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What if Johnny Depp is 57 today? What if I celebrate by watching Sweeney Todd today? What if, that's one of his absolute best, and I love the way he sings too? What if, who says you have to be an opera singer to do that musical? What if, and he took that character and made it more three dimensional than anyone else ever did? What if you had more sympathy for him than fear because of all that had happened to drive him to the point of killing people to be baked into pies? What if, Johnny Depp now has an Instagram account and he posted a video of himself playing and singing Bob Dylan's Times they are a Changin? What if, and a bunch of amazing words about the state of our world? What if he's the only real reason I go to Instagram in the first place??? What if Oh Well...Happy Birthday to Johnny Depp and to anyone else who shares this birthday! What if...it's time to have some more coffee? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if the Down side of my bro's car is becoming evident now..? What if as I may have stated before he hasnt Washed or showered or changed his clothes in @ 4 YEARS...!!!! What if not even for a FREE Xmass dinner..LoL What if its so bad that not only did my hands get filthy nasty on the Steering wheel...my fingertips got that way on THE RADIO KNOB..!!!?!?!?! What if so dont be tellin me how your relatives are a lil bit Funny....cause now youre funny too.. What if I washed it once now ... probably will need another go & then Gallons of Armor-All to bring it back to good enuff. | |||
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what if i haven't seen a relative in 7 months? what if lucky them? what if except for mama & papa xc, i was never close to any relatives? what if my bros don't speak to one another, and i only seldom speak with middle bro, and never with oldest bro? what if being alone is bad enuff but during the virus thing is even worse? what if even i wouldn't like me if i met me on the sidewalk!? | |||
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posted 13 June 2020 04:46 AM What if i think this is current stats...542 deaths out of 6,659 confirmed cases Friday, Aug. 7 Erie County is now reporting 8,607 cases of COVID-19. The death toll remains at 671. New York State has an infection rate of 1% ,per day ![]() SOoooo... Masks & social distancing etc REALLY DO WORK....This message has been edited. Last edited by: Brucy Braless, | |||
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what if this seems like an AWFULLY HIGH death rate for the number of cases doesnt it..? What if thats around an 8% death rate..? What if Orange county has had a 390 death count with 10,550 cases.? | |||
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what if my county has 184 cases and 18 deaths? what if cases skyrocket from places opening too soon & people not wearing masks? what if recent protests spread the virus? | |||
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what if still editing books 1 & 2? what if have sent info for book 1 off to 4 literary agents? what if i know responses will come slowly? what if editing taking longer than writing the first drafts? | |||
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What if maybe the only way thru this is for people to catch at near max capacity of the health care system..? What if becoz we need to have this solved before the fall's flu season starts with other new flus..? What if the death rate will really spike if anyone catches COvid-19 with a common cold &/or Another flu....simultaneously..? What if I searched up sweden & covid & its a mixed bag... they are at @ 7% of the population having had the flu.... its guess-timated that 70% is needed for herd immunity to be effective..? What if they also didnt properly protect nursing homes etc..? What if I would guess that the US is at maybe 3-5% of the population having had Covid...? What if that means we need alot to catch this & survive it if there is no vaccine...before fall.....only a few months really..? What if we will be more than likely at @ 20-30% immunity....yeah like 1 in 3 or 4 or 5 people you encounter out shopping..? What if not a good scenario..? | |||
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What if... good luck with your books..? | |||
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what if thanks? what if it's raining when there's a 5% chance of rain? what if i should've mowed the yard yesterday? what if when outside, it sure doesn't seem like there's a virus loose in the world? | |||
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What if I agree about stressing out Americans...the press is just spouting off all the doom and gloom and no one is talking about how to boost one's immune system or ways they can prevent the virus outside of locking oneself away in a house and never going outside. What if there's only so much humans can take of being cooped up? What if it's not natural, we need contact, and many Americans need to work? What if I get disability so I don't have to leave the house if I don't want to but other Americans aren't in my situation? What if, and it really does put the economy out of whack. What if, this said, I am not denying the seriousness of the virus, nor am I trying to sound like Trumpenstein? What if, I'm still taking precautions like wearing a mask when I go places, washing my hands a lot, coughing into my crooked elbow and not in my hand(I have a smoker's cough, no illness since before Christmas when I came down with a bad flu, which I sometimes think might have been the virus. I just remember I felt worse than any other flu I had. I didn't have breathing problems but that was a bad cough for awhile. Not everybody has the same experience with this virus, of course.) What if, however, the number of cases is WAY higher than the number of deaths, and that is something serious to consider? What if...I like that they're slowly re-opening everything but still requiring people to wear masks in stores and stuff, and stay 6 feet apart as much as possible. Take it slow. What if I still believe we can beat this thing and eventually get back to where we were before? What if, call it optimism, but that's what I think? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if had my driveway seal coated recently/ what if having couple trees taken down soon? what if back wall waterproofed weeks ago? what if paying mullah for stuff before i retire in a couple years? what if i have a PayPal account if any scrollers wanna contribute to xc's retirement fund? | |||
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i found it! what if i am xc number 5? what if xc number 4 gave me the handle when i bought a CD on ebay? what if i went along with the xenacrazed gag for a couple years now? what if xc 4 couldn't cope with the pressure of being xc? what if he couldn't cope with anything? what if nobody believes we're different people, us 5 xc's? what if- *looks at cue cards* -uh, surveys, dancing nekked gabbies, Jennifer Connelly, gabris fam...now i sound like an xc? | |||
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What if....WOW the lengths some people will go to just to avoid admittin they was wrong..!?!?! What if....this makes DT Rump seem noi-mal & stuff..?? what if nobody believes we're different people, us 5 xc's? What if....well, it would explain the Gajillion posts that alla the xcs have made over the years..I guess..?This message has been edited. Last edited by: Brucy Braless, | |||
