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What if Im kinda surprixed than Nutin hasnt Puked me yet.... Umm.... Putin hasnt Nuked me yet... Nyet....Nyet | |||
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what if sounds like an idea for a TV situation comedy? what if the BrucE Bunch? | |||
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what if had some VHS tapes of relatives transferred to DVD? what if seen mama & papa xc from far back as 1988? what if the transfer came out really good? what if also seen cat who owned me from 1982-1995, named Fleetwood? what if felt both happy & sad seeing these movies again? what if i have more tapes i need to check before having them transferred? | |||
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What if : Well. I tossed the lady of anger & chaos outside today. Voodoo is old enuff that she is hittin cat menopause I think.... She has only gotten out once before when she was in heat... She is so miserable that apparently no male cat was horny enuff to wanna fuck her.... Im worried what she might do to little trauma's kittens when she has them.. like.. really soon.... So she cannot stay in.... I doubt it but maybe she will learn..... Callie is so terrorixed that I almost never even see her anymore.. | |||
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What if Im glad you have good memories..? I wish that some day you will be able to watch them with only joy... On a different note it appears I was right the shithead who is in my computer got my phone number when I gave it to Spectrum for a call to set up my modem. the new phone did 1 forced update & now it will not connect to the system either... Goddam it. I wonder if he would leave me alone if he new how sick I am..? Be kinda hard to take pride in your superiority if your kickin someone who is Barely able to get outta bed & take care of his-self... | |||
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What if its open the windows up warm here today ! Its says its 62F outside & it feels about right for once.. Thats way warmer than the 51-56F I heat this place to.. Hay Im doin my part to keep global warmin from turning Europe into the frozen hell it might become when the gulf stream wanes.. Yeah..Im pretty sure they will get colder before they get warmer... Especially England et al. | |||
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What if ..I hear that some russian citizens are abandoning RRussia to seek asylum in Finland... I think thats Great!... & a wee bit funny. Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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what if Dear Abby... | |||
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what if it's part of pukin's plans? what if invade Finland with ruskie asylum seekers? what if then rename name it Ruskieland? | |||
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What if you give him credit he does not deserve. He is soo angry & outta control that he is F-in himself over & over & over. What if the whole world is turning against him. Even many Russians. Hell.. maybe even the Taliban will find him to be to pointlessly nasty. What if... Did you see the helpless small lady been beaten by the 5 or 6 body armored police.... for protesting. The Ukrainian family murdered by a concussion bomb mortar round..? Geexe they looked like a family you might see at the mall... It just sickens me. | |||
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What if sometimes a Genius replies on Youtube: Rick H 45 minutes ago You don't broker peace deals with monsters like Putin. You do your utmost to convince their Generals to STRING such monsters UP! Publically. Deliver ultimatums. Draw lines in the sand. Sever ALL assistance medical, scientific, humanitarian, educational. Cut ALL investment lines, finance lines . Do EVERYTHING possible to make their people realise that their former world is UTTERLY OVER- UNLESS the impediment of their despotic leader is gone. It IS the moral cowardice of Western leaders, but most of all the absolute moral cowardice/fear within the Russian people & the financial depravity of their Oligarchs, that has lead to this unacceptable situation. It has also to be said, an Soviet functionary infiltrated, utterly depraved & non- saintly Russian Orthodox Church, under the former KGB Patriarch Kirill. A Gold collecting, Super yacht owning, money changing, Oligarch cleric that has lead to the creation of this most despotic Apocalyptically inclined Putin phenomenon. Russians must rise up against these wicked elements of their truly sickening society, to be accorded any credibility in the 'free'/ free-er world, let alone any true Christian or any other moral based Religious or Humanist world view. The West's own moral vacuum & unjustified military excursions have lead us to long ignore a simmering moral vacuum that exceeds ALL since Nazism and Stalinism ruled in continental Europe/East Europe & Russia. Take him down Generals!!! ---------------------------------------------- This 1 is even better: If Russia doesn't want to survive, they can keep doing what they're doing and the whole world will destroy them as a country by diminishing their entire country and military to nothing. Without finances, they can't maintain their equipment - even nukes, in working order. They require regular maintenance. As we have seen, Russia has cheap Chinese tires on their vehicles in the convoy. Those vehicles sat for so long with the sun hitting one spot that they have dry rotted and come off in mud. The Russian military is running out of supplies and food. When they have no money to buy anything as a government and country - and their credit rating as a country is now literally junk - they will fall to nothing. | |||
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"Russia's economy is the size of the state of Texas" ~ H R Mc Master a Reply: Di Muss 10 minutes ago Yes, utterly untrue. He should say 'was' size of Texas. Now size of Andorra!! | |||
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what if Natalie Adele woke me up at 3 AM? what if she was scared of thunder? what if i calmed her down, petted her & told mean 'ol thunder to go away? what if how'd she thank me- by walking over me as i tried to sleep & keeping me awake!? | |||
