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Scroll Tragic![]() |
What if the onlinevirus scan @ trendmicro found the worm.swen.a virus on my computer...?? what if THATS whats been causing me alla this grief..??? What if the ravantivirus site gave me a clean bill of health just this afternoon..??? what if the other faster comp is so boggled up I cant get it online to do a virus scan..??? what if the scrollers who think Im an old catfish knew my dad was born in 1921.....?? what my paternal grandma was born in 1888 or 9..???? What if it was so long ago shrouded in the mists of antiquity that I cant be sure any more..??? ![]() | |||
Warrior Scroller![]() |
What if that's a lot of typing, Vrucy! What if I got a free Mexican seasoned corn-on the cob on a stick because I sang a song in German? What if they asked me to sing in Swedish but I told them I don't know any Swedish songs? What if the folks at the mercado call all white people of light complexions Swedes whether they're Swedish or not? What if my domain couldn't find itself and thought it was an IT consultant from Florida? What if what if? | |||
Ultimate Scroller![]() |
What if oh stop the insanity!? What if tooo many posts to catch up on? What if I hope ya'll weren't saying anything about me? What if but oh well if you were? What if I think I injured my ankle? What if because it has been stiff all day? What if and kinda swollen looking? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |||
Ultimate Scroller![]() |
What if everyone goes to www.photobucket.com and types in Jubilee478? What if minus the question mark? What if and you will see all kinds of pictures of my friends and I doing all kinds of odd things? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |||
What if Brucy thinks I am illiterate, but he's confusing it with illegitimate? What if Salem and Nouchy snuggle up on the back row of the movie theatre? What if, he told me, that, he thought naughty thoughts in that darkened cinema? What if, i just hung my shirt nora got me on the line, so i can dry it, in time to wear tomorrow, for the Xenite get together? ********************************* | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I've just finished cleaning my computer files? What if it's going into the shop tomorrow for some dust cleaning and fan adding, etc? What if Paco's taking it in in the morning hoping we'll get it back tomorrow afternoon? What if we'll see, it's difficult to be optimistic about these things? What if I just know they'll drop it or find some horrible disease in it? What if so if it seems I'm away for a long period of time, that's why? What if I hope the computer guys wash their hands? ![]() | |||
What if, call me stupid, but i never realised until last night, that Lizzie McGuire's 'dad', was Louis from revenge of the nerds? ![]() What if.. go figure? What if, i knew i was slow, but not that slow? What if someone else tells me they didn;t realise either (that is old enough to know the revenge of the nerds movies? What if, looks at Young Salem? ********************************* | |||
Chief Chesty Forlock![]() ![]() |
What if I'm glad that Brucy found the virus on his comp? What if it's frustrating to have one of those suckers around? What if I really like to use the Trend Micro virus scan too? What if I'm liking the plan about WP9 singing high C in people's ears who don't have clean hands? What if, after she's done that, Heitie and I can run in and decontaminate them, ala Jacque from Finding Nemo? What if it always seems to come back to Finding Nemo, in the end? ~~~~~~~~~~ ![]() | |||
Warrior Scroller![]() |
What if Revenge of the Nerds so rocked? What if I like saw it in the theater? What if everyone should go out and rent it? What if I knew I guy who looked like Booger? What if I knew another guy who looked like Lamar? What if the nerds saw me naked? What if that means they saw a naked nerd? ![]() | |||
What if i can picture Argy and Heitie decontaminating people, ala Jacque from Finding Nemo? What if, i see Argy today? What if I am trés excited? What if i am gunna get trés §hitfaced? What if i take photos and copyright them? © WHat if, ok, i am just fiddling with symbols now? ********************************* | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if my computer came through surgery just fine? What if the guy wouldn't put in another fan, though? What if he said 2 plus the board fan would be fine? What if I'm still running at 62 degrees? What if at least it's not yesterday's 73? What if he did put in the memory I asked for? What if woohoo!? What if this is a zippy, zippy machine? What if I'm insisting on an 8MB cache in my next hard drive and am meeting with some resistance from the above tech guy? What if he's the one who insisted on the 8MB cache last year to begin with? What if also, the 120GB ones are evidently only $8 more than the 80GBs? What if so, I guess a 120, then? What if he's also putting in higher end fans next time because it sounds like a jet engine? What if it interferes with my pleasant type-click moods? What if "higher end" sounds like they're made from platinum, but they're really like $13 each? What if he again doesn't feel they're necessary, and really I'm glad he's so conscientious? What if but any little bit I can do to speed things up or cool things down quietly and efficiently I'd like to do? What if I talk about something other than my computer? What if I can't think of anything? What if all I ever talk about from now on is my computer? What if, did I mention my gigabyte of RAM? What if we got The Apple Dumpling Gang from Netflix? What if Paco wants to watch it with the kids so they're waiting? What if I hope they share our appreciation for Don Knots and Tim Conway? What if particularly since The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again is on its way? What if hail Netflix? What if we don't really save much on rentals, but