Salem? ![]() What if the Roto-Rooter guy was back today to make a video tape of the pipes? What if it showed that the main trouble is in the city's section, not ours? What if temporary yay!? What if then I talked to the city and they said that even when the break is the city's pipe they "ask" the homeowner to replace the entire lateral pipe if it has any roots at all, etc., meaning from the house to the street, meaning digging up the entire front yard? What if there is no option to say no to this "request"? What if....they took away my yay...? | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if it was a nice temporary yay while it lasted? ![]() What if woohoo to zoom getting everything done and delivering in the rain? ![]() What if I experienced embarrassment, guilt and relief all within half an hour today? What if, if anyone needs to go to the bathroom, go now, I don't want people walking around during my story? What if I'd been dropped off after work, ready to walk the rest of the way, about to cross a road when a car sorta slowed in front of me? What if I saw the person driving the car make some sort of gesture, but the fact they had tinted windows and I was wearing sunglasses made it hard to make out who it was or what they were doing? What if I just crossed the road and as the car pulled over I just assumed they must have been for the house nearby? What if when I looked back the car had gone? What if then it dawned on me, it was my neighbours car and they had been offering me a lift? What if I felt so stupid? What if then I was thinking how they must have thought how rude I was? What if I was telling myself (out loud) what an idiot I was, when someone road past me on a bike? >.< What if then I felt really bad, because my neighbour had gone to all that trouble to stop and I'd just stuck my nose in the air and walked off? What if it wasn't a very pleasant walk home? What if when I got home, I saw my neighbours car out the front of the house? What if, also, when I was walking in front of the driveway that belongs to the house in between mine and the lift offering neighbour, the person that lived there was trying to pull in but I was blocking their way? What if anyway, I got home and was feeling really bad and was debating whether I should go over to their house? What if I'm sure you're all thinking "what's the big deal?" but there's 'istory between us? What if me and my sister would always play with the three kids that lived there? What if I used to be really good friends with the youngest daughter that lived there, many years ago and we'd always be at each others house? What if it was even because of her that I got into Xena in the first place? What if I'm sure I've mentioned it somewhere before, but I was over at her place and her mother was watching 'Hooves & Harlots' and it looked interesting and then every saturday (R.I.P Superhero Saturday's) from then on we'd always watch the show together? What if aaanyway one day, after many years we just stopped hanging out? What if and ever since then, which was many years ago (lots of years involved in this..) we've never really spoken? What if so I didn't want to go over there for fear of awkwardness? What if but if I didn't, I would have kept dwelling on it and cringe? What if so I went over and knocked on the door and then she (the oldest daughter) answered? What if I asked if it was here that had stopped and she said it was and was going to give me a lift? What if then I told her how oblivious I am to everything and how bad I felt and how I wouldn't have been able to settle unless I came to appologise and that I wasn't intentionally ignoring her? What if I could tell she was thinking "good god what a freak!" but I didn't care I just had to get it off my chest? What if she said it was fine and that next time she'd beep the horn and yell out the window to get my attention? What if I told her that would be nice? ![]() What if then I left and felt so much better, until I stepped on a bindi on their front lawn? What if you all have no idea how glad I am that I went over there? What if she'll probably tell her whole family about me tonight and they'll all laugh but I don't care? ^_^ ____________________ ![]() | |||
What if several months ago we lost all power, and i thought it was our fault so i left it till the next morning to ring to we didn;t have to pay emergncy fees to get it repaired? What if i was thinking it was something silly like the safety switch.. well switched? What if i rang at 8am the next morning to find out around 10, they had to dig up the front yard( after heities what ifs it made me think of it) What if i was starting to have big dollar signs of being in debt for years? What if it ended up being a freak thing, that NEVER happens, and it was all their fault, so we didn;t even have to pay a cent? What if it took ages for the grass to grow back? What if me and my neighbour did a trial run of the girls costumes, hair and make up for the photos this weekend, dress rehersal next weekend, and then the concert the following weekend? What if i took photos? What if i might post one if someone asks me nicely? What if i'll do it anyways, you know me, after i upload one? ********************************* | |||
