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Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if zoom's friends are "nice" enough, just extremely lame in the consideration & reciprocity departments? what if the few (one) that isn't is dealing with some major shit right now so it's her turn to be needy? what if Lao Ma would chastice me about acting without expectations? what if sometimes i'd like to give Lao Ma one right in the chops for being so damn wise all the time? what if i feel a mood comin' on? what if Jagermeister therapy? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if woohoo new page? what if my latest name & avatar give me a chuckle every time? what if i actually found that pic in a google image search of "chimp"? what if i just have another chuckle over that right now? what if hehe? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? | |||
What if no one seems to care how strange looking my child was as a baby? What if WOOHOO Nora.. have 4 drinks for me, 4 drinks on me, and 4 drinks with me... *G* What if Prof Xavier on MSN told me to pass his congratulations on as well? What if i have a million things to do this morning, but i only hoped on to see Nora's results, so catch ya all in an hour or two.... *toodles* ======================== ![]() Leo: Hey, you want to freeze me in bed for your own personal pleasure, that is fine, but freezing Natalie is not gonna make her or the Elders happy. | |||
Scroll Nightmare![]() |
What if I have a headach? what if I have had it for the past 2 weeks? What if my life is a headach? What if I probally should go to bed? What if I am waiting for salem to come online instead? what if I waited all night and he didnt come? What if maybe I should drink in celbration for Nora? What if I wish I had someone to get drunk with? What if its pathetic that I dont have anyone? What if I give up right now? ----------------------------- Como e` bella ce` la luna brille e` strette strette como e` tutta bella a passeggiare Sotto il cielo di Roma 'The Road goes ever on and on Out from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone,Let others follow it who can!Let them a journey new begin,But I at last with weary feetWill turn towards the lighted inn, My evening-rest and sleep to meet.' | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if a guy on NPR today was talking about John Ritter and listed a few of his roles? What if he called "Ted" the only bad episode of Buffy? What if jigga who?? What if I love "Ted"? What if but then I also like "Bad Eggs"? What if I dance to a different drummer? What if right now I'm chair-dancing to Kirsty MacColl's "England 2 Colombia 0" from the album Tropical Brainstorm? What if I never say this but it freaking rocks? What if now I'm sad all over again that she's gone? What if but I can't stop listening because it, as I mentioned, rocks? What if we have a green candle that when it melts the wax turns burgundy? --------------------------------- Beg to differ, little lady. | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I'm extremely drunk? What if I've been drinking since 2 pm. Central time? What if that includes two Harps, a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, a shot of Goldshchlager, a shot of southern comfort and a shot of something else that included lemon wedges? What if I had another Harp after that? What if we went to Arnies and I had two Blue Moons? What if then we went to Suede Martini Lounge and I had an Angel's Kiss cocktail and half a Gin and Tonic? What if I can't see straight right now? ![]() Where have all my friends gone? They've all disappeared Turned around maybe one day You're all that was there Stood by unbelieving Stood by on my own Always thought I was someone Turns out I was wrong But you brought me through and You made me feel so Blue "Blue" by the Jayhawks | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I read that Channel 10 not only bought the rights to show Queer Eye, but also to produce an Australian version? What if I can only hope it's not as bad as that Australian Survivor? What if speaking of Survivor, I really wish that it was available to buy on DVD in seasons? What if, at least the Australian Outback version and the Amazon version, because those are my favourites? What if they're all available in seas DVD in America and no one told me? What if am I the only one who would think it cool? What if I woke up in the middle of the night last night convinced that there was a Preying Mantis in my room and I didn't want to go back to sleep til I found it? What if I have absolutley no idea why I was thinking that? What if I don't remember dreaming of a Preying Mantis? What if needless to say, I didn't end up finding one in my room? --------------- ![]() Don't be so hard on yourself my friend. You lost the woman of your dreams, but you still have Zoidberg. You all still have Zoidberg! | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if congratulations to Nora again? What if I hope she gets her vision back soon? What if I hope she doesn't have a bad hang over tomorrow? --------------- ![]() Don't be so hard on yourself my friend. You lost the woman of your dreams, but you still have Zoidberg. You all still have Zoidberg! | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if hey, Salem, Amazon and Oz Survivor ARE available for purchase in America? What if complete with extra's like the morning after interviews and follow ups with booted tribe memebrs and audition reels? What if actually I think that those are the only 2 Survivors that ever made it to DVD so you are in luck? | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I'd been meaning for years to watch Mystery Science Theater 3000 but never got to it until today? What if at one point I laughed so hard I was in danger of vomiting which made it funnier? What if I'm sorry that's almost gross but it's true, and thankfully rare? What if I had to mute the tv for a minute in order to compose myself? What if and then the movie lady was standing on some sort of inside balcony calling for her murderous husband and one of the bots (or Mike, dunno) said something like "I have a papal decree to read.."