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I did a re-watch of XWP last year when I finally got dvds to replace my old videos. So I hadn't watched it in a while and I fell back in love with the characters (but not all the eps). I totally missed season 2 because I couldn't find copies of those dvds. So I may just have to start again (after a shopping trip for season 2 ![]() I can't promise I will watch every ep, but I will contribute where I can to this thread even if its just to say which eps I couldn't stand to watch again!! | |||
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Season 2 is excellent! Try amazon.com or any good used dvd online shoppe. Otherwise the dvds are out of print. i think after i finish watching the series in ep order that i'll back track thru my favorite Xena eps. | |||
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Ack, i hate getting so negative about season 5 but what choice do i have? okay, i'll try to pick out something positive about the next two loser eps. haha "Married With Fishsticks" Why didn't someone kill Tapert, Orci and Kurtzman earlier on? Oh how far this show sunk from the glory days of the past 4 seasons which seemed an eternity away when this ep was first aired. There should be some sort of tax write-off for watching this garbage again. But i did promise Ame i would watch the Xena eps in order. Almost as bad as watching this again is that on the dvd, Crapert has the gall to defend Fishshits. Lucy, get a divorce. Positive thing about thus ep: Renee was exceptionally gorgeous and her 'dream' character wasn't the cynical dullard that TPTB turned Gabrielle into. "Lifeblood" What a mess of two stories in one. Basically it's the recycled X&G talk someone outta getting revenge storyline. Yawn. i had no interest in the Xena part of the show. The Amazon High part was better though silly. Given it's own goofy & corny rules, it succeeded. i'd rather the show would have been an hour of Amazon High (maybe with Gabby telling the story at beginning & end). Just getting a sloppy, cut-n-paste tale with Danielle & Karl back in the cast isn't enough -show the whole thing. Besides, i always had a crush on Selma Blair (a should-be xc wife!). | |||
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"Kindred Spirits" Another astonishingly stupid, embarrassingly bad ep. In some ways this is the worst Xena ep yet. It boggles the mind how crap like this can make it to the small screen. ![]() "Antony and Cleopatra" Much much better! Other than "Succession", this is the only other ep i'd keep as is. Great look to the ep, great direction and i luv how the ladies look in Egyptian-type clothes (yummy!). i'd rather have had original score than a pop song in the Xena-Antony scene but whatever. Could have done without Gabby's sinister look of what- enjoyment?- after she killed Brutus. Yes in self defense but i would have preferred some reflection on her increasing death toll. It was strange seeing Xena looking so good. ha ha After soooooo many crappy eps, this was a mostly welcome though short lived relief. | |||
stace incase you lurk i heard ezy dvd is gunna have em soon for like $19 a half season, march i think, check their website. my fav s5 ep is looking death in the eye ![]() ********************************* | |||
glad to see you are doing what you are told xc ![]() ********************************* | |||
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Thanks Ame! Foxtel's SciFi channel is showing XWP too. I think it's about halfway through s1. Married with Fishsticks was a shocker! I think the squid baby pushed me over my tolerance limit with this ep! | |||
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"Looking Death in the Eye" The best part of this ep was the narrative- old Joxer telling the story from the scroll & then filling in gaps we didn't see. But damn, why does 40 something old Joxer look like he's in his seventies? Get that yucky pancake mix off his face- bleech! Still hate baby Eve. Still hate the Twilight nonsense. Still hate that the writers have made the gods so dumb. They should listen to Ares who realized it's a self-fulfilling prophecy when they try to destroy Eve. And why are the gods so lame at killing Xena & Eve? (oh, she's the star of the show, right). The new actor who plays Hades is terrible. Speaking of Hades, when Xena is supposedly dead, he should have seen her sometime in Tartarus or Elysian Fields. Shouldn't that be a clue she isn't dead? And shouldn't the 3 god stooges- Athena, Hades & Hephaestus- have seen Death/Celeste come for Xena when she drank the "poison" in front of them? Since that didn't happen, it should have tipped them off that Xena ain't dead. i also never thought it Xena-like to ever- under any circumstances ever- trust a Roman. And least of all trust her kid with a Roman. Especially a powerful Roman. Xena originally was gonna plunge her sword into herself instead of poison. What if Ares hadn't shown up, hmmm? How'd she know he would? i would have thought she would have had an alternate plan if something went wrong & had Octavius give Eve to someone else, just in case. It was odd seeing Gabby writing her scrolls while