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What if I missed post 333 but I think #350 is ALL MINE! Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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What if Penelope Cruz is on TV..?? What if I dont get what the Big Deal is with her..??? What if I just removed 3 lines of what if ..?? what if I just dont wanna be remembered by that remark in case Im hit by a roto-rooter truck & never return to the scrolls again..??? What if Sly Stallone is really a jerk....not just playing one on Tv..??? | |||
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What if I send BruCy BraLess more used weather this week? What if BruCy says "I laff at your used rainy weather XenacraZed!" What if by friday BruCy is building an ark saying "Now I really laff at xc as i used his rainy used weather and this ark i gunna sail to Aussieland to see Ame yay me!" | |||
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What if the main local Subaru we're looking at is $7500 but needs a radio/cd player which is about $800 installed (Paco likes factory)? What if plus it has a large number of scratches on the doors? What if it appears the previous owner had a very large and excitable dog? What if there are some on eBay for as little as $4500-6500, with the cd player, etc., and have few or no scratches, but we can't drive them first, what with them being in other states? What if still, you can fix a lot of incidentals with $3000? What if I'll be glad when all the searching is over? What if I persuade Paco to look at other local dealerships because we do have dozens of them, even though this one's his favorite? What if again, glad when it's decided? | |||
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What if I've been checking out a DVD coming soon list? What if a movie called 'Link' caught my attention, just because of Zelda? What if I clicked it to see what it was? What if it was made in the 80's? What if, I didn't type this next bit, so don't blame me for it's badly written..ness? What if "Student Jane jobs as an assistant for the animal researcher Phillip in a lonesome old house. They life alone except for the chimpanzees and butler Link: a 45 years old very intelligent orang-outang. Phillip wants to put Link to death. However before he can do this he's vanished tracelessly one morning. Link starts behaving more and more aggressive and prohibits Jane from using the phone or reaching the next village. When she punishes him by locking him out, he becomes violent."? What if, hehe, doesn't that sound like a fun movie? ![]() What if I wonder if anyone has seen it? What if, I wonder if they used a real orangutan for all scenes, and to make him violent the crew zapped him with an electric stick from a safe distance, leaving the actress to fend for herself? What if, it's funny in my mind? What if I have nothing else to add, except for a stern look in Madogis's direction? What if where the hell were you today, hmm?? ~What if everything below this was editted in? What if, aw Geena Davis gave birth to twin boys today? ^_^ What if this is what the site says for season 4 of Xena on DVD? What if "Where is Gabrielle - is she alive or dead? Xena tracks her down to the land of the Amazons, trapped along with Amazon spirits. Xena fights Alti to see her best friend one more time, but is it really her? Eventually reunited they travel on but things don¹t go smoothly for the adventurous duo as Xena is sent to Shark Island Prison for past crimes and even Argo switches sides and becomes a Warlord's horse! Xena breaks free to continue her fight against injustice, never easy as the evil Horde returns with a vengeance!"? What if season 5 and 6 have the same thing? What if " Xena, a mighty warrior and healer, once led a band of outlaws that terrorized all of Greece. She has come to regret the harm she caused and, with her companion Gabrielle, now travels the countryside seeking adventure and fighting the forces of evil. Fiesty, fierce, fantastic. Relish more adventures with the warrior princess Xena in this DVD collection of Season 5."? What if, obviously it says 6 for season 6? What if no one really cares, but I'm resteless and need something to do? What if 'The NeverEnding Story' comes out on DVD in November here? What if I'll probably get it, and hope in some sick twisted way someone will think "hey, why don't we release Labyrinth on DVD in Australia finally?"? What if, well that's not the only reason I'll get it, because I do like that movie? What if just not that awful awful scene with the horse and the mud? ![]() ____________________ ![]() | |||
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what if i can't believe xc has never experinces Negativeland? what if run don't walk to procure some today, man!? what if i wish i could remember the name of the new primary color they talk about? what if now i'll have weirs Negativeland lines like "we don't have enough data!" and "CHA-cha!" stuck in my hed all day? what if that's okay with me?? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
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What if I'm crampy and therefore grumpy? What if that's the other way around? What if I must mow the lawn today and clean up the old place? What if but I'm so loving my new place? What if bleh, Gilmore Girls party at my house tonight? What if against my will, KC, Jerri and bailey have made me watch that show? ![]() What if yeah yeah, so the show has some redeeming comedic qualities to it? ![]() What if but that doesn't mean I'm a fan? What if bleh, work needs to be over? What if? ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
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What if I really can't get enough of those identity theft commercials? What if mamacita!? ![]() | |||
