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What if ...??
Scroll Guardian

Picture of Free Madness
posted 08 March 2005 04:55 PMHide Post
What if I hope Argy feels better soon?

What if that has to suck?

What if not that this compares but last summer I had the mosquito bites from hell?Razz

What if bleeh, they itched so much i couldn't stop scratching so they didn't heal for a long time?

What if this summer I"m definitely swallowing my pride and using bug repellant?

What if even if I hate that sticky gunk?

What if and the smell...ick?

What if I'm procrastinating from going out in this crapola weather?

What if *bites the bullet and gets ready to go*

What if bleeh well at least I can have hot cocoa when I get back?Big Grin

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

Posts: 3539 | Location: Dreamland | Registered: 06 April 2004Report This Post
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Picture of zoom
posted 08 March 2005 06:05 PMHide Post
what if best wished to Argy for a speedy de-itchification?

what if i'm going on 24 hours with a headache?

what if i'd have long since taken something for it were i not also nauseous?

what if my favorite homeopathic cure-all is at least taking the edge off both symptoms...?

what if i am so not prepared for house guests...?


are you sitting on the soap?

sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'

Posts: 5103 | Location: Austin Texas, baby | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

posted 08 March 2005 07:39 PMHide Post
What if here's hoping Argy is all better soon?

What if last time i was sunburned i became an Itchy and Scratchy Show?

What if i wouldn't mind being sunburned right nows cuz that'd mean it'd be warm & sunny?

What if sunburn is better than sneezin & coughin & gettin the freakin flu?
Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004Report This Post
Scroll Guardian


Scroller and Instigator

posted 09 March 2005 02:01 AMHide Post
What if i was a good girl and went to the dr today about my problems?

What if i have to have a cat scan, an ultrasound, a blood test and a few others tests then take all the results to a specialist?

What if best case scenario maybe some hormone tablets or what ever you take?

What if worse case scenario, i'd have to have a hysterictemy? (sp)

What if, the plus side is no more

What if the minus side is, i'm only 32?

What if, but with the fybroids and the cysts i have there, they'll only get worse?

What if enough of this depressing subject *reaches over and gives salem a wedgie*

Posts: 4830 | Location: Michelle @ work | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
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Picture of zoom
posted 09 March 2005 07:47 AMHide Post
what if best wished to Ame with her "female troubles"?

what if fortunately for me, i finally managed to sleep off the 24+ hour headache?

what if i still feel it lurking in the shadows of the outskirts of my reality?

what if Central Texas is bursting forth with spring blooming, hence it's headache season?

what if i buck up & shut up in light of more drastic Scroller maladies?

what if 1 day til pj?


are you sitting on the soap?

sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'

Posts: 5103 | Location: Austin Texas, baby | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

Picture of Sara
posted 09 March 2005 05:50 PMHide Post
What if I too send good thoughts and empathy to Ame?

What if thank god this day is almost over?

What if tonight we shop for camping food and get things packed?

What if tomorrow we leave at 9 am to get there and get in some hiking?

What if I can't wait?

What if Smile?


I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.

There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
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Scroll Guardian

Picture of Smirk Morgan
posted 09 March 2005 07:39 PMHide Post
What if I have to supress a giggle at the thought of Sara leaving at the crack of dawn?

What if I too have been fighting a headache for several days?

What if I figured out I probably am not sick, but suffering from early spring allergies?

What if winter was very mild?

What if the fleas are gonna be a bitch this year?

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Chief Chesty Forlock

Picture of Argeaux
posted 10 March 2005 01:01 AMHide Post
What if the Scrolls are a rampant mess of illness and disease?

What if this is proof that Scrolling is bad for you?

What if I think I've beaten the scabies?

What if this is the first day I don't feel like scratching my skin until it bleeds?

What if this proves that the Scrolls can cure all ills?

What if I hope everyone is soon returned to full Scroller health? Smile


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Scroll Guardian


Scroller and Instigator

posted 10 March 2005 03:57 AMHide Post
What if, does that mean PJ is at zooms now, since it's been over 1 day since *1 day till pj*

What if i can't get a specialists appointment till the 1st of freaking june?

