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What if Heitie! Do you still watch Survivor? What if the latest episode was so uncomfortable? What if >.< What if now a new episode of SVU to settle down with? What if also today a 92 year old woman decided to get changed with her door wide open? What if there goes the last lingering thread of my heterosexuality? ____________________ ![]() | |||
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what if pg 93- finally!? | |||
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what if Salem watches more tv than i ever could? what if where is Heitie? what if i forgot my sleepin pill til midnite? what if lucky i even woke today? what if Natalie Adele is restless? what if spring fever for her? what if job fever for me? what if job ppl never got back with me so i'm forgettin them? | |||
What if the only shows i really watch these days are, Hart of Dixie, Glee, Dr Who, Dance Moms and Bunheads. What if i think thats it What if TGIF! woo ********************************* | |||
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what if i applied for another job? what if job is at the university? what if imagine dumb xc at college? what if both papa & mama xc have worked for same college? what if mama xc still dreams about her job at college? what if i can't dream cuz of insomnia? what if only shows i watch are Monk & Beauty and the Beast? | |||
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What if I have to go meet some strange new relatives from England today? What if, I knew watching Touched By An Angel before hand was a mistake? What if I ended up sobbing like a little bitch? What if now I'm going to have to meet them with puffy red eyes all @__@? What if xc gets the job at the college? What if he demands to be called Professor XC? What if he roams the hallways dishing out sage advice to all the students? What if he ends up becoming the dean? What if that meant he had to dress up in all sorts of elaborate and wacky costumes and make lots of dean based puns? ____________________ ![]() | |||
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what if i wish i had strange relatives from England visiting? what if my strange English relatives have an even stranger American relative- me? what if Prof xc sounds cool!? what if i'll be a music prof? what if i turn on my students to some great music they aint never heard before? what if some of the female students turn me on? what if that makes the dean turn on me & fire me? what if i just say i was recruitin more xc wives? what if i'm still wonderin where Heitie is? what if i scared her away? what if we're at population 3 here now? | |||
What if a population of 3 is better than a population of 1? What if Andy starts posting in other forums too? What if 'gasp' ********************************* | |||
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what if i wonder what forums Salem is also posting in? what if i post on several music forums? what if the scrolls is still my home forum? what if there's no place like home!? | |||
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What if sorry, yes, I do watch Survivor? What if what the hell was that?? What if I didn't see it all, but I heard it from another room? What if that little fella needs to get some perspective? What if I just drank a beer and it's like 6am? What if I count it as St Patrick's day until the sun comes up the day after, and I had one Killian's left, sooo....? What if my logic is completely sound? What if I'm all involved in a Bramwell marathon? What if the show about the Victorian lady doctor? What if it's on Netflix so I could have said marathon at a """decent hour""" but I'm here now!? What if I'd just as soon have a Call the Midwife marathon, but I've seen all of season 1 like 3 times, so I felt I should move on lest I sicken of it? What if lo and behold, it turns out Fred from Call the Midwife is in the first few episodes of Bramwell and I didn't even know!? What if Andrew Lincoln (The Walking Dead) shows up for an episode and made me do this O.O also? What if now that I'm thinking about it I don't think it's possible to sicken of Call the Midwife? What if MIRANDA HART! et al? What if I'm starting to wonder if I should avoid delightful fake-Irish lagers right before I What If? What if that sounds like a euphemism again? What if at least it's not Jennifer Lawrence adjacent this time? What if judging by the way she's looking at me in xc's signature she is not displeased? What if Miranda Hart's feelings on the subject remain to be seen? | |||
What if my dad found out a couple of weeks ago he has prostate cancer? What if he opted for surgery, and it's today? What if i suppose i should be thankful he's not in salems hospital lol ********************************* | |||
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what if i hope all goes good for Ame's dad? what if sending best wishes his way? what if haven't heard back about university job? what if maybe tomorrow? what if never have seen Survivor? what if don't care for reality shows? what if rather watch movies? | |||
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What if I hope all goes well for Ame's dad too? What if, and don't act like you're secretly jealous he won't be at my hospital and we could hang out when you visit? What if it would be a worry if he WAS at my hospital, since it doesn't do surgeries..? What if xc goes to the university and DEMANDS answers? What if it might not do him any favours though? What if re: Survivor, I hate that whole family and they shouldn't be allowed anywhere near future seasons? What if I just know Brandon will come back at some point, for a chance to "redeem" himself? What if, gag? What if I could go a beer right now? What if it's 6:47am? What if I normally spend this time reading, but I calculated the pages and if I kept reading I'd end up finishing my book on my lunch break and have to sit there awkwardly with nothing to do? What if I used to watch Andrew Lincoln in some British version of 'Medium'? What if I think it was called 'After Life'? What if, it had a sad ending? What if speaking of The Walking Dead, the latest episode I'm not sure if I breathed throughout the entire thing? What if I secretly died and become one of the walkers? What if on the topic of TV, latest Once Upon A Time, another heart-wrenching episode? What if my heart can't take much more of this?? What if aaaand now I'm running late?? ____________________ ![]() | |||
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What if I've been gone and I don't know what I missed? What if I have only read this page? What if hi Fahrenheit!? What if I watch Survivor and OUAT ? What if they latest (ish) eps of each have been interesting? What if I hope that little Hanz dude gets some therapy? What if I hope Regina gets a hug, or a break ... or therapy? | |||
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What if yay Lila! What if I needed you on the other page, to angst over last week's OUAT, when the thing happened? What if, therapy for all! What if I've been invited to a 'piss up' on friday night with work people? What if I want to go, but it will take a lot of effort? What if also, I really don't think it will be wise for me to get trashed in front of people I have to see on a daily basis? What if singing on a table top is not a good look for me? What if I should be fine, as long as I stay away from the vodka? What if "who wants vodka?" "ooh, yes please!" ____________________ ![]() | |||
