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what if just read Monday is Columbus Day? what if why the hell that day still a holiday? what if should be Native American Day? what if i keep sayin this every year & will until i die!? | |||
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What if you see people marching for Black Lives Matter which is great, but in all this outrage, no one is saying much about the Native Americans? What if, at least I haven't heard much? What if we do need a Native American Day tho? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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Free Madness wrote: What if we do need a Native American Day tho? What if I have an idea...Why dont us white people let NA's decide ..? What if they might wish it remains but become recognized as when the Genocide started..? What if NA's are @ 2% of the population & most are on horrible reservations with out plumbing or electric..? What if THATs a Hell of a lot more importatnt to remedy then a 'Day'..? What if Blacks think THEY deserve repartions....wtf..? What if most Native Americans have it A LOT worse then most blacks do today..?? What if all Blacks have to do is behave civilly & respectfully around the Police & that 'problem' would be solved..?? | |||
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What if that's pretty much what I was thinking, a Magic Potion lol? What if, but I know that would be very hard to concoct, given all the many factors involved with diseases like you mentioned. What if, but wouldn't it be wild if someone DID concoct something like that at some point in the future? What if I would be first in line for it? ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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WHat if the Drunkard 'B' next door has or had Covid....?{Cant keep her story straight} What if she has been acting in a manner that makes me think she is DELIBERATELY trying to infect me.. What if God ..I love Black People..? What if she keeps askin me why I wanna move.... What if I believ she had at Least Something to do with the headlites shit..? | |||
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What if did you sneak in & outta here while I was makin a bowla Soup..LoL | |||
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What if I think George Floyd WAS very civil and respectful but the cop that killed him was CLEARLY not. What if there's always two sides to everything but that particular episode was pretty crystal clear to me. Someone was in power and another person was NOT. The one in power killed the other. what if no one deserves to die by any means but it's worse when someone sworn to protect you is the very person that ends up taking your life. What if I can't get behind a cop who will casually kill somebody without remorse but defunding the police is not the answer either. What if I feel the rage at racism and police brutality too but not all cops are going to go and do that, a good many of them do truly want to protect us and just do their jobs? What if, peaceful protests are great but these riots have to stop? What if, these random acts of rage have to be thought over at some point...what's the goal? Just to tear the police down? Anarchy? What's the goal here? What if, human beings need some kind of structure, even if it's out of control structure? What if racism, bigotry, any kind of hate will just keep on going if people feed it well enough? What if sadly that seems to be happening a lot? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if it Looks Like Pennsylvania is gonna do its part to remove the Angry Orange Menace..? What if we get summa them Lagarts in Indiana to start pullin their wate..??? What if it looks like Gov Fat Fatty is gonna pull thru on his CoViD scare...? What if the polls are holding fairly steady no big slide in any direction..?This message has been edited. Last edited by: Brucy Braless, | |||
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What if I think George Floyd WAS very civil and respectful but the cop that killed him was CLEARLY not. What if there's always two sides to everything but that particular episode was pretty crystal clear to me. Someone was in power and another person was NOT. The one in power killed the other. what if no one deserves to die by any means but it's worse when someone sworn to protect you is the very person that ends up taking your life. What if I can't get behind a cop who will casually kill somebody without remorse but defunding the police is not the answer either. What if I feel the rage at racism and police brutality too but not all cops are going to go and do that, a good many of them do truly want to protect us and just do their jobs? What if, peaceful protests are great but these riots have to stop? What if, these random acts of rage have to be thought over at some point...what's the goal? Just to tear the police down? Anarchy? What's the goal here? What if, human beings need some kind of structure, even if it's out of control structure? What if racism, bigotry, any kind of hate will just keep on going if people feed it well enough? What if sadly that seems to be happening a lot?[/QUOTE] What if I agree with alla this...?? What if I checked to see if I was Alone on the scrolls & it Lied to me ...you were still here..? What if ...&...Snuck Anudder post in while I was asleep at the wheel..? | |||
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what if giving the Native American's a day is more likely to happen than the gov't helping them? what if rich asses like Bill Gates need to help them instead of him trouncing around Africa? what if giving them a day might give them the press coverage they need to obtain help? what if maybe i'm too idealistic? | |||
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what if George Floyd has the option to give back what he bought with a counterfeit bill- whether or not he knew it was fake? what if he had the option to get into the police car like a normal person? what if he claimed he's claustrophobic- which i am, too, but you don't argue with the police when they're arresting you? what if none of this excuses the cop who killed him? what if the cop could've called an ambulance or a police wagon with more room? what if both sides were wrong? what if protestors don't see it that way? what if there are many bad cops? what if defunding the police only means the good cops will have more stress on them? what if i'd like to see the protestors ride along with cops on their calls & see the life & death situations they face? what if cops also need to befriend blacks & other minorities & see things from their point of view? what if city councils & mayors who give the police money need to do these things, too? what if the Democrat city council in my town won't ride with the cops cause they don't want to upset the college kids who think being anti-cop is cool? | |||