What if i am almost to the end of angel - season 5, i had missed heaps of eps so it has been good?

What if, except for a few things i didn;t know happened.. well HOW it happened to be more precise?

What if i don;t like Knox anymore?

Posts: 4830 | Location: Michelle @ work | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
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Picture of zoom
posted 10 March 2005 08:21 AMHide Post
what if today is pj day?

what if she doesn't get here til tonight actually?

what if i'm sure i'll trot her 'round to say howdy to all at some point?

what if i put on my makeup?

what if i turn on the 8-track?

what if i'm pulling the wig down from the shelf?

what if suddenly i'm Miss Farrah Fauwcett from TV?

what if i never get that song out of my head?


are you sitting on the soap?

sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'

Posts: 5103 | Location: Austin Texas, baby | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

Picture of Free Madness
posted 10 March 2005 12:22 PMHide Post
What if I send best wishes and blessings to Ame as well?

What if I'm glad Argy is feeling better?

What if I hope everyone else with troubles feel better too?

What if I'm praying for my husband who has laryngitis right now?Frown

What if I'm also praying I don't get it?Eek

What if we have to sing on sunday? AAAAAA

What if my cat is trying to eat my pumpkin oatmeal?Razz

What if oh well, on with the day?Big Grin

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

Posts: 3539 | Location: Dreamland | Registered: 06 April 2004Report This Post
Scroll Guardian


Scroller and Instigator

posted 10 March 2005 02:50 PMHide Post
What if, pumpkin oatmeal? Eek

What if TGIF!

What if Ballet and Tap this afternoon?

What if i tried selling stickers to jess's dance school, and it worked YAY

Posts: 4830 | Location: Michelle @ work | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
Scroll Guardian


Scroller and Instigator

posted 10 March 2005 03:00 PMHide Post
What if dogs are good for food spills?

Posts: 4830 | Location: Michelle @ work | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
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Picture of zoom
posted 10 March 2005 03:02 PMHide Post
what if i am intrigued by pumpkin oatmeal?

what if curiosity killed the cat?


are you sitting on the soap?

sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'

Posts: 5103 | Location: Austin Texas, baby | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
Scroll Guardian


Scroller and Instigator

posted 10 March 2005 03:23 PMHide Post
What if *smacks a cat over the head with a shovel*

What if

What if, i won;t even begin to tell you about the pics of real cats i found in my search?

Posts: 4830 | Location: Michelle @ work | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
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Picture of zoom
posted 10 March 2005 03:30 PMHide Post
what if Ame is sick & twisted?

what if it only endears me all the more?

This message has been edited. Last edited by: zoom, 11 March 2005 07:52 AM


are you sitting on the soap?

sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'

Posts: 5103 | Location: Austin Texas, baby | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
Besotted Scroller
Picture of Madogis
posted 10 March 2005 08:07 PMHide Post
what if well, i'm enrolled?

what if i'm highly screwed though, being that the subjects i'm enrolled in make no sense to me?

what if that's a worry because i've pretty much done them before o_o?

what if my brain is mush Frown?

what if i bet tv gets blamed for this?

what if speaking of, jason was freaking HOT on DWTS Big Grin?

what if there was everso much wiggling ^_^?

what if ooh i just remembered that i have a few dreams that i need to post (thanks to sara for reviving that thread by the way Wink)?

what if robbie dreams Big Grin?

what if, well not the desperate housewives one?

what if that could have been fun though Smile?

what if all shall be revealed...later?

what if, for now i have to figure out what exactly i'm supposed to be doing in this crazy subject (it's the first lesson i've gone to and apparently i have a project due in like 2 weeks Eek)?

what if i brought this on myself Frown?

Posts: 2779 | Registered: 16 July 2003Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

Picture of Free Madness
posted 11 March 2005 01:15 AMHide Post
What if I"m trying to find a job?Razz

What if, an office job someplace?

What if hey stranger things have happened?Big Grin

What if I never want to eat much anymore?

