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Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if nope they're not related? | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I just saw an ad for Magda Szubanski's new show? ![]() What if 'Magda's Funny Bits'? ![]() What if I think it's a 'funny moments' tv show, but it's hosted by Magda's characters, like Sharon? What if also Lynn? ![]() What if it's on at the same time as new episodes of The Simpsons though? What if I can just tape one of them? What if I can't? What if I'm unbelievably thirsty? What if the Scooby Doo movie is on? What if I'd forgotten Holly Brisley was in this? What if I've forgotten what else to say? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if this is an obligatory 'what if..' as i haven't in a while? what if VD heartshaped hell is over and i haven't seen a bit of the Winter Olympics, so i've had nothing much to contribute? what if not even smartass repartee? what if...? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i'd forgotten that i had holly brisley on dvd ![]() what if i'm at the island, recovering from yet more karaoke shenannigans ![]() what if my father foolishly invited me to a community "christmas" party...they'd been postponing it for a while..? what if free drinks and, as i said, karaoke? what if, also there was cake ![]() what if fun was had? what if it was pretty much with strangers too, so no repre..reper.. ... no consequences? what if i did however see an old friend what i hadn't seen in yaars? what if she had a friend who is doing some kind of project for children's tv? what if she invited me on board o__o? what if, so i gave her my card (a sheet of paper from my art book with my name and number...and a flying horsie) and i guess things have been set in motion? what if it's kind of odd to think that i've made my first business contact whilst blind drunk, after hours of singing with strangers, at a party i wasn't even supposed to be at? what if i'm waitng for this chick to wake up some time this afternoon with a crushing headache and my "card" stuck to the side of her face, thinking "who in the hell...?" ![]() -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if it really is a coincidence that Valentines Day and Venereal Disease share the same initials? What if we have snow on the ground? What if it's that icy snow? What if the cat looked out at it from the back door then looked at me and hissed as though it were my fault? What if she got over it when given more food? What if I ventured out yesterday despite the crappy roads? What if I get cabin fever? What if I'm not feeling it so much today? What if I just don't wanna deal with the roads? What if I took a PTO day on Friday? What if when asking payroll if I had one, they said I had five? What if they said I was almost up for vacation time again? What if with my luck, every hour I work between now and being released from the assignment will fall just short of vacation? What if and then they won't find me another assignment? What if not that I'm negative or anything? What if I just settle down for the rest of the afternoon with Trinny and Susannah and the What Not To Wear marathon? ![]() | |||
What if i am stoked that s6 of charmed has a due out date already? What if, especially since we only just finished s7? What if s8 comes out on dvd before stupid channel 10 shows it? ********************************* | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I'm stoked Ame found my Xena playstation game? ^_^ What if, just when I was considering submitting her for Rove's new segment, where he goes and raids people's houses to get things people have had borrowed for a long time? What if that would have been a nice surprise for Ame? ![]() What if I'm kidding, I never would have submitted her? What if, or would I? What if *runs to withdraw Ame's details*? What if 'The Chipmunk Adventure' is coming out on DVD? ![]() What if my sister and I used to watch that movie all the time? What if the release won't do me any good, considering it's only for the US? ![]() ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroll Guru![]() |
What if the Chipmunk Adventure, really? What if I love those rodents? What if I used to watch them all the time? What if I have all the Christmas CD's? What if u know u can play US Dvd's in ur comp? What if u can also get all region DVD's and players on Ebay? What if that may be cool for all the stuff you guys have trouble getting in your respective countries? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if it's butt freakingly cold? What if and we have an outside event at work tomorrow? What if and I'd like it if the temp decided to rise about 20 degrees before we go camping? What if cause the cold hard ground when it's cold out, isn't nearly as fun? What if I get to see Dave Chappelle on Friday? What if SNAP BITCH!?! ![]() ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i've been cold all day? what if i've had enough winter? what if my cousin is getting married the 1st of april? what if i visit home for a week? what if i tape oprah so i can see what all the fuss is about? what if i tape american idol and watch the olympics? what if i tape the olympics and watch american idol? