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Any scrollers from days of yore left?
Scroll Guardian

posted 03 February 2018 11:43 AMHide Post
Scrolls been slow last week or so. i'm working OT again for a sport while at least. Still working on my story and not sure what kind of finished form it will have. Gonna start working on me taxes this weekend and hopin for a nice refund.
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Picture of Brucy Braless
posted 04 February 2018 10:47 PMHide Post
Yes Trump & the Republicans will probably let you have an extra $5...maybe more !!!!!

They are Soooo good to us poor unwanted riff raff...
They even allow us to work & eat & live in un-regulated subpar housing...

I love them !!!

Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...?
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Picture of Brucy Braless
posted 04 February 2018 10:49 PMHide Post
ALL HAIL President Putin !!!!

The puppet master!

Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...?
Posts: 4276 | Location: Bflo,NY USA | Registered: 28 June 2003Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

posted 11 February 2018 07:09 PMHide Post
Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
Yes Trump & the Republicans will probably let you have an extra $5...maybe more !!!!!

They are Soooo good to us poor unwanted riff raff...
They even allow us to work & eat & live in un-regulated subpar housing...

I love them !!!

i had better refunds under Raygun & Bushit Jr than i did when Cliton or obombya was pres. So political party don't matter. Still i had better health benefits under Cliton and worse ones under obombya.

In the end, all politicians are crooks.
Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004Report This Post
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Picture of Free Madness
posted 12 February 2018 11:06 AMHide Post
Originally posted by xenacrazed:
Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
Yes Trump & the Republicans will probably let you have an extra $5...maybe more !!!!!

They are Soooo good to us poor unwanted riff raff...
They even allow us to work & eat & live in un-regulated subpar housing...

I love them !!!

i had better refunds under Raygun & Bushit Jr than i did when Cliton or obombya was pres. So political party don't matter. Still i had better health benefits under Cliton and worse ones under obombya.

In the end, all politicians are crooks.

Agreed with xc!!!! Razz Exactly what I've been saying all along.

Maybe some of them are better with money than others. Billy the Clintonoid was, that's for sure and so was Ronald the Raisin. I could always get a job in the 80's and 90's no matter how many of them I went thru, even if I was fired! I got hours too, as many as I wanted. Obama, sadly, could do nothing to fix Bush Jr.'s ludicrous economy and I highly doubt Trumpizoid even cares, even if he could fix it. Razz

Best thing to do is try to fix my own life and finances best I my own way. So far Trump hasn't touched my SSD(touching wood), although he's threatened a lot of cuts. I even got a raise this year which shocks me considering he's been in office for a whole year! He can't really mess with taxes already paid though, altho he did try to take away Nick's mom's and aunt's SS before they fought to get it back. I THINK Trump was behind that altho obviously he's not working alone. Many in the government hate that people get any kind of assistance, even those of retirement age. And both Nick's mom and aunt are over 65 of course.

It really sucks for people that age anyway. Medical insurance and other coverage actually LOWERS when they pass 65. Ludicrous!!! Frown I'm not far away from that age either. I hope I at least have a decent job before then! Even if I won't ever be able to retire, the way things are going... Razz

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

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Picture of Brucy Braless
posted 13 February 2018 09:37 PMHide Post
Im not a big fan of Obama..
but we must remember...
He & the Democrats turned the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression

into a modest economic downturn.

Unfortunately they werent allowed to solve the actual problem.

thank the RepubliCANTs for that.
Posts: 4276 | Location: Bflo,NY USA | Registered: 28 June 2003Report This Post
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Picture of Free Madness
posted 13 February 2018 10:01 PMHide Post
Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
Im not a big fan of Obama..
but we must remember...
He & the Democrats turned the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression

into a modest economic downturn.

Unfortunately they werent allowed to solve the actual problem.

thank the RepubliCANTs for that.

Agreed. Say what you will about Obama but that was pretty impressive. And yeah, he could have done more, a LOT more and maybe people wouldn't have been as disappointed. If he hadn't had to fight so hard to do it, with government shutdowns happening all the time cuz of the whiney tea party babies...he could have actually turned this country into something we could ALL be proud of. Maybe. But at least there wouldn't be so many ridiculous roadblocks including Trump's obsession with his birth certificate. Roll Eyes

Here's hoping someone else will be able to plow through whatever Trump does to this country, in 2020. My guess? We're seeing the twilight of the U.S. government. I think the only way this country will have any structure in the future is if the Native Americans rise up and take their friggin' land back. Then THEY can show us how to run things!!! smash Razz Big Grin

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

Posts: 3539 | Location: Dreamland | Registered: 06 April 2004Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

posted 10 November 2018 03:40 PMHide Post
Not much activity hereabouts lately.

