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Scroller |
What if scientists finally found out that ALL white Rats were chaotic cancer ridden? ie = White Rat drinks water, white rat gets cancer. White rat eats bread, white rat gets cancer. White rat has a funny thought, white rat gets cancer. ETC.. ![]() ![]() | |||
Dream Scroller![]() |
What if today I dont really know what to post in this thread? What if I post crap anyway? What if I piss of Ame because I post silly stuff? What if Ame doesnt really care? What if that´s allright with me? | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if a What if war started between Ame and CorXena? What if Salem is reminded of a time when Ame said somehting about a cheer-off between scrollers? What if that cracked Salem up? What if one slight touch would cause Salem to explode? What if Salem decided to just use the Pikachu sig for a while instead of the rotating one? What if Salem and tiki bombarded the scrolls with the Pikachu pic? What if 'The Abyss' is on tonight? What if Stace buys multiple copies of the Big Brother magazine? What if Stace tapes Big Brother Uncut and watches it over and over again in the dark? What if Salem swears he saw an ad saying Britney Spears will be at Fox Studio's Sydney tomorrow? What if CorXena flew to Australia? What if Britney wasn't here? What if CorXena and Amethyst got into a fist fight? What if it got more ratings than all those wrestling shows? What if it was made into a TV show called 'The Ame and CorXena Slug-Fest!'? What if Slug-Fest isn;t the right term I was looking for? | |||
Dream Scroller![]() |
What if I dont wanna fight with Ame? What if I met Salem in Australia? What if I was totally down coz Britney wasnt there? What if Salem tried to cheer me up with a lil strip-dance? What if actually Salem lied and didnt really see an ad saying that Britney will be in Sydney? What if it´s all not true? | |||
Chief Chesty Forlock![]() ![]() |
quote:What if this is what ALWAYS happens? What if sometimes jelly shots are involved? What if our Canberra weekend has been moved to a couple of weeks from now? What if this is because I am going to a Buffy convention this weekend? What if people who constantly say they don't care what others think are really only showing that they DO care what others think? What if the other Xena character smileys are never IDed? What if that isn't how you spell IDd? What if that isn't either? What if Canberra is the arts end of Australia? What if it doesn't know what's about to hit it? ![]() | |||
Scroll Nightmare![]() |
quote:What if I am very afraid of this? What if I wonder how much she offered him to do this? What if I do this... %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ? What if that makes no sense to anyone, except... wait no one.? What if it is really really hot here? What if today was Law day here? What if I was at this big thing because of it? What if I saw Rellik there? What if that is cool causee we go to different schools? What if we got some free stuff at the end? What if our Prime Minister was there? What if I there and there was 10 video cameras from tv? What if they looked my way when I was "relaxing" in my chair? What if I was really sleeping? what if I am a bad example of youth today? | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
Ce qui si Salem ce poteau en français? Ce qui si ceci rend le sembler de Salem futé? Ce qui s'il rend lui le sembler stupide parce qu'il a obtenu traduit mal? Ce qui si Salem indique quelque chose à Ame en français? Ce qui si Ame était paranoïde parce qu'elle n'a eu aucune idée pourquoi son nom a été utilisé? Ce que si c'est Salem confondant ainsi lui dit au revoir en ce moment? | |||
Dream Scroller![]() |
What if I understood everything that Salem posted? What if not? What if I told Cora that I havent offered Salem anything to do that lil strip dance? What if I forgot what I wanted to post? What if I´m totally confused now? What if I´m always in that condition? What if was at the doctor´s today to get my eyes checked? What if he said that my eyes are totally damaged? What if he said that because I been out all night? What if I cant see anything no more? What if my boss finds that very amusing? What if I`m gonna beat him up? | |||
Scroll Nightmare![]() |
Ce qui si j'ai su que quel Salem disait? Ce qui si je déteste cette langue? Ce qui si je suis bilingue? Ce qui si je devais apprendre français à l'école? Ce qui si vous devez parler français afin de recevoir joli beaucoup de n'importe quel travail ici? Ce qui si les gens parlent ici un morceau à français différemment? Ce qui si est parce que ils sont des canadiens françaises? Ce qui si je déteste français? | |||