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What if... forward motion on the Difficult to obtain numbers on Covid..? What if... they estimate 23 million infected outta 325 million* population..? What if.. est... 5-7% of the population has been infected rite now..? What if..it has occurred to me that maskin up & distancing should put a real damper on any new Cold/Flus from becoming epidemic..? * older & probably inaccurate info...Geexe Why is it hard to get a reasonably accurate # on our population..? WTF? | |||
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What if I got some cheap face shields from eBabe..? What if they are SO cheap the plastic is cloudy..LoL..? What if I hafta NOT Rebreathe my foul fetid miasma ridden breath or I'll die..? What if not quickly & painlessly like chokin on my own vomit... but real slow & water-boardy... low air-wise.... What snIff...this my post #3030..? What if I wonder how many xcs will have posted to the internets .. by THAT year..? | |||
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what if by then, the xc army will control the earth? what if xc #20,702 will be emperor? what if the internet will be long gone, replaced by the telepathic-net? what if but then, covid30 will be found in eggnog, wiping out all the xc's? | |||
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what if protestors want to rename buildings, airports, stuff to be PC? what if they're tearing down or wanna tear down statues, even of Lincoln? what if them that don't learn from history will repeat it? what if ya gotta have the ugly shoved in your face sometimes to appreciate the beautiful? what if *i* know all about ugly? what if everyone is offended by something, likewise any thing will offend someone? what if we get rid of all the offending stuff, the world would be empty? what if *i" offends *me*? what if gotta shoot *i* to satisfy *me*, who offends *i*? what if is it suicide, murder or a combo? what if getting over ourselves is what really matters? | |||
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What if PREACH, xc!!!!! ![]() ![]() What if that's absolutely what'll keep the world from blowing up...us getting over ourselves, hard as that sounds to do? What if...if we wanted to, we could really go places with this human race...I haven't stopped being curious at least. What if, you can never be too curious or learn too much...we are all capable of listening and learning if we really want to. What if, humility plays a huge part too? What if there's a difference between humility and humiliation which I had to learn the hard way!!! What if...and I'm STILL learning it??? What if human beings are just a bunch of kids that need guidance sometimes but that guidance can come from within too? What if, it's all about what people want. If they want chaos they'll get it. If they want peace, they can have it. It's just about willingness and desire for one thing or the other. What if, that makes sense to me at least? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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Wednesday, July 1 from WIVB,com Erie County is reporting a total of 7,192 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 637 deaths. SO its still pretty calm here...I guess. I read elsewhere that @ 93% of the population here remains un-infected as of now. Also it appears Sweden may be regretting its hands off approach. | |||
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What if I REALLY wanna play Skyrim but I cant .. I need to be healthier..!?!?!? What if I used up an Entire tanka gas in my Bro's car awready....that usually lasts me a month in the van..? WHat if it doesnt seem to be getting as great mileage as one might expect..? What if I hoid a rumor that kids consider a PT Cruiser to be an old man's car..? what if its retro looks are apparently not current car chic..? WHat if SCREW dem lil P-Pots..Heehee | |||
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what if Saturday parked inside my house, i think it was the 4th of July? what if i still love that old Chicago song? what if from 1972 when the biggest problems were Nixon and Vietnam? what if i hate to say it but i'd take Nixon & 'Nam over Trump & covid? | |||
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what if a cousins' reunion scheduled for today,as it'd been held on many 4th of July's was cancelled due to the covid? what if over 8 months since i've seen a relative? what if i'm still going into the office for a few hours three days a week & working remotely the rest of the time? what if gonna be working remotely until at least mid Feb 2021? what if Natalie Adele is spoiled, running around the house while i'm mostly home? what if she hasn't seen the vet this year yet cause i insist on going in with her & not waiting in the car? what if that makes her happy but i'm not sure how long she should go without her annual shots? what if there have been plenty cars here that never seen the inside of a vet office & lived fine & dandy? | |||
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What if .. FACT: We live in a computer simulation..!! What if there was SUPPOSED tp be a Lunar eclipse here last nite..? What if I looked periodically from 10:30 til 4AM..NOTHING!! What if OBVIOUSLY a glitch in the Matrix !! What if that 5th dimension 8th grader thats running this nasty evil lil comp class simulation NEEDs to FAIL..Bigly !! What if he just deletes alla this & starts over....no more torturing us ants with the horrid magnifying glass of Narrcissism...it put in our genetics..OK? | |||
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What if Trump is self-destructing so Badly that 100+ members,Republicans mind you,of GWB's administration are organising FOR Weak Joe Bidet..!!!?!?!?!? What if Alla them total LOSERS{side eye @ xc}who said Bernie couldnt win.. need to remove their testicles at home,like rite now! What if we cannot have them or those shitty shitty trump supporters reproducing & Crapping in the American Gene pool.... No MORE !! What if just kidding xc ...I admit I did not foresee Trump being this assinine either..? What if I just wish we could finally have someone who is WORTHY of being president rite now because we really really need it. What if Im okay with Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, Bernie, Elizabeth Warren..Amy Klobuchar... even my Governor Cuomo whom I have never been fond of because he is too Conservative.. but he is Competent... What if I COULD even tolerate Tulsi Gabbard,Kirsten Gillibrand {too Black Powery for my taste but} & Andrew Yang. What if Fuck even Skynet is better than these 2 moldy old dog turds we have running now... What if Dumb & Dumber isn't even the half of it..! What if its hard to imagine but 'Dumpster Fire' mite be able to lie & trick enuff low information voters to still put up a fite..? What if apparently there are secret rumors that DT mite drop out if it gets much worse..please dont....go down in flames.. like a good little boy!!This message has been edited. Last edited by: Brucy Braless, | |||
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