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What if THIS is the 300th what if..?? what if salem,xc or argy are sittin around waitin to POUNCE on the 300th what if & Im too late.. ?? What if ame missed out..?? Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if dammit I missed out on claiming the 300th post? What if I wait and claim the 400th? What if no one can take the 301st away from me? What if they could!? What if well they actually could? What if I go delete on of my posts on the last page and the Brucy's post will become the 299th and MINE will be the 300th? What if aahahaha!? What if I don't do that, but someone else deletes one of their posts and everyone thinks it's all my doing? What if I stop putting ideas in peoples heads? What if I stop putting idea's in MY head? What if my job involves glass? What if nothing more, nothing less? What if, well, there is more and less? What if or is there? What if Madogis should take a look at this? What if it would seem new Pokèmon are on their way already, with the first being introduced in the 7th movie coming soon to Japan? What if people are speculating it could be a pre-evolution of Snorlax? What if Madogis is too distracted by all the Deoxys on then second page? What if she's thinking "what the hell is a Deoxys?"? What if Madogis could also check out Serebii.net? What if it is my dad's birthday today? What if we're all going out for dinner? What if it gets me out of that fancy dress party tonight? What if, funny thing though, I saw the person who's party it is today at the shops? What if she said I could come after dinner? What if I said I didn't have a fancy dress outfit? What if I said I could come as a Bowie fan because I happened to be wearing the shirt? What if she said that wasn't fancy? ![]() What if, oh yeah, I got a new watch the other day? ![]() What if I haven't worn a watch since around 2001? What if everything feels right again, because I always know the time? What if it's a digital watch of course? What if analog is hard for some people!? >.< ____________________ ![]() | |||
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Salem wrote: What if I go delete on of my posts on the last page and the Brucy's post will become the 299th and MINE will be the 300th? What if Heehee ?? What if that Actually works..?? What if thats SOoo devious I think maybe Ame has corrupted Salem..?? What if Salem's post is an hour old & hes off eating a Ham Sandwich now..?? WHat if its 12:25 in the morning here& I should be in bed..?? (what if thats not true ..the Post failed because W95 can barely handle Mozilla& crashed because I was doing something else simultaneously?) WHat if its NOW 12:44..?? What if it DID actually cool off like the Weather-putz said..??? What if putz is too Naughty for the General what Sniff..???? What if I need to hurry & get that Midnite snack...??? What if im increasing my lead on xc in # of posts..??? | |||
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WHat if I decided on Peanut M&Ms for my snack..??? What if I think I hit a B a d d Peanut..??? What if Im too lazy to go spit it out & just ate it anyways..?? What if Im tossed out of what if Forever & a day ..because I write what ifs that are BooOOOOoooring..??? Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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What if the M*Ms fell over & are rollin all over the place...?? what if I put em all back in the bag & give em to Val..??? What if the Onlyway to get Ulrich to come back to the scrolls is for us ALL to promise to scroll in the nude Always..?? | |||
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What if & forever..?? What if thats kinda scary since in 10 years & 9 months Ill be 60.& sittin nude at the comp... What if thats Not a pretty picture .. no way ,precious..no way What if ,when an american news broadcasting system wants to sound authorative they get a Brit to speak on TV..??? What ifxc brought HIS OWN Smiley/Icons to this clambake..?? what if it appears he Shirley aint Sharon & stuff..??? ![]() What if my Next goal is to make post 333 in the what if...just because..?? Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if cars no longer ran on gas? What if cars now ran on urine? What if Standard Oil er Urine hired people to drink beer and pee in their urine tanker? What if the government put a tax on the pee you peed in your gas er urine tank? What if there were yellow exhaust coming outta the back of cars? What if rush hour started having a pissy smell to it? | |||
What if i decided 'tonight, i am gunna get shitfaced, and sit online and chat to ppl' What if, and then there was no one online? What if Nora was, but she was tired? What if Salem left for no reason, but we assumed out for dinner for his dad's b'day? ********************************* | |||
What if JB and coke #1. What if we bought Jessie an early b;day present, and it was a bike? What if it has a funny story, so i shall tell you? What if we went into a toyshop to price bikes? What if this one was $99.99? What if it was marked down to $69.99, cause it was a less popular colour ( blueish aqua, and yellow)? What if there was a 20% off all bikes sale? What if the sales kid said that cause of the mark down that this particular bike wasn;t in the sale? What if, we was cool with that? What if when we went up to the chek out the sales girl took the 20% ff anyways? What if so $55.99 or what ever it was? What if hehehe? ********************************* | |||
