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What if i am gunna go eatch tv snuggled under the blanket cause it is so freaking cold? What if MAxQ is marrying Nora? ********************************* | |||
What if HA!, i have started pages 27, 29 and 30 in the last week or so. What if i am also the person who posted the most posts this motnh,s o all bow down to me? What if i shall get my smiley crowd faces very soon ![]() ********************************* | |||
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What if hes NOT as noras not said a word of it..?? What if its no fair your gonna make more posts than meee..??? What if its because you yammer on ALL DAY in the mod thread..?? what if I cant drive people Nuts in there ..??? What if No Funn NO Faire ..?? What if Im possessed by a ghost of Linxi past & stuff..?? What if I just Leave your Typos All Bruced up next time I quote your butt..so Ner..??? | |||
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What if you have inspired me to post WAY WAY WAY more of my Mental Diarrhea to keep up..??? What if THATS a truly Scarwee thought..??? Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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What if bushes medicare card plan is SO bad that 20 of the Companies offering the card have -are being sued for Fraud,..!!!! ![]() What if Stupid is as Stupid Does..?? | |||
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What if there wasa lady who died today(?) who was 21 when she married an 81 year old..?? what if theres Hope for Me after all..?? What if Yes I have truly decided Ame is WAY too old for me ..?? ![]() Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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What if there is a Border Collie in Germany thats Smarter than most Republicans in the USA..??? What if he can Identify a new word with a new object in among objects he already knmows the name of ..?? What if the newscast insinuates that previously ONLY humans have proven to be able to do this..?? | |||
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What if..OOOoooOOO..???? What if that = Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women is on Tonite..?? What if I tape Mamie Van Doren et al to watch tomorrow..??? What if I just keep postin little tidbits in here til its time to go..??? | |||
quote: What if that it SOOOO not the reason we're not together Brucy? What if i what if several reasons? What if.. YOUR age.. that nearing 50 thing you do so well? What if your lack of...... everything? What if... your face? What if the fact you annoy the shit out of me? What if the fact you don;t work, therefore you'd squeeze all of life's energy out of me, on the quest to make me earn more money to supply your habit of buying old computers, old cars and going to the movies? What if Jess just ran to me yelling 'It's Xena, It's Xena'.. to find Xena on the Simpsons? What if, she is very excited, i thought she had seen this, ep but now i assume not? What if, i am rather amused at Jess' enthusiasum, and also that it gave me a reason to stop talking about Bwuce? ********************************* | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i have my dad's credit card o_O? what if *sound of all hell breaking loose*? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if bought the tickets? what if we are go? what if there's talk of getting "wizard cards" when we collect? what if interesting, very interesting? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
What if, hey i'm going now too? What if, as long as the tickets haven't sold out? What if... but but but ********************************* | |||
What if now i need to find out what time they are metting, how they are getting there, ummm what shall i wear? What if i ask if they are taking anything other than the clothes on their backs to keep em warm? What if i might go to the markets for a while? What if, cause now i have nothing to do until 10.45pm tonight? What if.... 455 mins or pure harry? What if, imagine the huge popcorn maddie will have! ********************************* | |||
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What if Harry Potter became a werewolf? What if then his name was Hairy Potter? What if the HP movies go on forever? What if adult actors start playing the main 3 roles? What if Jim Carrey plays Ron? What if Sandra Bullock becomes Hermione? What if Sean Penn takes the Harry role? What if the HP series and the Police Academy series merge? What if Harry, Hermione & Ron vs Freddy, Jason & Michael? What if Rob Tapert creates a HP tv series with Xena cast members as grown up HP characters? What if then the scrolls is renamed the Hogwarts Scrolls? | |||
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What if, God help me, I made it to the Farmer's Market this morning? What if I got there just after 10? what if the road was blocked by police? What if there was a gay pride parade held today? What if I stuck around to catch it? What if there were many more people in the parade than watching? What if there were only 8 protesters with signs? What if I watched directly across the street from Marquette Catholic School? What if I suppose the protestors were connected with parish, but there's no real reason to think that other than the fact they were standing in front of the school that shares grounds with Christ, The King church? What if some of the marchers gave me beads? What if I didn't realize it until later, but the beads that they chose to give me matched the color of one of the stripes on my shirt? What if it was so damned hot I had to nip into Kilkenny's Pub and have a pint? What if I hadn't had breakfast or lunch yet? What if I was pretty buzzed on that one pint? What if the proprietor gave me som flack about only having one beer? What if I should have said, "Well, you know, I'm not actually Irish?" What if that had made him give me a free drink? What if I suspect he's really Scottish though, so he wouldn't? ![]() | |||
