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What if I post about the real reason Im here brite & early this cloudy afternoon..? What if I heard 2nd hand that Nancy Pelosi doesnt think 'D0pey J0e' should debate tRump either..? What if 'Braindead Biden' is too old,frail & mentally slow to go toe to toe with 'Shit Tornado' tRump...? What if "Never argue with an idiot...they will drag you down to their level & beat you with experience !..? What if I cant believe we're counting on the democratic equivalent of GWB to defeat the 'Orange shit-Demon' What if Imma gonna keep spellin D0pey J0e using zeroes insteada os to double down on what a Zero he really is..? | |||
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What if ...ummm I messed up & stuff... its called a Lypoma ? | |||
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WHat if I saw THIS...a headline I could NOT resist: Author Thom Hartmann says average family pays $5K 'monopoly tax' to large companies @ 1 minute long video He Explains the how & why of modern big Corporation 'Wallet Rape' What if lookin around at other stuff on this site ..it seems pretty rite wingy...I wonder how that honest clip made it on there..?This message has been edited. Last edited by: Brucy Braless, | |||
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what if things be gettin all sorta Weird 'round here..? what if my in the building neighbor's niece was murdered by her boyfriend maybe 6 weeks ago..? what if I was standing next to his wife when she received the call about it? what if it was on the street where I lived til late 1999? what if just 1 block east..? what if also on that same 200 block I lived on for like 9 years there was fire just 2 nights ago..? what if house 209 burned so bad that when I drove by today it was already torn down & gone..? what if the neighborhood over there is gettin rough..? what if there are 7 vacant lots that had houses on them when I lived there? what if also bout 4-5 days ago a tractor trailer was on fire dangling offa bridge just a short ways down from the nd of my mom's house..? what if alla these items were not only noted on broadcast TV but on their websites as well..? what if Buffalo TV is so far behind the times that local TV web-pages look like they were made in 2000 or earlier...there is practically Nothing on them...? what if you cant even watch their broadcast there just a few 2 minute clips..? what if also there is a large asteroid that passed today within the orbit of the moon..? what if it would have been visible from here yesterday & today except its too faint & just a few degrees ahead of the sun..? what if THIS is the item I mentioned that I really wished I could see...? | |||
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What if I heard 'D0pey J0e' speak again today he AGAIN talks like he slightly drunk...wtf? What if he is elected & croaks then we have my Least fave Democratic hopeful as president? What if this is a lose/lose election to anyone who hasnt got their smug head up their ass...? | |||
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zzzzZZZZZZzzzzzz | |||
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what if Nancy Pepsicola always looks like she's taken too many quaaludes? | |||
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what if i'd like to share fried eggs with a nymphomaniac? | |||
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what if don't click on that link- it leads to porn pics of Trumpenstein! | |||
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what if you oughta move to the country? | |||
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what if spoken like a true Trumpenstein supporter! | |||
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What if ...you betcha !!!! What if you tell us who is gonna win WW-ELEVEN..?? & where the hell is my winnin Lootery #...????no keepin it for your OWN-Self..!! what if also bout 4-5 days ago a tractor trailer was on fire dangling offa bridge just a short ways down from the nd of my mom's house..? What if the above was supposed to read.... what if also bout 4-5 days ago a tractor trailer was on fire dangling offa bridge just a short ways down from the End of the street my mom's house is on..? What if no more 'Tales of the Weird' from me 2day..?? | |||
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What if wow we have just the right cloud cover to create a Beautiful sunset here this evening..? Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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What if wow you guys can post me under the table? ![]() What if I just caught up with alla the goings on? What if I can't comment on Biden anymore lest I sound like a broken record but I did want to say I don't care if he can handle the job...I know at least Harris can, imperfections aside? What if, that video you posted, Brucy, is very interesting and reminds me of the many times I tried to start my own business and failed miserably... What if, I wish you all the best with your health and such too? What if giant corporations really have overpowered too many small businesses...I remember Starbucks doing that in the 90's to many independent coffee shops? What if it's outrageous the way we are overcharged and overtaxed but none of that surprises me? What if, in other news, my father in law's memorial was today? What if we held it on Zoom video and it went really well? What if it feels good to have finally done it...got to say some things about him that had been on my head and so did everyone else and it was cleansing? What if, now I'm just gonna enjoy Labor Day weekend and be glad today was a nice