What if, here it is anyways? What if, and you don;t have to worry, i'll post her proper pics that we buy too... so y'all won't miss out... (teehee) ********************************* | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I'm glad Ame didn't have to pay? ![]() What if it looks like we'll have to, though, unless I can convince the sewer supervisor guy that repairs aren't necessary at all right now? What if I gave our videotape to the lovely Joe the City Plumber today and he's showing it to the supervisor tomorrow? What if the water's flowing freely so hopefully we can all just agree to leave well enough alone, since even though it appears there's a problem it isn't causing any trouble right now? What if wish me luck, please? What if I wonder why Salem stepped on a Hindu woman's face? What if because a bindi is that dot? What if...maybe there's another bindi? What if or perhaps it was a disembodied dot? What if anyway, it was a funny story? What if it's funny in that 1. I can totally picture it all happening, and 2. I would have felt the same way with the guilt and the going over to explain? What if overexplaining is a disorder? What if there's a treatment program somewhere that entails performing embarrassing feats in front of others and then not being allowed to discuss your motivations and reasoning? What if *shudder*? --what if I edit this to say aww ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I look forward to seeing pics from Jess's big night? What if my neighbourhood has lots of Indian women lying on the ground? What if actually, I meant these weed things? What if I think it's called 'Bindi-eye'? What if they grow in the grass and have these small..buds? that have these really sharp bits on them? What if and if you step on them, the bud sticks into your foot? What if it really stings too? >.< ____________________ ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if all the bindi talk made me laugh ![]() what if that's a very good thing, and i thank you? what if other good things include kim having no shirt and robbie having no pants, and each of them lying in bed, contemplating love and lust and excitement there from ![]() what if *patiently waiting for home and away XXX dvd*? what if that wonderful idea came from salem (credit where credit's due) ![]() what if jess looks cute? what if heitie should just give up on indoor plumbing - it'll happen to all of us eventually? what if i slept for 16hrs today? what if it was an experiment in human hybernation? what if early findings indicate dizzyness and loss of co-ordination? what if also, my head hurt? what if, but robbie and kim (and even tash to a certain extent) made short work of that ![]() what if, of course i'm still dizzy, but those crazy kids always do that to me...hehehehehe ![]() what if i want to fall asleep on the beach with someone to protect me like josie did? what if i go to the ye olde dream threade and recount my day-time nightmares for you all instead? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
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what if i asperated a tiny morsel of food in a freak chicken nugget incident yesterday? what if i'm pretty sure i got it back out almost immediately, but my body seems to be stuck in "expel the foreign object" mode? what if my lung hurts from incessant coughing? what if my head hurts from incessant coughing? what if my throat hurts from incessant coughing? what if and let's not forget the sleep deprivation, also cough-induced? what if *hackcoughsputterspew*? what if bleh? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Scroll Stalker![]() |
What if Texas is full of sharp prickly flora and fauna? What if "spear grass"? What if "sand burrs"? ![]() What if Salem's bindi talk reminded me of one of my favorite Ellen episodes? What if old Ellen, not talk show Ellen? What if when she tries to welcome her new neighbors who happen to be Indian? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ![]() | |||
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What if when practicing family law you sometimes want to take both parties and just bash their heads together? What if we only had a hearing two days ago and already the fun is starting? What if I shouldn't bitch too much, I did get one day of peace? What if I dressed up as Father Christmas last night for a little skit for my conversational German class? What if I loaned my JD academic gown to the man in my group? What if he used the hood as the head piece in the improvised nun's habit we made? What if that's the best use thus far of that over priced piece o' polyester? What if originally he was just supposed to play a teacher who was urging Santa not to give his student gifts, but coal? What if we started out with a woman playing the little girl, but she disappeared so we reassigned the her part to a 13 year old boy? What if we figured if the boy and I were playing opposite genders then EVERYBODY should join in on the fun? What if I had a gray beard? What if there will be pictures? What if we put a blonde curly wig on the 13 year old? What if he wasn't happy to see me bring my cameras? What if he said he wanted the negatives? What if, god, it's fun to torture the young? ![]() | |||
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What if dude, I say kill 'em all? What if preferably after you get paid though? What if HA HA! I got much further in F A B L E last night? What if I stayed up way too late playing HeroScape & Halo 2 with the boys? What if it's gone past cats and dogs and is now raining wombats and roos? What if I hate rainy winters? ![]() What if the madness never ends? ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
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what if don't forget stinging nettle: ![]() what if and thistle: ![]() what if i don't even go into cacti...? what if the abundance of prickly flora in Texas is somehow correlated to the prickliness of it's in habitants? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
quote: What if you make it sound like that's a bad thing? What if it's our great state's natural defenses from goddamn Oklahomans and other such unworthy would be intruders? What if unfortunately, the defenses need updating as they appeared to not have any effect on would be intruders? What if ah well, bring out the horny toads and rattle snakes? What if if you can't beat 'em, kill 'em? ![]() ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Chief Chesty Forlock![]() ![]() |
What if I reclaim the thistle below as Scottish? ![]() ~~~~~~~~~~ ![]() | |||
Chief Chesty Forlock![]() ![]() |
