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Ultimate Scroller |
What if LOL, you would, Shelley? ![]() What if I knew somehow that line was going to be perverted after I posted it? What if I successfully completed outline #1 in an hour and 10 mins, and it actually wasn't too difficult to write? What if though the other three need 5 research sources each, so that'll be more difficult? What if I'm not gonna work on those till tomorrow though because I'm burned out tonight and wanna relax? What if however tomorrow will so not be fun with three to do in a day, 'cause I meant to get two done today to even it out but alas, I suck? ![]() What if it wouldn't be too bad if I didn't have to research crap and could just state my knowledge and opinions? What if of course it isn't that easy? What if I'm shutting up and going now? ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I am a pirate king? What if I was born a humble captain's daughter? What if I am alone and yet alive? What if I am the monarch of the sea? What if I was a stupid nursery maid on breakers always steering? What if a policeman's lot is not a happy one? What if someday it may happen that a victim must be found? What if I've got a little list? What if a wandering minstrel I am? What if three little maids from school are we, filled to the brim with girlish glee? What if the flowers that bloom in the spring bring promise of merry sunshine? What if we give three cheers and and three cheers more for our gallant captain of the Pinafore? ![]() | |||
What if i ask why so many people get online these days and don't turn on their message programs? What if i kill you all? What if Salem has jinxed me, and i have been told that i have to decide whether or not to work 5 days a week, or get someone else in for the other 2 days? What if, i need to speak to mum, and see if she can have jess 3 days, than 1 (but it was two before till she got another day at preschool).. What if, more money, but less me time? What if, i like me time? What if i need to decide if i like money, or me time better? ********************************* | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i just beat ame AND nora ![]() what if now they're trying to get me back by luring me into a game of gin? what if ame's signed off though and hasn't told me where to go? what if i feel like this is the old "9th hole at 9" rutine? what if, it wouldn't surprise me if that made no sense (i have a history of confusing these things) - what i mean is, arranging to meet someone on the golf course and then letting them be attacked by rabid sprinklers? what if, is that what this is!? what if salem said he'd be back in "half an hour", and that was over an hour ago? what if why does everyone hate me ![]() -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I'm home? What if I'm sleepy? What if I only had one drink tonight as I was the designated driver? What if we had fun though? What if lol, the company I keep, I swear? What if they're freaks, freaks I tell ya? What if okie time for sleep, laters? ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I'm in a bad mood again? What if I feel like getting into a fight again? What if I go wander the streets insulting all I see? What if Going Under is on on my playlist? What if I'm going under? What if I'm not drowning in you though? What if the song ended? What if now Fame is on? What if I wish I was famous so there could be magazine spreads of me being angry? What if then one night she snapped it's all a blur, funny lady killed a man who heckled her, he just yelled out 'show us your tits' so funny lady pulled a gun and blew him to bits? What if now funny lady's on the run, stealing jokes from everyone. you'd better laugh when she's around, or else she'll put you 6 feet underground? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if everything worked out for the best, except that now i'm cold and alone and could cry? what if i seem to have 3 moods of late - weepy/contemplative, weepy/panicky, and weepy/angry? what if, note the weepy? what if i want drugs and lots of them? what if hard mind-altering drugs that make me seem like a fun out-going person, but let me scream alone in the dark when no one's looking? what if those kind of drugs? what if think it's called "alchohol" again? what if it's hard to get trashed off anything when there are parents monitoring things? what if it's hard to sleep all day and night when people are expecting you to do things? what if it's hard to stay friends with people when the only thing you ever tell them is how terrible your grey little life is? what if "oh no, i have it MUCH worse than the starving kids in africa with their putrescent diseases and back-breaking manual labour"? what if "so what if they have to drink the same water they crap in - *i* had to wake up before 3pm!"