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What if i watched CatDog this morning? What if Salem was so tired after his long assed what if that he needed nap? What if there is less than 2 weeks till we go to Canberra? What if it's good that BB doesn't get shown saturday nights so we don't have to work our night around it? What if I now go and PM Argy & Stace? | |||
<li'l tiki> |
quote:What if BJJ and Argy were long lost twins? What if they were SIAMESE TWINS?!? ![]() Wouldn't that be eeeeeeeeven creepier?!? ![]() | ||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if there were no such things as Siamese Twins? What if it was all an elaborate ruse by Siamese cats to get people busy with them, while the Siamese cats took over the world behind their backs? What if Stace doesn't plan on being in Canberra the weekend Ame and Argy were going? What if stace was really Gretel Killeen? What if Gretel was a pawn in Sandra Sully's ultimate plan? What if Big Brother hypnotizes all the house mates for Sandra when we can't see them? What if he does it in the Diary Room? What if when the housemates leave they corrupt their friends and the sandra worshipping spreads like a disease? What if Naomi Robson is far too suspicious for my likings? What if all the australian news presenters were under sandra's control? What if she's even got the american news presenters in her grasp? What if there's no stopping this she devil?? What if our only hope is the Xena and Gabrielle clones, with the help of the Home and Away cast? What if the only way to stop her is by shouting "stacks on sandra!!!!" and then everyone piles themselves upon her, crushing the life out of her? What if I went and walked through a meadow? What if that was just my way of changing the subject? What if cartoons were never invented? What if Nouchy showed me Disney's schedule for movies that goes up until the year 2011? What if Nouchy was Walt Disney? What if she was also the Warner Bros.? What if Rellik was hungry and tired? What if she went to bed at 9:30pm? What if Sara's modem wasn't fried? What if it;'s fixed? What if i said hello to everyone right now? | |||
Dream Scroller![]() |
What if I feel much better today than I did yesterday? What if it´s raining outside and I´d love to do a lil rain-dance? What if my boss wouldnt like that? What if my cold would get worse then? What if those pills that I have to take suck and dont help at all? What if I just love to rant around in this thread? What if it really helps me? What if I´m annoying everybody? What if I think that´s okay? What if I didnt turn on my messengers today? What if I didnt talk to Salem this morning? What if he´s glad I didnt? | |||
Dream Scroller![]() |
What if I cant believe that no one replied after last time I had posted? What if a certain scroller just made my day coz she asked me for help? What if I feel so good because after a long time I finally was able to help her? What if I cried last night during Ally McBeal? What if I Ally always makes me cry? What if most of you find that ridiciolous? What if I still havent learned how to spell ridiciolous correctly? What if I´m gonna freak out because I cant seem to find the pix of Lola that I wanted to show to our dear Twinnies? What if I´ve deleted them some time ago without knowing that I´d need them again? What if I miss someone who I´ve seen around x-mas for the last time sooo damn badly that I cant sleep? What if she doesnt miss me? What if I just called her? What if I´m not brave enough? What if I´m a coward? What if I´m a tired coward? What if I`m goin to bed now? What if I´m saying GOOD NIGHT to everyone now? | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if What if always goes through long periods when no one replies? What if Ally Mcbeal hasn't been on here for ages? What if Ally always makes me laugh? What if Ame's car breaks down on the way to Canberra? What if Ame and Argy have to travel by horse to get there? What if Kate Ritchie deserves to win the gold logie award? What if i'll stop at nothing until she does? What if only 5 people here knew who Kate Ritchie was and what a logie was? What if in the credits of 'Ice Age' there was a person named 'Athena Xenakis'? What if that was a cool name? What if Salem Sully Spellman Scully Springer Stiles came back into this thread? What if Salem brought his own surname into it and became Salem Sully Spellman Scully Springer Stiles Saberhagen? What if thats entirley too long to type? | |||
Dream Scroller![]() |
What If I have a portfolio interview at a university in 35 minutes? what if im still waiting for my clothes to dry in the dryer? what if I left my portfolio in the highschool that i go to? what If I feel sorta desperate to get everything done? what If All i can do is wait for my clothes? | |||
Dream Scroller![]() |
