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what if it's "handicapped American public" not retarded? Those who refuse to wear masks & socially distance are "mentally handicapped American public" Trumpenstein is a "severely mentally crippled beyond medical science's know-how for a cure American." Or a fuck-toid. Let global warming alone. Let it kill off the "mentally handicapped American public" and the one who's "severely mentally crippled beyond medical science's know-how for a cure American." Then earth won't be over-populated & we can fix the warming thing. | |||
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what if I hopes your doin well , xc?
what if Mother Nature's reprisals arent selective.....when she reduces our population only the rich,healthy & lucky will survive...I fear..? Most wildlife will not make it. | |||
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FUCK I edited the post I was trying to quote so now its Very different than it was... | |||
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What if Joe blow Biden has made his pick for vp..?? What if apparently @ 20 minutes ago..? What if my opinion of him as a J-Off has only increased....? What if he picked total narcissist & anti-white racist Kamala Harris? What if that is the one worst person I could think of....? What if he has pretty much cemented my not voting for him..? What if he has not done one thing in the last 50 years that I can say has made me find him fit to be President. What if I REALLY wish people were smarter than they are.... or at least realized that they arent as smart as they think..? What if alla this idiocy makes me sad..? | |||
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what if thanks for asking, as Monday was my brother's birthday, he would've been 69? It still hasn't sunk in yet. Nearly 4 years later, i still expect to hear from mama xc on the phone or see her somewhere. Glad i have their voices and images on a DVD to hear and watch | |||
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what if statics on the virus doesn't show confirmed cases on quick testing that turned out negative on the slower tests, like with the Gov. of O-hi-diddly-o? Most places don't tell how many real confirmed cases are mild, how many are worse but don't need hospitalization and how many do need the hospital. Then there's people who have it and never know.This message has been edited. Last edited by: xenacrazed, | |||
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What if his birthday musta been a Hard day....I didnt even like my bro & I think about him everyday...kinda ...What if he had been little bit different? What if I was healthy & had been able to Help him be different/Better?... he was not a happy man.
What if...Wow thats about right LBJ was a decent man who did a bad thing to get us into Vietnam.....but After its mostly a shitstorm of incompetence & stupidity..may the Best man lose..LoL | |||
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What if, no matter what, we're never gonna get the government we want. Unless we actually know what we want, and even then, who's to say the government would comply? What if, I'm in a kind of cynical state of mind...right now I just hope Joe Blow wins, even if he's a mess. What if, I just want a world with no "President Trump" anymore. What if, it would be great if we had more choices, but oh well. What if, it would be nice if I knew where I'd have to vote though. What if I filled out a change of address form since for awhile I lived away from this house, but I haven't heard anything from the voting department? What if, John got something in the mail about mail in ballots, but I didn't? What if, I'll be pissed if they still haven't registered my change of address form...I do not want to have to go to that place I used to live near...it's downtown and I try to steer away from there, just in case the riots start back up again. What if, it's pretty dangerous in some parts of the world? What if, this is why I tend to hide in my own little corner? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if thats sad & it should never have come to this....?Good luck to you. | |||
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what if you intend to mail in your ballot, do so as soon as its allowed? Trumpenstein will try to do what he can to foil mail in votes. It won't surprise me if the election is like 2000, ending up in the Supreme Court cause Florida messed up, "losing" votes that went to Al Bore. what if we won't know who wins the election until Inauguration Day! | |||
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What if maybe its better stated that we wont know if the election has been stolen yet again..til jan 20th?? | |||
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What if I should clarify, it's not THAT tiny of a corner lol it's mainly just my house and yard, and my husband and a few friends. ![]() What if, I'm probably not gonna mail my votes in, I'll probably just go to the polls and do it the old fashioned way. It's simpler. What if, I was watching Joe Rogan's podcast where he had two people from "The Innocence Project," an organization that is trying to free innocent people from Death Row and prison in general. What if it's effing depressing to know how evil and corrupt our so-called "Justice system" is. What if a lot of prosecutors just want to WIN, they don't care who's innocent or not. If they are wrong, it makes them look bad and they can't have that. ![]() What if, one of the guys said Kamala Harris supports that type of shit? What if it shouldn't surprise me...no politician doesn't have a mean streak, putting it mildly. What if, like I said before, we're never gonna have an ideal government but again like we've all been saying, Trumpoid needs to go. Full stop. What if, there are worse things than corrupt politicians...full on PSYCHOPATHS trying to do the job of a politician. What if, so Dopey Joe is merely the lesser of two evils again. Oh well. "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if Trumpenstein wins by cheating again (first time was through the electoral college). then i bet there'll be riots to make George Floyd protests look like Macy's Parade? | |||
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what if the Indy 500 happens soon after being delayed in May? what if no spectators allowed? i don't get that. It's outdoors. Sunshine, heat, wind. Outdoors. They could allow at least 1000 people inside the stands & the infield, social distancing, wearing masks. They allow people to eat outside at tables without masks in close proximity. They could do something safer for the 500 or baseball games or the Kentucky Derby, have some resumption of normalcy. oh well, some people gotta take things to the extreme extreme! | |||
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Hiya xc....I hope things are goin well for you.