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What if wow the gang's all here then! ![]() What if I agree with xc about a Native American Day giving them press coverage so more attention can be given to trying to help them? What if I don't think that's too idealistic, not really? What if maybe we wouldn't fully have to do AWAY with Columbus Day either, just maybe like Brucy said, ask the Native Americans how they would feel about it? What if, that sounds reasonable to me!!! What if I'm listening to the Animals singing House of the Rising Sun? What if that song never fails to impale me right where I live??? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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why is it that Sundays always go too fast? what if next thing you know, it's dreaded Monday again? what if the work week always goes so slow? what if i wonder if i'll live to retire? | |||
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What if FUCK THAT !! They cant Handle the TRUTH!!!!LoL | |||
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What if I just went & Downloaded that. What if below is the site that I use .. but you really NEED a pop-up blocker at a minimum..? What if I use a JavaScript blocker called NoScript in my Waterfox browser .. Thats usually how I go there but I use Vivaldi when posting at the scrolls & watching youtube because too much stuff wont work otherwise. What if I allow just the site when Im there & I get nothing but the site.. its Great but it was alotta work learning how to use alla this stuff..? What if becareful if you go there .. the songs are good but MAKE SURE tahts what youre getting..I just hadda a pop-up that when I closed it .. it shut down my browser. What if that might be for it to secrelyt install stuff.. but as Im on linux anything it puts in can ONLY mess with the browser. What if any Windows Virus wll be totally ineffective if it hits my alien Operating System...YaY That! https://myfreemp3.vipThis message has been edited. Last edited by: Brucy Braless, | |||
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What if WE certainly hope so..? | |||
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What if HAHA xc post #3250..LoL What if I spoke to Suzy yesterday & she is REAL eager to just sell this headache.. What if the 1 guy owns several houses right here & he ALWAYS goes thru & updates them..? What if this means that 1/4 of the stuff I wanted to do is now irrelevant..? What if I was gonna paint the Whole place Rip out the filthy rugs & fix the 2 bad drains.. What if I would still like to make the drains usable .. but I can just leave what I dont want outta the 15 cans of markdown paint I bought over the years ..& feel OK about it..? What if both of the local Landlords want to buy the place to throw out the next door shitheads who are de-valueing the entire neighborhood.. What if THATS how bad they are...Theyre so ignorant of their own shitiness that they cant even understand why I wanna move...wtf..?? | |||
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what if um, it all came out when it happened? what if the employees of the store Floyd unloaded the counterfeit bill in, came out to his vehicle (car or van, not sure) & told him about the fake bill, asking him to return what he bought? what if instead of doing that, of being mad that someone ripped him off, he said no? what if instead of getting into the police car when the cops arrived, he slide to the ground, claiming to be claustrophobic? what if it's only my opinion, but common sense, really, that the cops could've called for an ambulance, a police van or something more spacious to transport Floyd either to the police station or the hospital, but chose not to? what if hate blaming the victim, but he might be alive today had he cooperated with the store employees or the police? what if he'd also be alive if the stupid cop hadn't cut off his oxygen & other cops would've intervened on Floyd's behalf? | |||
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What if he didnt deserve to die..but he had a hand in it happening...Im not surprised that its never mentioned..? What if I LOVE PBS's Judy Woodruff but she has become blind to just how racist her mindset is..All I ever hear is that GF co-operated & was killed by the cops.. | |||
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WHat if this is a Youtube link from 1 of my local Channels WGRZ the NBC Affiliate.? truth@ KHArris & why Abe Lincoln didnt appoint to SCOTUS What if shows that ...with no need to lie She does anyways....understand why Im disgusted with all nominees.? What if of all the possible candidates this is my least favorites..? #1 Absolutely not tRump.. #2 Least Fave Democrat..Kamala Harris...a self serving divisive racist ..IMO #3 Mike Pence a civilized but wrong headed man who will continue our national & global decline.. #4 there might have been 1 more Democrat I disliked more than D0pey J0e but I cant think of 1..This message has been edited. Last edited by: Brucy Braless, | |||
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what if my memory gettin bad? what if forgot my wallet in the other car when i drove 20 minutes to other side of town? what if memory never been good? what if when i was a teen xc, i'd put tv dinners in oven & go visit cute neighborhood girl & forget about the oven being on? what if papa xc read me the riot act several times about that? what if taking memory supplements? what if... who are you people? what if what's a scroll? | |||
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what if Judge Eva Braun is up before the Senate today? what if c'mon, covid, destroy her ass? what if throw some water on the witch? | |||
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what if Monday's are combing Natalie Adele days? what if for a short haired cat, she's a hairy goomer? what if hey, the mail came today? what if mail never comes on stupid columbus day? what if maybe the mail person is a Native American? | |||
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by xenacrazed what if when i was a teen xc, i'd put tv dinners in oven & go visit cute neighborhood girl & forget about the oven being on? What if when I was a Braless teen.... girls avoided me.. Especially the cute ones..? what if taking memory supplements? What if Are you consuming other people's memories or just straight BRAINZ..?!?! what if... who are you people? What if I guess that depends on witch xc this is.....ever see the Movie #23..?? | |||
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What if..is it just me or do the Republicans seem stupid to delay any voting on the next stimulus package..? What if I dont think this will gain them any support outside of their Mongrel Minority of Rabid "Fuck Over America Again & Again"...Traitors..?..? I hope all the stingy shitty Republicans go down in the Defeat they have so Richly deserved over the last 40 years..? | |||
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