What if i am about to pour #2? What if after this post, i will fix no more typos? What if the letter c isn;t a typo, if it doesn;t appear or happens like this ccccccccc? What if, cause either it works too much, or not at all? What if Mick is watching 'Fast times at Ridgemont High'? What if heheh, bad 80's movie? What if, but i am doing well playing pyramids with myself over at yahoo? ********************************* | |||
What if half way through #3? What if i am so bored, but i have nothing to do? What if there is nothing on tv, and the tv with the dvd and video player is the same tv as fotxel, which mick is watching? What if, i could always read Harry Potter 4, which i am currently reading, but drinking and reading that is even more pathetic than sitting online and drinking.. hehe? What if it is 7.20pm? What if Jess is asking us to read books? What if i read two, now she is telling daddy he needs to read two as well, since mummy did? ********************************* | |||
What if, looking at the time differences, wow i was slow on that last drink? What if, mind you post 2 was 'about' to pour and post 3 i was 'half way though drinking' What if Jubs came online several hours ago and said one thing and hopped off again? What if i swear blind she was drunk again? What if i'll eat my hat if she wasn;t *S* What if ![]() What if not many more posrs till i move up scroll mountain again.... What if i think i am all but next door neighbours with Heitie now? What if getting closer to living next door to 'The Church of the Later Day Argy' What if maybe even Argyterian? What if Argolic? What if maybe even Seventh Day Argoventist? What if i can;t work Argy into Jewish no matter how i try, let me have a few more drinks and try again soon? ********************************* | |||
What if i think i am posting so much becaise i have so uch to say, even though mostly crap and i have no one to IM it to? What if Salem normally puts up with my array of shit, and grits his teeth and bears it, but even he has gone out? What if, such a Bowie fan he is? What if he has really gone to that fancy dressed party, in his Gabrielle shirt and Bowie shirt on at the same time? What if just to bore you all to tears i should upload my pic of jess on her new bike? What if, well it will give me something to do wouldn;t it? What if i haven't even got any ironing to do? What if i had contemplated sorting my wardobe but that was b4 i started drinking? What if, change of season, means reshuffling of winter and summer clothes and some might go to the salvos? What if i am almost finished drainking drink 3? ********************************* | |||
What if here is the pic for everyone to look at while i go out side and have a smoke? What if i might read Harry Potter while sitting outsdie having said smoke? What if, yes, this is said birthday bike? ********************************* | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if after my earlier post I'm not sure what I was doing? What if there was no ham sandwich involved? What if I don't eat ham or anything from a pig? What if I had a craving for bacon the other day though? What if before my last post I was eating hot chips with vinegar? What if Mmmmmm? ![]() What if I disappeared because I was indeed out having dinner? What if I am now back? What if I am now front too? What if I wore my new jeans out for the first time? What if they're going to take some getting used to? What if people from the fancy party drive around and get me? What if hopefully they're all too wasted to drive? What if Ame went to the party in my place? What if she just talks about Xena and no one would know the difference? What if poor Ame, drinking alone? ![]() What if Jess looks cute on her new bike? What if I think the colours are nice too? What if I don't have a bike anymore? What if I mention somewhere that I had so many dreams last night? What if none of them were related? What if one of them I was in a supermarket with someone from Neighbours, Scott I think, and he was throwing apples? What if in another I'd gone to see Spider-Man 2 and then later in that dream I couldn't remember seeing Dr. Octopus or the movie ending, and then I realised I was talking to Doc Ock in disguise and I was somehow in the movie? What if in another dream, Jane Turner was my hair dresser? What if she looked like Prue from Kath & Kim, but with blonde hair instead of grey? What if she asked what I wanted to do, and I said "Just a trimmmmm thanks" and then she snapped "Do you think this is funny do you?"? What if I don't know why I said 'trimmmm' or why she thought I thought it was funny? What if I said to her "I was just trying to be friendly instead of just sitting here in silence"? What if after that, I sat in silence and she didn't speak? What if, thankfully she didn't ruin my hair? What if I'm trying to remember another dream, because I'm sure there were more than 3, and no I haven't told any to Ame so don't believe her if she says I told her I dreamt about a scroller? What if the extra million episode of Survivor is on right now, or just finishing? What if I'm not watching, it's being taped, because I wasn't going to be here when it was on? What if I wish I knew there was another actual episode because I've been taping Pokèmon on the end of my 3rd Survivor tape? What if now I don't want to watch Survivor at this late stage? What if my mum is going to probably watch it now and I can just tell she'll come upstairs after it's finished with a smug look on her face? What if "Don't you know who won?"? What if shut up shut up SHUT UP!? What if I wanted to force everyone into watching Peter Pan? What if there goes that little plan? What if now I'll probably watch the second disc of Fast Forward in Rewind Volume Two, because I haven't watched it yet? What if I tell Madogis I was excited because that "you drink and drive, you're a bloody idiot" thing is on there with Magda knitting, but there's no wool or whatever you knit with, and she's just moving her fingers? ![]() What if, why do I keep what iffing to Madogis, she'll probably never see them? What if Survivor would be over by now, but me parents are probably watching now? What if, do I dare venture down for snacks? What if I run downstairs blocking my ears and screaming? What if, sounds like a plan to me? What if *thumping down the stairs* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!! ____________________ ![]() | |||
