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What if i have to tape Shark's Tale and Shrek 2 for a girl that i met through neopets and only cause she had the name Michelle in her username, so i messaged her and said my name is Michelle too, and now we talk every day? What if, shes 30 too.. What if i am gunna send her some tim tams as well, cause she's from Scotland, and i assume they don;t have them either? ********************************* | |||
What if, ok this post should o it, so unless salem beats me to it, and he probably will, i'll make this a really long what if, just to commemorate the upcoming weekend of no working, which is always good, cause it gives me time to play HP1 and the Hamster game, cause i need to learn how to Ham chat and say Ham Ha and REALLY mean it? What if i am editting to say, i didn't realise i had already made a new page.. how slow am i? What if, you don't need to answer that ********************************* | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I tried to find a good picture of Laurie at the Home and Away website, but I couldn't because the site sucks donkey balls, to borrow the phrase from Sara? What if they've updated the cast section with "meet the new characters Dan and Dalby!"? What about Josie, bitches? What if this is the best I can find, and it's of Angie? What if ![]() What if Josie obviously looks similar, but with slightly darker hair and a slightly different style? What if Home & Away is about to start? What if what Maddie said about Dani will probably come true? What if, what is with that picture of James and Andrew G in TV Week? What if it makes them look like a couple? What if they are and I've missed something? What if I am so sick of all this Ricki-Lee crap? What if I ranted at Ame about it before? What if poor Matilda is about to be crushed? What if Geoffery Rush and his wife were in Kath & Kim last night? What if I just felt like saying that to let everyone else know, because I know all of you don't read the Kath & Kim thread, even though you should? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if when Maddie gets back we have a Kath & Kim marathon? What if we pacifically watch each episode in order? What if it'll be a top night, everyone sayed so? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if hehehehe, I can't wait to hear Salem say donkey balls in person? What if that'd be hilarious? What if feel free to use the phrase anytime, it does somehow convey a certain level of suckage quite well? What if tonight is the haunted murder mystery? What if and Detective Quinn is on the case? ![]() ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if Maddie and Salem allow Heitie to be at the marathon in spirit? What if it's held when I'm asleep and I suddenly wake up laughing by proxy? | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I've been back-reading? What if I love mysteries? ![]() What if I'm glad Maddie's smiley ![]() What if I really think I need to watch some Kath & Kim now? What if 'Party'? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if every good detective needs 3 things? What if a notepad & pen, a trusty pistol and a nice silver flask of whiskey? What if I only have two of those but 2 outta 3 ain't bad? ![]() ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if the two things Sara has is the pistol and whisky? What if her detective night sounds fun? ![]() What if Heitie waking up in the middle of the night laughing made me laugh? What if asking to be here in spirit made me think we would have to light a candle as a stand in? What if I was furious this morning, because when I cracked onto the net, it wouldn't load any websites? What if it kept telling me the connection was refused or the site couldn't be found? What if it was a terrible waste of a Saturday morning? What if I played some Mario Kart but it wasn't really helping? What if now I'm hungry? What if my account at my banks website has my Visa listed there now? ![]() What if my limit is $2300? What if *cracks fingers* I think I can hit that pretty quickly? What if...my fingers hurt? ![]() What if I don't have my card yet? ![]() What if I want some lunch? What if I people have gone out and promised to bring me food when they get home? What if I got around to putting the digital photo's from my unexplained trip to Canberra on the computer this morning? What if wow I don't photograph well? What if I'm only in a few pictures? What if in one I look stupid because I'm with my sister and her fiance and I'm too tall for them and trying to lean down? What if my eyes are squinty and puffy also? What if it was cold and raining, yet I was still wearing shorts and, what are they called now, slap-slaps? What if I need new shoes? What if I don't have any 'fancy going out to dinner' type shoes? What if I only have slap-slaps, my work boots and then the shoes I used to wear to school? What if I don't seem to be able to wear shoes and socks anymore for some reason? What if I don't feel right in them? What if I wish I could just go bare foot everywhere without society frowning upon me? What if it's a bright sunny day today? What if after a grey week? What if it's supposed to be 30 degrees today? What if next week will be back to the extreme hotness of the week before last? ![]() What if, well, I assume? What if I'm not looking forward to when it's actually Summer? What if I suppose I shall melt? What if I can feel my Saturday slowly melting away from me? What if I heard a car pull up outside? What if I hope it's my food? What if oh dear it's not? What if I hope these people aren't for me? What if I think it's the Real Estate man for the house across the road? What if they've been having a few open house days lately? What if I wonder