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What if I used the local gas buddy site to Monitor gas prices...recently.? NBC..I think Gave national average price as $3.53 on 2/20/22. Bflo Av was $3.64 on 2/22, $3.67 on 2/24 day of Russian attack. Bflo still $3.72 on 2/28 Seemed reasonable.. I remember when Nixon issued price controls... I say we need that right now for a bit.... this is all unreasonable commie oligarch style profiteering. $3.85 3/3 $4.13 sat the 5th National $3.84 On monday 3/7 I watched it rise from $4.22-$4.26 across 10 hours.. Today the av price is $4.32 Since alla the gas thats being sold was in the pipeline & Im not hearing about any shortages This is OBVIOUS & unpatriotic price gouging. We have exo-burb local Indian Reservation gas stations that are all under $4 rite now They do not charge our 25c gas tax so they are always cheaper. They are included in the average tho.... The suburb/metro highest price listed is $4.99...!! W T F !!!! The nearest to me is $4.19 the cheapest where I was last living is $4.14 Im so glad I filled up while PoopTon was threatening Ukraine....at @ $3.53...maybe Feb 20th | |||
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I remember the last time gas got up over $4... The local gas station cartels spokes person was on TV lying that gas stations "only make pennies" on gas sales. It was investigated....is 40c a gallon 'pennys' to You..? | |||
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what if Nyet! Nyet! what if Braless one no type 'what if'? what if Braless one think he putin or sumtin? what if poor vodka on him post? | |||
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what if nyet! nyet!? what is Rasputin he predict electric cars? what if Ass-putin, he make rich American$ pay more for gas? what if Russian xc bride, she wanna dance gypsy dance on Ass-putin's grave!? | |||
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What if PooTin said he would Radiation Poison me if I ever What iffed again..? What if so Ima Good Lil Commy & I will never type What if again.. Nuh-uh..? What if Every 1 will thibk this is a Fake Brucy post because I didnt trim alla the lines down..like I usually do.? What if Gas Bubby told me Tops was sellin gas for $4.19 when I got there it was $4.39..I joked with the girl that maybe that was Yeterday's price she chuckled & said ..Yeah it was..? What if ABSOLUTELY NUTHIN has happened in the past 2 weeks to actually affect oil prices..? Much less Pump prices....? Oil companies are so patriotic that we should Seize alla their assets & Nationalize them. | |||
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What if while at walmart I found a whole buncha squishy type practice golf balls & the wiffle ball style also..? What if so kitties can keep themselves entertained ..Yay!!! What if I also looked in on their Binoculars for that late '90s comet I bought a pair of great 10x50s that I used for years... Unfortunately they grew mold in them & when I cleaned em I damaged their ability to focus on Jupiter & Saturn... 7x35 will show the moons of Jupiter if theyre in a good part of their orbit.. butcha need a crisp focus. What if I have bought & returned a few off brand 12x50 that were usually $60 or less.... Poor focus They even gave a smudgy view of mars.. What if yesterday they had 16x50 Bushnells for $76 !!! the 12x50 were gathering so much light it was a little painful to look at the full moon..!!! If these are as good as the 1st pair ... I might be able to distinguish the bulge of the rings of Saturn at 16x mag Uranus was findable near the moon on the night of the 16th..I MAY have seen it once @ 2 years ago....it has a unique bluish color It is quite faint but binocular visible. WHat if ....So.... its been cloudy ever since I bought em..of course Jezus Fuck ,,,its to be cloudy until th 26th...DammitThis message has been edited. Last edited by: Brucy Braless, | |||
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what if found 5 more VHS tapes with mama & papa xc on them? what if will take them in to be transferred to DVD? what if i dunno what will happen to those DVDs when i kick the bucket? what if none of my xc wives have provide me any offspring? | |||
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why ain't it Friday yet? what if been a long week? what if but snow coming? what if and have to lose an hour when time changes- nerrrrr! | |||
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another encouraging Youtube reply Victor Bukowsky 14 hours ago I'm Russian myself, and speak native Russian, and regularly talk on Russian forums, such as LiveJournal. Russian economy is collapsing, already collapsed, and in free fall. The war is terrible, nobody wanted it, this is all insane. Nobody supports this, and it is a disaster. Entire Russian brigades are refusing orders, not to mention thousands and thousands of soldiers and officers. Kremlin's regime is collapsing. Place as much pressure as you guys can, in the USA and Europe, and everyone. It is working. Total embargo on oil and gas - Europe needs to follow US example, RIGHT NOW. The military is a rust bucket of old soviet gear, slightly painted over with a fresh coat of paint. Ruble is in a free fall, and there is absolutely no bottom to it. Foreign reserves were all frozen, so kremlin has NO money left, for anything. CONTINUE, friends. SQUEEZE that rat. -------------------------- CatHacker421 14 hours ago But what if he uses nuclear weapons bro ): it seems he would take the whole world down with him ------------------ Victor Bukowsky 14 hours ago @CatHacker421 I highly doubt it. He's not the only one pressing that button, it's not just one guy making that decision. Also, I have serious doubts anyone would even follow this order. Everyone in Russian is 100% aware of what is going on. It's not 1930s USSR and total information vacuum. Highly highly unlikely. Also, little puke in kremlin has 2 daughters, many relatives, etc etc. He isn't THAT insane. | |||
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What if : After listening to Julia Ioffe I Have Returned to my original assumptions @ PoopTon.. He realizes there is no future in being a cruel & evil dictator. If he loses power he will be humiliated & executed... if not turned over to the crowds of PoopTon haters. Like A-Holes before him J Caesar,M KHadaffy,SHitler & Sodomite Hussien. His end looks bleak. I guess only Stalin really got away with it til the end. I think rather than give up war,give up power he wil try to nuke the world. Its like a Super-Villains ultimate legacy. I hope the best of the Russian people prevail & take him down internally. I think they would enjoy the freedoms that are on offer. | |||
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what if Julia, Julia, Julia? what if good to see ya moved on from nasty Stew-fart? what if some assassin Missions:Impossible into Kremlin and offs Ass-putin? what if Stew-fart is skinny enough to slip by ruskie guards unseen? | |||
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What if Yeah & shes so plain & no-talent she could sneam in like she was Invisible.... WHat if YES !!! The New Invisible woman must be ... K r i s t e n - S t e w r a t Yay! | |||
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