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What if ...??
Besotted Scroller
Picture of beauTifully tragic
posted 07 October 2005 08:45 AMHide Post
Posts: 2723 | Location: la la land | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
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Picture of Smirk Morgan
posted 07 October 2005 05:43 PMHide Post
What if I went to a reception for new lawyers last night?

What if hardly anybody showed up?

What if there was an open bar at a bar with lotsa beers on tap?

What if, oh beautiful Ceres! they had Stella Artois?

What if I've been looking for Stella (the beer, not zoom's baby) for four years?

What if I saw in in Boston?

What if I had some in DC?

What if it could not be had in Oklahoma?

What if I searched Texas with the help of the lovely Sara and bailey?

What if but it took a bar in an old warehouse in Tulsa for me to find it?

What if and someone else was paying?

What if I had to get the Chimay next?

What if while finishing off the Chimay, the treasurer of the YLD came in and said that we were facing budget cuts, so we needed to spend more money?

What if dammit?

What if when I'm driving four strong beers is my limit?

What if that's when I'm actually in practice?

What if so I ordered the cheese plate?

What if that was really about all I could do?

What if I think I only cost the YLD about $40?

What if I'm only human, dammit?

Posts: 2306 | Location: DFW | Registered: 24 June 2003Report This Post
Besotted Scroller
Picture of beauTifully tragic
posted 08 October 2005 08:19 PMHide Post
what if someone should post in here?

what if i go boil a tater so i can make tater candy?
Posts: 2723 | Location: la la land | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

posted 08 October 2005 09:42 PMHide Post
Originally posted by Smirk Morgan:

What if, oh beautiful Ceres! they had Stella Artois?

What if I've been looking for Stella (the beer, not zoom's baby) for four years?

What if I saw in in Boston?

What if I have Stella in my refrigerator right now?

What if Artois not dog o' zoom? Wink

What if llila the pimptastic bitchmonger's b&b serves Stella Artois ?

What if there's a good restaurant/pub with what seems to be a nice beer selection near the b&b too?

What if it was even featured on an episode of the Sci Fi Channel series Ghost Hunters last season?

What if Arista has been there but I don't think I took Shawn and Tam?

What if we were too busy building snow heroes?
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Besotted Scroller
Picture of Madogis
posted 08 October 2005 10:01 PMHide Post
Originally posted by llila997:
What if llila the pimptastic bitchmonger's b&b serves Stella Artois ?

what if that sounds like a nice establishment, i wonder if i could get a booking...?

Posts: 2779 | Registered: 16 July 2003Report This Post
Besotted Scroller
Picture of beauTifully tragic
posted 08 October 2005 11:13 PMHide Post
what if yep we made hero snow peoples? Smile

what if i just saw amy acker on supernatural?

what if i also saw hudson leik on CSI?
Posts: 2723 | Location: la la land | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

Picture of Smirk Morgan
posted 09 October 2005 01:05 PMHide Post
What if so long as one hero had a chakram I will overlook the negligence in going to the neighborhood pub?

What if it is an excellent B&B with Stella (Artois) in the fridge?

What if we went back to the state fair yesterday?

What if got in free?

What if the sugar art show was going on?

What if it's cake decorating gone totally ambitious?

What if you'd be fascinated by it?

What if you can look at some of last year's creations in B&W here?

What if in addition to the wedding cakery, there are kinds of novelty cakes?

What if there were cakes like hats?

What if there were cakes that were shaped and decorated as luxurious pillows?

What if there were shoes?

What if there was a life size deer?

What if and an electric Guitar displayed on a guitar case rather than a cake sheet?

What if there was a depiction of Noah's Ark complete with elephants?

What if everything decorative was entirely made of sugar?

What if ephemeral art?

What if the Food Network people were filming?

What if I took a special picture for zoom?

What if all I will say is that involves the Eyes of Texas?

Posts: 2306 | Location: DFW | Registered: 24 June 2003Report This Post
Besotted Scroller
Picture of beauTifully tragic
posted 09 October 2005 02:25 PMHide Post
Posts: 2723 | Location: la la land | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
Besotted Scroller
Picture of Madogis
posted 09 October 2005 03:04 PMHide Post
what if lol, ephemeral is all the rage Razz?