all the action was going on. But better that than her murderous ways. "Livia" Here it tis: part one of another bad girl goes good storyline. Yawn. Even worse, it's 25 yrs later! Kill the writer & TPTB! Who gave Chris Manheim the reigns? She sucks! Xena moans that Livia has "Callisto's spirit". But that's supposed to be "reformed" "angel" Callisto. The one who would have been good from the get-go. Why would angels Callisto & Michael & that whole heavenly bunch let evil Callisto's spirit be reborn? No, if the spirit is bad, then Callisto was evil at the core before she met Xena. If not, then Xena is wrong about the spirit and Eve is truly a murderous bitch on her own! Kill her, Xena, kill Eve! Ah too late, i know how the story turns out... If Octavius had Eve/Livia raised with the best intentions, the best Rome had to offer, the finest of it all- why a warrior? i don't recall the motivation for her anger & evil and as she doesn't know Xena's her mommy, then why? Wouldn't Octavius had started her out early on being refined & cultured & all that snobby stuff? i never found Eve/Livia a character i could feel sorry for or pity, and i despised her as much when she "reformed". She was never interesting, just one dimensional. Then again, she was just a means to an end (getting ride of the baby storyline). Oh yes, Meg, who supposedly couldn't have kids, ended up having a trio. | |||
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"Eve" Best part of this fiasco was the grieving lady who spits on Xena. Really, good going. Joxer dies (thanks to X&G's equal stupidity) but dies a hero trying to save Gabby. Selfish Xena finally faces the fact that Eve should die but wimps out. So much for the Greater Good. Bring back the grieving lady to spit on Xena again. Unbelievably pathetic, hokey scene where Eve is transformed into "seeing the light". So how come Eli didn't shine his light on Eve when she was little & keep her from whatever it was that transformed her into a mass murderess? He shouldn't have had to be asked by Xena for a miracle 25 yrs later. "Motherhood" Terrible, just incredibly awful. Still don't understand why Eve is spared, if only to satisfy selfish Xena. So Eve is the messenger. Big whoop-de-do. Tapert & his writers fell into a lava pit of stupidity on this character. If i remember right, she sucks big time as a Eli follower. Gabby gets head whacked & dragged around like a rag doll. Xena didn't head whack Ares though (she should've head whacked Eve). Then Xena calls Gabby the "purest" thing in her life. No longer pure, warrior babe, you done seen to that. Xena calls Eve her greatest hope. Which seems like a jab at Gabby & her feelings towards Hope. i don't recall Hope being mentioned much after this ep, except in the 6th season where they explain Gabby's lava pit fall. But they should've revisited the issues of selfish Xena towards Eve versus Gabby's feelings for Hope. Xena killing gods equals huge mistake. Too tired to go into this but this whole ep stunk of poor writing & a rush ending to a poor season. But yay! i survived season 5! Two good eps in S5- "Succession" and "Antony & Cleopatra". A handful of other eps- including "Them Bones" & "Lyre Lyre"- needed minor overalls to be good. A few eps had some brief moments of something worthwhile. But the majority was major suckage. My memory of season 6 is fuzzy but i think i like at least twice as many eps (which isn't saying much), except, of course, the dreaded finale. But next week i be starting S6, which i have never seen on dvd yet. i've had the discs for several years but never watched 'em. haha couldn't get passed season 5 to watch 'em...til now. | |||
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"Coming Home" Ares saves this ep, it's all his. He had the best lines and even though i wanted him to get his godhood back, it was an okay ending. i'm sick of selfish Xena! "Oh MY daughter, you killed all the amazons sweetie but yer still MY daughter so no-one's gonna hurt you or judge you cuz you're MINE. Now if it was Hope or the Horde then we'd kill 'em all but not MY daughter cuz it's all about ME ME ME!" Such is the result of poor tv writers. Oh, and nice of Xena to apologize now to Gabby for the near-fatal head wound several days(?) weeks (?) ago. i remember when season 6 first came on, i'd hoped they'd dump Eve off in some Eli Worshipers Academy or something. The 1st ep of the season should have gave her some backbone, got her on her Messenger way and made her worth the fuss of the screwed up season 5. What was her message supposed to be? "Are you bad? A killer? Want to reform without going to prison where you belong? Join Eli's Messenger Service & get away with past crimes by being invoking the name of Eli!" Bleeech! Not a bad ep but nothing special. "The Haunting of Amphipolis" Starts off with a bad omen: archangel Michael & one of his buds stalking Xena, Gabby and Eve (hasn't she got her act together yet!?!?). Pomp-ass Michael comments that Xena has killed most the Olympian gods, Yes, Mikey, she's done yer killin for you. Paraphrasing the Who: "Meet the new god, same as the old gods". Well, the old gods were a heckuva lotta fun compared to the