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what if none of the xc's is a witch? what if not even a warlock? what if wish i had supernatural powers? what if i'd make Trumpenstein disappear forever? | |||
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what if Happy Birthday mama xc? what if she'd be 91 today? what if she loved this time of year with the fall colors? what if she was too kind for this world? | |||
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What if Happy Birthday to your mom on the other side, xc! What if, it's strange that it was two years ago that my dad died? What if he died just before his 76th birthday? What if now the last brother in my dad's family of five brothers, my Uncle Jim has died as of last week? What if Jim was the oldest, and the last one left standing for awhile? What if I was never particularly close with him but it is weird with him not on the earth anymore? What if he was a really good writer of poetry and was a food critic and columnist for years in our Philadelphia Inquirer newspaper? What if he was also really radical, far left, and had very interesting views on all manner of things? What if I like his wife too, she's pretty cool? What if I used to housesit and take care of his cat when he'd go out of town? What if his cat was very nice, a sweet, mellow orange kitty? What if anyway...RIP Jim Quinn? What if...Neil Young is on the radio...Appropriate. "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if thanks for mama xc's b-day wish, Kate? what if sorry to hear about your uncle? what if i lost my last uncle a year ago tomorrow? what if a month and a year ago, another uncle passed? what if i have 3 aunts left, one who i never see or talk to as she's was never friendly with my mom or I? what if i haven't seen a relative since last November? what if can't wait to join my family on the other side? | |||
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what if it looks like i may have to postpone retirement another year or more? what if all the work i had done on the house depleted too much money? what if work on the cars coming up will set me back too? what if i kept mama xc's car as a spare car for just around town? what if i may have to park it & forget it if it keeps eating up money? what if as a second car, it has helped a lot & is better on ice & in rain? what if still cheaper to keep fixing both cars than buying a new one? what if neither car would get much money if i sold them, especially mama xc's car? | |||
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What if thanks xc? What if I have to get used to death the older I get, anyway...doesn't mean I have to like it though? What if, it doesn't mean anyone has to like it? What if, I sometimes wish I could see the other side and talk to my dad and other family and friends, particularly my cousin Chris and my friend Sarah who both died of cancer different years. I imagine it. It must be amazing over there. But I'll go there whenever nature puts death in my path. What if, I'm listening to Joe Walsh singing "Life's Been Good." Ironic? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if mailed off fall portion property tax today? what if still don't understand why they have to charge property tax more than once? what if stupid Demo-rat mayor wants to raise county tax, meaning property tax will go up way too much? what if stupid local Demo-rats ruined my town with their bike loving, car hating, kiss the butts of the college students attitudes? | |||
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what if mowed the yard this afternoon? what if not as many leaves since i had trees taken down? what if hope the cost was worth it? | |||
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What if Please dont say that..!! What if Im soo sick & there is Soo much I wanna do.. that I cant...AUGH!! Its Craxxy Makin..!!! ![]() What if,of course, I hope that feeling is just a passing thing for you..I get it too..? What if except for me theres nothing after this....just no more me..?But enuffa that,rite? What if I suggest that you start now to see what you like to do with the rest of your life..? What if that will give you something to look forward too in retirement..? What if Maybe you like fixin things .. Habitat 4 Humanity could probably use ya..{Im sure they would help YOU out when your place needs some repairs too if youre a volunteer. What if theres SO much time wastin stuff on youtube its ridiculous..? What if maybe you will make friends at a senior center..most 70+ are pretty clueless about Computers That'd make you a genius to them..LoL What if there's Painting Drawing Photography Hell learn Guitar, maybe. What if sitin around feeeling Woe is me .. is a feedback loop for deeper depression.? | |||
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What if speakin of cars...I had brake put into the Van thats not what the problem was ..it needs ALOTTA stuff soIm gonna use it to move & then just junk it..? What if theres no room for 2 vehicles over there anyways the small 100+ Yr Old 'Driveway' is actually too small for the van by its self..? What if I should be able to get 3 years at least outta Bro's car...its a 2006 so its pretty old now too. What if the used dealer sticker on it says "Liberty Motors" good used southern cars.... I know here that place is !!... umm.... was.... I drove by its closed down..LoL | |||
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What if OMG How rud of me! Happy belated birthday to your mom xc... What if my dad will have been born 100 years ago this coming spring....April 1921 | |||
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What if mine too..? What if my mom is the last memeber of her birth family alive...she had too Much older sisters..? What if my dippy parents had a spat with my Dad's family when I was 10 & I have mostly not seen then since. What if I doubt if Any of his brothers or sisters are still around he was 2nd youngest of a preetty big family. | |||
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what if i appreciate the kind thoughts, BrucE? what if i don't sit around feeling 'woe is me'? what if my intent was simply that i am anxious to see mama xc, papa xc & my brother again as i do believe in an afterlife? what if i also can't wait to see my books published? what if i also can't wait to see Trumpenstein loose the election? what if i also can't wait for Jennifer Lawrence to phone me saying, 'ooh xc babe, i need you- badly!' | |||