What if this may sound strange but Im not sure tRump is the one who actually did the cheating..? What if remember how surprised/scared he looked when he won..?? What if we must NEVER FORGET that Vladimer Putin sabotaged our election in what should be regarded as an act of War..?? What if more importantly traitor Comey's lies about Hillary's emails was an act of treason...no one can interefre in the elections like that....? What if his lie about their not being enuff time to assess them proved to be untrue..? What if Mike Moore said that 1 state {Michigan I think} was lost by 2 votes per precinct!!! that means if just person had not switched from Hillary to tRump the whole state would essentially have been a TIE !!! What if almost NO ONE Said or did ANYTHING & the visual media just swept it under the rug & blamed HILLARY !?!?!??! WTF !!?!?!? What if dont expect anyone to do anything to save America if this goes sideways....Im pretty sure its not gonna happen...riots or no What if besides BLM doesnt include 85% of us ..?Its really more like a distraction from the important things that are happening..? What if I give the US of A @ a 50/50 chance of being recognizable in 1 year. Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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What if movin along I have been having trouble getting the full measure outta my 2008? GSM phone lately.? What if T-Mobb-ill will probably drop that antique tech by the end of the year...? What if That means my Keyboard{YaY!} Semi-private feature phone will be kaput..? What if Im eligible for a GWB free phone..{{Yes It happened B4 Obama}} so I researched assurance lifeline which I had owned previously 2007 & 8 only to find that ALL their phones are infected with 2 entrenched/unremovable spyware/adware trojans..? What if its tied right into the hardware by China =SPy & their OS= Ad based Malware What if both are info stealers also..? What if I was hoping to get a self-assembled pine phone to keep myself private & safe but they wil not be ready for prime time soon enuff..? | |||
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what if i blame Trumpenstein winning in 2016 on stupid Americans believing what they read on fartbook, twatter, and instacrap? what if the internet is more dangerous than the atomic bomb and in the hands of stupid Americans, might someday do to the country what Hitler failed to do? what if- what am i saying- it already has- Der Fuhrer Trumpenstein! | |||
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what if i blame Trumpenstein winning in 2016 on stupid Americans What if I do to ...but we Really need to keep them away from the Vipers who prey on them..no? What if edited to say Haha post 3000... not that Im counting..LoLThis message has been edited. Last edited by: Brucy Braless, | |||
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what if that may be impossible without shutting down the internet & blasting Faux News off the air? These dummies are old enough to seek out diverse opinions and make rational judgements. If they can easily fall for nonsense conspiracy theories, no amount of babying them will work. | |||
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What if I logged in to Whine about my phone problems but I see I DID make that post awready..? What if...so I decided to just repeat THIS as its So important..?
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What if that's just sick, Brucy, but it doesn't surprise me a bit? What if the world is full of selfish, vicious narcissists that want to be RIGHT or to WIN, rather than do anything to make things better?? What if yeah I can see Russia doing an act of war, and this country has never been more vulnerable as a result? What if who knows where we'll be next year but I for one hope it won't be like Terminator 2??? What if it could end up that way, one never knows. What if, cold-hearted assholes will destroy anything for their own personal gain? What if...and Trump only really scratches the surface, scarily enough. What if, I'm thinking about that Nostrodamus(sp?)...I THINK it was him...who said the world would end with the village idiot running things...or words to that effect? What if I heard this years ago and people thought the village idiot was George W. Bush? WHat if I think about those days and they weren't NEARLY what they are now? What if...anyway, I'm in a pessimistic mood today bc I just watched a podcast where they talked about innocent people on Death Row whom the court KNOWS are innocent but they just want to win their case so they can't admit they were wrong??? What if, forgive me if I already posted about this. What if...here's hoping there's a silver lining...somewhere!!! "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if IMO what the Russians did is no more worse than what Faux News & internet trolls do every day to spread misinformation to gullible, stupid Americans? what if what's worse this year is Trumpenstein's plans for the USPS? what if the Dems better get off their butt & get money to the USPS or risk 4 more years of the orange haired baboon? | |||
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WHat if That IS TRUE but its a Cumulative effect....BS from multiple sources {many russian dis-info plants} confirms falsehoods to dumbys..? What if...Are you willin to let traitor Comey off the hook without a comment ? WHat if I think tRump is running scared cause he knows he is a Criminal..?? What if most Americans think all politicians are criminals but dont like it when they are TOO obvious..??This message has been edited. Last edited by: Brucy Braless, | |||
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New York state was under 1% positive for coronavirus testing for the ninth straight day, New York State Gov. Andrew Cuomo said. The governor said that 7 million coronavirus tests have been conducted to date in the state. New York has seen 430,000 positive cases and 32,414 deaths from COVID-19. “Our numbers reflect the hard work of New Yorkers, and as other states across the nation see surging cases, our numbers remain steadily low. For more than a week, we’ve seen our positivity rate stay below 1 percent, and to date, New York has done 7 million tests—these are remarkable accomplishments that New Yorkers should be proud of,” Governor Cuomo said. Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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