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what if be glad when the election is over? what if sick of the bickering tv ads? what if sick of spam phone calls about the election? what if they need to shrink the whole primary-campaign-debate-election time down to a couple months? what if enuff is enuff!? | |||
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What if prez elections can be slow painful torture sometimes? What if, but the result(If it's GOOD) will be worth the wait? What if I'm probably not gonna look at any election results or anything like that until the day after? What if the anxiety will be through the roof? What if I do HOPE we know by November 4th who will go to or stay in the damn White House! ![]() What if I won't think about any delays tho, it's too torturous? What if I still have to think about getting tested for covid before Thanksgiving? What if, once that's all done and everyone in my family is found negative, we can all get together for Thanksgiving? What if I may try again this year to cook the Turkey? What if last year was a disaster because I undercooked the damn thing but no one got sick thank goodness? What if I could just let my sister cook it but part of me wants to try again and do it right this time? What if Christmas of 2018, my family came to my house and I cooked the Turkey just right back then so I know I can do it? What if, but for now, first things first, call my doctor about getting tested? What if, I HOPE I get a nice negative result but I'm not expecting to have the virus? What if, altho a lot of people are testing positive even with no symptoms? what if I'm not going to worry about it? What if ONWARD! ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by xenacrazed: what if been working overtime and will do so for a few weeks or more? what if i like the extra mullah but OT brings me down? What if I remember that....I was ok for a few months but after that it started to effect my mental health....It felt a bit crazy making. what if been workin at a job for so many years now it seems it's all i know? What if I couldn't hold onto jobs...9Years at the Machine shop...but 2+1/2 was the record before that....probably worked at 10-12 places from 1973 to 1984. what if i hear women & minorities complain about low paying jobs & no advancement yet that's all i've known all my workin life, so who says white men have it made? What if ..Yes me too ..I graduated to the 1973 Oil embargo...All hiring disappeared around here... months & months to be a Dept store stock-boy & stuff.. I've hadda to eat shit & like it all my life.This message has been edited. Last edited by: Brucy Braless, | |||
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What if I wish I lived near ya ...I Know how to do some stuff.. I have over my life done: 1 Automatic tranny replacement 1 or 2 Clutch replacements way too many exhaust/muffler jobs Brakes disc{2Easy} drum{Annoying} Master Cylinder Brake lines ..a REAL BITCH !!! Because they dont sell them pre-bent just straight a Windshield... that didnt go to well...LoL Some simple rewiring...like install my own ..umm 8-Track player... replaced front fenders,hood bumper grill.. Nothing real serious but enuff to take the sting outta buying a hunk-a-junk & repairing it. I also hated just about every minute of it....mostly because whatever broke needed to be fixed right then & there... | |||
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Free Madness: What if prez elections can be slow painful torture sometimes? What if Yes.. everyoe since I began to care about them....Dopes Always select & elect the wrong Peeps. What if I do HOPE we know by November 4th who will go to or stay in the damn White House! ![]() What if I will probably try to keep an eye on it....in case it is stolen by/for the RepulsiveCants What if I won't think about any delays tho, it's too torturous? What if I still have to think about getting tested for covid before Thanksgiving? What if good luck with Thanksgiving..? ? | |||
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What if I just found out that Erie County NY has more Registered Voters than Wyoming has people in Total...? What if possibly more than Vermont too...the local number I have is rounded off. What if We want 2 Senators too! | |||
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What if thanks Brucy, yeah I hope it all goes well? What if my sister says we'll have to quarantine after getting tested? What if, so I'm gonna do this right after I get my teeth fixed on November 3rd..that way I can stay in the house without having anywhere important to be before Thanksgiving? What if I truly do hope it'll be a happy one? What if it will if we get Trump out!!! ![]() ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if I was Curious so I investigated further...Erie County NY has a Pop of 919,040 peeps as of 2010 census. What if that is larger than our 5 least populous states..? What if These: South Dakota 884,659 N Dakota Alaska Wash DC 705,749 Vermont Wyoming 578,759 Yet alla those {except DC} get 2 senators... yet by population we get maybe 10% of ONE !!!! I hope the Dems fix this by makin a law that you only get 2 Senators if you have a pop = to enuff to get you 2+1/2 Representatives. What if that would be a pop of say 1.5 Mill as of 2010. What if we NEED to fix this lopsided mis-representation by the INSANE branch of the Republican party. What if Conservatives & their voters havent been 'Patriots since before Sen Eugene McCarthy. What if even Eisenhower maybe the most decent Republican in my lifetime..just sat on his ass & let McCarthy..."Burn himself out." What if I wont even mention Nixon,Reagan,GWB,Orange A-Hole, Bitch McCornHole....etc | |||
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what if you mean Senator Joseph McCarthy? what if Eugene McCarthy was the liberal Democrat who ran for president against killer LBJ and eventually RFK? | |||
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what if the scrolls running slow tonite? what if maybe the scrolls have caught the blahs from me? what if November & December always get me down? what if it's starting early this year? | |||
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What if Yes you aree right... it did seem odd when I was writing it but it didnt sink in..LoL What if the temp set a new daily high here yesterday..it was 81F, old record for that date was 77F....thats a pretty big jump. What if I didnt watch the debate because...these 2 idiots have nothing to say that I wanna hear...? What if Asshole 'D0pey J0e' is against a 1 payer health plan, like the rest of the Civilized world has.. What if Hay Fuck You Joe..? What if you woulda just let some body competent run for the Democratic party..? What if the Earth cant handle 1 more Asshole who just wants to be President..& can get the Cowards & low information voters too vote for him..? What if just thinkin about the election puts me in a Real Bad mood..? What if I really dont think I can vote for the Democratic version of GWB..? | |||