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what if the name of Negativeland's newly discovered primary color is "squant"? what if xc: your intro to Negativeland? what if, in the words of the 2-yr olds i've been hanging out with...TA DA!? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
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What if those idiots at the Tulsa World have no idea of how to keep track of their accounts? What if they called me in late April and said that I owed so much money on my account? What if I mailed them a check? What if they stopped my subscription? What if I figured, no big deal? What if I received an invoice in the mail last week? What if it was for $7 more than the balance they had told me on the phone? What if I checked my bank statement and the bastards had cashed the check two weeks previously? What if one of the Customer No Service Reps just called me? What if he was snide? What if I told him that they had already cashed my check? What if he said that I'd have to send them a copy of the front and back of the check? What if I said it wasn't my screw up, so why should I have to go to the trouble and expense? What if he finally asked for the check info? What if someone at the Tulsa World had written an account number on the check memo line? What if it turned out that they had credited my payment to that account? What if it turns out that the account they credited was my parents'? What if my name is listed first on my check? What if with my mother's name is on my check, but not my father's name? What if the newspaper account is in Dad's name? What if I realize my name isn't terribly common? What if I think that should have been a goddamned clue? What if after being a rude jerk to start off with and then realizing that it really *was* the Tulsa World's screw up the guy asked me something? What if he asked if I wanted to restart my subscription to the Tulsa World? What if I channeled Captain Barbossa in my response? What if I am disinclined to continue? ![]() | |||
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What if xc thanked zoomie for the Negativeland links?- thanks, zoomie! What if Negativeland's "Ooh Wee Ohh I'm a dummy" has to be the theme from the life of xc? What if Negativeland's newly discovered primary color is called squant and what if xc's newly discovered primary color is called diddly-squat? What if ya'll just got two what-if's for the price of one in the previous sentence? What if I just added Negativeland to my cd want list? | |||
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quote: What if BruCy is SOOo aettheiast he would Never build an ark..? what if the truth is hes just too Lazy..??? What if all the Extra CapiTal LetterZ in BruCy & XenacraZed make us both appear a wee bit PsYcHo..?? What if,YaY, that lures LinXi back here..???? What if Nora truly is an Extravagantly Rare Name..???? Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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What if Im having trouble finding worthwhile quotes for my quotes thread..?? What if my lil Warrior,princess meows at me like she thinks I should really understand her..?? What if watchin her get old & sleeppy & mellow (usually)makes a me think how nice it would have been if Xena:Wp ended with her being a toothless old sweet great grandma instead of with a pointless death in a Grandiose & ill-conceived piece of clap-trap...?? What if ...(scratch scratch)..?? What if,No Ame ..that was me scratchin my Face... not somewhere un-mentionable..??? ![]() What if I use this thread to be completely honest..?? What if I expose myself mentally to you all..?? what if no one gives a toss..???? What if I amused myself ALOT with that last one..??? What if my ignorance amuses me..??? What if no one knows where that line is from..?? | |||
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What if I like my posts better on the Grey background than the White one...?? What if I ignore ALL posts made on the white background replys from now on..?? What if there was no Babblin aloud in the what if thread Anymore..?? what if I use only sound alike misppellings for words win possible..?? What if Win is how I say when ..?? what if Ken is how I say can..?? What if as in, I ken do this .. What if but its Still a can of,say, greasy grimy gopher guts..??? What if there 16 & 17 year old girls around here that Already are startin to look raggedy & worn out .. maybe used up is a better term..?? What if that saddens me alot..?? What if I feel sorry for them because ...they know not what they do..?? What if thats Still a piss-poor excuse..?? What if they SHOULD know better but just prefer to live a lie..?? | |||
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What if I avoid negativland.. because I havent got a set of the Weird-arse speakers this dumb old comp requires..?? What if I may NEVER get the viruses off my better comps..partly because this one only takes small Hard Drives & the other drives are to big to put on here to Purge..?? What if I just buy one use it to De-virus my Schtuff & then return it...??? What if that seems a bit Weaselly even fore me..?? What if weasels dony get sucked into jet engines .. so that makes me feel better..?? What if I decide its time for me to start livin life as Way More of an Outlaw than I am..?? What if because I now have no In-laws .. the time is right..?? What if I use a Lawnmore to cut the grass..?? What if Princess spends ALOT more time Washin than she does gettin dirty..?? What if females are just .. like that..?? | |||
