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Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if xc had seen The Who when they were 100% in existence? What if xc's mind is only .01% in existence? What if there is no existence except for parking meters? What if parking meters outlast all humans, animals, and other objects? What if parking meters came alive at night? What if parking meters were mating with gas station pumps? What if the parking meters & gas station pumps created an army to take over the world? What if they were wanting world domination just so they could get some respect? What if in wanting respect, they chose Rodney Dangerfield as their leader? What if Rodney became world leader & told the world, "Oh i got no respect, when I was a child I was so ugly that other kids would point at me and say 'There goes xenacrazed!'? | |||
Ultimate Scroller |
What if a person left a message on my travel agency answering machine? What if ugh, I hate it when people don't speak clearly and expect you to SOMEHOW figure out what they want? What if the only thing I can decipher is "I need uh, company" and his actual phone number? What if uh, what to do? What if I hate calling when I don't know what I'm calling for or even if he realized I was a travel agency? What if this incredibly annoys me -- this is the third time I've gotten a message from someone that's hard to make out? What if I'm being a procrastinator? What if I have a 10 page short play to write? What if it's gonna take some heavy mental work to draw out the character correctly? What if that's why a few moments ago, heh, I took a two hour nap!? What if it was all cold (odd for California right now) and I got all cozy under the blankets? What if I love taking naps like that? What if I need to shut up since I have so much stuff I SHOULD be doing as opposed to babbling on here? | |||
Dream Scroller![]() |
What if my new signature made me think of salem? what if that makes me giggle? ![]() ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I laughed at the new sig? What if cause heh yeah, in an odd way it does remind me of Slem? What if ewww, I found out one of my tenant's has a thing for me? What if ewww gross as I've never given him the slightest bit of indication I'm interested? What if his actual words were rather crude from what my friend Ryan says? What if cause he told Ryan but he was also roaringly drunk? What if but still...EWWWW!? ![]() What if Ryan wants me to go to the strip club with him? What if I laughed cause it's funny he'd invite me along with his good guy friends? What if heh, cause I'm cool like that? What if I'm on a Shania Twain kick right now? What if I learned to play "It only hurts when I breathe" on my guitar? What if not too shabby? What if okay, dinner time? ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if everyone is laughing at my expense again? What if, well, Slem's expense? What if that's okay, I'm still on a high from the promise of Angie? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i'm supposed to be watching football right now? what if i came to print things and then thought "i'll just check on the scrolls, surely that can't take too long?" what if that was about 10 minutes ago? what if i had to tear myself away from previous what ifs so i could post this one? what if i'm always laughing at salem's expense ![]() what if he's curled up crying in the dark somewhere at though of that? what if, ah tis all in good fun? what if i'll be home in ONE week ![]() what if that will be everso good? what if i hope to the god of all my gods that troy is still playing when i get home, 'cause i know no one here will ever see it with me, even though they promised that they would? what if those bastards? what if speaking of, i should get back to them right about now? what if toodles? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if the recent foray into perversion is mostly my fault? What if my mind has been in the gutter since....um...way back? What if I just couldn't resist that set up? What if I'm feeling okay? What if I'm not feeling all right? What if I'm not all left? What if I'm some of me is right and some of me is left and some of me is wrong? What if I'm a little bit o' north and a little bit of south? What if I'm a little bit of west, but not a damned bit of east? What if my Michigan birth qualifies as a little bit of east? What if I'm a lot of sinner and damned little saint? What if I'm all bitch and a touch of moan? What if that last what if could send us all on a downward spiral of a gutter? What if along the way I bypass Amethyst? What if along the way Salem and Gabber pass me by--though not together? What if they pass me by together? What if they are swimming as fast as they can to accelerate their trip along the downward spiral? What if Salem starts singing about wanting to feel someone from the inside? What if sorry zoom, but the Downward Sprial is spiraling out of control? ![]() | |||
