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What if ALLA THIS is WHY WE NEEDED aBETTER Candidate than 'D0pey H0e..??? What if...see just like tRump Im always rite...LoL ![]() | |||
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What if ...does something break if it goes to page 100..?? What if we just let it slide down into obscurity after say page 95..?? What if EggSee never answered this ...does any of them Know the answer....?? What if is page 100 just convenient or is it the LotR One Doom..??? | |||
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WHat if I wrote this on Spt 23rd: https://ig.ft.com/us-election-2020/ Biden=255 tRump=143 BUT Tx Fla &Pa =87 these will probably all go to tRump SOooo Im callin that B=255 T=230 --------------------------------------------- What if Today that site offers this: Biden = 279 tRump = 125 with TX & Fla = 67 tRump would be at 192 + 6 for INDIANA *!!!! = 199 What if ..so if 'D0pey J0e' can just not fuck up before the election he SHOULD win..Bigly!?! What if my bad I think ia = Iowa in the undecided.. xc/'s state still wants to fellate tRump some more ... kinda.... sorta..LoL | |||
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what if you might as well stop counting electoral votes? what if the orange haired baboon has thrown a monkey wrench into the election? what if i still wonder how he got sick when the whole thing is a hoax? | |||
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What if How is That a Orangutan Wrench..?? What if it makes him look the Foole, No? What if the ENTIRE Neo-Con Movement since& including Ronny Retard is a Hoax..??? What if tell me Im Wrong..& Stuff?? What if I wanna Vote for Kalvin Koolage..?? | |||
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What if there are MANY people in the tRump circle who are infected...? What if he has been running around like a cock with its head chopped off..? What if it slows down the tRump shitstorm of destruction..?? ---------------------------------- What if damn shit changes in a few days....it appears tRump is doublin down on destroying America...? What if Scorched Earth...xc is Write...DJ tRump is NAZI !!!!This message has been edited. Last edited by: Brucy Braless, | |||
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what if sympathy votes from undecided? what if not sure how anyone can be undecided anyhoo? what if Trumpenstein already looked like a fool to normal people? what if i don't count Trumpenstein as a neo-con, he's a Nazi con, way worse that Ronnie Raygun? | |||
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What if ---Biden widens lead after Trump diagnosis: poll THis was on site thehill.com What if Maybe to you but us Liberals have been wtf-ing over every candidate the Republicans have run Since G.Ford? What if I see a Straight line from RR to DJtRump in at least what People THOUGHT they were voting for..?? What if someone to stick it to those commie white-hating Liberals....as a Giant Fuck you..? What if it wasnt really obvious until GWB...they would actually support the candidate that the libs hated most..? | |||
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What if DO YOU KNOW the Answer to this Question.????? What if a YES or NO ... P L E A S E ????????????????? What if Thank you .? ![]() What if or are you just trying to drive me Craxxy because Im a Liberal..??? ![]() | |||
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What if this is such a crooked,chaotic & dishonest administration that various people in the White House have no actual idea as to how sick the Shit-Storm in Chief really is..? What if I worry that xc's Sympathy vote could really happen if 'DJ you dirty guy'dies of this in the last 2 weeks before the election...? What if I fear,he will then see that MOST of the Republicans are Nazi-Level Evil..? Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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what if Raygun hated Trumpenstein? what if leads & polls mean nothing if mailed votes are "lost" again? | |||
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what if Argy has written many times that the what if threads don't go beyond page 100? what if i guess you newbie scrollers aren't aware of that, ha, ha? | |||
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What if Hay You..Im still here..? What if so then it is a rule not a software breaking flaw..? What if I got a weird thought & searched .."Trump Death Watch" on STartpage....which I use because it claims total privacy in searches.? What if most social media has had to BAN posts & comments wishing a Certain OranguUtan Death..? What if thats kinda funny..? | |||
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by xenacrazed: what if Raygun hated Trumpenstein? What if I never followed his alzheimer ramblings.. SO I'll take your word..? what if leads & polls mean nothing if mailed votes are "lost" again? What if true dat? What if it mite be possible to have such a HUGE Lead that it will be impossible to cheat it out of existance..? What if 1 can only hope..? | |||
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What if I hope you're right Brucy, it would suck to have a lot of mail in ballots lost? What if I don't want to think about that, but this gal is getting her ass to the polls themselves, none of this mailing in shite. ![]() What if I'm only a stone's throw away from there anyway? What if I went downtown today for the first time since before the quarantine? What if it was nice and I rather enjoyed myself? What if, now I'm home and unwinding? What if, gonna play some music and zone out. What if catch y'alls later?This message has been edited. Last edited by: Free Madness, "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if am I retarded..?? What if Dont Answear That..!?!? What if I have struggled to get a hand can opener to open cans since maybe 2000.? What if I always twist so the can goes clock-wise..? What if it NEVER Cuts all the way thru all the way around..? What if I recently tried twisting in the opposite direction 3-4 cans have now opened flawlessly that way.. ? What if Have I been DOin it Wrong all my life..? What if I know , Thats what she said..?? | |||
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WHat if as I was out drivin today I was thinkin..? WHat if maybe a sign for my car..? What if "Votin for Biden.. Thanks Assholes"..? What if "Biden the Democratic GWB"..?? What if "Biden Because Stupid is better than Evil"..? What if " Votin 4 Biden xc Made me!" What if eatin a bowl of hotdogs & sauerkraut with Horseradish & Mustard..? WHat if YaY! post #3222...? What if simple pleasures fer a Simpleton,no? | |||
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What if its definite... Biden went from @ an 8pt lead to a 14pt lead because of the Debates..? What if too early to tell what effect tRump's covid illness will have on the standings..? What if it doesnt seem to me it will have a good effect for tRump..? | |||
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What if Biden is still doin good but the polls are all over the place .. What if I can't believe any of these were ever considered accurate..? E College guesses have Biden anywhere from a low of 31? to hi = 350+..? What if .. so if he doesnt fuck up it COULD be a Shoo in..? What if Im pretty sure tRump's not capable of changing tactics..? | |||
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what if your state's supposedly a battleground state in the election? what if how could anyone there support Trumpenstein? what if my state, Indhickiana, have too many low IQ hicks who'll vote for the orange haired baboon? | |||
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what if it was that way 4 years ago? what if polls are run by biased people? | |||
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what if Trumpenstein back in the white house? what if glad karma made him sick? what if hope he isn't well & kicks off soon? what if doubt even that would convince his stupid supporters that covid is real? | |||
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what if also just heard Eddie Van Halen died? what if RIP, man? what if he stole an xc wife from long ago, Valerie Bertenelli? what if that's ok, still got plenty xc wives where she came from? | |||
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What if yeah, RIP Eddie Van Halen? What if cancer is evil? What if all diseases need to go away and never come back? What if starting with covid, then cancer, then the rest of them. What if I wonder if there will ever be just one solid cure for everything? What if...one can dream, can't they? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if the polls were pretty accurate ..until Hillary Haters in the media {Gwen Ifill @ PBS !?!?!?!?} & Comeys treasonous 'Surprise' threw the election before polls & Dems could react.? What if do you disagree.. or does EVERYTHING I say just go in 1 ear & out tuh-thur w Everyone..?!?!? ![]() What if Emperor tRump has called off negotiating for any more Covid relief .. just so he can blame Pelosi instead of acting for the good of America..?? What if this AssClown needs to be removed from Office N O W !!!?!?!?! What if even D0pey J0e could never be this dopey.? | |||
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