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What if the Harry Potter marathon is all a cruel joke and we get there and there is none? What if we get into the cinema and instead of the movies there is a set of the first three books on each seat and you have to read them all in the time it would've taken the three movies to play out? What if security guards roam the aisles with canes to hit people if they fall behind or asleep? What if they each have a German Shephard and also a flashlight because they aren't going to turn the lights on? ____________________ ![]() | |||
What if that is so funny, i actually Laughed Out Loud? ********************************* | |||
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What if Yay its 5:30 AM..?? what if the suns up & Im going to bed Like a Good lil Vampire..?? What if dont tell Val Helsing..???? What if I pretend Ame isnt pickin on me yet AGAIN & I get good nite's sleep.??? What if that means nawty dreams about ME & Nicole Kidman & Kate Beckinsale & of course .. ME again..??? What if pushin 50 is only old if you FEEL old..?? what if .. go ahead cop a Good Feel... do I feel old to you..??? ![]() What if nity nite....?? | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if hooray, I made Ame laugh? ![]() What if BB is on? What if I hope Bree goes? What if stupid Bree? What if I think I hear fire works, or explosions? What if it's cold? What if it was hot? What if yuck? What if sweet zombie jesus I had a song playing on my computer that was quiet so I had to turn it up so I could hear good but it just ended and I got blasted away by 'Rebel Rebel'? What if that snapped me out of any tiredness I had? What if my heazrt is beating like a rabbitS? ~What if Brucy hadn't posted while I was typing? ~What if ![]() ~What if I'm pushing 20? ~What if that can't be right at all? ~What if there's no way I can leave my teen years behind yet? ~What if I only feel like I'm about 15? >.< ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I forgot I was a Scroll Stalker? What if it's not my favorite designation so I have to post a lot to get the faces back? What if I still wish the faces came with sparkly stars? What if or they were just sparkly faces? What if we went to the zoo today? What if they have a new Dragon Trail area with giant dragon nests and eggs? What if it's awesome? What if it rained a tiny bit right when we got to the dragon thing which made it even more fun? What if I love my new zip-off pants? What if except that all the zoo's mosqitos apparently live near the warthog pen's gross water hole and therefor looking at the nearby lion and tiger was unpleasant? What if because that was moments after I zipped off my zip-offs? What if my legs look like I have some sort of pox? What if still, neat day at the zoo? ![]() | |||
Dream Scroller![]() |
What if someone found a painting that I had to toy with? ![]() ![]() | |||
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What if oh my god, you people are freaks? What if I leave for 6 days and all I come back to is Harry Potter this, and Harry Potter that and xc doing his best Bellafonte impression? What if to a girl that's very sleepy and jet lagged, this is disturbing to read? What if it was nice meeting WP9, she has a truly beautiful singing voice? ![]() What if and sharing a cheesesteak was good too? What if and just hanging out was nifty as well? ![]() What if but other parts of being in Philly sucked? What if my ATM card went missing and I had no way to access the money in my account? What if I called the bank and got the card cancelled and thankfully no one had gone shopping with it? What if and my training was intense and the test for my certification was exceedingly hard? What if I'm glad to be home, Texas is the best place to live? What if cause damned Yanks aren't very friendly and it grates against my Texas/southern sense of hospitality and friendliness? What if yes you bastards, I can be friendly? ![]() What if I don't wanna go to work tomorrow? What if off to be a bum on my comfy couch? ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
What if i am home after spending the night with Maddie AND Salem? What if they plum tuckered me out? What if Maddie and I were both under Harry at the same time at one point during the night? What if Salem has more stamina than me? What if Maddie made me see subtext? ********************************* | |||
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What if Sara mentioned cheesesteak? What if I like cheese!? What if now xc wants cheesesteak? What if how about a cheese-cake for dessert? What if a grilled cheese sandwhich sounds good too? What if some Mad Cow disease makes it through to the cheese? What if said Mad Cow disease makes me moo-dy? | |||
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What if xc went mad and nobody noticed? What if Brucy's anti-depressants made him a little whacked and nobody noticed? What if lack of sleep made Sara cranky and nobody noticed? What if Sara changed her handle to Surly Sara and it took us all awhile to notice and only then because of the nifty alliteration? What if I got really drunk and posted online but noone could tell the difference? What if Salem finally took over the world and nobody noticed? What if zoom missed her daily Breakfast of Champions and EVERYBODY noticed something was off? What if Argeaux banned the use of the letter "C" and only Amethyst noticed? ![]() | |||
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