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I landed an opera role for the summer? ![]() What if ok two roles, and not huge roles but fun ones all the same? What if John will sing in a good bit of scenes with me for one opera? ![]() What if sweet? What if ahhhh, good day, even didn't have to go to work? What if it was much better than yesterday morning? What if I still can't believe i sounded halfway decent at last night's audition after that? ![]() What if Craela the cat was spayed on Monday and while she got thru the op and lived to tell about it...she decided she didn't like the sutures? ![]() What if she ripped two of them out as i discovered yesterday morning over coffee? ![]() What if and we TRIED to take her back to the vet ONLY to discover he has no hours on Wednesday? ![]() ![]() What if that is just cruelty to animals, man?? ![]() What if and no emergency number??? Give me a break, man...at least if you allow "walk ins," don't close on one day in the middle of the week? ![]() What if the only emergency clinic we knew about that i usually avoid like the plague for good reason...actually turned out to be pretty good yesterday? ![]() What if it helped that the loss of two sutures wasn't the end of the world? What if they didn't charge us for a visit but they charged for an elizabethan coller(funnel thing lol)...just 23 bucks? What if so all and all we lived to tell about it, funnel head cat and all? ![]() What if with that said...have a great night/morning/afternoon, folks? What if bye all? ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if congratulations on a successful audition? What if cats really hate having their bellies shaved? What if the whole being knocked out and cut open doesn't amuse 'em either? What if I remember when we went to visit Abby after her spay operation? What if she was awake but much to weak to really move? What if she saw me and nudged herself toward me? What if the another pet owner saw that and said, "aww"? What if I knew the truth though because I had read the expression in Abby's eyes? What if I knew that if she could have lifted her head, she'd have bitten me? What if I was the one who had taken her into that hateful place? What if luckily she didn't pull out sutures? What if maybe she knew that she'd have to go back? What if I'm tired? What if but I wanna see the gold medal winner skate in the ladies final? What if I already know the results? What if I've been terrible aboutlooking up the real time results? What if I think NBC just needs to show these events live? What if I don't care if it's seven hours difference? What if I despise tape delay? What if I remember really being disgusted with coverage of the SLC games because it was still freakin' tape delayed? What if it seems that NBC added hundreds of hours of coverage, but only about 80 minutes of actual competition? What if I really hate NBC sports? ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if thanks, Nora, I was pretty excited too? ![]() What if I was very nervous about the spay operation for all the reasons you named? What if I had never actually had a female cat that I got spayed myself? What if well the last time was when i was nine, but I barely remember that, and my dad took care of that one? ![]() What if Craela was very out of it when we brought her home...walked around bleary eyed all night? What if but she's a trooper tho...she's even doing well with the funnel? ![]() What if it helps to have a cat who's so laid back about everything anyway? What if well at least I didn't declaw her at the same time like John's mother did to Cassandra before we met? ![]() What if declawing is barbaric anyway, I think? What if some would argue that spaying is too, altho cats in heat around other females who are spayed is probably worse? ![]() What if oh well, more coffee and maybe some chores? What if ta ta for now, all? ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if word? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if today was the coldest day we've had so far? ![]() What if my scarf just wasn't enough to cut the wind on my throat? What if BRRRRRR! What if I really am done with the cold too? What if ok snow is awesome, so long as i don't have to work in it and i can decide how long i have to be out in it? ![]() What if bring on the spring? What if and summer and the BEACH? ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
Scroller Extraordinaire |
What if i fear the what if trend is dieing away? What if no one has what iffed in a week? What if we just blame the last person who what iffed? What if kate, it's all your fault ![]() | |||
Scroller Extraordinaire |