new one and the crew of pomp-ass angels. i always liked Cyrene. Great character, great actress who played her. If they kill her off, they should have done it with some kind of emotional skill, a story worthy of the great character Cyrene was. They could even have had her still living & played a variety of plots from that. But what they came up with was pathetic! All the "In the name of Eli" chanting was too much! Cheesy SFX was what most of the ep was. It added up to boring. The final scenes with Mephistopheles was predictable. i did like Gabby's nekked scene. When she was in the shower- how'd the shower thing work when all else seemed broken down & dirty water elsewhere? The shower seemed to run a long time. It almost looked like Xena and Eve were hand cleaning nekked Gabby in the shower! | |||
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Jeepers, the scrolls sure be quiet of late. *sigh* "Heart of Darkness" Better of the 2 Hell eps but that ain't saying much. Arrrrrgh! starts off again with smug, pompous ass Michael & his sidekick stalking Xena from up above. Michael gets Xena to do his boss' dirty work (kill Greek gods) then plots this betrayal to get her to reign over hell. But Xena takes it all in uncharacteristic stride. Not much use in Gabrielle this ep (nothing new there as she's been a minor character since early early season 5). Get rid of Eve already. i forget what ep we last see Eve in but enuff is enuff! Biggest nonsense of this ep is where is it written that if an angel commits the 7 deadly sins they take over hell? Xena just made that up! Poor writing...again...folks. i'd rather have seen Xena take over the throne of hell and then some cutting edge writing to get her out of there. Actually i'd prefer to see Michael get his comeuppance & become the devil. "Who's Gurkhan" This is more like it. Even with pesky Eve along it's still good stuff. Loved both X&G's separate dances. ![]() It's a simple tale but directed well. i'm glad they didn't make Gurkhan into a boisterous villain. Glad to see they finally remembered Gabrielle. i remember when this first aired, i was surprised she didn't kill Gurkhan. i mean, if was Xena's family who was killed, Xena would want revenge and no doubt coerce Gabby into helping her kill the guilty ppl. Anyhoo, this is a keeper ep, the only one of S6 so far. | |||
I am lurking. reading all these posts too.. maybe i need to reply after each ep, so you know i'm here :P btw, heart of darkness is one of my least fav eps... ever :P ********************************* | |||
i need to change my sig pic... ********************************* | |||
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I loved "Who's Ghurkan". At the risk of having to correct myself later (cause I'm having trouble remembering other eps in s6) I think it was my favourite in that season. XG both looked hot and I enjoyed the overall aesthetic of the ep! Actually one of the things that appealed to me about s6 were the costume changes and overall glamour of this season. Easily pleased I know. Still it distracted me from some otherwise dodgy storylines! | |||
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Speakin' of "Who's Gurkhan", i forgot to mention i liked when Xena imagined she saw Gabby when she was being beat & tortured in the dungeons. Kinda old school XWP. "Legacy" The nudity at the beginning is the high spot of the ep. ![]() The "battling bard" title makes me cringe it's so lame. i'm glad they finally brought up Gabby's killing ways in this ep. It was clear via the montage of scenes that mentioned warriors, ways and violence- that in her own way, Gabrielle had become the monster she didn't want Xena to become (see the "Callisto" fireside talk). But what's the end result of the moral conflict? Gabby accepted her death sentence but then was willin to flee once Xena freed her from from being head-whacked in the sand. Xena saves her from being punished and the cliched ending- Gabby saves the papa of the desert boy. How pathetically predictable! What's just as bad as Gabby not realizing it's time to change from her warrior way is that Xena has stopped pushing her away from violence. Xena doesn't seem to care what Gabby does just so long as Gabby lives because Gabby is her source blah blah blah. Gabrielle mentions there's so little light left in her. That's sad. This should be a sign from TPTB to change Gabby again but TPTB were more interested in a finished product during seasons 5 & 6 than what went into the product. Less quality in the program from where i sit. Even the Romans in this ep were lackluster. "The Abyss" The cannibal ep. Almost bbq'd Gabby! Gabby feeling guilty over mudering desert boy (good). Hesitates during fight with cannibal & gets hurt (good). In cave scene, fevered Gabby relives giving up Hope, making Xena feel guilty (double good). Later, Gabby tells Xena to bury her not with amazons but with Xena's fam (double good). However...when day is all done, this all seems forgotten and Gabby seems ready to be murderess again (very bad). What a major lost opportunity to change Gabby off the warrior way. When X&G first encountered the cannibals, couldn't she have killed 'em all with her chakram? And when the big cannibal village fight occured, a lot of the cannibals were just running in circles! Instead of pouncing on X&G & Virgil, they just ran in circles! i dunno... i miss the differences in X&G. If this was a season 1-4 ep, Gabby would try to reform the cannibals or get 'em on a nutbread diet. "Legacy" and "Abyss" aren't the garden variety garbage eps that were spewed out in season 5. But there's something missing here. Or maybe X&G haven't completely thawed out after sleeping in ice for 25 yrs... | |||
