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What if here's to the end of the Trumpnazi Era? What if finally the adults are back at the wheel? What if I celebrated with mint chocolate chip ice cream with chocolate syrup and marshmallows? What if why not? ![]() What if it's been a slow, restful day? What if I may start working on the basement again tomorrow? What if I have to send something I ordered that's defective back to the merchant tomorrow too? What if AND a dentist appointment? What if of course I'll have to take the bus to both places so that'll be an all day project? What if John will hopefully talk to the mechanic today about the car...mechanic's been swamped lately? What if some people have gotten back to the mechanic tho about used engines...he's gonna try to process it all and get a lower estimate for us? What if I hope it's REALLY low? What if, and I hope we're able to get it situated as quickly as possible? What if oh well...laters for now? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if ...YES thats rite !! If MY life is gotta suck why should anyone else be happy.. ![]() What if Nazi,,Nazi I did Nazi THAT Coming...LoL What if by the Goddess..this Craptop is difficult to type on..? | |||
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Free Madness: What if here's to the end of the Trumpnazi Era? What if YES...but unfortunately those delusional voters are still out there..? What if they start a NEW Party..the Mentally Challenged Patriots Party ....that would be good fun....no?? What if AND a dentist appointment? What if my dental work went well crown back on, teeth cleaned..the filling above was damaged..next week a repair to that..maybe $400 total.... What if YaY to tRump for gettin us all this COVID relief...rite..xc?? What if John will hopefully talk to the mechanic today about the car...mechanic's been swamped lately? What if some people have gotten back to the mechanic tho about used engines...he's gonna try to process it all and get a lower estimate for us? What if OMG the motor needs to be replaced...WoW..thats not so good.I wish you luck. | |||
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What if I heard that thr tRump admin made NO ATTEMPT at creating a COVID vacc distribution plan....they didnt even TRY..?!?!?! What if... man ...only xc could love this guy..LoL What if now that the Dems are back in power I can order Deep Fried Babies from My Local Basement Pizzeria Again..LoL What if dont tell QAnon that im a Lizard Person from Outta Space....Here for your souls..? What if alla those tRumper/QAnonners Snowflakes are Crying over the Inauguration..?This message has been edited. Last edited by: Brucy Braless, Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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What if here we go again..? What if I Flnally got the stove hooked up yesterday...? What if late at night I looked & the alternate side parking had changed & I was now parked on the wrong side of the street..? I was 20 minutes too late to avoid a parking ticket & an expired registration ticket..Because im too sickly to remember @ the parking & to go jump thru alla the hoops to get bro's car in my name.. What if so $80 lost to being 20 minutes too late..Damn..? What if I really NEED the world to stop punishing me because Im too sick to keep up..? What if I was so...knocked down by it I couldnt really sleep..? What if on the plus side its all paid I have a receipt..so it wont effect me getting the car in mt name....umm...yay..? What if I checked on some QAnon news to brighten my day...those dopey Losers are comedy gold...Im tellin ya..? | |||
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what if recovering from major insomnia attack & the after effects? what if sleep is priceless? | |||
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What if insomnia sucks raw eggs? What if I'm glad you're recovering from that xc? What if Brucy, I'm sorry to hear all that but glad you can still insure the car? What if we'll probably have to give up the ghost on ours? What if the mechanic said no one quoted any price on used engines lower than $3000? What if John told me that a new engine would be something like 20 grand??? What if, so all of them are used, it turns out...damn? What if, well I might as well get used to Septa again? What if I went to the dentist yesterday too? What if I walked home since it's only maybe a mile and a half away and it was too damn cold to wait for the bus? What if, but I managed to save $2.50 in bus fare? ![]() What if, every penny counts, until the next stimulus check? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if LMAO! I feel like singing that Leslie Gore song "Judy's Turn To Cry?" ![]() What if I can't think of more appropriate lyrics to write for it tho..."GOP's Turn to Cry, QAnon's Turn to Cry" lol too many syllables? ![]() ![]() What if but oh well these poor SNOWFLAKES will just have to get over themselves lol? What if, well they called US that first!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() What if, we had more reason to be upset anyway? What if Trump could have killed us all with his stupidity? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if he buy/rent a decent used car for less than 20 grand? what if maybe a rebuilt engine, long as a mechanic checks it out beforehand? what if my '96 Ford Taurus needed a new engine & the rebuilt one Ford provided sucked? what if Ford sucks? | |||