? what if such is the appauling state of my life and attitude? what if i might give anorexia a go this week? what if, yeah, see how long that lasts? what if i sleep all day and night anyway so it's probably not as hard as it sounds? what if anorexia AND alchoholism - there's a winning combination? what if i've been thinking about taking up smoiking as well? what if the sensation of hot smoke in my lungs sounds heavenly? what if i've been awake for over 7hrs - no wonder i'm so tired? what if don't bother telling me to shut my whinge hole - i'm kinda already there? what if, if anything should happen, it's no one's fault but mine? wat if drama drama drama - i wouldn't worry about a thing? what if *stares into the darkness and wonders how much blacker her soul can get before it dissapears forever*? what if good night everybody? disregard disregard disregard sorry for the cry-baby melodrama kids - i'll try to keep it happy from now on (yeah right) disregard disregard bye. -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
Originally posted by Gabber quote: What if Freaking Amen?? What if Keri just starts her own church with that one? ![]() What if I become a regular devotee? ![]() What if Maddie, I hear ya we all have days where we need to vent drama? What if I've been doing that off and on for weeks? ![]() What if I'm happy today tho? What if cuz the opera i had to do props for went SOOOO well last nite? What if I'm just so incredibly proud of my husband? What if watching him as the devil Mephistopholes was almost better than watching Johnny Depp in Don Juan DeMarco? What if this is a really good thing? ![]() What if I got trashed afterwards tho, more trashed than i'd been in years? What if I also got sick? ugh What if it was just cuz i didn't eat enough for dinner, I really didn't have that much to drink? What if, lesson learned? ![]() What if my husband was so cool about it, didn't even judge me? What if this is a rare thing in some people? What if, cool that i got one of the good ones? What if yay sara thanks for vouchin for the fact that i got carded! ![]() What if Keri I hope the crap ends REAAAAAL soon? What if, go treat yourself to wine and really good food when it's all over and see a great movie? What if--hmmmm let's see--HP3? HEHEHEHEHEH What if hello I'm WP9 and I'm Harry-Obsessed? ![]() What if David Thewlis is rather attractive in an odd sort of way? What if I'm looking forward to seeing Owen in 4? woohoo! What if--okay i'm gonna have another english muffin now? What if I got a toaster oven yesterday someone gave away? What if cool? What if bye now, goin with the cane? ![]() ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if i want to join The Church of Leave Me the Hell Alone, I Don't Wanna Smile, too? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if hey zoom, great name, you and Gabber should work together on this one! ![]() What if hey can I be a cantor? A singing one? What if I sing, "I am what I am" and change the words to "I'll smile when I want, leave me alone, the door is that way?" muahahahahah! What if we have a choir who sings things like the J.Giles Band's "Love Stinks" and john lennon's "Gimme some Truth?" Could happen. What if--later for now, I gotta go sing while I'm all inspired? hehehehehhehehe What if have a day? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
Ultimate Scroller |
What if Nora is not making sense? ![]() What if I answer Ame with the simple reason of that I have been too frickin' busy to chat with anyone this week? ![]() What if I've been working so much on different odds and ends that the only time I've been taking for myself has been if one of my best friends call? What if I don't allow myself breaks so I always welcome the break they provide me, lol? What if since I've gotten home from church this is the first moment I've taken for myself and soon as I'm done posting, I'm back to the grindstone? What if I'm glad Sara had fun at Girls Night Out? ![]() What if Salem in a bad mood seems like...blasphemy? What if LOL Kate, can't you just see that church? What if especially with you and zoomie as members? What if that'd be one interesting scene, hehehe? ![]() What if and thank you, I hope the crap ends real soon too? What if I plan on seeing a movie tomorrow or Tuesday as my reward? What if not HP3 though, that movie called "Saved" that looks pretty hilarious? What if I really like zoom's title for our church? ![]() What if alas, now I've run out of things to reply to dangit? What if I just finished the researching and actual writing of outline #2 on social anxiety disorder? What if I am now onto researching outline #3 on same-sex marriage? What if I hate all of this? What if I keep trying to remind myself one thing at a time though? What if because otherwise I could really stress myself out? What if especially because I don't even have a topic yet for outline #4 and I must write it tonight? What if *laughs a bit hysterically and then coughs*? What if man I'm getting tense again, I better shut up and just get back to it, *sigh*? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if--breathe, Keri, breathe? ![]() What if, take a nice soothing bath afterwards with bubbles? What if, and then have a nice long nap after that? What if naps release you from Too Much World? What if that's a saying by Sark, a free spirit who lives in a Magic Cottage in San Francisco? What if her books just rock? What if you have to see them to believe them? What if A Creative Companion? look for it at barnes and noble and start there? ![]() What if I actually preach for the Church of Leave Me Alone I Don't Wanna Smile(LMAIDWS) since I am an ordained minister anyway? ![]() ![]() ![]() What if LOL, hehe? What if anyway that movie Saved also sounds good? What if so does Stepford Wives? What if I just go see movies for the rest of the week? What if that sounds funnnnnnn? ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if my baby's home? ![]() | |||
Ultimate Scroller |
What if good Lord...finding acceptable research sources for same-sex marriage is hell? What if hell I tell you!? What if *hits head on desk because she has researched for the last hour and 15 mins and come up with TWO sites when she needs five*? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if Stalker Girl is really freaking me out right now(there's a girl who's stalkin me ewwwww)? What if i hope and pray she doesn't get this other girl in the middle--cuz i kinda like talkin to the other girl she's really fun? What if the other girl just signed on and i hope and pray she doesn't ask anything about Stalker Girl? What if I'm so freaking tired? What if my one friend's not here and that's kinda a bummer cuz i don't know if i'll be awake enuff later? What if--well--this is a short one, bye for now?This message has been edited. Last edited by: Free Madness, "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
Scroll Tragic![]() |
quote: What if you take it from this Scrawny ex-smoker recovering alcoholic who has dabbled with drugs...{like a fly testing out fly-paper *gulp*} Your 'grey little life' is way better than living with an un-alterable life of mistakes.... Beside youre too adorable to fade away,trust me....Adorable is GOOD... just ask Xena she likes em like that to.. heehee About the weepy part... there will be spells like that in life.. I had to teach myself how to have a happier outlook...so maybe You can learn from my mis-adventures.. Never forget: Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. Douglas Adams (1952 - 2001), "Last Chance to See" ![]() Brucy Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
Ultimate Scroller |
What if I am intrigued by Kate's Stalker Girl? ![]() What if dear God...outline #3 is officially finished now? What if good Lord, that took forever? What if the same-sex marriage proved to be so intense that I went ahead and decided it would be my 7-10 min persuasive speech instead of the 5-7 min one? What if that hopefully means this last persuasive one should be less intense? What if...that is if I can come up with a frickin' TOPIC?!? *cough* (No issues, really) ![]() What if I SO need to break out the Coca Cola again because I'm beginnin' to feel a bit tired and Lord knows I can't think straight when I'm tired? What if and no, there is no rest for the weary because it's due by 8:00 am so I gotta stay up and finish it either way? What if I officially hate Speech? What if you should be glad you are not in my shoes right now? What if it's stress-city? What if alas, one thing at a time, and now I only got myself one thing left? What if granted, it could take me another two hours or so to finish it but that's not the frickin' point? ![]() What if yes, Keri is grouchy because she's tired of so much work? What if waaaah, can't I have a break? What if pretty please? What if pssh, not likely? What if this really sucks? What *sigh* shutting up and being productive again to try to think of a topic now? (What if...that's if I can think?) ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if, thanks Keri I had a good time? What if but lol, again I must mention the fact that I associate with absolute freaks? What if but I prefer them that way? What if I should be going to sleep but I threw my sleep schedule off this weekend by staying up so late BOTH nights? What if that means I'll be extra tired tomorrow at work and I have mass amounts of things to do? What if I didn't brood today, go me? ![]() What if run away Kate from the Stalker Girl? What if stalkers are bad, they suck donkey nuts? What if yippee I got an answer from one of my favorite authors about her sequel? What if that makes me happy? What if and oooh!, she's a nerd and plays Warhammer 40k which is RPG, similiar to Mordheim which I play? What if ahh it's so nice finding geeks who still like to play D&D like games? What if I hope the speech outlines go well for you Keri? What if school sucks, that's why I'm a slacker? What if alright, now I'm off to find things to entertain myself with? ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I'm out of my bad mood? What if all it took was hitting things into place with a hammer extra hard? What if now to go back to being care free? What if it'd be fun if there was a Scroll excursion to go see Harry Potter 3? What if, with Scrollers who wanted to go of course? What if it'd be no fun if Scrollers were forced to? What if I'm happy for Heitie her son is back safe and sound? What if it must be nice not needing to worry any more? What if not having to study and research and do homework was one of the reasons I didn't go to uni? What if, besides not knowing what the heck I'd want to do there anyway, but still? What if now I don't know what else I had to mention? What if I had nothing to mention? What if I haven't mentioned any of this? What if I'm not even posting? What if this is all a dream? What if someone needs to wake me up so I can post it? What if someone needs to.. wake me up inside? What if ![]() ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if thanks, Salem? ![]() What if it's nice, nice indeed? | |||
What if i want to join the church also. What if, can i be a topless can can dancer on bingo nights? ********************************* | |||
What if, day one, of five days of work week down, eh slem? What if, think of the money ame, think of the money? What if i am cooking dinner? What if it is 8pm? What if, i am just waiting for the rice to cook? ********************************* | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I was surprisingly less tired than I've ever been at work today? What if it's probably because my body didn't get a chance to get into a long sleeping pattern? What if I'm going to become a creature of the morning? What if at least I'll be a creature with money? What if a creature with money but no time to spend it? What if I haven't yet grasped the point of it all? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if this is for Ame? What if I just got done reading the TWoP recap of the Spider episode of Charmed? What if it says this at the very end? What if Next week, it's another clip show, this time centered on the Glamorous Ladies' collective misdeeds with regard to, um, something. I'm sure it's all Phoebe's fault. Isn't it always? What if hehe? ![]() ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if, once again, breathe keri, and drink some good Merlot if you have any? ![]() What if thanks, sara, yeh stalkers DO suck donkey nuts? what if, Keri, I wish at least it was a Stalker Girl i was attracted to, but alas, she just doesn't do it for me? Pity. ![]() ![]() What if even if she did do it for me, she's a bit homophobic so that wouldn't work? What if i never intended to become good friends with her as homophobes don't do it for me in the friends department but she added me to her im list and i felt sorry for her cuz she has problems? bleah. ![]() What if I've got a soft heart that way sometimes? What if I also think she's a closet case? ![]() What if, ewww at least let her be interesting and attractive! then i could work with it! ![]() what if, anyway.... What if I blocked her last nite and she emailed my other email account and was all wiggy? What if i blocked her there too? (take THAT!) What if she got on this message board we met on and was all freaking about me being mad at her? What if I said I wasn't mad but would get mad if she didn't shut up? What if no not really but prolly should have said it? What if, well i think the worst is over at least? What if I'm not going on that message board anymore? What if she actually backs off(pleaaaaaase?) What if she doesn't and i can't post at other boards i like cuz she goes there unless i change my name? What if arrrrg?? What if--anyway, moving on...Salem's idea of a scroll excursion to HP3 sounds like so much fun? ![]() What if I wished we all lived closer together so we could do that? What if Ame's contribution to the church sounds very intriguing to me indeed? ![]() What if I've said it before in so many words but I'll say it again--Phoebe is annoying, I miss Prue? What if cya for now? ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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