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Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i wonder if salem knocked some floo powder into the fire to turn it green? what if he then tried to go to "diagonally", but got sent to knockturn alley instead? what if he observed a devilishly handsome young boy with his father, but the powers that be thought that that wasn't interesting enough for anyone to acknowledge, so they erased it from salem's memory and glossed over it like nothing had ever happened? what if i'm not bitter? what if i thought johnny depp was american too, but he sounded pretty english the last time i heard him being interviewed? what if i thought i heard that he was living in france? what if he is a master of accents and alternates on a day-to-day basis to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses? what if i should really let this go? what if i wish i could really talk to animals, AND have them understand me? what if me understaning them wouldn't go astray either? what if i feel like i haven't blinked in a while? wat if, not properly anyway? what if it's early, but i didn't get much sleep last night? what if, because i got far too much sleep the day before? what if my insomnia did however give me the chance to learn how to hypnotise chickens and possibly alligators? what if some lizards voluntarily squirt jets of blood from their eyes? what if crop circles are formed by whirlwinds? what if they're whirlwinds kicked up by pidgeotto? what if salem attempts to capture the pidgeotto and hand it in to the boss? what if he does catch it, and the boss uses it to create more and more crop circles and cause public panic, then capitalises on the hurried buying of inflated rations before the alien invasion begins? what if the boss promotes salem for bringing in such a valuable pokemon? what if i ride along on salem's coat-tails as his team mate, but all i do is make sure that oz (my mightyena) is well looked after? what if, ok, salem will do that too - i'll just play with oz when i feel like it? what if oz is so cute ![]() what if i feel i may have lost any sense of logic in this what if? what if it's just me living out my fantasy in post form? what if maybe we could get a gyrados as well - that'd be cool? what if i'd say a charizard, but you know how it is? what if...maybe it wasn't a pigeotto afterall, maybe it was a wingull? what if, but that doens't make any sense? what if my point exactly? what if *passes out*? ~what if, what a crazy way to start a page? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if we had our own wise cracking Pokèmon that spoke human speak? What if it was the Gyarados? 0_0 What if I need to split into two so I can watch two movies at once? What if that would be cool if you could do that? What if I can't what if anymore because my brain has been sucked dry of all the what if juices? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I had something to say but now I can't remember it? What if I think he's American as well, but I'm not at all certain? What if oh, it was that I saw a multi-region dvd player/vcr on Amazon that was only 200 and something dollars? What if that doesn't look good all spelled out? What if it seemed remarkably cheap, but now having said it it doesn't seem like a big deal? What if I just found this on a website: "The Kentucky-born actor grew up in Florida where he developed an early interest in music. Joining a rock band named Kids, Depp found considerable regional success, eventually following the group to Los Angeles." ? What if other websites seem to concur? What if he sounds English because of vestiges of an American southern accent? What if he just wanted to sound English to screw with us? | |||
Scroll Tragic![]() |
quote: What if HEY HEY HEY !!!!! I KNOW I was 5 months behind on th rent but Im all paid up now..ThankQ very much!! What if Im STILL not sure HOW you found out about all my personal business anyways.!! quote: What ifIm not withholdin Anything from Anyone in the secret room under the house OK!!! Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
Scroll Tragic![]() |
What if earwigs are DAMN elusive on the internet..?? what if Gordon's earwig page is a total waste of time .. dead links Etc..??? What if the one linked to below is not colored at all like the earwigs around here but has generally the same body ..?? What if before you freak I tell you there pretty small 1/2inch long maybe..?? Earwig pic What if you want to know more youre gonna have to look YourOWNself..?? ![]() Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
Ultimate Scroller |