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What if I was fine mood-wise last nite until I started thinkin @ this Election..? What if re-readin what I wrote made me realize just how frustrated & pissed off I am..? WHat if Everything tRump does is horrorshow..? What if Everything Biden does is just Wrong in my book, He has done next to nothing so far & I disagree with A LOT of his comments,plans & choices? What if I also dislike both VPs so theres no relief there either..? | |||
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What if I have a phone appointment with my doctor tomorrow about getting tested for Covid? What if I'll have to go to a lab or something to get tested? What if I also asked the receptionist if he knew if you had to quarantine after being tested? What if he said not unless you're having symptoms so that's good to know? What if I'm hoping the dental surgery I'm getting on election day isn't as bad as it sounds? What if I'll be eating a lot of soup for the first couple days afterward? What if I hope it heals pretty quickly though? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if Biden doing nothing is better than Trumpenstein doing anything? what if Harris doing nothing is better than Penis doing anything? | |||
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what if are you getting tested cause of seeing the dentist next week? what if does the dentist & his nurses get tested- they should? what if i have a dental appointment in November but am going to reschedule it cause of working overtime/ what if working overtime drives me batty & i should be tested for insanity? what if good luck with your testing? | |||
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What if actually I'm getting tested so that I can have Thanksgiving with my family this year instead of on a zoom video chat. It was my sister's idea that we all should be tested before we plan on all being in the same house together. What if, I'm not worried about going to the dentist, and I would assume they're all being tested often? What if I'm glad the dental offices are actually in operation? What if, for awhile there they weren't taking any patients for anything but emergencies thanks to covid? What if, I suppose because they were working in people's mouths, which is of course risky but so is changing a person's bedpan or doing bloodwork and the hospitals and doctors offices never closed down? What if so that was rather weird but at least it's all over now? What if, I agree with xc, I'd rather have a half asleep politician than a lunatic who is wide awake? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if I Agree but they wont 'do nutthin' & I fear a sizable portion of what the Dems do will be unacceptabrrr to me..?? What if I guarantee that ANYTHING the Repulicans do will be...Un-AcceptaBurrr ! What if 'D0pey J0e allows the House & senate to lead & just signs what they give him.."Like a good little boy?" that mite work! What if ..Yah!...Please dont say anything Stupid j0e ,ok? Xc wrote: what if working overtime drives me batty & i should be tested for insanity? What if ..Oh HELL Yah!...thats Exactly what it used to do to me...I feel for ya,bud | |||
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What if ..I think thats the problem with 'D0pey J0e' sometimes the lites are on up there but aint nobody ta home..? Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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what if I voted this evening....1st time ever I was disgusted to do so.. what if i feels like I ate a 1/2 bowla shit soup...I voted for Biden..Goddam it.. what if I had to before he did something else to make me dislike him even more.. what if Kamala H = Strike 1 what if Against Single payer health care = Strike 2 what if he was braggin about how he won..the nomination.. =Strike 2 1/4 what if No you didnt D0pey J0e....people were too afraid to pick a Real Man..or Woman..? what if your support is like a shiny mudpuddle Very Wide & Very Shalllow....DO NOT FORGET THAT !!! what if this Moron had better get it rite on taxing the Frakk outta the rich...& the environment.... what if a truly end of civilization as we know it has started to happen..? what if in the arctic there is a substance called Methane Hydrate....Its basically frozen methane gas.....Its started to Sublimate into Atmospheric Methane... what if ..Its Official.. Scientists have preliminary measurements @ 8x the average amount..?? what if Why is this Bad..? Methane is 80x more potent a greenhouse gas than CO2. what if there is lots & lots of it accumulated & produced by rotting stuff... what if I heard a few years back that if this happens we could be in for 15F heating.... what if thats Not the real problem Heat =Energy......Therefore Massive Hurricanes with 200+ mile an hour winds......always.... what if More desert areas.......More monsoonal rains in other places..... Mass animal extinctions...... what if Hay at least we wont freeze to death..... what if Maybe its best iftRump does start a Nukewar......We is gonna NEED a nuclear winter...LoL | |||
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what if I voted solid Democrats as usual..? what if they Promised to put up a Park nobody wants & make some guy in Indiana pay for it..? ![]() what if I said..."Hell Yah !! Sign me up" ? what if I figure if you 2 could hold your nose & vote for 'D0pey J0e' I could too..? what if its gettin really near time for SOME-BODY to start up a new Whats If thread..??? | |||
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What if yeah only 6 more pages to go? What if, yeah now that my work for democracy is done, it's just hurry up and wait now? What if I HOPE this world doesn't end while I'm still alive...call me selfish but I wanna give that a miss? What if it's hard even to just chill out and relax because of fear of supervolcanoes or other natural disasters? What if, all I can do is just refuse to think about it, just live in the moment best I can but every moment feels like a vain escape? What if I'm just grateful at the end of every day to be able to have lived thru it...and I hope whatever horrors happen overnight that I'm asleep for it lol. What if, okay enough doom and gloom, I'm gonna go listen to music and zone out? ![]() ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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when did you move to Indhickiana? | |||
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what if i heard the best album of new music yesterday? what if Low Cut Connie's "Private Lives" album? what if they're from Philly? what if i wonder if Kate knows about them? | |||
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what if TGIF!? what if overtime draggin me down? what if Natalie Adele expects me to be up & bouncy but i'm burned out & tired? what if gotta work OT tomorrow? what if i don't get paid enuff? | |||
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