Dream Scroller![]() |
*grumbles.. * what if its still thursday here? ![]() | |||
<li'l tiki> |
Huh-huh-huh-huh-...what if Ame said "BIG ONES"?!? ![]() What if the guy I saw looked and talked absolutely nothing like Brucy, and yet, it really was him?!? ![]() What if I just backhanded Ame for making such a comment anyway?!? What if we got into a bitch-slapping fest that made the infamous scene between Joan Collins and Linda Evans(was it Evans?!?) on "Dynasty" look like something from "Barney"?!? What if people paid to see us? What if that made us quite rich?!? $_$ What if Salem did explode after I hugged him? What if that made me cry?!? ![]() What if I was about 1/8th French, but that made no lick of difference because I don't know French very well? What if my Spanish is much better, and I don't even have a Spanish blood cell in my body?!? [ April 18, 2002, 11:12 PM: Message edited by: 80's Lady ] | ||
Chief Chesty Forlock![]() ![]() |
quote:What if I have a REALLY big weekend planned, including going to a Buffy Convention? quote:What if I am gonna try to buy one today? quote:What if I saw the whole thing? What if it wasn't that good? quote:What if they hardly did anything last night, so I wouldn't hold your breath? What if I wrote a limerick about Daimo? quote:What if, as far as me and Ame are concerned, we're all good to go? quote:What if I'M scared? ![]() ![]() | |||
Dream Scroller![]() |
quote:What if I have a REALLY big weekend planned, including going to a Buffy Convention? [/QUOTE] What if I´m totally jealous?????? What if I´m talking to Salem right now and he told me that Nouchy saw Britney walking down the red carpet yesterday? What if I wished I had been there too? What if I had been able to talk to her? What if I had not been able to say anything? What if I´m just bored again and post silly stuff? | |||
What if i started a thread where all the aussies can talk about BB now there is 3 of us? What if i feel sorry for Mirabai's b/f? What if I hope Damian gets voted out just so its been a waste of Mirabai's time, but enough to piss her b/f off? What if I reckon it will be Katrina who will be voted off, cause it's so damned obvious she doesn't fit in? What if i like Shannon, Marty & Jessica best? What if i probably like Jessica just cause of her name? What if i want a 'Big One'? What if they did a International BB with all Xenites? What if when i saw that they used the same cloth to wash the dishes that they used to wash the toilets ewwwwww? What if uncut was boring? What if Nathan and Sahra get it on? What if i start a new post for all non BB what if's | |||
What if people kept posting in this thread of fights and punch ups Ame keeps having? What if Ame IRL isn't a fighting person? What if Ame is talking about herself in the third person? What if I am checking my email, and there is an email from ARGY!!! What if i am now replying back to Argy? What if i have now lost my train of thought and can't remember anymore what if's i had in mind? What if i got back to this thread? | |||
Dream Scroller![]() |
What if I´m totally furious because you all think I`m insane coz you cant see THE DAMN HAIR??? ![]() What if it´s driving me nuts? What if I am already? What if I cut my hair again yesterday? What if this time it´s REALLY short? What if Salem is the only one who doesnt say that he thinks I´m totally insane? What if I really appreciate that? What if I´m gonna go to the loo now? | |||
<Evil Charmed One> |
What if more Israeli Xenites join the scrolls then we could have a qlicue like the Aussie one? What if retribution hopes he spelled Aussie correct? What if retribution wanted to post something funny in the 'What If' thread but only comes up with lame crap? What if yesturday i got a letter from the army telling me that i am being drafted to the Israeli defence army july 27th 2003? What if i don't know weather i want to join the navy or air force? | ||
<li'l tiki> |