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What if I have ALWAYS hated pretzels..?? What if I used to say they taste like dried sweat..?? What if recently i have become addicted to cheap off brand 'Sour Dough pretzel nuggets'?? What if never say Never..?? What if I 1st typed ..."Never say Ner..?? What if Im just tring to drive my thread count up...?? What if Ame finds that Sooo Annoying she runs around deleting my posts left & right so that my count remains trapped in Limbo..?? What if I went to type the 'o' in limbo.. but I glanced up & it was already there...? What if its the first Time I EVER made a typo that was actually correct..?? Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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What if I have 7 time keeping devices in this apartment (all of witch are WRONG, YaY!)& 2 of them are 2 minutes fast of the scrolls.. & 2 of them are 5 minutes fast of the scrolls & all the rest are in between..? What if this is Way too consistant for me so I have to set them to much more chaotic discrepancys..?? What if I dislike even the Concept of time..? what if its a Nessessary Evil? What if pretzels DO taste like dried sweat but I have a deep yearning for self-flagellationy type stuff so THATS why I eat them..?? What if I feel ,maybe. that I need to be punished for not having done a lick of work in the last 6+ years..??? What if ..hahha .. thats exactly the opposite of the truth..?? What if Ive become So arrogant I think I should be PAID to wipe my .. butt & stuff..??? | |||
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What if I was in the mental ward of a hospital 2 nites ago...(just visitin,thanks)& I told them of my dream ..where I died in my sleep..?? What if I dont & didnt know exactly what caused my death I just remember landing on my side & rolling towards prone a bit....& seeing everything sideways.. drawing a last laboring breath...things fading ,drool running from my slack open mouth .. What if ...then there was a short fade to black... What if I KNEW i was dead (in the Dream) What if no tunnel, no lite ...no relatives, no fires of .. U-Know -where..no other anyones or anythings..? What if a second later I awoke .. in a vertical orietation,sort of.. What if I was hanging as if in outer space ..except there were no stars,planets or lite or Anything... What if I went to try to draw a shocked breath & woke up.... What if I saw what I saw because its what I believe.. NO After-life .. no nothing after death... What if Im right & all religions beleiving anything else are Soo wrong its sad..??? What if.. the last thing you ever see before becoming nothingness.. is my ugly smilin mug sayin.. 'See ya later'..?? What if yeah... this will move my thread count up. | |||
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What if the above proves that ..a billion billion monkeys pounding on a billion billoin typewriters for a billion billion years.. Still wouldnt keep ame amused properly..??? What if a dream is just a dream...??? What if : You must remember this , a kiss is just a kiss.. as time goes by... or however it goes.. What if Ive blinded me with Science..?? What if my Neurons fire off more insane Cha0s tonite..??? What if I do sumthin I ANIT NEVER done Before..?? WHat if O>o..??? What if I did it Wrong..? it L00ks wrong.. ![]() What if maybe it looks Ok after I post & stuff..??? | |||
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Whnat if Ive Suddenly become a scroll guru ..so my post about my death dream is appropriate..? What if that's SOoo handy I figure the Fates must have planned it...Except that 1 on Xena is just too too whacked out to think ahead like that ..??? What if I just refuse to get offline & go to sleep like a good boy..?? ![]() What if Ive eliminated 5-6 what ifs from this sequence of posts because they werent up to snuff after I typed 'em in..? What if .. that made you think ..Damn if this stuff is this bad .. I dont wanna know what he left off..?? What if a Catnip plant that thrived all winter is now dying of an over abundance of what it needs..?? What if thats too weird..?? WHat if Heitie slipped her .. "Ignore Brucy Braless Pass" to Ame & now SHE has to pretend I dont exist for a while..?? What if Im just two Fulla myself.. fore my own goode??? ![]() | |||
What if today Mick was on the phone to the bank to start up internet banking, and he asked if he put his email address, would he get spam mail? What if the woman said what ever her answer was cause i couldn;t hear her end, and then he replied..'oh good, i get enough sperm mail as it is' What if he realised his faux pas after he said it? What if, yes that is my highlight of the day? What if i am still sick? What if some silly cold/flu that keeps me up half the night? ********************************* | |||
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What if today's episode of Pokèmon was sad? What if, no more Arbok and Weezing? ![]() What if they've been there pretty much since the start since like episode 2, albeit in their unevolved forms? What if poor Jessie and James never get any credit? What if they deserve their own show or something? What if the sad thing is, there was an entire special episode devoted to them, but it'll never make it here, very few of the specials are ever shown, even in America? What if *sigh*? What if, at least today's episode made me appreciate Cacnea more? What if I've now forgotten everything I was going to What if about, besides that? ____________________ ![]() | |||
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what if i have a special sperm mail blocker? what if and little else to 'what if...' about? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
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what if zoom said sperm? ![]() | |||
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what if that's most certainly the only way it will cross my lips...? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
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