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Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I'm making a lot of typos lately, just in general? What if I mean generally, not just in the General forum? What if except that it has just been in the General forum as far as I've noticed? What if still, that wasn't what I meant? What if Margaret Thatcher said "disorientated" the other day? What if now I have to look it up and see if the British just say it that way, like aluminium? What if I'm leaving the typos, a gift for the ages? | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I kind of wish my typo announcement hadn't started a page? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if it was great to meet Sara too? What if thanks for the compliment, Sara, you caught me on a really good nite singing wise? What if I totally agree with you about certain aspects of this fair city--as I too have had the displeasure of less-than-friendly vibrations and I'm a native? What if we all just move to Ireland and hang out there? What if I convince Jim's Steaks to open up a chain there? What if they agree?(could happen) What if I actually lose enough weight to go shopping for new clothes? What if I may be twelve pounds away from doing that? What if that's exciting? What if pbs totally bites the big one?? What if, that's all folks? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
Scroll Tragic![]() |
quote: WHat if the Fish-Turds actually ran a Ron Reagan movie.. instead?? what if I was infuriated to have wasted effort & electricity taping 'the Destroyer of Nations'..??? | |||
Scroll Tragic![]() |
quote: What if before there was modern history..Witch doctors shook a bone at Brucy's illness & screamed bad JuJu & put the 'Master of Reality'(me) on anti-depressants..?? What if this was a HUGE mistake..?? what if after that regular doctors would use the Pyschaitric Horse Shit as a re-inforcement that the CFS (Unknown at that time) was all in my head..?? What if I will NEVER EVER EVER allow a Psychiatrist/Psychologist to get within 20 yards of me & remain alive for more than 10 seconds...?? *Evil ![]() What if Smirkys CONTINUING abosession with Alcohol is beginning to worry an old recovered alchy like me..??? What if 3/4 of the scrollers around here now werent here during my wee little tumble of the wagon that ended an 11 year Sobriety..?? what if a few more were around when I road tested my drinkin abilty again in 2000..?? What if my Increased postin is what causing all the other scrollers to catch Typo-itis..?? what if Im a disease infected vector of entropy designed to slowly to destroy YOUR world as YOU know it..??? What if ...Damn I love my Yob..??? | |||
Scroll Tragic![]() |
quote: What if Line 1 above does not applyto the same BB that line 2 does..?? what if line 3 does apply Also to 1 of the aforementioned BBs above..?? what if I use aforementioned ALOT lately to make people think Im smarter than I actually am..?? What if its failin & thats why Ame gets so annoyed wif me..?? | |||
Scroll Tragic![]() |
What if I dragged so much quoted stuff fronm the last page on to this page that it almost doesnt have a life of its own..?? What if it feels like its being devoured by its parasitic older brother ..?? what if alla this makes Ame even more sick of me..???? What if I post more insane garbage like..?? What if I ,& ONLY I understood particle physics well enough to crash my 2 nearly junk vehicles togther at Nearly the speed of light & got a brand new limo 2 Step vans a travel trailer & a snowmobile out of the mayhem..??? What if xenacraSed Argueax& Ulrich are the only ones to find the above what if to be humorous?? what if but all 3 for differing reasons..??? What if there IS NO reason.. & those old guys near the end of the Dark Ages just made the name up because they were sick of the Dark Ages..??? What if ,yes its obvious Brucys up past bedtime again..?? Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
Scroll Tragic![]() |
quote: What if shes not allowed to create words in the English Language only the Queen & Linxi are..? What if I refuse to identify Witch Queen..??? What if I admit Ame will probably reach 2000 posts Before I do..??? What if She admits I will reach 2 Million typos before she does..& we just call it Even..???? Edited to change 200 typos to 2000 Ack Ieven had to correct THIS sentece..3x,umm5x Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I feel dumb for not even thinking of BB being abbrieviations of both Brucy Braless and Big Brother? What if Brucy Braless was the TV show and Big Brother was the Scroller? What if everyone had to talk in abbrieviated form? W.I. tht wld b cnf? What if I'm so happy I didn't fall asleep during the marathon? What if I came close though? What if when I got out of bad at around 2:30pm, after going to sleep just after 8am? What if I wanted to stay in bed longer though? What if stupid ice cream man and his stupid bell? What if Heitie's day at the Zoo sounds like it was nice? What if I just realised I haven't made any attempt to make my hair presentable at all today? What if it's all sticking up at odd angles? What if it was fun to see the Philosopher's Stone and the Chamber of Secrets on the big screen again? ![]() What if I feel like reading the first two books again? What if I think I might? What if the Prisoner of Azkaban game has been fun so far? What if I've been playing as Hermione the most? What if I she learnt the Glacius spell? o.o What if it's cool? What if, literally? What if I feel like some doritos and lemonade? What if maybe I'll go get some? What if and watch this mornings Pokèmon episode while I eat? ![]() ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if i don't hug strangers? what if i don't even hug alot of poelpe i actually know? what if, while i do so enjoy a good hug between friends, etc., i am very judicious about just whom i hug? what if Brucy's typo-laden posts sometimes make my eyes go wonky? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I'm right there with ya zoom on whom I hug? What if cause yeah, personal space requirements must be adhered to and all that? What if but on occasion, I do enjoy a good hug from a friend? What if I gave WP9 an unheard of 2 hugs when I saw her sing? What if yes well, I was excited so don't hold it against me? What if bleh, I want some more sleep? What if I'm so glad to be home and back on central time? ![]() What if work sucks, I hate catching up? What if okay, back to work now? ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Chief Chesty Forlock![]() ![]() |