What if ewwww, Heitie, I hate earwigs? What if in a new season Survivor makes the people eat earwigs? What if that would hurt going down, pinching you the whole way? ![]() What if poor Nora...I feel sorry for her and her ear? What if a certain Keri is feeling overwhelmed as of late thanks to a certain Speech class? What if lots and lots of reading and thinking up topics I'd actually be interested in? What if my teacher made me blush (not in a good way) and feel stupid yesterday? What if I was already feeling stupid prior to that, but that just sank the ship? What if I think sometimes I should just hide so I don't have a chance of feeling like an idiot? What if I just keep to myself from now on? What if that sounds like a good frickin' idea to me? ![]() What if me, issues, why no, what gave you that idea? ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if New York has some freaking small earwigs? What if here they're more like an inch? What if they're apparently harmless, but undeniably gross? What if just the way they slither like that *shudder*? --what if I edited to correct my exaggeration? --what if I picked up a ruler and realized that an inch and a half long earwig would make me insane instantly? --what if half an inch difference doesn't sound like much but in an earwig context it can mean everything? | |||
Scroll Tragic![]() |
What if Ok its ben a Long Time since Ive seen one...decades maybe but....yeah I looked at an inch & Maybe 3/4 but no never an inch,not here ..?? What if Buffalo is so poor that even the Earwigs are mal-nutrished..?? What if an earwig even just an Inch long would freak me out...?? What if I dunno Where Heitie is exactly but maybe theres a different species there. What if the ones here are mostly a dark kidney bean red with dull brownish-yellowy thorax..?? What if Heitie's right & we dont need SUVs here to run over our Giant Earwigs..cause there are none??? Hee HEE What if we can stomp em with our Doc Martens...?? ![]() Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
Scroll Tragic![]() |
quote: What if you dont let em get yo ya..?? What if you seem mighty sweet & adorable to me ..?? What if I remind you that it was 'Evil Nora' who dragged you into that thingy before & my comment was addressed to her ONLY & not you..?? What if Smirky outsmarted me , not that its very hard to do ..?? Heehee Heee What if I apologize if you were upset by that & Promise to spank Nora as she so properly deserves if I ever get to meet her ..?? What if ![]() Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if the thought of malnurished earwigs makes me sad? what if i doubt any other place in all the internet would have as many mentions of the word "earwig" than in this very thread? what if i'm freaking out a little because my design teacher sent me an email? what if design - the subject i have handed nothing in for and what i skipped most of that last few classes of? what if it was a very nice email asking if everything was ok? what if i want to say "no", but i have nothing to back it up with? what if all limbs and family members present and accounted for? what if i wonder if mental semi-breakdowns count? what if again, nothing to back that up? what if she asked "do you have anything for me?"? what if as if i could hand things in now and everything would be ok? what if that's unpossible though because i have no access to anything that i need right now? what if, if i ask her nicely, maybe she'll give me the first week of next semester to do it? what if there's a hope in hell that i may pass afterall? what if i'm a little unclear if that's a good thing? what if i have no idea what to do, but i guess i'll just tell the truth and see how that turns out? what if *replies gingerly to email*? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if Brucy will only spank me in those wet dreams he keeps having? What if Gabber will still blush at the thought of Brucy having wet dreams? What if that's so darned cute? What if Gabber's blushing, not Brucy's wet dream? What if, oh dear I've dragged this thread kicking and screaming into the gutter? What if I like the kicking and screaming? What if Sara just said, "Oh too much information, ya whore!" What if that gives Brucy more fodder for his wet dreams? What if I hope that parents are keeping their children away from this thread? ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I did laundry today and all my clothes smell good? ![]() What if oh my god Brucy, can you NOT post for one day? What if cause yeah dude, posting to up your post count is well...gay? What if and not gay in the good way either? What if I love Nora but not in the good gay way either? What if although Nora wishes I did? ![]() What if I'm thoroughly amused? What if and nobody should get their knickers in a twist over the slang use of word 'gay'? What if well you can but there's no point in it? What if okay, that's all? ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i sent the email? what if, and now we play the waiting game........? what if...the waiting game sux - lets play hungry hungry hippos! ![]() what if i wish i was "gay" enough to post for the sole(soul?) purpose of upping my post count? what if sooo close to a thousand *drool*? what if i go post a dream i had instead? what if it was about robbie and kim again ![]() what if, the good kind of gay ![]() -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if Gabber just threatened to smack me in the not good way? What if she's calling me biatch? What if she's just giving a certain old pervert more raw material? ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if Madogis I wish you were gay enough too? What if but it's okay if you're not, not everyone can be? What if but you're cool enough to play Hungry Hungry Hippos? ![]() What if and that's good enough? ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Scroll Tragic![]() |