What if I feel guilty each time I use the Zorak icon now, because it officially belongs to eyezoom? What if I requested and got a Brak icon that I and only I alone was allowed to use? Wouldn't that be just marvy-do and splendiforous? ![]() quote:What if just because he doesn't say it, doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't think it, and that even if he did think it, he wouldn't say it, because he is too nice of a person and wants to spare your feelings? ![]() What if I was just teasing you, CorXy, but I will tell you that you shouldn't get so worked up over something so trivial when there are problems in the world that are much bigger than that, which brings me to retribution... What if retribution was telling the truth, and he was getting drafted? ![]() What if all his scroller friends, including myself, just flew the hell over and kidnapped him, and made him live over here in the US, so that that wouldn't happen? What if I am worried? ![]() What if tiki IRL really was a fighter? ![]() What if that is only semi-true, because the last real physical fight I have ever had was about 7 years ago, when I punched Herb in the stomach? What if I was drunk? What if I used to be somewhat of a mean drunk, but have gotten kinder, softer and sober over the years, and am quite fortunate to have all of my teeth, because, by the Grace of God, I never gotten into an honest to goodness bar fight?!? What if fighting was in my blood? What if my grandfather was a South Philly streetfighter and a boxer? What if I am damn proud of my grandfather? ![]() What if Ame and tiki got into a cyber mud wrestling pit anyway, even though Ame was not a fighter IRL, just so we could rake in the dinars?!? ![]() What if I had to edit this thread because of a couple of typos, and realized, in the meanwhile, that I have forgotten a few more what ifs?!? What if I bought my first legit Sailor Moon collectible today (I had an alarm clock, but it was a knock-off...not official SM merchandise), because it was on sale and it was sooooo cheap...a Sailor Moon plushie? What if she was absolutely KAWAII?!? *_* What if I am kicking myself in the keister for not getting a Sailor Jupiter plushie as well?!? >.< [ April 20, 2002, 11:41 PM: Message edited by: 80's Lady ] | ||
Dream Scroller![]() |
What if our 80´s Lady is right,as always? What if I´m finally over the whole "The Hair-Affair"? ![]() What if I just dunno what to post today in this thread? | |||
<Stace> |
What if I had a really bizarre dream last night? What if Argy and Ame were both in it? What if they had come to Canberra? What if I dreamt Argy's real name was Kelly, even though I know its not? What if Ame brought two kids with her? What if one wasn't even Jess? What if I woke up all confused? What if I go post in the BB thread before I get down to doing some work? | ||
<li'l tiki> |
quote:What if it was my kids?!? Tece and Herbie?!? ![]() What if I decided to ship my kids to Ame on Canberra day to babysit for about a week? ![]() | ||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if it's fun to write about Ame being in punch-ups? What if Salem can't see the hair in the picture, because his computer shows pictures so freaking dark it's impossible to see anything? What if rellik knows what i'm talking about because she always has to brighten pics for me to see? What if Salem has been to anberra numerous times before, usually to goto Floriade with his family? O.o What if Salem has probably walked past Stace? What if Salem realises he has been talking in third person for far too long? What if I what if like this? What if I've probably walked past Margeaux at hornsby numerous times? What if i've probably walked past Argy and Nouchy at Sydney somewhere? What if i've walked past tiki?! What if I went and posted in the BB thread? What if my post about the Abyss was a few days late? What if I cuoldn't think what to write? What if the Rheingold is on this week? What if i'm excited? What if i sounded like Big Kev then? What if the last 25 seconds of the track "End of Days" and obviously the last 25 seconds of the music in the episode 'God Fearing Child' make me think of 'The Vicar of Dibley'? What if that was a cool show? What if I wish it was back on? What if I want to go on big brother just to get the PS2 and the credit card with $2000 on it and whatever the other thing was? What if i'd get voted out first because all i'd be doing is singing Phoebe songs, Xena songs and quoting the simpsons all the time? What if that's all I do in the chats? What if AOL introduces a thing so that everyone can vote to kick me out of the chats? What if Ame is sick on the day they go to Canberra? What if my neighbours dog uses me for food? What if he comes over and hangs around and be's all friendly and then as soon as you give him food he leaves? What if i'm known to all the dogs as the giver of food? What if I got a dog? What if i want a dog? What if I want a dog and a cat? What if I called them Ame and Argy?! What if they had babies that looked like Cat-Dog? What if the Cat-dogs' name was tiki-stace? What if thats creepy? | |||
<li'l tiki> |
quote:What if I totally agree that that IS creepy?!? ![]() ![]() | ||
Chief Chesty Forlock![]() ![]() |
What if I agree with tiki 100%? ![]() | |||
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