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What if thanks for the suggestion xc; he doesn't really want to put out the money for a used car even tho he could probably get one with whatever our next stim check will be? What if he's thinking of using zip car? What if that's one of the car share organizations apparently? What if who knows how that will go but I guess we can try it? What if we'll see what happens I suppose? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if Yah-Whoo! What if there's a chop-shop rite behind my house..? What if theres enuff open space to park the Van there til I junk it so I can put Tiny car in Tiny Drive-way..? What if someone saw me back there & stopped to talk to me..? What if I sold him the van for $50...but I hadda include that new $130 battery I just bought in Oct? What if I let him drive off without any info on him just that he'd be back in 1 hr..to remove it? What if I gave him the only key & the Title..? What if I began to wonder if he only needed the title for something else to..who knows what..? What if Im stuck with a keyless,titleless van nose in..that turns into a Nitemare to get rid of..? What if Goddam I wish I was more alert & could think ahead better..damn foggy brain..? What if worries were for nothing...He came back, van is GONE!!! Driveway is useable..No More Parking Tickets? What if just gotta worry about the cop who knows the car is unregistered..? | |||
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What if LMAO! I feel like singing that Leslie Gore song "Judy's Turn To Cry?" ![]() What if I can't think of more appropriate lyrics to write for it tho..."GOP's Turn to Cry, QAnon's Turn to Cry" lol too many syllables? ![]() ![]() What if but oh well these poor SNOWFLAKES will just have to get over themselves lol? [/QUOTE] What if ...Yes for me 1 way to get over bad news is to check in on the Retard Brigadefor a good laff at Truly inane Stupidity..? What if they are only exceeded insheer dopey-ness by Tom Cruise & Scientology..? What if almost a guarantee to brighten a bad day..? What if this weird old house has a basement Only accessible from outside ?/B] [B]What if I saw a Yearling lil Kitty slink under that door earlier..? What if it seems to be gone now but I may have a 3rd cat........ WHat if I left him some food & water.....Ill name him xc..I think..? What if there also NO insulation on the heat ducts down there..Not Good..? What if I cant believe my cheapskate brother left it like that..? ![]() | |||
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What if ...Yes they do..? I have owned 3 & they were not selling me their best...believe me..?? What if they were ALL very used ..but still..anti home mechanic designs..? | |||
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what if does tiny car mean BrucE is a Shriner? ![]() | |||
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what if hey bub, xc is a licensed trademark name? what if only the xc cabal can use it? what if you use it, you can be sued or spend 5 years in prison? what if then maybe you & your BFF, Trumpenstein, can spend time together, exchanging lizard people QAnon conspiracies once he's convicted for one of his many crimes? | |||
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what if you use it, you can be sued or spend 5 years in prison? What if at least it will be warmer than this icebox...? What if the air coming from the vents is barely warm..? what if then maybe you & your BFF, Trumpenstein, can spend time together, exchanging lizard people QAnon conspiracies once he's convicted for one of his many crimes?[/QUOTE] What if WoW! sounds like a dream come true..? | |||
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What if good morning to all? What if I was lazy all day yesterday and am thinking today I should get back to the basement? What if...I'll just do a little at a time? What if it's hard getting rid of old stuff that meant the world to me and John but...there's just no room for it and holding onto it will not do it any service or show it any real respect? What if so a bunch of stuff has to be thrown out in order to make room for something new? What if, so I'll go downstairs and do that later today? What if meanwhile I'm gonna enjoy this second cup of coffee while it's here? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if another insomniac night last night? what if it's rare for a Saturday night? what if took Zzquil & night-time cold meds to help me sleep? what if only intermittent sleep, waking up, sleep, waking up, etc? | |||
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What if me too it was below 20F last nite & the furnace seemed to just blow cool air..it turned it up 1 Degree & it ran & ran...? What if the ducts in the basement were not insulated & I feared the 40 feet of crawl space wasnt either...? What if me & Bro spent most of the day gettin stuff & insulating the pipe that blew cold air into the bathroom... What if it didnt really help..? What if it appears this Prick of a high efficiency furnace knows what temp will be just slightly warmer & blows THAT Out of the ducts..? the FUCKer!!! ![]() What if I LIKE Fairly warm air coming outta my heat vents..?? What if.....is that a Fuckin CRIME now..?? What if ....when my feet are cold & damp its really nice to warm em quickly at a floor vent..no? What if but NOOOoooo this seems to be designed for A-Holes who like 1 constant temperature always...% forever.? What if I HATE people like that......have a little adventure & spice in your life...dont let 'Big Brother' ruin everything...! ![]() | |||
