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what if applied for full time job tonite? what if sick n tired of puny part time temp job? what if dun pay enuff? what if gotta get full time job to avoid havin to pay for dictator obombya's "affordable" health care scam? | |||
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So What if the truth is out..? What if NOW we know why xc is disappointed with Obombya.? What if I went to meet the gasman today at the new place..? What if he's not due there til tomorrow..? | |||
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what if i'm not disappointed with obombya? what if i hate obombya? what if he's a career criminal? what if impeach the jerk? what if he's probababably spying on us now here? what if i can see you, obombya, ya jerk!? | |||
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What if thats one of your funniest replys Yet ! What if I feel your pain..? What if my local {rather Liberal} newspaper recommended a Republican for county executive..?? What if against my better judgement I voter for Joel Giambra..? What if he sold Erie County Medical Canter to RENT it back so he could cut property taxes temporarily & play other budget games..?WHat a great money saver..?!?!!?!? What if we now have the highest county sales tax in the state & the lowest county property taxes in the state..? What if he was the biggest turd I ever voted for..? What if I promised myself NO REPUBLICANS Not EVER ..Never Again..????? | |||
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what if mayors of my town have been Dems for too many decades? what if i live outside city limits? what if can't vote for mayor? what if i could i'd vote for whoever the GOP'er was? what if demo-rats have ruined the town? what if they want only bicyclists & ppl walking- no cars? what if they scare away business instead of bringing jobs to town? what if the longer the dems stay in office the poorer the town becomes? what if they must be on dictator obombya's payroll? | |||
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what if time goes back an hour this weekend? what if time went back 30 yrs? what if 1983 was better than 2013? what if least i had a full time job then? what if papa xc was alive then? what if 1973 was even better? what if 1993 was better? what if 2003 was better? what if we should have the opportunity to turn time back in years if'n we want? what if i'd pick a good year & stay there 4ever? | |||
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what if thought i had garage all cleaned up? what if car won't fit in garage? what if gotta rearrange garage? what if gotta think bout rearranging it first? what if thinkin hurts my wittle head? | |||
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what if ugh? what if bleeeech? what if beeeelch? what if that makes 4 what ifs post n be darned? | |||
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What if Im Ba-ack...??? What if Im paying the same price for internet but its S-l-o-w-e-r- ? What if I Hate Time Warner but the only alternative here is Verizon which is even worse..? What if both of them have the attitude.."Screw You" you're gonna deal with us because you have to..?? | |||
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what if sleepy? what if my internet gets sleepy sometimes? what if i have AT&T? what if better than comcrap, ao-hell & webbed-tv? what if but their email service not too good? | |||
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what if line 1? what if line 2? what if line 3? what if now post & be darned? | |||
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what if not much work at work? what if that job may end sooner than i thought? what if then me unemployed...again? what if damn rotten job market rotten obombya economy? | |||
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what if yay Frieday? what if i's fried all righties? what if feels like i worked longer than 29 hrs this week? what if feel like i need a nap? what if wish the xc wives take nap with me heehee? | |||
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What if you cant {honestly}blame Obama for the economic mess its been caused by deregulation & 30 years of Republican malfeasance & criminality..?? What if but Im sure xc knows this in his heart of blackhearts...? What if Reagan & the republicans have done everything they can think of to end good paying jobs in America ..including destroying the economy & getting the average working poor American to foot the bill for their greed..? What if that last what if is long enuff to count as 2 what ifs to meet the 4 per post rule..even if I don't need it now..LOL???? | |||
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what if i can? what if i blame obombya for everything- crime, pollution, bad weather, hunger, disease, the tea party, bad breath, traffic jams, Kenny G: everything bad & disgusting? what if democraps are nuthin more than less uptight repooplicans? what if obombya might as well be a repooplican cuz he ain't done any good? | |||
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What if Ok That I have to agree with..? What if I was stunned when he kept the same idiots who destroyed the economy in power & followed Bush's lead What if...'protect the rich' is the mantra Im hearing from nearly all of the Gov't? What if even tha ACA/Obamacare thing is slanted way too much towards increased profits for my taste..? | |||
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What if I just found this post on Buffalo's Craiglist...? I don't understand jesus freaks They claim that gambling is wrong, but bet their entire lives on a fairy tale... WHat if *I* think its hilarious...? what if unfortunately I gotta do laundry insteada laffin all day..? What if sometimes i have a nasty sensa humor..??? | |||
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what if i done did laundry awready? what if i done did mulchin leaves too? what if i done did clean garage again? what if i gotta clean gutters tomorrow or Monday? what if also gotta work Monday? what if get up early for work? what if i hate cold mornins? what if i miss the hot humid days of summer? | |||
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what if been cleanin gutters? what if hate leaves!? what if hr & half cleanin gutters? what if Natalie says meow? what if holding her as i type? what if silly kitty? | |||
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What if this is post 880..? What if I now have trees to trim & yard stuff to look after now too..?? WHat if I have neighbors to get rid of ..? what if I need help to hide the bodys..? ![]() | |||
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What if good ideas both....but I would look suspiciously outta place in location swhere they do these things. WHat if Especially cartin around a wheelbarrow fulla drippy dead bodies..? WHat if I'm renting in a side by side duplex that my ex-wife owns....since Im payin a WAY low rent I need to be useful as possible..see.??? What if my main job is too get rid of hated neighbors who have been intimidating Suesie for a few years now..? What if I was gonna try & get along with em because it seemed it might just be easier but they think THEY can Bully a Xena Assassin...?!?!?!? What if WTF..??????? | |||
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What if I tell you one of my nastier ideas..? What if there is a floppy scraggly tree in the back that over hangs the electrical wire & ALL the Cable/ Verizon FIOS wiring going to their apartment..? What if my wires are pretty much clear of the tree..? What if I just remove their TV,Internet,phone wire from the house saying I gotta trim the tree& it will tear them offa the house,which is true..? WHat if the I dont trim the tree for months & months & refuse to allow Verizon to reinstall any wires until Im done...which will only be after they leave..?? WHat if then I dont hafta listen to football games all sunday coming thru my wall @ 60 decibels ever again..? | |||
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What if I tell you that the .daddy' came over to my door & told me that all the people in the neighborhood think Im a pedophile..? What if any 'rumor' such as this could ONLY be started by them as I had only been here for 6 days & had spoken to no one else..? What if I told him that I couldnt have such a rumor started about me & Iwas going to the police to straighten this out immediately..? What if that got him to admit he took the windows out of this apratment because his brats broke the ones in his apartment..? WHat if there a man a woman & 3 kids & I dont think any one of them has ever ..will ever have an 8th grade education..? What if NONE of them are smarter than a 5th grader..? WHat if I dont hate stupid people but I sure do hate nasty shitty ones..? What if WWXD..??? | |||
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what if Xena would give them morons the pinch? what if cut off flow of blood to their er whatever substitutes for a brain? what if she would make 'em promise to be good & behave or else? what if anyone who disobeyed would be forced to eat Joxer's stew- ewww!? | |||
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