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Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if it was a good magic computer pen I had once? What if now it's all out of magic ink? What if I'm going to have to travel to Hogwarts to get a new one? What if and I'm all out of Floo Powder? What if I took the 'Go To Hell Andrew' very personally? What if everyone involved in the making of the show has made it onto my list? What if they'll get whats coming to them? What if isn't Kerri-Ann such a good sport? What if, appearing on a show on another network to be thrown into a bear trap and have a net dropped on her and then thrown into a cell with Gabriel whatever? What if I hope she's alright? ![]() What if WP9 comes to Australia and we hold a special Home & Away marathon? What if, not that we have that kind of power? ![]() What if I wish I could run through the old forest too? ![]() What if I wonder if the school would object if we just went in during school hours and played? What if Wheel of Fortune was kinda funny today? What if Tim Smith had his shoe consfiscated for throwing it at another contestant? ![]() What if and he wanted to solve the puzzle when it was someone elses go? ![]() What if he won too? What if he pushed Alf out of the finals tomorrow though I think? ![]() What if oh well, rini is still there? ![]() What if Thursday night has good viewing for me? What if a packed schedule from 6:30pm til 11pm? ![]() What if Neighbours, Home and Away, Charmed, Comedy Inc and then The Footy Show? What if the Footy Show is at Perisher Blue tonight, which is always entertaining? What if they suspect someone will die? What if someone probably will? What if I wish *I* had a 3 day weekend? What if I'm listening to a version of Bring Me To Life without Paul McCoy in it? What if it's kinda cool? What if and it provides fun material to pretend I'm singing a duet with Amy? ![]() What if, though I thought the song would have changed like the live accoustic version, which skips the "All of this time I can't believe I couldn't see etc" verse, going into 'Wake me up inside' after 'Darling only you are the life among the dead'? What if but no, its still there, just without his lines, so its kinda strange, just music for a while, then "I've been sleeping a thousand years it seems got to open my eyes to everythiiiiiiiiiing" "don;t let me die here"? What if yeah, kinda strange? What if I cut my finger again today and didn't realise it? What if I'm building up a resistance to pain? What if the first sign something was wrong was when I saw blood trickling down my thumb? What if today was a fun day music wise? What if 'Like A Virgin' was on and all I could think of was Magda singing it ye olde style? What if ![]() What if so was 'Nothing Compares' was on also, so that brought Gina into my head? What if 'I have no hair, you fools'? What if I wish the true colours song was on? What if was thinking about it though? What if I need some neeeeew glasses? What if also several Evanescence songs were on, 'In The End' was on and so was 'Wherever You Will Go' which I assosciate with Xena? What if The Panel was fun last night? What if that small jazz person was very amusing? What if but he's really small? What if when he was sitting with everyone? What if when he was performing, if I was a part of the shows crew, I would've been freaking out thinking "he's standing on the piano!!" What if it was fun when he didn't agree with what Glenn was trying to say and then Glenn said something like "Yeah, I don't like it either"? ![]() What if Neighbours is just starting? What if I wonder what will happen tonight? What if it looks like it's going to be about Jack and 'Mac' and Lou in prison? What if oh dear, the episode is called 'The Sexy Side of Fifty' What if sexy...fifty...lou...prison..? What if oh god *flee's the house with arms flailing* What if *comes running back in with arms flailing after hearing the delightful Izzy just say those words about Karl, so its in no way related to a prison scene, crisis over ![]() What if Maddie is getting all worked up because its almost time for Home & Away? What if Kim did seem to hesitate with Brooke when they were on the lounge? What if he was thinking of Robbie? What if thats what Maddie tells herself to make the situation more bearable? What if Maddie's slash course sounds interesting? What if she goes in with a link to The Restricted Section and says 'feast your eyes on this guys!'? What if she either recieves a gold star for a good find, or a "we've ALL been there before"? What if either way, it couldn't hurt? What if I thought Jack just said "Let's beat off then"? O.o What if I'm pretty sure he said "be off"? What if Izzy's tangled web of lies is getting more tangled? What if she's pretty though, so it's all okay? ![]() What if the brochure for Target has the Ducktales DVD advertised!? ![]() What if the urge to spree while shopping is getting stonger? What if the Atmosfear DVD game thing looks highly like Nightmare? What if even with the gatekeeper? What if the Nightmare one is better though? What if awful game? What if I'm always the youngest when I play it with people so he always picks on me? What if mean Gatekeeper? ![]() What if my what ifs are all over the place? What if people might think I have mulitple personalities? What if as if, no one else would think that? What if people might think I have multiple personalities? What if you can all get stuffed the pair of yis!? ____________________ ![]() | |||