it's the late fees that would get us? What if plus you don't have to look at some clerk while you rent lesbian themed films which can be somewhat uncomfortable in a conservative town such as this? What if speaking of lesbian themed films, I watched one called Fire the other day? What if it's from India and is fabulous? What if you all rent it? What if everyone rents it at once and the rental places buy several more copies to meet the apparent demand? What if it's the Slim Jims all over? What if Abby looked particularly lovely on ER last night? What if I never even watch ER, but it was on the tape after Will & Grace so I indulged? What if because of Abby, mostly? What if Steven Keaton is looking a bit too serious lately, isn't he? What if he's not shappy? What if I give a cookie to the first person who knows what that means? What if I wonder if that show's shark was the heart attack? What if heh, shark attack? What if I go to the jumping the shark website and find out? What if I bet it'll load very quickly? | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if load quickly it did? What if it seems the birth of Andrew got the most votes? What if I'd forgotten all about that? What if that's very odd since it relates to the cookie deal in my last post? What if it's almost time for The Simpsons? What if I have nothing else to say about that other than that itself? What if oh, except that I ordered the Simpsons Monopoly? What if we have the National Parks one, which I love, and a Deluxe, but I thought it might be nice to have a wide variety? What if maybe it'll get the kids more into board games and less with the Gamecube? What if the Gamecube is in the shop, actually? What if it stopped reading discs so the nice Nintendo people are fixing it? What if nicest customer service guy ever? What if I feel the need for a new suit of spy clothes? What if it's because I wish to look snappy while I exact vigilante hand cleanings? What if according to spy union rules we have to wear suede riding boots? What if...because I want suede riding boots? What if it's impossible to find them with the narrow calves? What if when I show them my spy card we'll just see what happens? What if I wish I was in jr high so I could make a little pretend spy card and it wouldn't be considered tragic? What if ah, here are The Simpsons? | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if Abby was was pretty smokin' on ER last night? what if i like the Nemo-esque decontamination idea better than a Silkwood influenced decontamination sceanrio? what if wire brushes are right out? what if you people need to embrace the germs? what if use that immune system or lose it!? what if i all really does come back to Nemo in the end? wht if i thought it always came back to Xena? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
What if i am trying to figure out why the birth of Salem even got votes? What if hehehe? What if i have cold feet? What if, not for parting tonight a la Xena style, but the actual, i need to put socks on cold feet type? What if you realise how many words have the letter c in them, when you have to cut and paste that letter every time you use it? What if Zoom and I were discussing Luce's 3rd childs name? What if, since he shares a b'day with Zoom, we have changed his name to 'Lil Z', i hope Luce doesn't mind ********************************* | |||
What if, it does always come back to Xena? What if as you cook your evening meal.. ta da, marinated Gabby on a stick? What if, when you are waking up.. ta da, Quill is mightier, and waking up with a jerk? ********************************* | |||
What if, i will do countless posts, a la Bruce? What if, ok, i am only posting again, so my name will change? ********************************* | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if like, you're posting at the scrolls and TA DA!--you're Gabrielle? what if, no...wait...?This message has been edited. Last edited by: zoom, WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if heh? ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if thank God today, the work day, is almost over? What if it's been super stupidly busy? What if bleh? ![]() What if but b is in en route and still alive? ![]() What if Nora will be on her way soon also? ![]() What if this weekend is going to be SO much fun? What if I can't wait? ![]() ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
What if we're gunna have a better weekend? What if, cause Aussie's know how to PAR-TAY? What if ti's freaking 9 degrees outide? What if *whimpers* What if, Sara never turns her IM on anymore? What if i kick sara's patootie? ********************************* | |||
Ultimate Scroller![]() |
What if *cries* I wish I was having a scroller get together? What if but I live in Iowa? What if and there is no one close? What if *sings "All by Myself"? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if my birth is what caused the whole world to jump the shark? ![]() What if one day soon thousands of people will gather outside my house with pitchforks and signs with my picture and a big red cross through it? What if I'm not having a get together this weekend either? What if I'm all by myself too? What if there's no one home but me? What if I put on my spy gear and go to Heitie's house so I can play Monopoly? What if everyone in my house HATES the game? What if I just have the normal version? What if it's probably the UK version though? What if there is an Australian version though? What if I just remembered I have a travel version of Monopoly Jr? What if I want Edna Krabopoly? What if the game is crazy enough as it is? What if how can a hat be a land lord? What if because I very rarely had any one to play the game with when I was younger, I used to get three of my toys and play against them? What if, I had to do everything for them of course, but it had to do? What if once I attempted to create a Sonic the Hegdehog version of the game, by making up a new game board but it didn't get very far? What if why wasn't my family bigger? >.