what the people who move in will be like? What if I go over with a plate of cookies when they move in? What if I just hide in the bushes and observe them from a distance? What if the house next to me is having renovations? What if major renovations? What if they're adding rooms and moving the driveway and extending their deck and so on? What if they've only started doing stuff to the deck? What if they've moved the stairs down to the yard up to the end closest to my house? What if so when they go to the stairs they'll be looking straight into my pool? What if there's no privacy anymore? What if yes, hello, I'm having a swim if it's any of your beeswax? What if another car just pulled up and actually turned into my driveway? What if they were just using it to turn? What if this street is becoming very busy? What if especially considering that it doesn't go anywhere when you get this far? What if there is at least a.. circular turning area at the end, unlike Maddie's street where the road just ends and suddenly there's grass and rocks? What if heh heh, one of the kids across the road is circling the real estate man on his bike? What if we should get renovations done on this house? What if I want a turret? What if I just convert the house into a castle? What if with a moat? ![]() What if for keeping the Black Knight at bay? What if now I hear voices outside? What if it's the man on his mobile phone, calling for back up I assume? What if I wish I was playing Spyro: A Hero's Tail right now? What if I feel like playing Kingdom Hearts, but I can't because I don't have a PS2? What if sure, I could buy one, but I don't think one game justifies the purchase of a whole new console? What if I can't think of any other PS2 games I'm desperate for? What if I'd probably get the Ratchett and Clank games, just because they are made by Insomniac, the people who made the original three Spyro games? What if maybe if the PS2 had a massive price drop, down to $100 or something I'd consider it? What if why isn't Paper Mario or Tales of Symphonia out here yet? *sigh* What if I want a nice long game to play? What if I'm stuck in Eternal Darkness? What if the game that is, I'm not really trapped forever in darkness? What if I wonder what the world would be like if it did fall into eternal darkness? What if whatever it would be like, it still wouldn't solve the fact that I'm hungry? What if when I do eat, I think I will watch an episode of Kath & Kim with it? What if I might watch 'Sport'? What if Kath & Kim always makes me hungry? What if I eat so much and put on a lot of weight, causing me to go on the 'Celine Cuisine' diet? What if I've lost lots of weight since I started working? What if after all that sitting around doing nothing? What if Princess Mononoke finally shows it's face on DVD here next week? What if it's about bloody time? What if what a revolting development this is, sitting around waiting to be fed? What if I feel like I should have a bowl in my mouth, banging it against the wall? What if I wonder what kind of special features will be on the 3rd Kath & Kim DVD? What if it'd be nice if there were audio commentaries? What if it'd be nice if they released 'Something Stupid' on DVD? What if the Kath & Kim DVD is coming on November 29th? What if just in time for Christmas? What if I think someone has gone in the pool next door? What if I can hear their dog barking? What if it goes crazy whenever someone is in the pool? What if and if *I* go in *my* pool, it stands on the deck and looks over the fence at me? What if it's creepy? What if it looks like Summer outside? What if everything has a hot look to it? What if I wonder if there will be any bushfires near me this year? *sigh* What if I wish I was eating my lunch? What if I've been abandoned? What if I had I known they would take THIS long, I would've made something at home? What if 'Surrender' just came on my playlist, which I haven't listened to for a while? ![]() What if Is this real enough for you, you were so confused, now that you've decided to stay, we'll remain together? What if You can never leave....... You belong to me... Breathe in and take my life in you, no longer myself only you, there's no escaping me my love, surrender? What if darling there's no sense in running, you know I will find you, everything is perfect now, we can live forever? What if, fun? ![]() What if I watch both Willy Wonka and Chocolat on TV tonight and OD on chocolate? What if I could go for some chocolate right now? What if I could go for ANYTHING right now? What if I feel like narrating my life? What if I sat at the computer, staring lifelessly at the screen? What if I would spend hours in front of it, but lately I realised that it was no longer holding my interest? What if somehow I knew that everything was changing and I was entering a new phase in my life? What if where would this chapter take me I wondered? What if, well that got old fast? What if I wish I had an instrument I could be playing right now? What if I invest in a Harp? What if that would be nice? What if it would be different? What if yes, unusual? What if my eye just twitched? What if I think I'm starting to have food withdrawals? What if it's been.. 4 hours since I last ate? What if do you know how long that is in Salem hours? What if I go and get something to snack on while I wait? What if as soon as I start snacking, my food will arrive? What if maybe I go and *pretend* to snack, hoping that somehow it alters time and space and my lunch shows up? What if it just magically appeared in front of me, from a beam of light from up above? What if it appeared in front of me in a burst of flames? What if I'd still eat it? What if I'm starting to feel like lasagne? What if that word looks all kinds