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What if it was cold in here last nite & I drank alotta late nite... DECAF but that & figuring out what to do next morn..{today} kept me awake for over 10 hours... What if I feel like a Dope..It appears that if I just turned it up 4-5F it woulda run & warmed the place slowly over maybe an hour..GEEXE! What if ..its tuff being old & senile...so....just dont do it..? What if I still dont know what it will take to make the Bathroom comfy for showers..? What if, .....if I run to the little bedroom Im using I can manage , I guess..? What if..Tomorrow would be Older Bro's 73rd B-Day..? What if Imma gonna look into gettin more heaty-type heat outta that Cadillac of a furnace I now have What if I got my first gas bill & its $77....which is reasonable...? What if ...wait.. no its not Ive only been heating here to the mid 50s..? | |||
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What if this place is Gigantic for 1 person..iys prob close in total volume to the entire duplex I just moved out of..? What if its got High ceilings & a pretty big basement which is less than 1/3 of the size of the first floor.. it also has a full length cold attic. What if my girly cat..Voodoo...just keeps walking around meowing every 6 seconds...its driving me batty..? What if I think I might just like it here after things settle down...so much has been goin wrong that I havent even set up a real computer yet...? What if ...thats something I expected to do by day 3 at the latest..rite now is 1 hour into day 9..? | |||
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What if it sounds like a beautiful place Brucy, hope all that's going wrong starts going right soon? What if I'm just starting my day? What if, in the basement, it's just a little at a time from now on? What if it's really hard throwing things away for some reason...I see something and I'm like, "keeper!" even tho I have no room for it and it just piles up and doesn't get its proper respect anyway? What if time to toss or give to someone else when applicable? What if so I'm emptying one to three boxes at a time and stopping there? What if, lots of things got thrown out yesterday? What if hopefully more today? What if meanwhile I'm just sitting here drinking my second cup of coffee and enjoying every moment until it's time to throw more things out? What if, I'll just think of all the space I'm creating for a living space, not a storage unit? What if, out with the old in with the new!!! ![]() ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Free Madness: What if it sounds like a beautiful place Brucy, hope all that's going wrong starts going right soon? What if haahaa..I seem to have given you the wrong impression about this place..I doubt if its worth $20 Thou ..? What if parts of it were fixed & painted a bit but there is a room with Bare 2x4s part cardboard tacked up to 'create' a wall surface,the trim around most doorways is just missing..bare iron breather/drain pipe next to the toilet... some particle board work started & left.. What if the outside is better but its still Butt ugly..just over 2 Dozen houses on the street..a few Very well cared for 2 that should prob be torn down..yet they are occupied..?!? What if Condition-wise this just above the average...but appearance-wise it falls to just below the average here.. What if tho there still seem to be alot of owner occupied houses...which means alot in a poor & decaying neighborhood like this.. What if it's really hard throwing things away for some reason...I see something and I'm like, "keeper!" even tho I have no room for it and it just piles up and doesn't get its proper respect anyway? What if ..OMG Tell me about it..I come from a Family of packrats we not hoarders but not that far from it..LoL | |||
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What if it seems 'Lil xc' kitty has some VERY unwanted company down there now..? What if there was a growly argument @ just whos basement that is..? What if I hadda long 12 hour bed rest last nite..I guess I feel a lil better..maybe..? What if ....what to do today....hmm... | |||
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What if ...you 2 didnt get kidnapped by Space Aliens ..A G A I N ....Did you,,? What if ...hay...Its been a few Daze...ya Khow..? What if OOoooppppps I did it again..? What if I rarely drive deep in Buffalo..? What if I scooted thru a yellow lite....glad I made it.. but I was Big Brother Cammed doing 33mph in a 15mph Skool Zone...AUGH..another $50 ..Im not even sure where to pay it..yet.. What if Goddam I hate Buffalo it needs to stop spending money on torturing iys citizens to get more cash... What if just Fuckin raise property taxes...& do away with alla them blood-suckin jobs..collecting cash..? | |||
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