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what if welcome back cuz lila? what if no word on university job? what if applied for another job yesterday PM? what if hope to hear from them? what if gettin frustrated not hearin from these ppl? | |||
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What if I wish XC good luck on all the jobs and a pox on the houses of all who do not hire him? What if I really liked using the expression "a pox on their houses" just then? What if I typed it in an evil voice? What if we make up a "FEAR THE VODKA" chant for Salem to use as self-talk when at his office party? What if drunk table dancing at work functions is discouraged? What if doing a drunk pseudo-striptease at work functions is HIGHLY discouraged? What if I was a not a participant but an unwilling witness to both of the above scenarios? What if I am still scarred and wish I could poke out my mind's eye each time I now see the colleague that was involved? | |||
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what if along with a pox,i add in my dirty socks? what if no amount of air freshner nor pesticide can detox my dirty socks? what if i even promise to show up at the interview with -gasp- clean socks if they hire me? what if um hope i got clean socks!? what if office party sounds like fun? what if lampshade on head sounds like fun too? | |||
What if, yes here i am! What if i've just been uber busy What if i haven't forgotten about you all ![]() ********************************* | |||
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What if a pox, xc's dirty socks, and a rabid fox on all the houses of those who don't hire him? What if I took the safe option and opted out of the party? What if I ended up in a bad mood this afternoon anyway, so if I got drunk on top of that, it would not have been pretty? What if so I watched Practical Magic instead? What if, oh yes, I'm that cool? What if I attempted to settle in with a horror movie, but I kept getting thwarted, by noise, light, children and irresponsible adults? What if now I'm sitting in the dark listening to sad music? What if I need a haircut? What if that has nothing to do with sad music? What if I go watch the new episode of Supernatural when everyone has left? What if that will cheer me up or push me over the edge, seeing what a wreck the show has become? ____________________ ![]() | |||
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What if I forgot about this part? What if bad moods = online shopping to make myself feel better? What if I don't need ANY of this stuff, but it's not going to stop me? What if maybe I really DO need another X-Men t-shirt? ____________________ ![]() | |||
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what if most latetst job i applied for was posted again!? what if de nerve of them ppl not even givin me a chance & an interview? what if re-applied for the job but i aint got much hope they'll call? what if glad to see Ame back? what if online shopping always helps? | |||
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What if I hope Ame's dad is doing well? What if I wish I'd kept watching Once Upon a Time since everyone seems to watch it but me? What if Hi, lila!? ![]() What if I watched the rest of that Survivor tonight? What if he was awfully riled up, but what he said wasn't as ridiculous as I'd first thought? What if I don't really like the guy he was talking about/to? What if the food thing was mean but also funny? What if Bramwell has more sex and vomit in it than I would've expected? What if season 4 features the blessed Jenny Agutter? What if this fact creates a sizable net gain? What if I think Salem needs a vacation? What if he comes to my house to watch tv and movies and laugh both at and with them? What if my kids are teenagers now, so we could say all the grownup words and watch scaries? What if I'm drinking my 24oz emergency can of beer? What if the emergency was that it's Friday and I was out of other beer? What if I do have two bottles of home brew that I'm told may or may not be ready? What if when I'm done with Bramwell I go back to Supernatural? What if I had it playing on the Netflix for a couple of weeks as more or less background? What if I got up to the middle of season 6? What if I can't get around a number of problems like why on earth they have that car and not a Jeep or a Subaru or something? What if sentimentality is one thing, but off-road capability is another? What if also I dislike that Dean from Gilmore Girls isn't Dean there? What if I sometimes call them NotDean and ShouldBeDean? What if there are some really good episodes, though? | |||
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What if everyone should be watching Once Upon A Time? What if Heitie has a marathon to catch up? What if she has some tissues ready? What if yeah, the other guy in that Survivor incident isn't so great either? What if still, they should screen these people better, although I'm assuming they were counting on it making 'great tv'? What if a vacation would be lovely? What if I randomly show up at Heitie's and weasel my way into the family? What if we can claim I'm a nephew she doesn't see very often, Drew-Drew? What if I watched a badly awesome Australian horror movie tonight? What if 'Bait', about sharks in a supermarket? What if I originally saw it in 3D at the cinema? What if such laughs? What if we could have gotten together to watch and drink and be merry and forget more troublesome things? What if Season 6 of Supernatural is where things start going downhill? What if there ARE some gems in there though? What if Season 7 is like watching a televised abortion? What if also, I know the show has very little in the way of a budget, but it gets tiring after a while when everything they hunt can take human form, so we never get to see what they actually look like? What if Season 8 gets better though? What if, the last few episodes had me worried, but the most recent was pretty good? What if re: the car, I assume fashion over function applies to cars as well? What if I remember when I went and saw Jared Padalecki talking when he was in Australia, he talked about being Dean on Gilmore but not here? What if, the hilarity that ensued during the early days of filming? What if, if Rory saw how ripped Jared/Dean became she should be thinking "oh man I picked the wrong one!!" What if he totally put his arm around me when I got to meet him? What if and I draped mine across his back? What if, I haven't washed since @_@? ____________________ ![]() | |||
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what if yep, hope Ame's dad is doing well? what if i'm just not into them tv shows like Heitie, Salem and lila are? what if i listen more to music than watch tv? what if applied for yet another job but no word back yet? what if big snow storm heading here tomorrow? what if i get called in for an interview but then get snowed in? what if i hate snow? what if c'mon summer hurry up 'n get here!? | |||
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