< What if I watched 'Ziggy Stardust and The Spiders From Mars' for the first time last night? What if it was not at all what I had envisioned? What if "*crying* When are they gonna get to the fireworks factory?"? What if, oh well, I've watched it now and I feel better for it? What if Fast Forward in Rewind is supposedly out on DVD now but *I* haven't seen it anywhere? What if I think my DVD player is broken? What if it occaisionally briefly pauses when watching DVDs? What if all my things never work properly? What if I want to play Spyro 2 but my uncle has all 3 of my Playstation Spyro games at the moment? What if using my spy equipment I get in and out of his house in 18 seconds, grabbing the games? What if everything outside looks very strange? What if the sun is casting an odd coloured light on everything? What if it's like I'm in a sepia coloured picture? What if there's probably a bushfire somewhere? What if crap? What if I burn to death hugging my Athena picture? What if my hands were freezing last night while watching TV? What if I put gloves on? What if I felt like I should have been in an anime, because I had gloves on, but no long sleeves? What if they were black gloves though? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if Salem should come to my house and play Monopoly? What if Paco and Paco Jr would both play as well but they wouldn't know who you are because of the spywear? What if they'd just keep asking if you brought any crocodiles with you? What if Salem could also play with the kitties and I could show him photographs of the cat I grew up with who looked exactly like his avatar, but with fewer pedastals? What if the possibilities are endless? What if then we'll go to some public restrooms and through our disguises confront the unclean? What if "Paco, we're going out for iced cream *wink-wink...pulls ski mask over face*"? What if but then we'd really get some ice cream, when the job is done, when we've *melodramatic pause* made a difference? What if I would also make Salem play The Sims, or at least look at it? What if I cleaned my room today and now it's giant? What if whenever we have someone over *coughplumbercough* everything cluttery gets stuffed into my room? What if it builds and builds? What if plus sometimes I'm too sleepy to fold the laundry and that just has a way of piling up? What if it's all unpiled and put away and I'm sort of disoriented? What if I want on my wall a picture of Don Knotts making a face? What if not as Mr Furley, though, because the colors are all wrong? What if plus his hair? What if Barney Phife will do just fine, thank you? What if we watched The Apple Dumpling Gang this evening over Chinese? What if I understood it so much better than I did when I was 5 or whatever? What if ooooh, a brass beeeeed? What if that makes me think of the 'go to bread' fiasco? What if maybe Santa will bring the Simpsons dvds *hangs stocking and waits like a Who*? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
what if we're really sloshed? what if nora and bailey are here and i can't tyupe in capitals? what if holy crap exotic beer? what if zoom, we toasted to you? wahat if bleh so sleepy and drunk? what if work tomorrow though? what if so much fun with bailey and ryan and kc and nora? what if yeah yay hooray talking to salem? what if drunken rambling? what if bye? What if Nora is too drunk to type straight? What if Sara is too drunk to take Nora's pic while she types? What if Bailey saves us? What if Bailey is just too freakin' tired to be as drunk as Sara and Nora? what if, hi this is bailey? what if, i've never what if'ed before? what if, i'm being pressued to do so now? what if, nora is choke holding me right now? what if, not in the good way? what if, hold on, i gotta answer salem? what if, it was a loooong drive, but worth it? what if, i've put my bartending skills to use? what if, zoom, we didn't really toast you, but since sara typed it, we REALLY did, with 'breakfast of champions' and everything 'to zoom'. what if, i'm so glad i came down? what if, i'm harassing salem about his sex life? what if, shy cute little boy? what if, i missed the scrolls? what if, glad i have time now? what if, everyone in the house, drunk rambling? what if, i wish i was way drunker than i am? what if, sara just poked me in the cheek? what if, in the good way? what if, way more drunker than the camp out i hear about? what if, gotta check on shy boy? what if, my ponytail shakey skakey? what if, flat iron? what if, they are waaay too entertained with my hair? what if, just one of them? what if, guess which one? what if, we're all gonna drive to see my dad? what if, way cool? what if, salem is filling me full of crap, because he thinks i don't know any better? what if, that makes him such a cute little boy? what if, i feel like the ringleader here? what if, ery body in da club gegin tipsie? what if, for the love of god, has salem got any? what if, we should post now, for the greater good? wo ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if i love drunken Scrollers? what if i actually participated in an alcohol-free Scroller meeting? what if we were quite high onlife however? what if thanks for the toast, bailey? what if thanks for nothing, Sara? what if, j/k--i forgive you since you obvious have me there if spirit(s) with your acquistion of The Breakfast? what if you all don't forget to have some for breakfast now, ya hear? what if i go have some for breakfast now as inspiration? what if i wonder how the Oz party contingency is faring with their Margaritas? what if i was hoping perhaps to catch their besotted asses online this a.m., but slept in this gloriously rainy morning instead? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
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