Kate, Argy, BrucE... i would think there might be more ppl show up as the year begins to wind down.

i'm going to start watching Xena again in a couple weeks so that should get me posting more often.
Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004Report This Post
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Picture of Free Madness
posted 10 November 2018 04:10 PMHide Post
Last night, I had some people over to shoot some scenes for a movie I'm making. I cleaned the hell outta this house before they got here. It really felt awesome to get it all done. My body was aching and singing a requiem mass by the time I was done lol but the sight and the clean smells of the house gave me some strength plus the's great to be doing a creative project again.

About ten minutes ago, Julius, Crystonian, Rose or one of these wild and crazy cats, decided to put some "fragrance" into my nice, clean living room lol. Sadly, we still have to keep the litterboxes in here because the basement has holes in the walls that need filling and we don't want any of these little furry rascals getting lost in the walls. I still remember Speranza getting stuck in the ceiling in 2015 when she crawled into a little space in the second bedroom closet. I couldn't find her for two days and thought she'd gotten outside. Then I heard her meowing from downstairs. Fortunately the ceiling in the basement is made of sheet rock, so I was able to tear a hole in it and set her free. But I haven't recovered from that, at all!

Last night while the people were here, we'd put the litterboxes in the bedroom but if we kept them up there all the time, we'd have no room to walk around. (living room is bigger). Ah well. A friend of ours offered to fix the basement walls for us with no charge, since John did him a favor one night when he and his girlfriend's car broke down. John drove them all the way back to Northeast Philly, which is a bit of a distance from where we live. This was Halloween and we'd had plans to give candy to the kids and watch a scary movie but it never happened. Oh well. When I get that guy over here, we'll be able to let the cats downstairs again.

I just wish I could afford a storage unit right now. There is SO much crap in that basement, and these damn cats like to crawl into boxes and mess with things lol. We have too much stuff. Maybe tossing it away is the best bet, but we also need more furniture as half our stuff got so old we had to put it out to pasture.

The simple pleasures of homeownership! I still need to fix a hole in the concrete outside our house before we can qualify for home insurance. THAT we can't do without. Ah well.

Hope everyone is doing well, and at least ate some good candy on Halloween!!!! Big Grin

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

Posts: 3539 | Location: Dreamland | Registered: 06 April 2004Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

posted 18 November 2018 02:19 PMHide Post
Creative projects are good. i'm still writing the rough drafts of my novels. Books 1 & 2 rough drafts are done, 470 & 540 pages respectively. i am 720 pages into book 3, i will probably make it into two separate books once i reach a certain amount of pages during a good place to stop in the story. There might be 3 more books still to come.

i don't know what will become of it when i finish editing the complete rough draft. i will need another edit (maybe Argy, maybe my nephew's wife who is also skilled at that). Then i will have to decide whether to pursue publishing or push the ideas involved to some network (this suggestion has been brought to me already) or just have a few personal copies printed for ppl.
i might even be dead by the time it's ready. Editing by me is going to be a slow process, i know.
Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004Report This Post
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Picture of Free Madness
posted 30 November 2018 07:51 AMHide Post
That's cool, xc!! Smile I can proofread spelling and grammar pretty well, if all else fails.

I used to use A-1 Writing and Editing Services(I think that's what it's still called) for a thorough and honest critique. I had a novel series I'd self published onto Amazon, using

Since you mentioned publishing, just a bit of feedback from someone who's tried this. Whatever you do, if you want your books to sell and make you some money as well as be enjoyed and remembered, etc? I don't recommend self-publishing right away. Find an agent and get them to push your book to the right houses. Of course, some people do great with self-publishing, even make a decent living on writing. Being able to market oneself is helpful. Speaking for myself, I suck at self-promotion lol. If I had to do it all over again, I'd have gone the agent route. There's actually a rule when sending submissions to publishing houses that the books can't have previously been self-published. But who knows, you might have great luck with it. Weigh your options, get feedback from others too. It sounds like you've done a lot with this. It'd be great to see you on the shelves of Barnes and Noble or in Amazon! Smile

Best of everything with it. Keep us posted!

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

Posts: 3539 | Location: Dreamland | Registered: 06 April 2004Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

posted 29 March 2019 03:55 PMHide Post
Looks like the place is empty again.

Maybe we've said all there is to say, but that would be sad. Sometimes there is change in our personal lives & sometimes it's worth talking about or maybe it's too depressing to talk about. For me, it hasn't been any fun since Dec of 2016.

i am still watching Xena though i'm getting near the end of season 4 which means that there won't be much to watch after that- one ep in season 5 & a few more in season 6.

i find there's still things to discuss about the show almost 25 yrs later. i wonder where all those scrollers are who never check in anymore? There's too many to name but it would be nice to hear from them & know they're ok & alive. We have lost our share of scrollers unfortunately.