of wrong? What if I wonder what Gina Riley is doing right now? What if she's probably having a nice lunch? ![]() What if it was funny when Gina and Jane were on Kerri-Ann's show? What if they said they work at Jane's house, so the fridge is close by? What if they tried working from an office but the canteen was too far away? ![]() What if I can't imagine them doing normal things like going into Coles or Woolworths and doing grocery shopping? What if how weird would that be, working at a cash register and having one of them come up with a trolley full of food? What if it would be interesting to see what they buy though? What if I wonder if Gina buys Dippity Bix and Tiny Teddy's? ![]() What if I was listening to Judith Lucy's breakfast radio show yesterday? What if she was talking about how she doesn't like 'social kissing'? What if it was funny when she said that when she and Tony Martin are in the same room, how awkward they are at greeting each other and they end up kissing each others necks? ![]() What if a car just drove past again? ![]() What if no food for Salem? What if I should just lay down and accept the inevitable? What if I eat one of my GBA games? What if it showed the game being played on my eyes? What if I can't seem to keep away from the subject of food for long? What if food food food food food food food food food food food food food food food food food food food food food food? What if I don't think I'll be able to walk when I stand up? What if I'll be far too dizzy and weak? What if my food gets here and I go to go downstairs, but I fall down them and end up dying? ![]() What if the phone is ringing! What if oh, they're on their way home now? What if they've been to my sisters place and then to watch as this boat that had sunk got pulled out? What if what about me?? What if and I can't even get angry about it because they'll just say "we did you a favour bringing stuff back" What if some favour, preventing me from eating for hours leaving me near death!! What if sorry, sorry, it's my problem, I'll deal with it? What if *eye twitch*? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroll Nightmare![]() |
quote: What if *hands salem his Wealfare Cheque*? What if :P ? What if you frauder you? What if also very long winded? What if I havent been at the scrolls almost all week? What if I have actually been busy? What if I have a big Dance competition this weekend and I am inchage of buying all the trophys? What if it was alot of last minute stress? What if an I have a bio test on Monday? What if I wonder where Salem is now? What if almost *glares*? What if my 4 year old cousin is coming to watch the dancing tommorow? What if hopefully I can teach her? What if it will be cute. hehe ? what if I also got a new job today? What if nothing special but money needed? What if its cold in my house? What if *thinks about crawling into bed?* _______________________________ Can't you stop the lies, falling from the skies Down on me, I'm still standing Can't you roll the dice, I might be surprised Conscience clear, I'm still standing here | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I'm sorry, reading Salem's rant about 'slap-slaps' made me laugh quite a bit? What if cause I think I took it to a dirty place? What if cause yeah, I'm dirty like that? What if I will be getting into costume and character quite soon? ![]() What if Dick Tracy better move over? What if at least Salem has a pool? ![]() What if lotsa people don't, ya know? What if I got to leave work early heh? What if David and I are going to the Halloween party tomorrow? What if Ryan, Marc and I are going as the Furies from that movie, "The Warriors"? What if SNAP!? ![]() What if must go, time to polish the revolver? ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I haven't been able to get on a chat program all day? What if I decided to play Eternal Darkness? What if I'm in a boss fight? What if I already died once? ![]() What if I was reading about different things that happen in the game depending on which coloured artefact you chose near the beginning? What if I took the green one? What if I'm wondering what colour Sara took, if she remembers? What if oh well, back to dying? ____________________ ![]() | |||
What if we start calling Salem 'Princess' since he thinks the world revovles around him? What if i was sick for half of yesterday? What if i decided to mow the lawns, then i fear I got sunstroke? What if, i don't know for sure, but damn it i felt sick, and i was throwing up, and i had a head ache etc etc? What if, I did get some buffy watching done though, and a fair bit of sleep? What if i went to sleep last night at 7pm, and woke up just before 8pm, and now i feel 85%? WHat if, so slem if you were bitching at me for not being on, i have a valid reason? What if, but at least the lawns are mowed? What if, I had to do it, cause after all the rain it was like a forest out there? What if i am intrigued to what sort of food Salem's family bought him home? What if I am intrigued to what sort of dancing Cora does? What if i didn;t even play my GBA after i was feeling sickly yesterday, proving how sickly i must have been feeling? What if I know 13 Ham Chat words now though ![]() What if, Jessica has decided she wants a puppy? What if we had been sort of thinking of getting her one, so she might actually get one? What if, actually Mick's dad had already said when we decide to get her a puppy, they'll get one for her, which is cool, cause Mick's parent's used to breed dogs for many years, so 1- they know more than us, and 2- they'll get a pedigree, we woulda got a cheap mongrel..lol What if, so we want a dog bigger than a chiuahua? (sp), up to a medium sized dog, preferrably short or medium lengthed