What if I´m loving this thread more and more? What if I just watched "To Helicon and Back"? What if I think that this is one of the bestest episodes ever? What if I cried when Gabrielle held her speech to her tribe? What if it always hurts to see the expression on Xena´s face when she watches Gabrielle running after one of the warriors to kill him? What if today I saw "Roswell" for the very first time in my life? What if I really loved it? What if it was that eppy about X-mas and Max saving all those children? What if that made me cry aswell? What if you guys think I just cry way too much? What if it doesnt surprise me that Ally makes Salem laugh? What if I dont understand it though? What if I´ve to prepare myself now to get ready for a night in town? | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if Relliks Professor likes Xena? What if Rellik became his pet? What if Rellik actually wrote about the season 6 episodes instead of pointing out other peoples typo's? What if the Loogies are on tonight? What if I don't explain what they are? What if tiki will forever think that the Logie Awards is when a TV star goes and gets a loogey spat on them? What if all the pages of What if got stuck together with the loogey? What if that's icky? What if CorXena cried too much and made a river appear like in Alice in Wondnerland and she got washed away to wonderland? What if I went to a message board that I read but don't post at and discovered that the owner closed it down due to rudeness of people? What if that made me laugh? ![]() What if every message board had a Fight Club? What if there was no Canberra? What if there was no Stace? What if there was no Australia? What if there was no Earth? What if we all just floated around space in houses? What if that'd be kinda fun? | |||
What if Jubilee & Rellik are avoiding me? What if I loogey on them? What if I don't watch the logies? What if Salem won the best new talent Loogey? What if Salem had a secret crush on Tinkerbell? What if I took away the Tinker, and was left with, he has a secret crush on Belle? What if Sandra Sully became the principal of Salem's school? What if, to either fail or pass his whole high school career, he has to do a 50 page essay on the wonders of Sandra Sully, and why she and Rove McManus are having a secret love affair? What if I am eating McDonalds Cookies? What if they're made in Australia? What if I then wonder why they aren't called McDonalds Biscuits? What if Jess is 2 years old, exactly 1 month from today? What if Stace & Argy are ignoring me? What if they went to Canberra this weekend and didn't tell me cause they didn't want me to go, which is why I haven't seen either of them all weekend? | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if this is my 300th post?!? What if it'd be sad and funny at the same time if Argy has gone to Canberra to see stace without Ame? What if Rellik was online earlier but she went crazy...seriously? What if it's obvious i'd win the most popular new talent, but I won't accpet it to give the other actors a chance? What if it'd be fun if Sandra Sully was my new principal as it'd give me a proper enemy at school? What if my school doesn't have a principal at the moment? What if I have no idea what they're doing because they have all these normal teachers posing as principal? What if they're waiting for Sandra to come to the school? What if Rove was the deputy principal? What if Belinda Emmett was the deputy deputy principal? What if there was a love triangle between Sandra, Rove, and Belinda? What if there was a new janitor that had to be transferred to my school because of what happened at his previous school? What if he had a hook for a hand? What if the school nurse (not that we have one) was engaged to the agriculture teacher but was having an affair with the head science teacher? What if the home economics teachers were throwing a banquet for the whole school? What if all the affairs and past wrong doings were revealed? What if the janitor's hook went missing and turned up in the chest of the quiet history teacher? What if an exact double of the quiet history teacher turned up? What if while all this was happening there was a storm outside? What if school just got interesting? | |||
Dream Scroller![]() |
What if I´ve never seen Alice in Wonderland? What if I´m soooo damn tired today because it was a looong night yesterday? What if I cant think of anything to post here today? What if everybody´s glad about that? | |||
Dream Scroller![]() |
What if the postman just brought me 3 huge packages from 3 wonderful people? What if one´s from Saily? What if she sent me some wonderful drawings,Buffy-pix AND a photo with original autographs by Adrienne,William Greg,Ted,Hudson,Karl and Jennifer??? ![]() What if I also got a package from Laura with 2 tapes? What if the tapes include FIN1+2 uncut,some interviews with Lucy and a lot of other kewl stuff? What if I still cant believe it? What if some days ago I got 2 wonderful drawings from Xavy? What if one´s of Xena and one´s of Buffy? What if I put them onto my poster-wall? What if the postman just made my day? What if I actually owe it to those wonderful people? What if I´m totally happy now? What if that´s strange? | |||