What if I've hugged zoomy AND Sara? ![]() What if I can't remember if I asked permission first? What if it don't matter - people tell me I smell good? What if I'm not so sure that I smelled that good by the end of camp, though? ![]() ~~~~~~~~~~ ![]() | |||
Chief Chesty Forlock![]() ![]() |
What if I keep thinking that all of Ame's posts are mine because I had the faces for so long I got used to seeing them next to my messages? What if Brucy should continue his posting frenzy because Ame only just beat him to the most posts last month? What if Heitie can get down on her hands and knees and beg for shining stars to accompany the faces ..... and she STILL wouldn't get them (but I'd appreciate the whole knees situation, all the same ![]() What if that's because the poor old Guardians have to get SOME perks for the jobs they so graciously volunteer to do? ~~~~~~~~~~ ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if ever shall I yearn for sparkly, sparkly stars? What if ad astra per aspera? What if or perhaps not? What if it was a nice zoo trip, Salem? ![]() What if I kept calling the chimpanzees 'gorillas', though? What if why, that's not like me? What if it goes with the recent typo thing? What if gorilla is just easier to say and I didn't want to tax myself in the heat? What if I wonder if anyone else dwells on these things for days afterward and wants to go back and shout CHIMPANZEES!! so people know I realized my error? What if lol, I first typed that CHIMPNAZEES? What if shouting that may cause discomfort to all involved? | |||
Ultimate Scroller |
What if I need to VENT? What if somewhere safe? What if therefore here I am? ![]() What if my brother and his wife are going to drive me crazy?! What if I had been on their butts for over a month now to GET THEIR TRAIN TICKETS to Paris and to GET THEIR FRICKIN' HOTEL because it's peak season? What if alas even with me on their butts they STILL didn't? What if they've apologized to me for being so bad about this stuff, and I accepted it, but now I've run into problems? What if I just got an email saying that the train tickets I bought for them are unavailable, and the lowest total is $442? What if the total we originally wanted was $202? What if this makes ME look like the bad guy but it ain't my frickin' fault because all the other trains are sold out at "so late a date" according to Rail Europe? What if not only am I having a hard time finding an available, cheap hotel, now I'm apparently having a hard time finding available cheap rail tickets? What if I don't need this stress? ![]() What if and Keith is in England right now, so Missy will have to make all the decisions with this? What if Keith will be in England for two months? What if then Missy goes over at the beginning of July to vacation with him where said Paris trip was supposed to happen? What if my whole family is deserting me for the month of July? ![]() What if fuuuuuun? What if I'm cranky now and I've only been awake for 45 mins...that's not supposed to happen? ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I totally hear Gabber on the stress thing? What if this stoopid sword that breaks in mid air I'm supposed to get for the opera Faust is just a mirage, a figment of the director's imagination? What if all directors are a pain in the butt? What if the bloody sword my assistant is workin on better work, if not, I'll just bop it over the director's head at the precise moment it's supposed to break--problem solved? What if nobody knows what I'm talkin about? What if, well no biggie cuz I'm just venting? What if, well, that's all for now? HEHEHEHHEHE! "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I just shared part of my bath with an earwig? What if not by choice, I assure you? What if it must've waited for me for hours on that shampoo bottle? What if they're that insidious? What if I offer a word of advice? What if, when you find yourself in a bath with an earwig, do not panic and stand up quickly? What if this creates a current which will only draw the creature close enough to your body to cling to something? What if that is the time to panic? What if I'm going to be jumpy for weeks? | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I take a moment to remind everyone that I hate summer? | |||
What if I think Jane is Maddie? What if, I want to hug Zoomie every day? What if I've never met any scrollers, so i haven't hugged anyone? ********************************* | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if xc takes a moment to remind Heitie he loves summer? What xc will trade Heitie this next winter for her summer? What if two summers this year for xc- YAY! | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if i have hugged numerous scrollers numerous times? what if i think i may even have hugged the Twinnies? what if Pasadena memoroies are just a blur of scroller-hugging? what if i'm hugging Ame in my mind right now? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
What if I hate summer at summer, and winter at winter? What if, at present it is winter? What if I not only hug Zoomie in my mind, but i hug her in my dreams.. ![]() ********************************* | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what it i'm now rethinking never having read the scroller dreams thread...? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
What if... 'giggles like a school girl' What if, ok, i better go to work, catch ya on the flip side? ********************************* | |||
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