What if, i can't believe Salem's what if is the last what if? What if i want to know where the hell Nora is? What if i want Nora to know, that i have been slack sending her Parcel, but i have a day fof work today, so i'll send it today, yes sirre bob, i'm sending it today? What if i was looking for one last item, but was unable to find it, to add to the bundle? What if, since you weren;t expecting missing outting thing, you won;t miss it? What if I checked my account balance this morning, to see if a cheque had cleared.... and YAY, i also got my tax back? What if.. for aussies, i did e-tax and it took a week and a half.. woohoo. What if, now just waiting the last 5 days till Xena comes out on dvd and i am all set! What if, my working week is finished, yay yay yay What if i spend the day online and no one ele turns up? ********************************* | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if here I am? What if I was away from my office for three workdays last week? What if I was away from Oklahoma for about four days? What if I was in California land of my childhood? What if it was strange to see how people had changed--and stranger how some hadn't? What if I didn't realize why people were so shocked at my short hair? What if I looked at the old high school year book and saw why? What if I'd had ridiculously long hair as a senior? What if our class valedictorian works for Google? What if my friend who was a cheerful atheist as a high school freshman is now teaching missionary children in Peru? What if one of my friends literally lost more than half of her weight and is looking pretty damned good? What if I'm wondering what Ame has for me? What if I'm hungry? What if I tunred on AIM hoping that people would be on it, but nobody is? What if that makes me want to cry? What if not really? What if I wonder why I bother turning on the IMs anymore? What if I think I'm going to lose internet access at home? What if I need the money for other crap? What if I hope things start happening soon? ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I'm on vacation still? What if I just barely called in to work today to check in? What if I'm just relaxing and taking it easy? What if the most strenous thing I've done so far is watch I, Robot in the theatre?\ What if I rather like that film btw? ![]() What if I bought the Season 1 DVD of Dead Like Me? What if cause morbid humor revolving around people dying is SO my cup of tea? What if Nora, my hair is cut awfully short now as well? What if cause I wanted to be just like you so I cut it? What if for real...no, really...no, for real? ![]() What if actually, it's too f*cking hot in Texas and I have very heavy, very thick black hair? What if so yeah, much shorter? What if I can't sleep so I'm up typing? What if I cannot wait until next month so I can buy a new computer? What if I'm using a work computer to get by? What if I'm not even home, heh? What if don't mind me, I'm going now? ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Chief Chesty Forlock![]() ![]() |
What if short hair rules? What if short, blondish, spiky hair rules even more? What if I'm going out to Oxford Street tonight with some Xenites, wearing a new brown shirt and black fur-lined parka I bought this afternoon? What if I'm a tired as crap, so I hope we don't stay out too late? What if I'm glad that lila997 won't be around, as I'm in no mood to deal with fires? ![]() ~~~~~~~~~~ ![]() | |||
What if Lila likes matches? What if Lila needs to rply in Maddie's aussie thread, since she has been here? What if Gabber does too? What if i bought Jessie a pair of rollerskates today? What if they are the type you put on over your shoes, so can adjust them to different sizes? What if they also have stages too? What if stage one, the middle wheel is locked, so basically all you can do is walk in them, until you are used to balancing? What if stage 2, unlocks the middle wheel to go forwards only? What if stage 3 is forwards and backwards? What if Argy has fun!! and see no fires? What if i bought Anne of Green Gables and Little Women, in a hard cover set, on sale today, for Jess when she is older, cause i loved those books as a child, well actually, i still do? What if i am eating curried mince? What if Bree gets evicted tonight? What if i can't belive Argy is going out, with an eviction looming over our heads? What if Salem isn;t home in time to see it? What if, he actually is, and he's watching neighbours, ignoring me? What if the Australian Idol i taped on wednesday didn;t work? What if the Blue Heelers i taped on same said night, was on the wrong channel, on a different vcr? What if that reminds me, i need to read up on what ppl thought about the final ep of angel.. that taping DID work! ********************************* | |||
Ultimate Scroller![]() |
What if my goodness it's been a long time since I've been able to post here? What if I usually only have time to lurk around? What if damn the people who take away my internet time? What if silly work and friends? What if but I am here again, I'm always around? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if oh what the, Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer on DVD! What if quick, everyone, look what I did! >.< ____________________ ![]() | |||