? What if I reeled backward into the couch as if stricken as the laughter started anew? What if I may as well just buy Amazon.com itself right now? What if I didn't know Survivor was on dvd? --------------------------------- Beg to differ, little lady. | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if it's too early/late for me to tell whether Lila is being truthful or just playing a trick? What if it sounds like a trick, what with the two I want being the only two to be released on DVD? What if it's not a trick, but it's a cruel...something...because I wouldn't be able to watch them? What if damn regions...? What if why is David Letterman on my TV? What if where's my David Bowie movie? What if I hope I'm on the right channel..? ~What if ooh.. I just looked it up on Amazon and found 'highlight' DVDs of the first 2 seasons? ~What if I'd probably pick up the second one if I found it here, but it's still not every episode in the season? ~What if I appologise for thinking Lila was trying to trick me? ~What if she had no knowledge of the DVDs and *was* trying to trick me, but now pretends she wasn't? ~What if hurry up next Survivor season...? ~What if, what happened to that supposed all stars Survivor with people from earlier Survivors being in it? --------------- ![]() Don't be so hard on yourself my friend. You lost the woman of your dreams, but you still have Zoidberg. You all still have Zoidberg! [This message was edited by Salem on 13 September 2003 at 11:48 AM.] | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I'm not seeing Survivor on dvd anywhere? What if just some 2 hour "outrageous moments" dealies? What if but you still have Zoidberg? --------------------------------- Beg to differ, little lady. | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I edited my previous post 4 minutes after you had posted, but without having seen your post? What if yes, Zoidberg, and speaking of which, Season 3 of Futurama comes out on DVD here on the 24th of this month!? What if I'm beginning to think this David Bowie movie isn't on? What if I switched chanels and stumbled upon the "Mmm Bop" film clip? What if what the..? --------------- ![]() Don't be so hard on yourself my friend. You lost the woman of your dreams, but you still have Zoidberg. You all still have Zoidberg! | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if Salem comes over and we make fun of television and films? What if I'll give him organic snacks? What if there's a trash guy cleaning out the neighbors' abandoned house and garage? What if he had to deal with the deer carcass? What if he's very nice and I spoke with him for a while yesterday? What if the trash guy, not the carcass? What if it made me feel quite the social butterfly; again, not the carcass? What if I really don't get out? What if I can't believe that dumpster is almost filled? What if it's one huge dumpster? What if they left behind holiday decorations and baby clothes and stuff? What if they were not bad people, but geez!!? --------------------------------- Beg to differ, little lady. | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I wanted to see if I'd spelled "carcass" correctly so I Googled it? What if I out of curiosity then clicked the "Images" tab? What if I advise against it? --------------------------------- Beg to differ, little lady. | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if after Mmm bop, they showed that steps film clip, 5,6,7,8 or whatever? What if then they showed Spice Up Your Life? What if that was fun? What if then a Backstreet Boys clip? What if that made me laugh, because I watched the Footy Show DVD earlier? What if success, the Bowie movie is on!? What if see, if I set the VCR to record while I slept, it would've started 20minutes earlier? What if I'm taping this, so I might sleep soon? --------------- ![]() Don't be so hard on yourself my friend. You lost the woman of your dreams, but you still have Zoidberg. You all still have Zoidberg! | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I feel like googling 'Carcass' now? What if I won't though, other wise I'll probably having Preying Mantis carcass drams? --------------- ![]() Don't be so hard on yourself my friend. You lost the woman of your dreams, but you still have Zoidberg. You all still have Zoidberg! | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I thought it was "praying mantis"? What if it's a confusing insect? What if one way it's a hunter and the other a zealot? What if I don't know which would cause scarier dreams? --------------------------------- Beg to differ, little lady. | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if you're probably right on the spelling? What if Praying Mantises are kinda scary? What if I wonder if it would hurt if they got your finger in their arm things? What if I know it would hurt if a Scyther did...? --------------- ![]() Don't be so hard on yourself my friend. You lost the woman of your dreams, but you still have Zoidberg. You all still have Zoidberg! | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if heh, I know what a Scyther is? What if because it's on Pokemon Snap for Nintendo 64? What if that would hurt? What if I wonder which David Bowie film Salem is watching so very late at night? What if is it The Hunger, by chance? What if maybe he's already said and I missed it? What if I hate that? --What if I emphasized the wrong word and had to edit? --What if I hate that, too? --------------------------------- Beg to differ, little lady. | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if hooray for Pokèmon Snap!? What if the movie is called 'Basquiat'? What if it has Sirius Black and the Green Goblin in it also? What if I'm gonna go ow, have a good day!? --------------- ![]() Don't be so hard on yourself my friend. You lost the woman of your dreams, but you still have Zoidberg. You all still have Zoidberg! | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if g'night? ![]() --------------------------------- Beg to differ, little lady. | |||
Scroll Guru |
What if Raven is snoring very noisily at the moment? What if that's odd, cuz he's a dog? What if I've spent all day deleting files and converting other to jpegs? What if it's boring but a good excuse for me not to do my other chores? What if Time Code....a very strange movie? What if pizza for dinner!? ![]() I doubt, therefore I might be. | |||
Scroll Guru |
What if woohoo, I'm a Scroller Extraordinaire? What if I can't find the edit button any more? ![]() ![]() I doubt, therefore I might be. | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I've recovered from my hangover? What if it was touch and go all day? What if I had to look at my last what if post to remember what I'd had to drink? What if I'd forgotten about that third shot? What if I tried a Sierra Mist at lunch? What if it tastes a lot like Mountain Dew, but lacks the caffeine kick that makes Mountain Dew worth drinking? What if Trading Spaces is on right now? What if Doug is the truck with Amy Wynn? What if they claim it's for the a/c? What if Doug is evil? What if I like that about him? What if Doug's evil side has nothing on Hildi "Hay Wall" Santo-Tomas? ![]() Where have all my friends gone? They've all disappeared Turned around maybe one day You're all that was there Stood by unbelieving Stood by on my own Always thought I was someone Turns out I was wrong But you brought me through and You made me feel so Blue "Blue" by the Jayhawks | |||
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