Posts: 2779 | Registered: 16 July 2003Report This Post
Picture of skyeblue
posted 09 October 2005 04:15 PMHide Post
What if I lock myself up in my house and avoid all family members for the rest of my life?

What if I wish?

What if my sister is driving me insane and I wish she would just chill?

What if younger sisters that are spoilt rotten suck?

What if on the whole really good weekend, aside from this mornings spat?

What if Smile (smile anyway)?
Posts: 21 | Location: far far away | Registered: 09 September 2005Report This Post
Scroll Stalker
Picture of XF3
posted 09 October 2005 08:12 PMHide Post
What if I heard that Stella lost her groove again?

What if because after 6 years of marriage her younger hubby decided he was already gay?

What if to be her!?

What if because he wants to make money off of the profits that the movie made?

What if just a little something I learned by reading the paper?

My Space

Posts: 1644 | Location: Blue skies....Michigan | Registered: 24 March 2005Report This Post
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Picture of XF3
posted 09 October 2005 08:29 PMHide Post
What if Rachel decided it was time for a vacation?

What if I'm so glad that she did?

What if I already put in for my days off?

What if a whole week and a half?

What if neither of us has any idea where we are going to go?

What if we just know we need the time off?

My Space

Posts: 1644 | Location: Blue skies....Michigan | Registered: 24 March 2005Report This Post
Scroll Stalker
Picture of XF3
posted 09 October 2005 08:31 PMHide Post
What if I love the Xena and Gabby snow warriors?

My Space

Posts: 1644 | Location: Blue skies....Michigan | Registered: 24 March 2005Report This Post
Scroller Extraordinaire
posted 10 October 2005 04:55 AMHide Post
What if i was watching the season 7 episode of Buffy, 'dirty girls' last night?

What if there is a scene wher xander is dreaming about potentials dieing virgins and bascially wanting to have sex with him?

What if one of those girls from that scene was Summer, from the OC?

What if

What if i looked it up, and she was only in that epsidoe, so she must have died in the vineyard when xander lost his eye? lol
Posts: 79 | Registered: 28 August 2005Report This Post
Scroll Desperado
Picture of zoom
posted 10 October 2005 08:12 AMHide Post
what if CAPTAN HOOK 'EM's Rose Marie sig pic cracked me up?

what if my dog has never been to Oklahoma?

what if New Mexico & Colorado, yes, but not OK?

what if she's has been in a refrigerator before?

what if i took her into the walk-in at work when she was a puppy?

what if my mom really enjoying the party we threw to celebrate her 70th birthday?

what if now a lot of her cousins want me to cater for them?

what if catering 2 hours away from my commercial kitchen for more than 20 or 30 people quite frankly sucks?

what if i'm hoping that never happens?

what if my football teams (college & pro) both enjoyed smashing victories this weekend?

what if i wonder how much of the game CAPTAIN HOOK 'EM watched?

what if i got to watch woefully little because i was prepping for my mom's party?

what if i watched enough, though Big Grin Razz Big Grin Razz?

what if i can't gloat too much, as this is the first time in 6 years i've had the opportunity to do so?

what if i can gloat some, though?

what if right, CAPTAIN HOOK 'EM???


are you sitting on the soap?

sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'

Posts: 5103 | Location: Austin Texas, baby | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

Picture of Smirk Morgan
posted 10 October 2005 06:01 PMHide Post
What if gloat away, zoomer?

What if I didn't really watch much of that game because we were meeting my aunt for her birthday lunch?

What if I did catch the score as I walked by the bar in the restaurant?

What if I decided against a Sooner Football variation of Casey at the Bat?

What if cause those lOUsers weren't worth the effort?

What if Rose Marie's Sally Rogers is one of my favorite characters of 1960s television?

What if I totally dug that she was besting the men folk?

What if TVLand's decline began when it shunted off Dick Van Dyke show re-runs to the wee hours of the morning?

What if I can't stand watching TV Land or Nick at Nite anymore?

What if the 80s don't really make that nostalgic?

What if except for WKRP?

What if that's only half 80s anyway?