What if i forgot to mention jess has started one of her concert dances? What if, it is to 'baggy trousers' by Madness? What if i wonder if anyone has heard of the song? | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if one does what one can with limited scroll access and a dull, grey little life? what if, speaking of dull and grey, i had my first turotial today? what if it was so unbelievably boring? what if how can the study of two plays which involve brutal vengeance, madness, and unearthly powers be boring, you say? what if by spending the first 45 minutes talking about referencing and footnoting - which she didn't seem to know anything about anyway - and only about 3 minutes total on the actual plays, that's how? what if gee, so glad i spent two days reading them then ![]() what if meanwhile...well, there really isn't a meanwhile...just sitting here, appeasing ame's what if lust and listening to a cd, pretending to be one of the cool kids? what if ah end of fashion, eases the pain? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I try to appease the lust as well? What if I had a professional driving lesson today? What if it was awkward, because I'm so accustomed to swearing? What if I didn't think it would be appropriate? What if now I'm watching Magda's Funny Bits? What if Chenielle is explaining the art of piss elegant hand modelling? What if it is raining? What if I have a thick shake? What if I hope Maddie's tutorials get funner? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I blame both Netflix and The Sims 2 for my own lack of what iffing? What if I feel like that should be "whatting if"? What if I heard a David Sedaris the other day that I disliked, much to my surprise? What if there were some animals in prison or something? What if it wasn't awful, per se, but there was nothing in it I was interested in? What if I just want him to tell me about Greek camp or his parents or his sister Amy's half of a fat suit? What if I add that I wonder if Salem's lesson was done by a professional, or was a lesson in professional driving? What if I'm the only one who wonders, not because nobody's interested but because everyone else knows intuitively? What if I always wonder things like that? What if they don't get to me as much as they used to? What if I'm typing really fast and with few mistakes? What if I just needed that documented? | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if aaah, we posted at the same time? What if the universe explodes? What if my head just explodes instead, from this ice cream headache? >_< ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if heh? ![]() What if when I saw that I edited mine instead of newposting? What if I'd like to say that I did it because I didn't want to clutter the board or because I'm into conserving resources and reusing everything I can, including posts, but really it's because I had six sentences in that post and I wanted to have any other number than that? What if it's ok, you can laugh, I'm comfortable with my quirks? | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if it was a lesson with a professional? What if a professional driving school person? What if he wasn't professional at all? What if the driving school doesn't really exist? What if driving school was an actual place where you had to drive your car up to a desk in a room of 30 other cars and desks, and listen while a teacher in a bigger car drove around the front of the room? What if I didn't edit my earlier post, simply because it didn't cross my mind? ^_^; ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroll Guru![]() |
What if I'm thru with winter too? What if I think it's coming to an end though? What if I heard some of the springtime birds today? What if I was extremely excited? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I can't sleep? What if I'm really pissed off? What if one of my opposing counsel spent the last two months not returning my phone calls to discuss something? What if he scheduled a hearing and didn't give me notice? What if he then waited until the week after the hearing to finally send me a copy of the order along with a nasty note about when my client would pay up? What if Tuesday evening when I checked the post office box was the first I'd heard of anything? What if he mispelled my name on the order too? What if asshole actually scheduled the hearing a MONTH ago? What if he obviously has my address so where did my notice go? What if this is the SECOND time he's scheduled a hearing without telling me? What if the last time he called me at 11:30 to tell me that we had a hearing scheduled in a county courthouse 45 miles away for 1:30 and could we reschedule? What if I'm thinking dark thoughts? What if I had to write my motion to vacate tonight? What if I've calmed down a little bit? What if I can't say the idiot deliberately tried to mislead the court? What if he could just be really freakin' clueless? What if since I can't really ever know that he intentionally mislead the court and used fraud to obtain an order I just do my old stand by curse? What if I wish that he gets what he deserves? What if I pray that I never get what I deserve? What if I hate family law? What if I hate family law lawyers? What if it frightens me to think I'd turn into that piece of shit if I stayed in this field any longer? What if gimme boring old document reviews? What if there's no such thing as a document review emergency after 5 p.m.? What if I'm really pissed that I can't sleep? ![]() | |||
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