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Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I can't resist posting again to be at the top of the page? What if it's been so long? What if I snagged a Granbull between posting? What if I wish there was a Xena movie in cinemas right now? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if un-FREAKIN-believable!? What if I snagged Raikou?! What if my favourite of the 3 legendary beasts? ![]() What if it took a lot of time and reviving of pokemon for it to use Thunder on so it wouldn't get hurt with recoil Dark Rushing Quagsire, but I snagged it?!? What if this is one happy kitty signing off? ![]() ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if well, I guess I can say she's his girlfrind now? What if after two dates? What if....interesting? What if in a completely unrelated statement, apparently the modern over 35 crowd has no f%@#$@^# idea that safe sex really IS f%@#$^# important? What if ok, not totally unrelated? What if everybody in between partners should be tested for everything before starting any new relationship? What if has everyone gone crazy stupid while I wasn't looking? | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if Salem's tentacles made me feel better? What if I did misread it? | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if it strikes me that some of my last posts may be seen as a bit personal? What if such things should not be spoken of? What if that's the problem, they need to be spoken of before more people get hurt? What if I'm all for grown-up activites and fun, but safely? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if there's no such thing as personal? What if it's all for the greater good Heitie? What if I'm a big fan of safe activities? What if it's just good health policy nowadays? What if you're welcome Kate, I figured you'd wanna know? ![]() What if lol, your enthusiasm was cute? What if oh god, I was up way too freakin' early and I can't go back to sleep? What if *grumble* pisses me off? What if I haven't even played City of Heroes yet Salem? What if but when I do, I'll let you know what kinda super hero I end up choosing? ![]() What if I saw a Spyro game in the store yesterday and thought of Salem? What if I'm sleepy? ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if have a nice nap, Sara, you deserve it? ![]() What if I'm an advocate of naps? What if I'm also an advocate of safe sex? What if I simply don't get why people my age are acting like such imbeciles about it? ![]() What if that shocks me? What if at least my husband doesn't have a problem with the condom issue? What if i had a boyfriend who did, but thank GOD I never caught anything from him? What if my cat is meowing at me? What if she's so cute? What if cya for now? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if thanks, it's nice to find some sanity in the world? ![]() What if I asked that both active people in question be tested for a variety of passable ailments before anymore of these appalling shenanigans, and they've agreed? What if it really is just common sense? What if I seek out more people with common sense so I don't have to be the voice of reason all the time? What if, as an aside, there was fairly heavy drinking involved, so those PSA's really ought to be paid attention to? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if heavy drinking aside, caution MUST be taken with sex? What if cuz it's just horrific, what STD's can do? What if I don't ever relish the thought of getting AIDS and was panicking big time when i went for my results?(thank God negative, phew! ![]() What if I just write a book about this? ![]() What if Heitie, you write the forward? ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
Ultimate Scroller |
What if I'm sleepy too and thinking of taking a nap in a min? What if thank God today was the last day of work for the week, and I have the weekend now to catch up on my sleep? What if STDs bad? What if don't expect deep thoughts from me right now, lol? ![]() What if I found out my grades on two of my four Speech outlines today? What if I got 100% on my Introduction speech? What if I also got a 97% on my big 7-10 min Persuasive speech on same-sex marriages? What if I'm really happy with that last one because if you remember from my posts, it was the hardest to research and write? ![]() What if he thinks I need to build a better solution though, which I can see his point? What if however, he gave me a great compliment? What if: "This is one of the best speeches I've read on same-sex marriages. Well done."? ![]() What if that's a big deal with him because he was warning us NOT to write about same-sex marriages because we've "heard it all before" or whatever? What if I still went against his advice and did it anyways because it's important to me? What if and he liked it, so yay? ![]() What if and also I think he was getting the impression that I wasn't a good student before and now I'm proving him wrong with my A in the class where As are difficult to get? What if mwahahahaha? What if *cough* I can't help it, I like proving people wrong when it comes to what they think about me? ![]() What if sleepy now and going to try to take that nap? | |||