Posts: 2306 | Location: DFW | Registered: 24 June 2003Report This Post
Besotted Scroller
Picture of Madogis
posted 10 October 2005 11:07 PMHide Post
what if i didn't watch queer as folk for a few weeks?

what if i thought i'd be fine; that it wouldn't be too hard to pick up again?

what if rosey o'donnel begs to differ?

what if "meg, are you implying that rosey o'donnel can't drive -_o?"

what if i feel like i've wandered into the twilight zone?

what if, and yugioh isn't helping, doing away with the main character?

what if there cant be a yugioh without yugi!!*cries*?

what if damn them for twisting the knife deeper into my heart Frown?

what if oh's not all bad...i do have this highly amusing light switch that dad gave me?

what if *clicks it off and on relentlessly* ah hahaha ahahaha ^_^?

what if two days to go until robbie & kim's "revealing" get away?

what if, and the world makes sense again Smile?

Posts: 2779 | Registered: 16 July 2003Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

Picture of Free Madness
posted 11 October 2005 12:51 AMHide Post
what if I'm rather enjoying Nora's "Patronize me at your Peril" sig pic?Big Grin

What if this was a lovely evening?

What if I watched Boomerang on Cartoon Network with John all evening while eating popcorn, cake and chili and chicken cutlets?

What if ahhh, comfortably numb?Big Grin

What if I dun wanna work tomorrow?Razz

What if oh well?

What if maybe bigger and better things are on the way?

What if who knows?

What be continued?Big Grin

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

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Chief Chesty Forlock

Picture of Argeaux
posted 11 October 2005 05:34 AMHide Post
Originally posted by Ame:

What if i bought Jess 2 more on sale Shirely Temple movies today?

What if she has 4 now?

What if her favourite is Heidi?

What if, i bought the first one, only to show her who the person was that ppl kept saying she looked like?

What if, now she has a thing for Shirley?
What if Jess doesn't grow up gay, what with all the Xena and Shirley Temple watching, then Ame clearly hasn't been trying hard enough? Big Grin


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Chief Chesty Forlock

Picture of Argeaux
posted 11 October 2005 05:45 AMHide Post
Originally posted by XenaFairy3:

What if I love Law and Order: CI and SVU?
What if I virtually live for those shows?

What if I have fantasies about Eames and Benson and B.D. Wong? Big Grin


Posts: 5457 | Location: Oz | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
Chief Chesty Forlock

Picture of Argeaux
posted 11 October 2005 05:50 AMHide Post
What if I've been away?

What if I'm back?

What if I missed you all? (well, most of you)

What if I have a strange hankering for bar-be-cue and Chimay?

What if my footy team won this year? WON, I tell you? Go the TIGERS!! Big Grin Big Grin


Posts: 5457 | Location: Oz | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
Besotted Scroller
Picture of beauTifully tragic
posted 11 October 2005 10:35 AMHide Post
Posts: 2723 | Location: la la land | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

Picture of Sara
posted 11 October 2005 10:51 AMHide Post
What if my girl comes home today?

What if if the stupid LA traffic will let her?

What if she might miss her flight cause the freeway is shut down? Frown

What if she's coming home today damnit?

What if that's all there is to it? Razz

What if welcome home Argy? Smile


I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.

There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
Posts: 2158 | Location: Seattle, WA | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
Scroll Stalker
Picture of XF3
posted 11 October 2005 11:31 AMHide Post
Originally posted by Captain Hook 'em:
What if I can't stand watching TV Land or Nick at Nite anymore?

What if the 80s don't really make that nostalgic?

What if except for WKRP?

What if that's only half 80s anyway?

What if I couldn't have said it better my self?

What if but I do watching the Cosby Show?

What if oh yeah I can watch that on every other channel known to man?

My Space

Posts: 1644 | Location: Blue skies....Michigan | Registered: 24 March 2005Report This Post
Scroll Stalker
Picture of XF3
posted 11 October 2005 11:34 AMHide Post
Originally posted by Argeaux:

What if I have fantasies about Eames and Benson and B.D. Wong? Big Grin

What if that sounds.........interesting?

My Space

Posts: 1644 | Location: Blue skies....Michigan | Registered: 24 March 2005Report This Post
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