Those were the days...too bad there was never any Xena movie or reboot of the show even though they talked about it. You'd think the Wonder Woman movie would get someone's butt into gear & remake Xena.

oh well
Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004Report This Post
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Picture of Brucy Braless
posted 04 April 2019 10:33 PMHide Post
Yeah maybe just about all thats to be said has been.. I hear everyones on Facebook.

You know, that data stealing soul-sucking garbage pit, I will never ever go near..


Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...?
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Scroll Guardian

posted 06 April 2019 03:52 PMHide Post
Yeah, i have no use for any of those places like facebook, twitter, instantgram or whatever they call it.

Liking or following something/somebody, didn't that barfage end with high school?

If those social media places are for the cool kids, i guess the scrolls is detention. That's fine with me, i was always an outcast anyway.
Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004Report This Post
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Picture of Free Madness
posted 08 April 2019 10:12 AMHide Post
Admittedly I have been spending time on Twitter but not Facebook. One reason only: to discuss my concerns over Johnny Depp's situation.(he's suing Amber Heard, YAY, for defamation and severe abuse she did to HIM...finally setting the record straight after being accused of abuse himself and virtually suffering career deficits because of it.) I was told that the "Johnny Thread" I made a few years ago can from now on only speak about his movies, which is fine. This place isn't a "fan forum," for personal lives of celebs, we've never discussed Lucy Lawless or Renee O'Connor's marriages or personal lives, not to my knowledge anyway. That's a certain extent that can get tiresome to some people and of course any and all celebs have their privacy needs anyway. Because of the MeToo organization, many Hollywood personal stories have become a platform to discuss social issues, whether regarding abuse or other issues, like sexism, racism, sexual orientation, etc. Admittedly I tend to get too "caught up" sometimes, because of my feelings regarding social issues, especially abuse and false allegations, which harm the MeToo movement more than help it, overall.
Ah well.
One thing about Twitter that I like is that you can be anonymous and just read others' posts, using your own unique username rather than your real name. You don't really even need to follow anyone although you can if you want to.
This place is one of the first places I went to that is a public forum where you can meet people though, so it has a sentimental draw. I wouldn't want this place shut down although I understand that it costs money and such to run it.
I do like to come here to check in on everyone regarding life in general and to discuss music and other awesome things. I have been lax as of late, but I never forget you folks!

Hope all is reasonably well with you guys. I am seriously happy that Spring is coming in earnest! The winter was very depressing.

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

Posts: 3539 | Location: Dreamland | Registered: 06 April 2004Report This Post
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Picture of Free Madness
posted 08 April 2019 10:34 AMHide Post
Originally posted by xenacrazed:

i am still watching Xena though i'm getting near the end of season 4 which means that there won't be much to watch after that- one ep in season 5 & a few more in season 6.

i find there's still things to discuss about the show almost 25 yrs later. i wonder where all those scrollers are who never check in anymore? There's too many to name but it would be nice to hear from them & know they're ok & alive. We have lost our share of scrollers unfortunately.

Those were the days...too bad there was never any Xena movie or reboot of the show even though they talked about it. You'd think the Wonder Woman movie would get someone's butt into gear & remake Xena.

oh well

I'm actually glad they didn't remake Xena. I just don't like how many remakes are going these days. It's too political. Art has become too political. Part of why I speak up against a lot of the politics, not that I disagree with the issues themselves...rather, I very much have wanted to see more stories with LGTB themes and themes where women are the strong ones. However, this day and age is nothing, to my knowledge, like the 60's or the 90's, where there was awareness and a need to change the system BUT, not to the extent where people were being called out on every word or every storyline. It's like there's this script we're all supposed to follow, even for those of us who are against racism, homophobia, sexism, etc. We say something and are "called out" for not saying it a certain way, or saying it in some kind of "offensive" way. Even though, at least speaking for myself, I am actually speaking out FOR the rights of those who have been oppressed for too long. I once got called out on Facebook for the way I spoke out about racism...was accused of minimizing or trying to "relate" to racist struggles by comparing my struggles as an outsider in my teens and later in life. Because I'm Caucasian, it was considered a no-no by a high school alumnus of mine who is African American. To a degree I can see her point regarding the seriousness of what racism did and what was destroyed in the process, but man, she came at me like I was a racist myself. That is how these issues are treated these days. Attack first and ask questions later. It's troublesome. That's just one example though in a sea of many.