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Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if the Sonic Adventure 2 saga of Sonic X is over? What if I'm not sure how I felt about it, it being my favourite game? What if it was good watching though? What if I didn't like how Chris had been written into it, and he was the one who made Shadow realise what Maria wanted, instead of it being Amy? What if and Sonic gave Shadow's bracelet to Chris instead of Rouge? What if siiiiigh? What if 'Ultimate Creature' doesn't have the same ring as 'Ultimate Lifeform'? What if neither does "Shadow, I want you to help people and be their friend" compared to "Shadow, I beg you, give them a chance to be happy!" What if they didn't show Shadow slowly falling to Earth either? What if I'm happy they kept Maria saying in the flashback "Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog" and Sonic saying the same at the end? What if they didn't show an image of Shadow superimposed over Earth at the end either, they just showed Earth? What if Maddie would be happy to know that the Biolizard had proper legs in it though, instead of undeveloped stubs? What if I am happy about the little saga over all though I guess? What if Bindi's don't grow tall, they are flat along the ground, blending in with the grass, always waiting for you to step on them? What if it was a million degree's today? What if I went swimmin again? What if I wish I still was swimming? What if I should invest in a water proof computer? ____________________ ![]() | |||
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what if i never said prickliness was a bad thing? what if Sara of all people would know that? what if the thistle may be prevalent in Scotland, but we got 'em by the boatload here, too? what if the lung incident weakened my system enough for the bug from le's cold to invade me? what if i feel like crap? what if my niece & nephew will be here for a 3 days visit in a few hours? what if it's a bummer that i feel so crappy and won't be able to truly appreciate kiddie weekend?This message has been edited. Last edited by: zoom, WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if true, I withdraw my previous statement? What if bloody f*ckin' hell, it's way too early for me to be up? What if I'm already at work and have been for a bit waiting for the monitor to show up? What if goddamn I hate TDHCA? What if and if the monitor doesn't play her cards right she's going to end up face down in a patch of thistles? What if she's still not here? What if bitches, this ain't helpin' her chances? What if ![]() ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Scroll Stalker![]() |
What if Scottish Thistle sounds like a cousin to River Dance? What if seals were prickly? What if this made me think of the hideous children in Married With Fishsticks? What if rain, rain, go away, come again another day? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if HA HA! my monitoring is done? What if and no finding bitches? ![]() What if who's the shit? What if S A R A? ![]() ![]() ![]() What if and now, deep sigh of relief that that stupidity is over? What if sweet? ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
What if after the heat yesterday, and it probably being at least 5 degrees hotter in the facotry at work, i had a KILLER headache, so i just layed down all afternoon and night and watched tv? What if to top it freaking off, we havea bird (or maybe 2) in our roof, between the ceiling, and the roof tiles? What if, it's pissing me off in a big way? What if, at least they sleep at night, and we didn't have to listen to it/them? What if, you can mainly hear them running around, but you also get the occasional chirp? What if, i bet it's them stupid bloody indian minor birds? What if i swear this bird is stupid, we have opened our man hole cover (which in the garage), so allow it to fly out of the roof, and then we'll let it out of the garage, and bye bye birdie.. but NO? What if, and we know its old enough to fly, cause mick stuck his head up into the roof and it was flying about occassionally? What if we are assuming maybe there was a nest and it hatched, which is why they are 1. stupid, and 2. more than one of them..lol? What if i got Mean Girls on DVD? What if i found it quite funny? ********************************* | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i'm what iffing in the day light? what if i'm as shokced as you are? what if my computer died last night, but it's working now, so i'm taking advantage of it while i can? what if i watched hurcules and xena yesterday and regained the will to live ![]() what if "yes virginia, there is a hurcules," "been there, done that," and "you are there" ![]() what if it's a magical tape indeed? what if i also watched 5 episodes of futurama, including an anthology of interest and "roswell that ends well" ![]() what if "you watched it! you can't *un*watch it!"? what if "what smells like blue?" ^_^? what if, of course the computer not working almost made me cry again (i'm emotional like that), but i just watched kath and kim and all was right with the world ![]() what if home and away update: dalby may be moving in with flynn ![]() what if i'd be suspicious if i was dalby, he's an attractive young man and flynn has shown an inordinate amount of interest in him? what if i of course know flynn's intentions are nothing but good, but dalby's come from a broken home with an abusive father - who knows what he might be thinking? what if he's done a runner anyway, so he's probably dead by now? what if that would be just my luck ![]() what if scott's become an alcoholic and stumbled in front of a car near the diner? what if it's just like my fan-fic, only i got the wrong brother? what if spooky o_o? what if kit's come back as well - kit who is kimmy's hetero love interest - this could complicate things? what if ack, kit is robbie's sister - imagine if kim wants to take her back to his and robbie's room and...*shudders...throws up* >_<? what if my eyes have been soiled ![]() what if no matter, i'll just stare at this until they're clean again? what if hmm... ![]() -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
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