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What if Mick wants to get a new TV? What if 76cm, flat screen gizmo thing, so we can also watch digital television? What if, i don't want rear projection, and plasma is too dear at the moment, so looks like it will be a 76cm? What if the tv in the lounge will move to the bedroom, and the one in the bedroom will be thrown out, cause the tube is dieing anyways. ********************************* | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if i forgot to scroll yesterday & can't recall where i was? | |||
What if xc must be a superhero, and he saved the world.. then forgot about it? ********************************* | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if when xc is out of our presence he doesn't really exist? What if he's a figment of our imaginations? What if he's just the product of somebody's sick, sick mind? What if xc's true identity is actually Accountant Boy? What if Accountant Boy has a strength of number crunching not known to mortal men? What if Accountant Boy can wither an evil IRS auditor with a glance of derision? What if xc can't actually add one and one without getting seven? ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if OOOOooooo "The Amazing xenacrazed"? What if hmmm "The Mighty xenacrazed"? What if "xenacrazed the mighty, he's roams thru the scroll-side he always needs a place to hide, with Jen Con as his sidekick fighting with her eggnog jug *hic* posting stoopid stuff- that no one likes can't take a hint- to take a hike- he's xc- he's xc the miiiiiighty- moron!" | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if xc just scared Ame &Nora away? What if xc doesn't have the presence of mind to know he doesn't exist? What if there isn't any evidence a mind was ever present in xc's hollow head? What if the sick, sick mind that xc is a product of was at one time parked in xc's head but recieved an eviction notice that no mind that sick could ever occupy any head? What if xc went on trying to exist anyhoo? What if xc hadn't had invented himself out of a sick sick mind's imagination, that somebody somewhere would have invented xc eventually? What if the correct way to pronounce "xc" is "ick, see?" which is short for "sicky"? What if xc is the disease that ya'll's gonna die of one day? What if there's no cure for "ick, see?" er xc? | |||
Scroll Tragic![]() |
What if YaY Ame ..!!??!! What if I was out gettin stuff when Ame did the Deed.. heehee What if Argy dioesnt retire this thread ...?? What if Ame stars the new one ..just Because...?? Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if xc didn't scare me away, but he just can't compete with 50 cent hot dog night at the Tulsa Drillers Stadium? What if it used to be 25 cent hot dog night? What if damned inflation? What if the parking was a mess? What if the dadblanged Xtian radio station was sponsoring a concert at the fairgrounds? What if it took up a huge chunk of the available parking? What if I think the media is spending a ridiculous amount of time harping on Cheney using the "F" word? What if I use the "F" word all the time, so I don't really think I can get on somebody's case for using it? What if there's been far more shocking things that have occured on the Senate floor? What if the honored gentlemen have engaged in actual brawls over the course of history? What if I cannot believe that the local news just devoted a whole 30 seconds to that non-story? What if Good Morning America devoted several minutes to it this morning? What if I sometimes wonder if our media is five? ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I'm glad to hear that money's working out and that new televisions are being adopted? What if that was kind of a cheap blanket What If? What if my little baby's in Texas and I miss 'im? What if ...*sniff*? What if he sounds much littler over the phone? What if his sister and I had dinner on the couch and watched Bring It On and I braided her hair? What if tomorrow we go crazy with the Easy Bake Oven? What if Maddie needs to clear her cache? | |||
What if, i have always wondered what an easy bake oven is? What if i am assuming, it's something you fake bake cookies in? What if i don't know how to fake bake? ********************************* | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i think it has something to do with a lightbulb? what if i don't know what to clear a cache means? what if anyways, my plan of hiding until it all went away seems to have worked ![]() what if salem bought me a pizza today and i'm eating it? what if sweet sweet pepsi aides the digestion? what if i add the theme to "dumb street" to my fav tv themes list ![]() what if and most of the themes of pokemon as well (not that stupid "we all live in a pokemon world" one though...smarmy bastards)? what if uh oh, now i'm full of pepsi and pizza? what if writing may calm me down? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I'm so nice, buying people pizza's? ![]() What if I feel like singing the Dumb Street theme now? What if I won't though? What if I have "don't worry mate, everything will be okay because I'm going to cook you a really big tea tonight" in my head? What if that's not accurate though? What if also "50, 40, 20, 10.. nothing..o.o"? What if eehehehe!? What if wow I was just put into a really bad mood by someone on MSN? What if the day was going so well too? What if Gary H. Sweet? ____________________ ![]() | |||
What if Salem bought Maddie a pizza just to flaunt his money? What if Nora was suprised that i didn't know what an easy bake oven is? What if Maddie is now in ![]() ********************************* | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if, like evrything in my life, i learned it from the simpsons? what if buffy's always there to pick up the slack? what if, if i ever have kids, i will not send them to school, instead i will sit them down and let them watch the simpsons and buffy until all the knowledge of the world is within them? what if, at least i'll be entertained ![]() what if 1401 words on my home and away fan fic? what if woohoo ![]() -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if, God i miss pizza but haven't been able to have it cuz of Weight watchers and the points issue? What if cuz the most i can have is one slice and that just doesn't do it for me? What if i just read about some othre options and I might just explore them cuz--I do love pizza dearly? What if i can't wait to lose all this weight and get on maintenence? What if I'm hungry right now? What if i have two bug bites one on my middle finger, one on my ring finger that were itching me like crazy? What if i hope i scratched them into submission? What if i'm happy Gabber's money problems are resolved? What if I'm glad Nora's tv problem is resolved? What if I nevre had an Easy Bake oven and felt so deprived as a child? ![]() What if i went to see HP3 twice yesterday to get away from this snarky man my husband sings with who was coming to rehearse at the apartment? What if that was a very pleasant evening indeed? ![]() What if I go see that movie next week too--and the week after and week after that--lol What if i just memorize every line like i did "The Outsiders" 21 years ago? What if OMG! 21 YEARS!!!! What if--I'm olllllld?? What if I console myself by remembering that when Sara and I hung out I got carded? woo hoo! ![]() ![]() What if the guy looked really shocked when he saw my id? What if woo hoo again? What if as you can see i'm in a better mood so it's all good? ![]() What if going insane on the insanity thread helped a bit? ![]() What if--astalavista babies? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if yes, I can vouch that WP9 got carded? What if heh and she was happy about it too? ![]() What if people need to check their freakin' email, but nevermind that? *grumble* What if tonight is Girls Night Out? What if we're going to be getting up to a bunch of mischief tonight? What if god help me because my two friends seem to think they need to find me a 'nice little woman'? What if that's funny considering they're both straight but want to fix up their lesbian friend? What if will wonders never cease? What if but I can find my own girl, thanks ladies? What if but it'll be fun being out anyways? What if okay, things to do, laters? ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
wht if an Easy Bake Oven is a little functioning oven (it bakes with the heat generated by a light bulb) in which kids can bake actual tiny cakes, cookies, etc. what if i bet Lyndon Johnson cursed on the Senate floor when he was Veep? what if then again ol' LBJ probably was more the type to cut out your heart with a friendly word and a smile? what if it's the Texas way? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Ultimate Scroller |
What if thank you, Kate, I'm happy they're resolved too? ![]() What if I'd like to see HP3 again...and possibly again too? What if I really do think it was the best of the three? What if I'm in a chatty mood and that's why I'm posting, even though I really shouldn't and should be working on crap? What if this weekend has now officially been dubbed the Speech-o-crap-o-rama weekend? ![]() What if however on the bright side, I found out today that I have Tuesday off from work? What if that's technically my "fourth of July"? What if that's a three day weekend for me, so yay, 'cause I'm gonna need it after I finish all my crap on Sunday night? What if at least I have finished all my stuff for my clients' travel plans? What if *sigh*? What if don't ask, long story? What if *grumble*? What if don't mind me? ![]() What if now I guess I should finish reading my frickin' Speech textbook so that I can begin my frickin' 4 outlines? What if my neck is already tense just at the IDEA of it, ugh? What if people who regularly ask, "What's your happy thought for today?" or "Aren't you happy? You should be happy" or nag me going "C'mon, you're supposed to have a smile on your face!" should be silenced...indefinitely? What if people can really annoy a certain Keri when they do that? What if I especially don't like being asked about my happy thought? What if it's a rare thing to be having happy thoughts when I'm shelving, sweaty, hot, and being annoyed by such questions? ![]() What if I said I was shutting up, so what if I do that already? What if no really? What if who else can feel Keri procrastinating? What if yep yep, me too? What if ugh, okay, I'll shut up for real now? ![]() | |||
What if i feel un harry obsessed, only haveing seen it twice? What if both times were with Maddie ans Slem? WHat if i see it again with my JessieBear? ********************************* | |||
What if i am making bacon and eggs? What if, and coffee for Mick, which i don't drink? What if, scrambled eggs, since i can never fry eggs to the way i like them.. What if, runny yolk, but the white cooked properly? What if it looks like a beautiful sunny day outside, not a cloud in the sky? What if, but i know the damned wind will be out there somewhere, freezing everyone's asses off? ********************************* | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I forgot to mention yesterday that Owen from 'The Vicar of Dibley' is going to be Barty Crouch in 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire'? ![]() What if I'm so happy for him? What if it'd be funny if he just played Owen in the movie? What if, but Barty is nothing like Owen? What if when they're at the Quidditch World Cup (assuming it's not cut) and he's with...that person who's name I forget, talking to the Weasley's, he can say "Can we hurry it along, I've got a very worrying feeling in my colon"? What if heeheehee? What if also, I now have Pokèmon Colosseum? What if, yay me? What if I also have all of Maddie's Pokèmon in my Sapphire game? What if she'll never see them again!? What if aaahahaha!? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Ultimate Scroller |
What if if it makes you feel any better. Ame, I've only seen HP3 once? What if so technically, you're more obsessed than me so far? ![]() What if alas, I have now broken out the Coca Cola in order to get some caffeine in me? What if I tried to take a nap earlier today because I was falling asleep while reading my textbook, but the gardners arrived 10 mins into it and the dogs were barking up a storm? ![]() What if I've been doing pretty well tonight, but now I'm feeling a bit tired, so Coke it is? What if I SO need a break from this crap? What if I finally finished all my reading and tests, and now I'm beginning my first outline -- my Introduction speech -- the easiest? What if babbling about me in condensed form...hopefully this will be easy? What if mmm, Coke? What if I'm already beginning to feel perky again? What if I really do want a break but alas, back to the grindstone? | |||
Dream Scroller![]() |
What if ive really been into the india theme of xena lately? ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i don't seem obsessed about the 3rd movie at all? what if the others i had to see over and over again? what if this one i don't? what if 2 times seems like enough? what if that's weird though, 'cause i'm sure i liked it better than i liked the other ones initially? what if i just feel i can wait for the video? what if salem seems like he's ready to hold my pokemon for all eternity? what if this won't do at all? what if i go to battle him in a months time, and he sends out a mighyena named "oz" on level 100 and he says "no no, that's not YOUR oz, i've ALWAYS had this one, i just...never showed it to you before"? what if that would give me cause for suspicion *squints*? what if, on the upside, i have a mudkip named kim ![]() what if, not that i'll ever see him... ![]() what if coke sounds mighty fine right now? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
quote: What if i like to see a perky Gabber ![]() ********************************* | |||
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