Didn't expect to go on a tangent there but I'm long winded anyway, lol. xc, you and I talked a long time ago when we were the only ones coming here, about the possible reboot of Xena that was slated to happen. I remember there was a plan to be overt and explicit about X and G as a romantic couple. Those were some interesting discussions...I remember you didn't like the overtness, because you see X and G as not entirely romantic, more of a soul-sister relationship. I tend to agree although I think there could at least have been some attraction, maybe closeness, even on a friendship or friends-with-benefits level...maybe something about traveling around all the time, sleeping next to each other when camping out lol. It's not something I'd rule out but yeah I hate for something to be so concrete, when there were so many layers to those characters. Hey if it's a romantic relationship that's how it is, and that's great! But in today's writings of storylines, there is so much less about the story and more about the politics of the issues addressed there.
I want to just see a good story, whether a romantic couple in it is same sex or opposite sex. I don't care, just give me a decent story!

On another note, did anyone see the new Buffy HD Remaster that came out recently? What did you folks think?(don't know if this was addressed in another thread in the Buffy forum, sorry for the repeat if it was.) But this video discussing it is very interesting. We can discuss it more in the Buffy forum if y'all want. Just was curious as to your opinions on it.

The Tragedy of the Buffy HD Remaster

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Free Madness, 08 April 2019 10:44 AM

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

Posts: 3539 | Location: Dreamland | Registered: 06 April 2004Report This Post
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posted 09 April 2019 04:54 PMHide Post
i never watched Buffy. i seen the movie for the first time recently.

I still see X&G as soul sisters. Defining their relationship one way or the other alienates people. What is worse than that is when they made Gabrielle into Xena Jr. Think how awful the show would be if remade and X or G decided to change their gender. Now that would truly suck. Gabrielle becomes a man, and then Xena changes species and becomes Argo! The politically correct people would love that.
Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004Report This Post
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Picture of Free Madness
posted 09 April 2019 05:12 PMHide Post
Hahaha I can see it now. "A horse is a horse of course of course but you never seen Ms. Xena." Lol okay. No we don't need another thing like that epic fail reboot of 'Heathers" which didn't even happen thank GOODNESS.
Leave them alone, leave the story alone, if you want to turn it up a notch to make it different than the original, add more intriguing content from, say, Greek Mythology, Christian, Krishna, and all other interesting philosophies/religions that the original show explored. Leave the politics alone unless you want to make a show about politics. Lmao.

I'm still annoyed at the SJW's who went after "Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald" when what that movie was doing was everything today's social activism was screaming for. *SPOILER WARNING*, guys, but I'm only gonna touch on this since it's part of what I'm talking about.

The Korean actress Claudia Kim's casting was slammed because she is Nagini. As it turns out, Voldemort's snake was what's called a "Maledictis," one who changes into an animal not at will, but will eventually only be able to live in the form of that animal. The fact that the actress is Korean and ends up being a "pet" to a white man(Voldemort) pissed many PC folks off. Also, the gay themed Grindelwald and Dumbledore story wasn't given full disclosure or even much attention because there were a lot of other things to cover for this second movie. But activists were pissed again because they thought JK Rowling and the producers were homophobically sweeping it under the rug. I have heard interviews with JK and others talking about the "Grindeldore" was definitely a love relationship. Whatever they had will no doubt be explored in later episodes. There's a total of five movies in this franchise apparently and we've only seen two!

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

Posts: 3539 | Location: Dreamland | Registered: 06 April 2004Report This Post
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Picture of Sara
posted 26 May 2021 02:32 PMHide Post
I can't believe my login worked or that I had such a weakass password back in the day.

Oh yeah and that people are still here and keeping this ol' board alive. Smile

I was cleaning my bookmarks folder from 7000 years ago and wondered if this link still worked. It's good to see you all. And it's good to see ya'll putting one foot in front of the other despite oftentimes wanting to do the opposite.

Life has taken some wild turns and man, am I really glad I'm not that rage-filled, wounded kid I was when I around here. I'm glad this place still exists, Argy. So oftentimes the narrative is to erase the imperfect and still-forming people we are when we are young. I think it's good this place is still here for people to see who they were at a very specific time and place in their lives.

I very much doubt I'll be back here, I just wanted to stop in and say "hello, it's been a long time, it's lovely to see you, be well."


I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.

There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
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Scroll Guardian

posted 26 May 2021 02:51 PMHide Post
Quick! Everybody clean up their act- there's a Scroll Guardian on board!

Hiya Sara, glad to see yer alive & well.

i'm no longer still-forming... i've ill-formed into something deformed & cantankerous, even more so than BrucE!

Don't leave on my account or my being a no account! We need more people here!
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