hot day? What if fall is coming earlier than any other year? What if some days are hot but I have felt the fall air in some of the cooler days? What if, but today was good and I hope tomorrow and the rest of the weekend hail lots of sunshine and good pool weather? What if, I'll miss my daily dose of Vitamin D once the cool weather happens in earnest...but I have a suppliment I take so I'll be okay? What if I take 5,000 IU's of D3 and one Multi a day? What if, my health is good tho all things considered...no covid symptoms especially, thank goodness? What if...all in all, if I end up living long I'll be happy so long as I don't see the end of the world? What if...just introduce me to some aliens if they come, and I'll be fine? What if...so long as they don't try to kill us and such? What if, not that we don't deserve some punishment for what we did to the earth but we are GETTING enough of that punishment I think...so I hope things settle into a smooth sailing next year at least? What if...it's the best I can hope for at the end of the day? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if Labor Day- like Memorial Day & 4th of July- is a dull remnant of what they normally are? what if no festivals, concerts, street fairs, carnivals, just ghost town? what if the Rolling Stones have it right with their new song, Living in A Ghost Town? what if i got my physical lately & i gotta take Vitamin D, too, 800 IUs a day? what if i went walking by one of the county lakes yesterday & came up with an idea for a new ending to the second book in my series? what if Kentucky Derby is today- 4 months after when it normally runs? what if mama xc & me always loved watching the horse races? what if, Kate, the aliens have come to kill us? what if the aliens are Trumptians from Planet Nazi? | |||
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What if...WoW a complete sentence this time.. Im honored..? What if I thawt that she comes off as over-caffienated usually..in interviews..? What if I like her, I wish there was a way SHE could suddenly become president...? | |||
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What if Next Time I'ma gonna 'Rick Roll' you..? What if ..oh by the way...who ever did win WW-Eleven..?? What if we all know who won WW II it was obviously our 'Fearless Leader' D J tRump..'Cause Germany & Japan werent sending their best people..? | |||
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What if please dont fall for this old chestnut...its NOT we its the shitty nasty evil few who have the money & power to deny us environmentally sound practices & the Nacississm to want to destroy the earth after they are gone..? What if... really think about this .. is it NOT the best explanation for the denial of science & all common sense about the preserving the earth..? | |||
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Originally posted by xenacrazed: what if Labor Day- like Memorial Day & 4th of July- is a dull remnant of what they normally are? what if no festivals, concerts, street fairs, carnivals, just ghost town? What if .. Wait... with Covid ..THIS IS GOOD !!! what if the aliens are Trumptians from Planet Nazi? What if I would like to NOT-SEE them ever again..?? What if...Whoa post 3131....Xcellent..! Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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what if she's in line of succession if something happened to Trumpenstein & Mike Penis? what if um BrucE...whatcha doing with that rifle? | |||
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What if, aliens might be among us, whether they're good or bad, and maybe we're all part alien and don't even know it? What if who knows, we could all know a few aliens or more. What if there's this religious group called Sunrise Valley who believe Extra terrestrials came here 32 thousand years ago thereabouts and gave humans a bunch of pointers on life, then lived among us for awhile? What if, here's the article I found? What if these people also believe they're reincarnated from these aliens...it gets interesting? What if...or, taking it to a completely different and dark place...maybe the aliens are the coronavirus? What if maybe that's their way of trying to kill us all off? What if...but I like to think there's some good aliens out there that might even lift a finger to try to help us? What if who knows, but I tend to think optimistically anyway even when my mind goes to strange places like this?This message has been edited. Last edited by: Free Madness, "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if ahhh... Yes but What Country..?? What if Canada is at the closest border of NYS to me? What if probably less than 10 miles west of me..? Originally posted by xenacrazed: what if she's in line of succession if something happened to Trumpenstein & Mike Penis? what if um BrucE...whatcha doing with that rifle? What if ..Had I gotten a chunk of old Bro's inheritance maybe I coulda bawt a Measle Launcher !!! What if I mite hafta get alot closer to Wash DC tho..? | |||
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What if my Goddess! I hope they can do better'n this....a lamo virus with less than 5% kill rate..?? What if my guess would be that if Every Single person on earth was to catch the Corona Virus much less than 1/2 billion would die of it..? What if YaY post 3133..for mee? | |||
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What if I uploaded the movie I made last year onto YouTube? What if I just put the link up here? What if I hope y'all like it? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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