What if my stomach has shrunk?Razz

What if that's a bummer cuz i have all this good food in the house that goes to waste otherwise?Frown

What if I had to throw away half a thing of old sushi?

What if that was sad?Frown

What if oh well another day another lifetime?Big Grin

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

Posts: 3539 | Location: Dreamland | Registered: 06 April 2004Report This Post
Scroll Nightmare
Picture of Cora
posted 11 March 2005 10:22 AMHide Post
What if ... Ame I have to admit we own a Copy of that Book?

What if its actually pretty funny?

What if I like cats ?

Can't you stop the lies, falling from the skies Down on me, I'm still standing Can't you roll the dice, I might be surprised Conscience clear, I'm still standing here
Posts: 428 | Location: Canada | Registered: 23 June 2003Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

Picture of Free Madness
posted 11 March 2005 12:07 PMHide Post
What if pumpkin oatmeal is quite tasty?

What if just throw some canned pumpkin in with your oatmeal and voila?Big Grin

What if add some sweetener and a sliced banana if ya want?

What if and nutmeg, don't forget the nutmeg?Big Grin

What if with that said, I'm gonna go hug my cat?Big Grin

What if I want Harry Potter 6 NOW!Razz

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

Posts: 3539 | Location: Dreamland | Registered: 06 April 2004Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

Picture of Free Madness
posted 11 March 2005 05:53 PMHide Post
What if weeee, I'm scroller of the month!Big Grin

What if ta, Argy, and congrats to you too for sharing the honors?

What if simple pleasures like that are rather exciting after the stressful week I had?Razz

What if yayyyy simple canadian bacon, refried beans and veggie ground beef all in one dish?

What if believe it or not that's quite tasty?Big Grin

What if with chopped garlic, onions, peppers and grape tomatoes?

What if throw in some salsa and worcestershire sauce?

What if I just write my own cookbook?Razz

What if Big Grin

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

Posts: 3539 | Location: Dreamland | Registered: 06 April 2004Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

posted 12 March 2005 02:15 PMHide Post
What if all them faces beneath WP9/Madness Within's handle represents the voices in her head?

What if they're the faces of the ppl out to keep Johnny Depp away from her 4ever?

What if i thought one of them faces was Minya?

What if theys all racing round ancient greece or modern Pennsylvania?
Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

Picture of Free Madness
posted 13 March 2005 12:12 AMHide Post
What if so THAT is why Johnny never called me!RazzBig Grin

What if bloody Minya takes all my men?Razz

What if but I love her anyway?Big Grin

What if you can race around ancient greece, you can race around modern pennsylvania but...I dare you to race around my head one day?Big Grin

What if ya may run screamin fer the hills?WinkBig Grin

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

Posts: 3539 | Location: Dreamland | Registered: 06 April 2004Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

Picture of Sara
posted 13 March 2005 12:14 PMHide Post
What if I am home from camping?

What if and feeling relaxed and happy and stress free?

What if so take advantage of it while it lasts, heh?

What if lol, I apparently got a little sunburned on the tops of my knees?

What if lol I didn't know your knees could get sunburned? Razz

What if I think it was from canoeing and my knees being exposed to the sun directly?

What if huh, it's a little annoying but that's it?

What if my shoulders are screaming bloody murder though?

What if it was a great work out?

What if I was up with the sun this morning?

What if I don't want to go to work tomorrow as it will suck the goodness out of me and I will return to being snarky, sarcastic, grumpy Sara?

What if I'll just enjoy today to the fullest then? Smile


I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.

There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
Posts: 2158 | Location: Seattle, WA | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

Picture of Smirk Morgan
posted 13 March 2005 05:40 PMHide Post
What if Oklahoma State just won the Big XII Men's Tournament?

What if Texas got eliminated first round?

What if the Texas women were also eliminated early on?

What if who'd have thunk "Baylor Big XII Champs"??

What if Texas A&M appeared to not be a factor in either?

What if yeah, I'm yankin' chains?

What if I'm getting serious about the job search?

What if I really think I'm gonna relocate?

What if still not sure where?

What if I'll seriously consider work here, but it's not likely to materialize?

What if Oklahoma's biggest export seems to be its educated?

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