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What if ...Whew thatsa relief..? What if Im trying a new anti-biotic.. its unlikely to work completely but if its fairly good maybe it will show the doc that Im rite about stuff growing in me..? What if you just keep on keepin on..? WHat if that Jennifer Lawrence is a one of a kind babe..? | |||
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What iffs I took a lot of the old computer junk from Bro's place & I yam gonna add my own recyclables to it. HOPE the town lets me unload alla it for frees... Its 3 ancient printers 4 mid towers from there & maybe 5+ mid towers from here. What if plus a microwave sized box of boards & odds & endz... WHat sniff poor PT cruiser will be 1/2 full..? What if 5 pills of 28 on the new meds &.....nothing?.....Its a General Anti-biotic that should be killin the good stuff in my intestines & hopefully the bad also...but alla my gut stuff is superhero strong....? What if I checked the name of it to make sure he didnt slip me a placebo..LoL What if Im totally under-whelmed-age & stuff..? WHat if or is it Under-Whelm-aged ...I wish Linxi was here to correct me?This message has been edited. Last edited by: Brucy Braless, | |||
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what if it rained the most today than it has since like May? what if glad i cleaned the leaves outta the house gutters yesterday?/ what if leaves come from trees across the street that i don't own? what if wish they were rubber trees with rubber leaves that stayed on year round? | |||
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What if I voted early today? What if there was this place where you fill out apps for mail in ballots and you get the ballot and go fill it out at a private booth? What if, then you seal it up in two envelopes one after the other, and you fill out a little form with your address on it on top of the envelope? What if then you take it to the front of the building and they deposit it into a red box that to me looked like a suitcase or something? What if, I'm glad I did it even if I had to wait in line for about an hour and a half? What if, and then another forty five minutes or so waiting in yet ANOTHER line? What if I'm able to stand a lot longer now that I've lost weight? What if that does come in handy? What if, on Election Day, I'm going to the dentist to finally finish that procedure that I started last year? What if it'll be good to get it all done? What if hopefully by the next day we have a new president? ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if I sure hope so..! | |||
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What if Imma totally Lame-Oh..? What if I not only didnt git ridda that many computers..I actually FOUND 1 to bring home..? What if it hadda Dual slot Video card in it so I couldnt pass it up..? WHat if it has an old 1st Gen i7-860..? What if this is just a passable usable CPU nowadays..? What if it had the 970 in it ... that woulda been MUCH better.. but no.?? What if its got a Radeon 5770..a 108Watt video card thats about as good as new laptop Video @65 watts..?? I might Craigslist it for $15 thats $5 for the card & $10 for the aggravation of selling it..? WHat if the 80Watt 7770 came out same Quarter of 2012 as that one & is twice as powerful..? What if Fuck You Dell.....bastards...it has a decent 350 watts power supply that I can use if its good..? What if ..How do I make sure its good tho..??? | |||
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What if Today Oct 19th this site offers Biden =279 tRump =125 !!!! Still Theres some real encouraging news at this udder site: https://www.270towin.com/maps/...ectoral-map-forecast Same Site with the Toss-Ups allocated as best fit That goes Biden =357 tRump =181 ALso there was a site that Expects Dems to hold the house & Gain the Senate..! There VERY 1st Action should be to strike the Illegal Appointment forced by Bitch McConn-hole & recall Justice Bowel Movement KavanGnaw Show the RepublicCants that Crime does not pay..!! Every time they get away with shit it emboldens them! | |||
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What if ..... "Long-time Republican strategist Stuart Stevens says that he no longer recognizes the Republican Party under President Trump and says the party has collapsed." 'Burn it down and start over': Ex-Republican strategist sounds off on party What if he compared the repuliCants collapse to that of the USSR !!! WHat if that will be 2 Evil Empires down in my life time..!! WHat if ..although Putin's Russia is maybe a more concentrated Nasty! | |||
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what if glad to hear ya voted, Kate? what if will we know the outcome the next day? what if there could be chaos over mail-in votes? what if can't trust Trumpenstein or his stoopid supporters? | |||
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What if yeah I'm nervous about that too xc but I can only hope? What if, John sent off his ballot and got an email confirmation that they had received it? What if that's encouraging, and I hope I get the same email in a few days? What if as long as these ballots get to where they're supposed to go, they shouldn't have too much of a problem? What if, Brucy, those polls are certainly encouraging? What if, even if something stupid happens with the votes, Trump could still lose, all things considered? What if, again, here's hoping? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if been working overtime and will do so for a few weeks or more? what if i like the extra mullah but OT brings me down? what if been workin at a job for so many years now it seems it's all i know? what if i hear women & minorities complain about low paying jobs & no advancement yet that's all i've known all my workin life, so who says white men have it made? | |||
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what if mama xc's old car came back from the shop? what if $1500 worth of repair? what if i shoulda been a mechanic!? what if i keep pourin money into old cars cause new ones cost so darn much? what i probably postpone retirement cause keeping up the house & cars running me outta dough too fast? what if i die on the job someday cause i get so old? what if the bosses use my dead body for a door stop? | |||
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