hehe nutbread diet. i suppose there's only so many eps when u can save the world with water :P (kaltaka was it?) ********************************* | |||
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"The Rheingold" Yay! Yummy Rhine maidens! Brittney Powell's a hottie too. But ya know, there was Brunhilda & Grinhilda...couldn't one be named Bru & the other named Grinda & forget the hilda parts? Anyhoo, loved this ep (as i always liked the Norse trilogy). FINALLY- they bring back the word "redemption" as Xena heads north to right some Evil Xena wrongs. Evil X was really written well (unlike in the craphouse FIN ending where i don't even recognize her for being such a wimp). Loved seeing Xena as a Valkyrie. i wonder where the Evil X story takes place in Xena history. After Chin but before Solan is born? Gabby is writing her scrolls again. Liked how she tracked Xena "due north, farther north than i'd ever been before". ha that was cool- plus i liked that Xena left Gabby behind instead of having her in danger. Maybe it was also cuz she knew she couldn't focus on Grindl if Gabby was there but just the same i liked it. i also liked how X&G called out for each other like in eps of old. i liked how both Bru & Beowulf fell in love with Gabby. Lotta good new characters here & fine acting. i wish they'd had ended the series with this trilogy. "The Ring" Great fight scenes here, in another excellent ep. i liked how Gabby chopped down on the Grindl's son with the chakram. Also the fight scene with Xena & Beowulf vs Odin & the blond Valkyrie chicks. This fight scene was much better & more credible than all the Xena vs Greek god fights in season 5. The scenes between Gabby & Bru are too short but i enjoyed every second of them. i like seeing Bru try to come between X&G, especially challenging the nature of who they are. Beowulf is so dry a character but cool in a '50s B-flick kinda way. i like the forsaking love theme of the trilogy. So when Xena puts on the ring & loses her memory, very nice touch. Then Bru sacrifices herself by protecting Gabby from Odin thru the ring of fire (should they have had Johnny Cash singin?). Two great eps- i'd forgotten quite a lot about them til tonite. Though i remembered these & another ep down the line are my faves of S6. i'd been happier if they stretched these out to a 4 pt story & added more dialogue between Gabby & Bru and more about Gabby's influence on the new characters. But whatever- i'm glad there's stuff in S6 i enjoy. | |||
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"Return of the Valkyrie" Excellent end of the trilogy. Gabby back with long hair after the yr long sleep (i sure could go fer a yr long nap). Too bad it's cut in the next ep. Liked the beginning where Beowulf discovers Xena still alive & brings her back. Very nice ending as well. "Old Ares Had A Farm" Best part is X&G in skimpy outfits- yummy! But they already did mortal Ares story, why rehash? Xena's ploy with warlords has been done many times before & better, why rehash? i had originally hoped after Ring trilogy that they'd have Vikings like kidnap Gabby (as revenge for Xena leaving the king) & have X&G somehow discover America via Vikings & have Native America eps & all. Oh well... | |||
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"Dangerous Prey" Annoyingly stoopid though hot Amazon chick and boisterous male adversary who thinks Xena a good match. Seen it before several times, eh? ROC did good job as director & Lucy is fab. Prince Dorklock or whoever didn't strike me as a worthy opponent. Why is Varia picked as next Amazon leader?!?! Ephiny must be spinning in her grave. Nice bod but jeeze, pick an Amazon with brains & common sense for leader. Not bad ep, just weak. i'm still fuming all these yrs later cuz i wanted X&G to discover America after the Ring trilogy, dernitt! "The God You Know" Mixed feelings here but overall an okay ep. Glad to see Michael get his due, wished Xena would have killed him. Happy to see Xena lose the god killing powers as it also showed Eli to be bit of a backstabber, eh? Useless Eve again! Too bad they didn't off her, she's about as dumb as Varia. The previous 2 Ares eps were unnecessary, they could have accomplished all the post-immortal Ares stuff in this ep. Glad to see Dite again. X&G were great in the ep. If not for whiney Eve it would have been a better ep. | |||