What if, i can't figure out what you did? What if mick decided against going to the pub, and what i came back to the comp, salem was gone? What if I bought HP5 in soft cover, just cause it was just released, and then on special at Target? What if i have had the urge to read it for weeks, but my aunty borrowed it way back, god knows how long ago, and i am sick of waiting to get it back? What if, ok, i have no patience, and i like spending money? What if since all my others are in paperback, i needed to get it in paperback to complete the paperback set? What if we just peeled prawns? What if they are yummy nummy? What if i was going to wash some clothes today, but its not drying weather, so i'll put it off till tomorrow? What if i try and do a really long what if, like maddie does? What if my fingers get tired before i do? What if i can't remember what else i was going to what if about? What if i hardly ever like the finale episode of shows? What if, that's because i don;t want shows to end? What if 1 more ep left of this season of charmed? What if, at least it has another season (at least) What if, only a handful of days left on BB now? WHat if i hope, really really hope, Bree doesn;t win? What if i didn;t want Ryan to either, so lucky he got evicted last night? What if Trev or Paul I am cool with? What if, i actually prefer Paul to Trev? What if, imagine what it would feel like that very moment you find out you just won a million dollars? What if i ask all the what iffers what they would do, if they won a million dollars? What if i am bored..... wanders off ********************************* | |||
Scroll Tragic![]() |
quote: What if Ame STOPS puttin my name in at : http://www.deathclock.com/ What if I really Dont Wanna know I only have a few daze left to live..??? What if Im Afraid ...very afraid to go to sleep.. because THATS when they come for me ...at night..??? What if ...*gasp*... (silence) | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I use a million dollars to live on and live happy and comfy for the rest of my days? ![]() What if the opera is allllll over? What if I'm not as sad as others are, but I feel purty darn good it went so well? ![]() What if Mozart really likes my voice? ![]() What if Salem has me tempted about the Home and Away marathon? ![]() What if my cats won't shut up? What if it's so cute? What if and they've even been fed, they just want attention? What if awwwwwww! ![]() What if I hope Sara has a great time wherever she is? ![]() What if I'm sure her short hair looks really great on her? What if I'm sure Nora's does too? What if I already know Argy's does cuz i met her once? What if short hair really works for some people but not for me? What if cuz i just feel like Samson? ![]() What if--clips and ties, that works for me in the summer? ![]() What if I'm hung over and can't sleep anymore? What if I love to drink but it doesn't always like me? ugh What if it'll be nice to have August off? ![]() What if hubby and I are going to Massachussets for three nites? What if it's our first vacation togethre in over three years? What if coooooool? ![]() What if I'm almost dreading East Enders tonite? What if as much as Bianca got on my nerves with the Dan thing, it's really hard to see her whole family turned on her? ![]() What if, especialy Sonya, saying, "you're not welcome here anymore!" What if OUCH? What if I have a feeling all will be forgiven later, it always is? What if I can't wait? ![]() What if and I really hope they all just run Dan out of town? ![]() What if Carol--Alan baby? Maybe? What if, or maybe David will come back and they'll put together their great love cuz David did actually love her? What if hmmmmmm? What if(sigh) David was hot, I miss him even tho he is selfish? What if as soon as i realized he really loved Carol, I was like COME ON COME ON! What if hmmmm again? ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if there was a remote control to our lives that could reverse or fast forward to the good times? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if the remote control was crappy and you kept fastforwarding just past where you wanted to play? What if you rewound, but it kept making you relive the bad times before you could get to the good? ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if you could pre-set the remote control to where you wanted to go, and it would go there faster than the speed of stoopidity, thereby not having to relive any bad times? What if you don't want a crappy remote, don't buy a JVC? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I feel like smoking a cigar? What if I feel like letting my hair grow until i'm all hairy? What if I feel like sitting around in boxer shorts watching football? What if I don't even like football? What if it's just one of those days? What if East Enders is so sad I almost cried? ![]() What if all things considered, I just hope Bianca goes the hell over to Manchester and gets a life? What if I hope Dan gets the hell out of there I'm sick of him! What if poor Carol? What if I need to do something productive or I'll go nuts? What if there's more on my mind than a british soap but I'll leave that alone for now? ![]() What if laters? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I spree'd on the weekend? ![]() What if the Ducktales movie on DVD now belongs to me!? What if *spins around and holds it triumphantly in the air*? What if also Simba's Pride on DVD? ![]() What if and most importantly, I got over having season one of Xena on store bought video and got the DVDs? What if next, Season 2, and then Seasons 4, 5 and 6 hit stores this wednesday? What if season 3 had been all lonely? What if but no more! ![]() What if I'm really ticked off that they didn't call 'The Lion King 3' 'The Lion King 1 1/2' here? What if it'd make a bit more sense and it sits nicely next to the original on my shelf, being a similar colour whereas Simba's Pride is all blueish? What if and also, the ad for Simba's Pride says "Now you can own the final part of the Lion King trilogy!" but there's a movie out there masquerading as number 3 while this has a number 2 on it!!? What if no no none of this adds up at all? What if all this talk of hair is reminding me I need a haircut? What if it's way out of control? What if it's getting like Gabrielle's again and I'm not talking season 4 +!? ![]() What if okay, so it's not that long at all, but it paints a funny picture? ![]() What if I cut my finger real bad today? What if so bad it required fake stitches!? What if there was blood before I'd lifted my hand to see after I felt the initial pain? What if I went to wash it but that made it bleed so much more? What if, as if I'd just been on a different kind of spree? What if I'm tired? What if Big Brother ends tonight? What if I haven't been putting BB into the death clock? What if no one wins a million dollars tonight? What if it turns out it was all a big joke and the winner gets a kick in the behind and Gretel gets a million? What if I'd be totally selfish if I had a million dollars? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I'm listening to Sinead O' Connor? What if it's Universal Mother? What if that is her best album? ![]() What if OMG, it's good to hear her voice when my stupid ex voice teacher is here runnin his yap about the bloody opera company I no longer sing in? ![]() What if it's just what the doctor ordered? ![]() What if that thing on my mind is a lil more bearable today? What if I go swimming and maybe do two hours of slow swimming? What if hmmmm, the beach would be nice this summer? ![]() What if bye for now? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I am home from vacation? What if I had a rather nice, relaxing vacation? What if vacation mojo has carried over? What if I must shop for a wedding gift for my cousin and go to her wedding this weekend? What if bleh, I just want a weekend at home? What if soon? What if okay, I have mounds of paperwork on my desk to go through? What if laters? ![]() ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
What if i'll have to edit my sig now? What if Xena came out early, and I didn;t know about it? What if ![]() ![]() ![]() What if, i am going to get s4 this afternoon? What if, and i'll get s5 and s6, by next thursday? What if, they are there, i will layby them? What if just in case of a mad rush of xena fans? What if, well you never know ![]() ********************************* | |||
What if, i didn;t find out they came out Monday, instead of Wednesday until Tuesday, after the shops closed? What if, at least the release wasn't delayed... seen THAT before. ********************************* | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if look look look! time to sign in! oooooohhhh? what if you've all been hilarious, if you'd like to know ![]() what if i just learned that the central coast is in the 'darkinung' region, aboriginally speaking? what if, well there you go? what if i saw xena boxes at that dvd place in erina months ago, but i wasn't sure if they were just boxes, so i said nothing? what if they've just been sitting there since june, waiting for someone to come buy them? what if i hope that ame has her boxes by the time she reads this ![]() what if hooray for rainbow bright ![]() what if i get the feeling that *someone* may be borrowing that ducktales dvd at some point also? what if i still haven't watched that dbz dvd that mother had signed for me? what if this is just an elaborate excuse to bring up the fact that i have a signed dbz dvd ![]() what if, not that anyone cares? what if woohoo! lunch at the uni bar? what if i haven't been there in aaaaages? what if i'm anti spreeing at the moment? what if i took most of my pent-up energies out on spotlight? what if 40 bucks worth of crafty things later...? what if i'm just lucky that there are no dvds and/or cds that i desperately need to own just now? what if, although futurama calls to me whentever i go the store? what if i could only afford the one box though, so i'm still in the process of choosing carefully? what if, still, interview with the vampire (my last dvd purchase) rocks ![]() what if i thought my cd drive on my computer wasn't working, but it turns out that media player is just all kinds of screwed? what if i'm running them from something called "roxio" o.O? what if i can't remember if i've mentioned this, but it's just about the highlight of my week? what if the rest has been study study study? what if, no, seriously O_O? what if i'm as shocked as you are, quite probably more so? what if, not that i'm getting anywhere you realise - i'm just alienating myself from my friends and family, and more importantly, tv? what if, if it wasn't for h&a, i don't think i'd ever leave my room of a night time? what if i keep forgetting that comedy inc is on? what if it's the new angel? what if, no, it's the new rove? what if i never remember that either of those shows are on until about an hour before they start(if i'm lucky)? what if my arm is starting to hurt form typing? what if i'm not used to this crap anymore ![]() what if i WILL be online until 6pm tonight, because i'm making a consciencous effort to keep in touch? what if i've forgotten what argy's name is - that's how out of touch i am? what i'll never forget salem's name though, 'cause i'm currently using it as a university password o.O? what if i needed 6 letters and i panicked? what if i'd already used my regular passwords and they'd all expired, and i was on