What if Salem is about to go downstairs and get snacks with his fingers in your ears, and carry toe stuff back up in his arm pits? What if i am ding the ren and stimpy dance of happy happy joy joy, because i have someone to talk to? What if my drinking seems to have slowed? What if SKULL MICHELLE SKULL!! ********************************* | |||
Wat if, woohoo, that was post 1800.. What if 1800 posts gets you an extention on your house. What if extention one is a pool/sooker room with fully.. umm.. full bar, frisge with ice mashine on the front and every alcohol possible on the shelves or in the fridge? What if and extention 2, is a kiddie wing, where the kids get several rooms to themselves, computer, console games, toys, dvd player, and its completely sound proofed! ********************************* | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I wonder where I am on Scroll Mountain? What if Gina Riley does a good Bette Midler? What if who wants to have an all weekend comedy party with me? What if we can start with Fast Forward, move into Big Girls Blouse and have a climactic finale of Kath & Kim? What if, it'll be great!? ![]() What if they're doing The Poseidon Adventure on the DVD now? What if I hate that movie? What if, hehe, everyone is in the water in the ship and Jane said "help, somethings got my leg!"? What if it cut to underwater and Magda was gnawing at it? ![]() ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if Ame and I are going to go shopping together the first weekend season 4,5 and 6 of Xena come out on DVD and both buy them at the same time wearing our Ares and Gabrielle shirts? What if, that'll be great, hehe ![]() ____________________ ![]() | |||
What if we'll spook all th shop keepers? What if we take our chakrams with us, and go and sit in the food court and eat and look out our 3 seasons of prized posessions, talking loudly about them? What if yes, yes, it;s a plan! ********************************* | |||
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what if drinking with people online is just a rationalization for not drinking alone? what if it works for me? what if Subaru Outbacks are hard to find used? what if le searched unsuccessfully for one a few years ago? what if apparently they're so well liked that no one parts with them? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if not to worry Brucy--i'm generally the forgiving sort? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
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What if I trade my 1800 post booze extension for a little starter cabin for xc since he's just got 3 boards and some glue so far? What if or maybe he likes his tent? What if we've got a few Outbacks in our sights right now, two or three in Colorado and two or three local ones? What if we like Colorado cars as they seem to be kept well, plus the no-salt thing, but they ask a little more? What if Jess looks happy about her bike? ![]() What if Heitie Jr got an EasyBake oven from Grandma (we've made the Scooby Doo cake already), an afghan from the other Grandma, a pink and other colors quilt (she digs blankets), a Barbie vehicle with pet care area, a book on painted cats, a comprehensive book on Barbies, a Happy Birthday Barbie with tiara, and a Playmobil set with bunny people painting eggs? What if Paco Jr also got the Playmobil tour bus? What if there were helium balloons and Mommy baked a dairy-free cake and we each got to do our own frosting and sprinkles, etc? What if wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!? What if Paco just walked in eating one of the cupcakes that came from the extra batter? What if heh, big man with a cupcake? ![]() | |||
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What if the number of posts began with 2000 and started going downward? What if this new posting system began now? What if that meant I was around 1780 posts ahead of Heitie? What if there were no listing of number of posts? | |||
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What if scientists discovered a brand new color? What if the brand new color began a big craze? What if people starting wearing clothes bearing the brand new color? What if the most popular soft drinks, candy and ice cream showed off the new color? What if somehow the new color got mixed in with chromosones and DNA and all that stuff? What if there were people with skin the color of the new color? What if some people who once liked the new color now wanted the new colored skin people seperated from everyone else? What if the news media went bonkers over the new color scandal? What if then, someone noticed the new color wasn't really new but everyone had just believed what the scientists told them? What if everything went back to as it was before and nobody learned anything from the new color thingy? | |||
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