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What if My enchiladas got cold & hard & Nasty while I busy scrolling..? What if this quicky went from a decent TV dinner to a torturous meal..?? What if Im not even an ...enema...... Ummm 'Enemy Combatant'...????..?? What if above wise-crack is thanx to Snarky Spell-checker..??? | |||
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What if Ame didnt make it ... new page & only 1 PUNY post from her on the last one..???? What if my stomach thinks I a swallowed a shoe whole..??? | |||
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WHat if I Think Xc has gone of to sleep with a very hairy Natalie..??? What if Im considering fillin all this page with 25 posts of my inane prattling..??? What if I mention that America's bestest science show NOVA ran a 3 or 4 part series called Australia the First 4 Billion years? What if I would know more about Australia's pre-history Than Ame or Salem if I could just remember stuff.. any stuff??? | |||
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what if pg 8? what if 92 pgs to go? what if only one Ame post on pg 7? | |||
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what if Ben Franklin was here yesterday? what if Ben Franklin Plumbing? what if new water heater? what if now washin machine actin funny? what if tell Ben to go fly a kite? | |||
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what if gonna rent movie today? what if hope cute video store clerkette is there? what if ask her to be one of my wives ha ha? what if bad openin line? what if tell her my secret ID is xenacrazed? what if she screams & beats me up Xena style? what if i like that!? | |||
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what if rented movie today? what if cute video store clerkette was not there? what if ![]() what if video store needs more foreign & independent films? what if same ol same ol hollyweird crap? what if like films from UK, Italy, Korea, Japan, France, Bollywood, Africa, Spain, Mexico, Canada, Aussieland better than hollyweird? what if subtitles ok cuz i cun reed as i gotsum edumucatchun? | |||
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what if sneakin in past midnite again? what if no BrucE? what if no Ame? what if no Salem? what if no lila? what if no Hietie? what if no Argy? what if scrolls iz mine allz mine!? | |||
Scroll Obsessive |
What if that nasty TV dinner kept me up all nite..?? What if I barely survived..? What if thats why XC had the scrolls all to hisself today...???? What if none of the old scrollers can come back because some super secret evil spy syndicate is bumpin off scrollers all around the world..??? What if lets just not go there ..OK? What if Osama Bin Laden was really the scroller 'Bad Ash'..?? What if I dont seem so craxxy NOW do I..????? What if NO you cant have some of whatever it is Im high on..??? | |||
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What if this is the 10th post on this page awready & still no Ame...? What if the computer from Person of Interest is reading my above post & decides Im ....'Interesting'.??? What if it mistakes my bored babbling for some thing more sinister & Im the next one to go..??? What if you hear after a week of silence that I died suddenly ...from Ass-Cancer or something..??? | |||
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What if I cleaned up pounds of Cat hair from my living room & stairway in a spate of spring cleaning..??? What if its not spring for 1/2 of us......O^o ? What if I found a show called 'Orphan Black' But only ep 2 of it..?? What if I finally decided to see if I wanna watch this? What if after 2minutes of the ep 1 recap I decide to see what I could find... What if its less than an hour in total & I now have 5 eps complete or downloading..?? What if I guess this means I suck...but Damn am I good at it ..????? | |||
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What if I'm here for a second? What if *wave* ? What if I'm away visiting a friend? What if those rains were here the first part of my trip but are gone now? What if it's BEACH TIME?!?!? ![]() | |||
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what if waves to cuz lila? what if got too many waves of rain outside? what if rain rain go away? what if don't come back any day? what if SUNSHINE NOW! PLEEEEEEEZZZZEEEEE! | |||
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what if wonder why Ame only posts from work? what if Ame is short for Automated Message-board Entity? what if she's a program designed to reply here? what if but only from work? what if wonder who programed Ame? what if Argy? what if Argy = Automated Role Game Yogi? what if yikes!? | |||
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what if bought new used hassock yesterday what if Natalie Adele has swiped my regular hassock? what if she stands on it & looks out window at birdies & buggies & neighbors fleeing xc? what if whatever Natalie wants Natalie gets? what if she got into frantic stare-down with neighbor kitty? what if neighbor kitty all calm but Natalie was pacing back n forth on my window sill? what if she no can go outside cuz she was declawed in front when i got her at the shelter? | |||
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what if drought drought please return? what if for brown yard i do yearn? what if tumbleweeds & 100 degree temps? what if i'm one of dem sunshine & dry day wimps? | |||
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what if returned dvd to video store? what if cute clerkette was not there again? what if i scared her away? what if i seen her there on Tuesdays? what if go there this Tuesday? what if i still scared her away? what if pretty bad when ya can scare someone away into unemployment as bad as it is these days!? | |||
What if Monday! What if i can post at home on weekends, i just always forget to? What if i am a slack ass i know What if i rarelly go on the computer on weekends anymore What if i go online on the ipad What if it's jess's birthday in 3 weeks What if i have no idea what to get her ********************************* | |||
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What if judging by Facebook, you should get her a Time Lord? What if why no Scrolls on the ipad? What if do ipads not like the Scrolls? What if you should be allowed to iScroll? What if I hope xc's cute video store clerk is there on Tuesday? What if there used to be someone I was super into that worked in a shop here? What if I made frequent trips there, but never pursued anything because it was during a not so great time of my life? What if, when things came good for me, they got a new job elsewhere and now I haven't seen them since? What if 2 years ago? What if I still think about them and get the occasional update from other people in the shop? What if it's the last day of my 4 day weekend? What if I totally wasted it? What if I did watch a lot of DVDs though? ____________________ ![]() | |||
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what if Sunday here? what if back in time? what if time travel like Arnold 'terminator' Schwarzwifecheater? what if happy early b-day Jess? what if gift cards are what i always give when i don't know what to give? | |||
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What if I only scroll from ipad now? What if some of the features seem wonky but it works ok? What if photos are GINORMOUS though? | |||
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What if I am about to eat mass quantities of guacamole? What if cause it is May 5th? What if that is just an excuse ? What if I spent Cinco de Mayo in the Gulf of Mexico? What if that is so meta it is ridiculous ![]() | |||
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what if iScroll uScroll we should allScroll? what if i hope she's there & nobody else checkin out so i can flirt? what if didn't notice any ring on finger last time i saw her? what if maybe i was too busy noticing other stuff? what if her eyes! her green eyes!? | |||
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What if its nice to how many have managed to sneak a post in on this page..... WHat if Im slowly catching up to the I-junk generation.. what if I now use laptops....Woo hoo...How 2007 of me..??? | |||
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What if I think Ame, Salem & Lila's fate is sealed with this post ? What if I think it ends page 8..? | |||
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