tina's computer, and and and i could feel her eyes in the back of my head saying "why the HELL is she still on my computer?" and and and i didn't know what to do and I WAS PANICKING!!? what if, so yeah, hope you don't mind...? what if you'll be happy to know (i think) that you're replacing iydomi ![]() what if i should really attempt to write about iydomi more often? what if, ooh, at least i'm not completely out of touch with writing his name, cause i keep wanting to use a capital letter ![]() what if i feel proud ![]() what if, never mind, i'm just going crazy again? what if i'm meeting someone for lunch soes i'll see yas all laters? what if there were far too many s' in that sentence? what if...essssessssss....? what if, i've had my moment? what if, that's it, next shopping event, i'm getting a futurama box? what if, of course by then i'll be scrounging around in a gutter, trying to scrape together enough money to wash the stench of socio-economic failure out of my wretched clothing? what if, oh well, you get that? what if, ok, off to lunch, i'll see YOU later ![]() what if *waves*? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Ultimate Scroller |
What if never fear, Keri's here? ![]() What if not for long though 'cause I have to go in for a 10 pm - 7 am shift at Borders? What if yeah, I'm so stoked about this, can't you tell? What if I packed a baggie lunch 'cause yeah, my lunch is going to be at 2 am? What if I pass out, or get pissy from lack of sleep? What if that would be fun? ![]() What if I'm really going to have to pull out the refills of Coke to get through tonight? What if yes, as you can see, work has been a bundle of joy? ![]() What if other than that though, I'm in a fairly good mood? What if oh, and my parents came home from their month-long vacation in New Zealand today? What if man, now I feel confined, 'cause the other rooms are not at my disposal anymore and I have to stay in the comp room or my room? What if I miss the TV, lol? What if I swear, you know it's coming time for me to move out when I miss my moments of independence (although I don't miss being alone at night, mind you) and am neutral about seeing my parents after a month of not seeing them? What if I'm babbling because yes, I am confined to the comp room and I don't know what else to do for once? ![]() What if I'll save ya'll and shut up now? ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if, well that's interesting, i'm automatically signed in on this computer? what of this must be a remnant of that time in my life where i felt it would be a good idea to have all the macs in the uni sign me in automatically? what if i didn't think i used this computer much in the past, but i guess i did? what if huh? what if salem just showed up but ditched me for some kind of feed? what if *still crying*? what if this computer knows the wonders of msn, by the way ![]() what if i thank god - credit where credit's due - 'cause i actually prayed for msn as i was walking here ![]() what if the lord works in mysterious ways? what if i've been *gasp* researching again? what if i crashed a liberry computer after smashing my way through a firewall on the big brother site? what if, and i thought i was so clever too? what if the lady i got to fix it watches bb also? what if we had a minor discussion, none of which i can remember now? what if i think that this was the best season on bb ever? what if nice people, friendly manners, and lots of immature giggling ![]() what if i was researching the merlin/paul incident for my australia class thingy? what if thanks for the replies to my thread by the ways - you guys rock ![]() what if ame, you'll be interested to know that your "map of tassie" thing made it into my official notes ![]() what if the first line of my conclusion was "australians are perverted" ![]() what if i just make sure that no one minds having their views on the subject handed in as "research"? what if you're all fully credited...well, your screen names anyway? what if it's just notes like i said, so i wouldn't worry about your intellectual property being stolen? what if, unless one of you sues me for plagerism? what if, hey, we're all friends here ![]() what if i could kill for either a pink donut, a froke, or an apple/cinamon k-time bar? what if all of the above wouldn't go astray? what if i was reading somewhere that "go astray" is a replacement for "go whoring" in some early american bible somewhere? what if i doubt a donut would go whoring? what if, you never do know though? what if i'm concerned about salem? what if he's not back from feeding yet? what if he's cut himself on a bench corner and is slowly bleeding to death, as he seems prone to do? what if oop, he's back, marvellous ![]() -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I'm imagining Maddie writing "Map of Tassie" while reading it out to herself and underlining it? What if the dvds at the erina place were probably seasons 1 - 3, because I've seen them sitting on the shelf of the wall there? What if and all the boxes look the same? What if I dunno whats been the best season of big brother? What if I liked the first because it was all exciting and new? What if and the dominatrix lady had a Charmander doll? What if I hardly watched the second season? What if the third was alright? What if so yeah the 4th probably is the best? What if ohh celebrity big brother, that was fun? ![]() What if how can a series with a Xena star AND a Xena impersonator NOT be fun? ![]() ____________________ ![]() | |||
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