Ultimate Scroller![]() |
What if "what if" expression is losing its meaning because of this thread? What if I don't know who Laura is but I miss Saily? What if I feel ![]() | |||
Dream Scroller![]() |
What if I feel happy too because someone else is happy? ![]() What if I´m gonna stop work sooner than usually so that I can watch the uncut and unedited version of FIN1+2 for the FIRST TIME? What if I´m gonna hate it? What if I`m gonna love it? What if I´m gonna be shocked coz I`VE NEVER SEEN FIN BEFORE (the whole thing),just parts? What if it´s even more upsetting than I think it is? What if I´m gonna watch Lucy singing in NZ for X-mas afterwards to cheer me up again? What if I find it hilarious that Saily sent me the photo which Hudson,William Greg,Adrienne, Ted and Karl all signed with the name "Lucy Lawless"? What if I`m gonna get a ton of tissues now? What if I´m getting ready to watch FIN now? What if I´ll think about it again and decide not to watch it tonight? What if I´ll never watch it coz I´m afraid? | |||
Dream Scroller![]() |
What if I´m getting tired of reading my own posts in this thread? What if I think it´s strange that nobody seems to post in this thread anymore excpet me? What if I saw the report on Lucy´s horse fall for the first time yesterday? What if I saw Lucy on Grease for the first time yesterday? What if I saw Lucy singing at x-mas in the park in NZ for the first time yesterday? What if I had tears in my eyes when I saw Kevin Smith singing? What if I had tears in my eyes when Lucy "said goodbye" to her Grease-mates because she nearly cried aswell? | |||
<li'l tiki> |
What if I decided to post in the "What If" thread for the sole, selfish purpose of checking my new signature? ![]() | ||
Chief Chesty Forlock![]() ![]() |
What if I snuck into this thread to party, without anyone noticing? | |||
Ultimate Scroller![]() |
What if I think Tiki's new sig is a sign of insanity? What if I send a postcard to Akemi? What I'm still impressed by how good awards pictures are? What if I say "Battle off" to Sharon? What if I'm a fan of Sharon.... Stone? What if I have found an NZ immigration form? | |||
Ultimate Scroller![]() |
Why is it that I decided to post a What if in the "Why is it that" thread? | |||
Dream Scroller![]() |
quote:What if I´ve already filled out a NZ immigration form but never sent it? What if I still havent got my tickets for the Xena Con? What if I´m really upset about that? What if I think tiki´s new sig is kinda kewl? What if I agree with Xavy on the fact that the award-pix are just WHOA! GREAT! AWESOME! WONDERFUL! KEWL! EXCITING! MARVELLOUS! (sp?) GORGEOUS! LOVELY! ? | |||
<Stace> |
What if Argy and Ame still are'nt here? What if they're lost? What if the directions I gave them were perfect ![]() What if Ame is a really bad driver and Argy is really scared? What if Argy is singing along so badly to the Xena soundtracks that Ame ran off the side of the road just to shut her up? What if I heard a knock at the door, got up, and there was no one there? What if that made me feel slightly stupid? What if they don't get here soon then I'm going to have a beer without them? | ||
<StacyAmyArgy> |
What if Stace is full of shit? What if, when we got to her house, we jumped out of the car and yelled "Staaaaaaaaaaaace", but she didn't hear us so we just ended up annoying all her neighbours? What if Argy is on her second beer, Ame is about to start her third, and Stace (the pisshead) is on her fourth? What if this is because Stace had to wait all morning in anticipation and got her thirst up? What if Stace is obsessed with pistachios? What if "pistachios" is a REALLY difficult word to say when you're half pissed? What if you're all losers, coz you're not here with us? What if WE are losers, because we're here with us? What if it's becoming difficult to type, so I'm gonna go and have another beeeeeeeeeeer? | ||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if Ame, Argy and Stace drink so much that they somehow form the 4th person known only as 'Pissed in Canberra'? What if Ame or Stace break one of Argy's blooper tapes? What if all stace's neighbours have gone 'oh great, it's that xenafan again, and she's brought a minion this time!'' and they all left? What if all Canberra left? What if the ACT became the Australian Xena Capital Territory? What if Ame, Argy and Stace all travel about town ontop of a beer barrel with a mug in each hand? What if they get kicked out of Canberra by johnny himself? What if Ame and Argy have frightened staces boyfriend into hiding? What if he left the house? What if video's of this little holiday wind up on Australia's Funniest Home Videos? | |||
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