Ultimate Scroller |
What if oh good Lord!? What if now I'm robbing the cradle? What if no no no, Salem should NOT be singing that song while traveling with me? What if I feel dirty now? ![]() What if and here I thought things were taming down? What if on other news, *cough* still procrastinating? What if yeah yeah, I'll stop soon enough...maybe? What if I have a feeling I'm not going to get to my play till tomorrow *cough*? | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I have absolutely no idea what Nora is on about? What if it was better that way? What if I'm singing along to a karaoke Bring Me To Life? What if it's fun to try and sing both parts? What if just like singing both parts of Hearts are Hurting? What if if Troy will almost definately still be on here when Maddie gets back? What if it hasn't been at Ettalong for very long? What if I invite myself to go see it when Maddie does? What if speaking of ancient things, in TV Week they have about a mini series being made in the US about Octavius Caeser called Empire? What if, because Chris Egan is in it, aka Nick from Home and Away? What if the article was titled Rome and Away? ![]() What if I looked it up on IMDb.com and it lists Chris but when you click his name it takes you to an actress named Chris Egan? What if I'm going with IMDb being wrong? What if I hope the mini series comes here, although it almost certainly won't? What if, well, if it does, it'll probably be on Foxtel, so I won't get to see it either way? What if I think I might play Majora's Mask? What if or maybe not, because I'm still depressed I let the little girl get abducted? What if aaiieeee my Evanescence poster is coming loose? What if it flies across the room like a magic carpet? ~What if Jiminy Christmas, I've passed 1200 posts!? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if Salem would do better to karoke sing Nine Inch Nails' "Closer"? What if he'd get that angsty, bad boy image? What if now he just gets the "he's such a sweet, sensitive guy" attraction? What if Gabber didn't know that "Closer" has been making the radio rounds for a decade now? What if that amuses me? What if I realize that it will take some doing for those two crazy kids to pass me by on a downward spiral? ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I'm too sweet and sensitive to ever have a bad boy image? What if I look to the sky and become bathed in a golden light? What if *closes eyes and clasps hands together*? What if I just remembered something I meant to what if about two posts ago? What if were The Who really ever known as the Hill Billy Bugger Boys? What if I only know what The Simpsons lets me know? What if and even now my memory is sketchy at best? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if it sounds as if Salem may have walked down the supposed Golden Path? What if he was confronted by a demon force? What if he meant to cry "Help me, Lord?" What if instead he invoked the Crystal Method? What if the Crystal Method involved Salem in an intricate ritual that required getting his groove on? What if Hill Billy Bugger Boys sounds a bit like a supergroup featuring the likes of Rob Zombie? What if Slem probably is just as clueless about RZ as NIN? ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I'm clueless about everything? What if I remember having to draw Nine Inch Nails for Yahoo Pictionary? What if 'China Girl' just started playing on my song list? What if Madogis suddenly gets up and dances at the football game? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if the line up for the Dallas Lollapalooza has been posted? What if PJ Harvey is a go for Big D? What if Wilco, The Thrills, and Elbow are not? What if the only band I feel compelled to see on the second day is the Flaming Lips? What if I could always wait for those bastards to play their homestate? What if I'm thinking I can definitely do Day one of the Dallas stop? What if I don't know about Day Two? What if it depends on whether I get enough exposure to the other artists? What if it depends upon the price difference between a one day and two day pass? ![]() | |||