WHat if shrek 3d, isn;t actually worth it, except for the small unseen chapter that happens between 1 and 2, that goes for about 20 mins? What if i am annoyed at salem, because he didn;t make the effort to at least what if about where he went for 2 hours, without saying he was going anywhere, or logging off, and not replying to all my messages, so after yes 2 hours, i got offline and went to bed with Harry? What if *cries*? What if not a soul in online at the moment? What if i just reminded myself that i had to tell Argy something? What if i am excited that i have a dvd player in the bedroom now? What if so now i don't have to be waiting for mick not to be watching fox to be able to watch a dvd? What if we need to change our lounge room around now, to make it look nicer to suit the new tv? ********************************* | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if *sigh* no nap for me? What if but it'd be nice though? What if I made my character, her name is Phoenix and she's a Mutant Controller? What if dude, she's hot for a super hero? ![]() What if yeah, I made her that way, lol? What if but #@!#^&(*$#@^&* apparently I don't have enough memory to run the game? What if goddamnit! I thought I did? What if I need to buy more but...I don't wanna? What if cause that entails getting dressed into real clothes instead of my tank and boxers and going out into the world? What if bleh I suppose I'll have to if I wanna play anytime soon? What if damnit!? ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I snagged Entei this morning? ![]() What if I'm home alone? What if I managed to get out of going somewhere? What if so now I'm playing Pokèmon with The Bitter Suite soundtrack on loudly? What if I'm so cool? ![]() What if there are a lot of people cutting up the tree that they took down yesterday across the road? What if it involved a car, rope, a chainsaw and a video camera? o.o What if I want to finish Story Mode of Colosseum today so I can transfer into my Sapphire? What if I'm jumping back and forth with my what ifs? What if my misspelt tentacles didn't help? What if I think the people are chopping down more tree's? What if there is a car stopped out the front of my house? What if I hope it's no one from here? What if I'm not presentable enough to go answer the door at the moment? What if I need to train my Pokèmon so they're at least all on level 40? What if I left last night because pizza had arived? What if I was planning on bringing it back up here but didn't get past the fire and the lounge? What if and then after that there was the movie to watch? What if Noctowl just grew to level 39? ![]() What if The Bitter Suite just ended? What if now what? What if Monday's should really be a part of the weekend? What if I'm not ready to be up at 6am again yet? What if Everybody's Fool is on? What if I know the truth now? What if my computer wouldn't be able to handle playing games? What if I end this erratic what if now? What if it was erotic? o.o ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I've spent the last few days trying on lots of different dresses? what if somewhere along the line I got rather expensive tastes? What if I'm thinking I should blame What Not To Wear? What if none of the dresses I really liked were on sale? What if I'm a must be on sale to buy kind of gal? What if most dresses aren't made for women who are bigger than a B cup? What if it's very frustrating to put on an empire waist dress only to find that they haven't allowed enough material for your breasts? What if one dress I found actually had the bra built into it? What if I thought it made me look a bit flat chested though? What if I'm really tired of button-front dresses and shirts that freakin' gap no matter how much extra material is there? What if I don't know why women get fake boobs? What if they are rather inconvenient sometimes? ![]() | |||
Scroll Tragic![]() |
What if .. not tonite I have a Headache..??? ![]() Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if la Bella is so old he can't get into his wet dreams anymore? ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i'm hungry? what if i'm sleepy? what if i need to find a friends quote that has been bugging me for months? what if i go do that in liu of food and sleep? what if *sigh*? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if there are 101 registered members at the scrolls? what if i feel like a dalmation? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i have chocolate and milk? what if they kinda balance each other out? what if ok, not really? what if saw that crazy punctuation book that heitie was talking about? what if i read the back cover and was so confused by it, that i simply put the book down and slowly backed away? what if it did seem intriguing though? what if i also saw somthing called "bible code 2" or some such? what if it claimed to hold the answers to armageddon? what if i slightly believe it, but slightly think they're just making stuff up to capitalize on the paranoia of the general public? what if true or not, they are capitalizing on the paranoia of the general public, and that kind of irks me, because i'm generally paranoid in public? what if, so i went back to looking for self help books by dr. phil and tony robbins? what if i'm such a victim ![]() -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I wonder if Maddie was too self conscious to purchase the self help books? What if I won a game of Scrabble today when I had 5 points and Maddie and Nora had 50+? What if oh the cleverness of me!? What if I suffered a crushing defeat in Pokèmon Colosseum though? What if my whole days purpose was ruined and now I have to wait a whole extra week to play again properly? What if listening to "In The End" didn't help? What if I tried so hard and got so far, but in the end it doesn't even matter? ![]() What if I had to fall, to lose it all? What if my Umbreon carried the entire team of 6 to where we go though? What if his efforts may bump dear little Aipom out of top place among my favourite Pokèmon? What if I should be in bed? What if I dream that I'm actually in the game and lose in front of all those people? ![]() ____________________ ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if they didn't have the kind of books i was after? what if there was one called "the myth of laziness" which sounded like it should be all about me, but it wasn't ![]() what if i'm almost certain that my laziness is no myth ![]() what if dr. phil's life strategies looked interesting, but for $22, not just yet thanks? what if i'm sure it would be a wise investment, seeing as how it's supposed to make my whole life perfect forever, but i had to buy interview with a vampire damn it!? what if 2cd best of bowie as well - score ![]() what if i meant to tell kate that i do dream in colour, and yes, very VERY vivid? what if the mulder dream was a lot darker and more washed out than usual though - lots of browns and greys and oranges? what if i wonder what it all could mean? what if i posted a semi fan-fic at that robbie place, it should be interesting to see who responds and how ![]() what if i know i'll have sweeeet dreams tonight ![]() -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I may or may not have placed a fairly large Amazon.com order yesterday? What if Buffy 6 may have been in it, but I'm not at liberty to confirm? What if wait, this just in, Buffy 6 was in it? What if I was still reeling from the shock of the previous night's events which mostly don't concern me, but they do for health reasons? What if I needed to fill a void...or something? What if I wish Paco had frozen his sperm before this fiasco? What if now I have to wait for months of testing if I ever want to have another baby? What if I clarify that while other sperm would probably work, I'd want to use his for many personal reasons? What if if everything turns out clean I make him freeze some immediately just in case his judgment lapses again? What if I promise my next post will be about something not related to Paco's genitals? What if I just squicked myself out a little typing that? What if tentacles? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I never want to hear again about how I drag this thread into the gutter? What if okay, only if I'm the one saying? What if the rest of youse can say nothing? What if the phrase "Any Sperm Will Do" sung to the tune of "Any Dream Will Do" just popped into my head? What if curses, Heitie? What if a song in poor taste shared is a song in poor taste amplified? ![]() | |||
Scroll Tragic![]() |
What if after much deliberation I follow Nora into the gutter..?? What if 'Any Sperm will do" is a near fatal mistake most women make..?? What if when a woman reproduces with an Ice-hole why should she be surprised when her kids are unruly Ice-holes?? what if,why is it that, they Always seem amazed & wonder what they did wrong..?? What if 50% of personality is Genetic..?? What if Identical twins serparated at birth & unaware of each other, even, turn out AMAZING similar..??? What if theres so much to the Heitie-Paco thing Im squicked out & that takes alot..?? ![]() What if theres NOT a woman wise enough to want Ulrich's ummm stuff ..for their child...?? What if women think men are their problem but a mental self-examination might prove to be more beneficial than blame laying..??? What if I mean 'laying' in the most figurative sense odf the term.?? What if Im not the most intelligent man on earth butIm among its wisest..?? what if...Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see. Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 - 1860)?? what if maybe this applies to me..?? ![]() Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
Scroll Tragic![]() |
What if... Imagine this if you will,that the 'Common Wisdom' of our times isnt as Wise as most believe..?? ![]() What if it would seem that bees have abandoned my garden for this year & it appears Im gonna have to do alla the pollinating MyOWNself..??? What if thats Not something I signed up for ..??? ![]() | |||
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