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"You Are There" i been looking forward to seeing this again. But it was more meh than i remembered it. So Xena restores Ares & Dite god-hoods as the world needs love, and war to balance things. But doesn't the Elites believe that you don't need Greek gods for anything? The reporter thing was less funny this time around. i'd rather have seen the characters talk to the camera/audience without the reporter. "Path of Vengeance" Dumb dumb dumb. Who picked Livia/Eve of all ppl to bring peace to the amazons who banned her ass big time earlier that season? Dumb! Then we got selfish Xena defending murderous daughter...again...and blaming her actions on Ares. Oh yesh, let's talk about taking responsibility for yr own actions, which doesn't seem to apply to Xena's daughter or Gabby. Varia is still rash, dumb leader (Ephiny still spinning in her grave). This ep was a waste. If only they'd killed off Eve and/or Varia, or had an intelligent script. | |||
you're such a bitter bitter man... :P hehehe ********************************* | |||
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ah well i can see where ya might think that. Back in the good o days when the Potty Scrolls was boomin & the show was live & well, i luved everything aboot it. i never criticized an ep til that Married To Fishturds ep came along. Then again til Crapert betrayed many of us with the finale. It was easy as downin' keggers of Fallc's eggnog to like XWP when the community here was thrivin. But nowsadays, yrs later, i am as spoiled as Gabris' undies on seasons 1-4, and the rest of the series just can't compare. Watchin the show on me own- and being a devout follower of Gabrielle, the greater good and the redemption thingie- i just can't find much heart 'n' soul in the later seasons. *sigh* | |||
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"To Helicon And Back" The Bitter Bitter Man is back! This is the 2nd worst ep of S6. Ferocious Helicon bad guys kidnap Varia & kill bunches of amazon in process. So why do amazons follow in boats to Helicon instead of sending Xena to scout and/or rescue Varia? Oh yesh, so that more amazons can get killed & it can be ridiculously dramatic oh yesh. Ya know, there have been way too many "look how violently far our Gabby has changed since naive peasant girl" eps. Here, she becomes all but evil Gabby and they try to Pvt Ryan it by blaming it on war but it's still stoopid writers who are screwing up her character but whatever i's just a bitter bitter man heeheeee. There were some unintentionally funny scenes in this ep (amazon full of arrows; shark munching on amazon). So who's amazon leader at end? After Varia betrays them, are they stoopid enuff to make her queen again? With the writers the show has, probably. "Send in the Clones" Mostly enjoyable clip ep. i wish they would have this a non-clip ep in the future that was a drama instead of comedy. Gabby talks about how they took such liberties with her scrolls. So i betcha that means that season 5 never happened as the tv series showed it! In the original scrolls, Xena wasn't pregnant, no Eve or 25 yrs on ice- yay! So how did X&G get a cab so quickly or know what a cab was? And where'd they get the champagne? Too bad this ep wasn't the ep before- and then they could've done a follow-up to X&G in the future. Here's the plot: On their way to modern day Greece, X&G stop in Indhickiana where Gabby is kidnapped by a bitter biiter xenacrazed man who convinces her that she's one of his wives. Yay! | |||
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as if it matters... "Last of the Centaurs" Liked: Danielle back as Ephiny though only in spirit; Xena's fights had some of the pizazz of days of yore; flashbacks of Evil Xena. Disliked: acting by whoever played Xenan & his girlfriend; overly predictable script; Evil Gabby keeps wanting Xena to kill son of Borias- piss on the writers for screwing up her character. "When Fates Collide" Brilliant! Best ep since season 4! This is how the series should've ended. Loved the parallel world theme and how characters ended up in this one. Alti seemed more wicked as a sexpot than as the shamaness in bad makeup. Loved Gabby as playwright. Loved the ending though i wish Gabby would have tossed away her sais and want to be a playwright. Still this is how it shoulda ended instead of that disgraceful FIN mess. Great writing here and great directing and acting by all. Bravo! | |||
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"Many Happy Returns" Very nice lite ep that wouldn't be outta place in seasons 3 or 4. Katie Stuart is quite the virgin babe in this. i'd forgotten most of this ep, this may have been only the 2nd or 3rd time i'd seen it. But it was pretty good. Enjoyed the ending where X&G fly off into rhe sunset. "Soul Possession" Another great ep! That makes 3 in a row, counting "When Fates Collide". The story of how Gabby survived the lava pit along with some characters in the modern day (them from "Deja Vu All Over Again"). Lotta fun. Ares meets Meg popping outta that cake. Nice scenes with Xena & Joxer. Unfortunately, next week it all ends. Double unfortunately it ends with that s&*tty FIN finale. The dvd has the director's cut which i aint seen so i'll watch that as there's no way in tartarus i'd watch both the regular version & the directors cut. Why torture meself twice? | |||
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