What if i can picture salem being singing 'now i'm bathed in light' a la Tara, and getting that glowy look on his face? What if i can;t see why people think that sig from shrek is salemish? What if, maybe i know his true evilness and it's horrifying? What if i'm upset because no one has perverted what ifs about me? What if, no perverted dreams about me? What if those x rated dreams salem has about me and maddie on a weekly basis don't count? What if no one seems to know what salem does for a job, now he is working? What if i fill everyone in and tell them it's a sex shop called 'Naughty and Nice', in west gosford? What if, truelly! What if he tried to sell someone the fire extinguisher the other say when they asked for a really big dildo? ********************************* | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if Ame wasn't supposed to tell everyone where I worked!!? What if my golden light turns into fires rising up from below? What if I've been two timing the Scroll again today? What if there goes my image? What if, ugh, I hate sneezing videos on Funniest Home Videos? What if I realised today how long it's been since I listend to 'Anywhere' when it came on the CD in the car while getting dinner tonight? What if it had been far too long? What if also, those were all horrible rumours about ABC not signing for series 3, and the show is in pre production? What if all is right with the world? What if *content sigh*? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Chief Chesty Forlock![]() ![]() |
What if I just spent the majority of my Saturday night compiling a made up bank statement, budget and monthly report for some training I'm conducting on Tuesday? What if those suckers took me so long to perfect that I copyrighted 'em? What if this stuff kinda bores me and fascinates me at the same time? ~~~~~~~~~~ ![]() | |||
Ultimate Scroller |
What if I'm in a rather good mood? What if that's because I just found out before I left work today that...I have a three day weekend!? What if I realized Borders gives us Memorial Day as a paid holiday but I thought it wouldn't matter with me because I don't work Mondays anyways? What if they just moved my paid holiday over to Tuesday? What if hence three day weekend, hee!? ![]() What if yes, I'm allowed to get excited because I technically only have five paid holidays per year so I'll take 'em when I can get 'em? ![]() What if I also checked out Queer as Folk: the book? What if that makes me happy because I've been wanting to read that since November? What if I couldn't find it at work until today when I found it in a completely wrong spot? What if heh, I kept it in that completely wrong spot until work was over JUST to make sure no one would buy it before then? ![]() What if it's really tempting to read it now and not work on my play? What if that'd be bad? What if yes, sometimes the smallest things make me happy? What if however I'm tired...and I have a play to write which is proving to be a bit more difficult than I thought it would? What if the books attacked me today? What if with papercuts and falling on my head? What if Ame is never left out when it comes to perversion? ![]() What if Nora's evil? What if I shut up now and stop procrastinating once again now that I've babbled about my holiday and my book? | |||
Scroll Tragic![]() |
What if YaY I log in now that I know this works..?? What if I go see just how much farther Ive been Gab-dragged threu the slime & stuff in the 'other' thread..?? What if this is already having trouble with bold & colors & stuff..? what if thats NOT good..?? What if we see if it can handle siggy pic..??? Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
What if sara went to a strip club last night, and got a lap dance off Brucy? What if, and xc was pole dancin' with his 3 naked Salmoneus'? What if and Joxer was covered in whip cream and Alan was licking it off? What if and Ulrich was offering blow jobs up stairs? ********************************* | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if instead of being born young babies we were born as old people? What if we born old wrinkley 100+ years old but got younger as time went on? What if we were born at age 106, and started school at around 100 and graduated (if lucky) at age 84? What if we retired at age 41 or so and our "golden years" were now the 20's and teenage years? What if the new version of getting old meant becoming little babies again? What if isn't enough air getting to xc's head & he get's stoopider by the second? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
quote: What if xc only dances with his 3 dancin nekked Gabbies? What if no-one but xc is allowed to touch orbreathe on his 3 dancin nekked Gabbies? What if Ame is a closet Gabby fan? What if Ame has a secret shrine to Gabby in her basement in a hidden room? What if Ame is gettin ready to change her handle to gabbycrazed?!?! | |||
WHat if i was xenacrazedcrazed? ********************************* | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if I smell newly mown lawn everywhere? What if I newly mowed a smelly lawn everyhere? What if newly I smelled a lawn everywhere? What if everywhere a lawn was mown & I smelled it? What if a lawn mowed me cause I smelled everywhere? What if I mowed everywhere I smelled and not just a lawn? What if I smell and smell everywhere, and lawn's mowed themselves to not smell me? | |||
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