What if Smirky has a way of rakin me over the Coals AND setin me up as a universal punchin bag that even Ame cant match..?? What if its like watchin a chess champion outmanuver you at your best game..?? What if Ive been postin here for over 6 years now, so I doubt that any 'pantys in a bunch shrivelled lil girl'callin me 'gay'is gonna discourage me in the LEAST..??? What if her comparin me too gay people is an Insult to the gay people here at the scrolls..not me..?? ![]() What if I just ignore Sara from now on because her problem with me (Jealousy?)is SO obviously HER problem...??? ![]() Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
Originally posted by Madogis: quote: What if, yay, Maddie, someone else who thinks like me? ![]() What if, you know I didn't think of it before but part of why i actually LIKED Gary Oldman in HP3 was cuz he did remind me of Jack Sparrow? What if I think the possibility exists?(sorry, Salem! ![]() What if Depp is definitely American he just happens to be the male Meryl Streep with regard to accents? What if I have to go buy styrofoam balls tomorrow and go back to a dumb rehearsal? What if that kinda doesn't sit well with me cuz i planned to go see HP3 again tomorrow, now i gotta spend it listening to a director scream at me to set up the stage--and it's so demeaning cuz i'm not even getting paid?? What if--will I ever be free of these props??? What if AAAAAAAA!!!!!! What if....that's all for now? ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
Scroll Tragic![]() |
quote: What if Brucy hadda get up outta bed cause he was too terrified to think what might happen to his sorry Butt if Ame were to take this as a Challenge..???!!!?? *gulp* What if Now I dunno what to say ,Im stuck between a rock & a hard place..?? What ifI just up my post count to annoy a certain 'shrivelled panty girl' whom Im IGNORING..like full time??? ![]() | |||
Scroll Tragic![]() |
What if Soo close to 600..?? What if I just keep makin nicey-nice to Gabber..?? What if I point out that Noras the Pervert with the Smarmy posts & the dirty mind ... not me..?? What if this Bugs somebody..??? What if I see now that Revenge IS Sweet .. when its done the rite way..??? ![]() | |||
Scroll Tragic![]() |
What if rite below my name it Proclaims ME to be the 'Ultimate Scroller'..?? What if .... who knew..?? What if I suspected all along .. but the scroll gods & goddesses have chosen to Smileth down upon me..??? Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if but "ultimate scroller" is my title? what if i thought i was the only one? what if a pain i know all too well? what if, so this is what it sounds like when doves cry? what if *hugs brucy and cries*? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
What if, in actual fact I am the ultimate scroller, and don;t any of you forget it. What if, i live all alone atop of scroll mountain, since heitie's house must have slid down in a landslide, since it used to be above mine? What if for the third day in a row, jess is watching Death in Chains & Hooves and Harlots? What if i asked Jess if she has a boyfriend at pre-school, and she replied, 'NO... but i have a girlfriend'? What if we had a chuckle? ********************************* | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i thank everyone (finally) for helping out with my johnny depp crisis? what if i never actually thought to look it up o.o? what if i've just completed some artwork for my mother's birthday? what if, i don't usually commend myself, but seeing as how it's humanoid and i tend to suck at humanoids, wow? what if i'm talking it up when it's really not that impressive to people who aren't me and don't realise how much these sorts of things usually suck? what if, but at least i can feel special for a while ![]() what if my throat is dry and i've been without caffine for over 3hrs now? what if this will not do, this will not do at all...*goes in search of pepsi and chocolate*? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
quote: what if i've been sending Jess subliminal recruitment messages when she & i chat online? what if i didn't get my boxers in a twist over Sara's slang usage of "gay" but was insulted that she used any form of it to refer to Brucy Braless? what if to his credit, he forcasted such backlash? what if Nora is an instigator of perversion? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I'm glad zoom didn't get her boxers in a twist? What if cause that might be painful and that would suck? What if everyone, my deep dark secret has been exposed...I am jealous of Brucy? ![]() What if now I'm shamed that everyone knows I yearn to be JUST like him, in every way? What if no really...? What if, no...for real? What if and hey, I might be little but I'm no girl and I have Scrollers who can attest I'm not shrivelled? What if but it's sweet coming from a shrivelled dirty old man? ![]() What if Jess DOES have a girlfriend and that's funny? What if today is going to be a good day because my supervisor is gone as is the most annoying person in my office? What if work now? ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
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