hair, so we don't have to be grooming it daily. What if Jess has already decided on it's name? Amy if it is a girl, and Zac if it is a boy? What if my daughter is a strange girl? What if she also wants it to be black with brown spots and white feet? What if LOL? What if, are you all wondering am I competeing with Salem for another long what if? What if no, it's just there haven't been many lately, so i thought i'd do a big one? What if, so people.. any ideas for breeds of dogs? What if, pictures would be good to? What if i start a thread? What if, yes, good idea. ********************************* | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I didn't notice Ame's absence because I wasn't on any chat programs at all yesterday? ![]() What if I thought it was pretty obvious that the world did evolve around me? What if, hehehe? ![]() What if it looks like it could rain today? What if then it will be nice and cool? What if my next Saturday won't be very fun? What if I have to go and get fitted for a suit for my sisters wedding? What if *dramatic sigh*? What if it'll be awkward, because I'll be going with my sisters fiance, his brother and his sisters boyfriend? What if I've only met the brother like once, and possibly glimpsed the boyfriend once at the engagement party? What if so they all know each other well and stuff? What if I hate formal events? What if they should just elope? What if they can't elope? What if *drops to ground, clutching sides with laughter*? ____________________ ![]() | |||
What if you try and turn on proper icq? What if i know it works cause your mum uses it when your at work? ********************************* | |||
What if, or Yahoo Messenger, do you have that? What if, or open up a yahoo game, and you'll come online for me that way..lol ********************************* | |||
What if i might as well go watch Buffy, since i have no one to talk to, and i am still feeling slightly off? What if i am up to 'Out of my Mind' What if i really enjoy the ep before hand, 'The Replacement' seeing Nick and Keepy acting side by side, and trying to pick their difference ![]() ********************************* | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if bloody hell, I knew this would happen? What if I decided to not get changed after getting out of bed today, because I'm home alone and won't be going anywhere? What if so what happens, somone comes and knocks at the door while I'm wearing stipey blue long pants and an old Pepsi shirt won in a competition years ago? >.< What if they were from the surf life saving club and wanted money? What if I gave them $5, trying to maintain a small level of dignity? What if everyone else who donated probably gave them $20? What if why does everything have to happen to me!? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I've been playing Eternal Darkness pretty much all afternoon? What if I think I must be really nearing the end now, because there are monsters all over the place when there weren't before? What if there was a rather disturbing cut scene to view also? What if I've turned the game off for now because I'm afeared? What if I also watched a movie that no one was forcing me into watching? What if Monsters Inc? ![]() What if yes, it was good, I don't agree, but it was good? What if heh heh? What if, yumour, I'm using yumour? What if I am happy that I have seen the movie now? What if it was quite funny? ![]() What if now Ame has nothing to pressure me into anymore? ![]() ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
quote: What if I'm delighted that I can heh right along with these now? What if heh? What if for a second, and I'm embarrassed to say this, I thought "hey, I should go find the What If thread and post there" because this one seemed regular and I guess I don't even see the "What if" parts anymore? What if...yes...? What if I was just listening to my snappy new cd when the batteries failed during "Endless Love"? What if I'm still laughing over this "Don't Touch Me There" song? What if they couldn't possibly have been serious when they made that song, these "Tubes" people? What if I've offended someone now because that's their favorite song? What if I wonder if when it comes on somebody somewhere gets quiet and begins to sway? What if well now my cd player has decided it has no disc? What if I disagree? What if I almost said discagree, but I'm too upset over this cd player's foolishness? What if it was put off by my ridicule of "Don't Touch Me There"? What if now I have to use the big plug-in one? What if I probably didn't have to relate that entire series of events step by step? What if yeah, whatever? What if I watched The Butterfly Effect as per Maddie's movie thread ratings suggestion? What if not bad, but I was saddened overall? What if also I don't see why he would not have run all the way over to save who he was running to save, rather than...the way it happened? What if eh...? --what if eh to that particular plot point, not the whole film? | |||
What if my wee litte boy is getting all mature and stuff and watching Monster's Inc? What if it's Jessica's Monster's Inc he borrowed, hehehehe What if, after 1 day of sunshine, it is raining again? What if i am super happy i dried a heap of clothes yesterday? What if we have pizza for dinner? What if i was all ready to cook, but mick wanted pizza, and anything that stops me cooking is fine by me? ********************************* | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if last night's party was super? What if we all looked awesome as the Furies? What if and there are pictures? What if I made "Sara's Shut Up and Drink It Punch"? What if you add red punch, frozen fruit, ice and about a 3rd of the bottle of vodka and half a bottle of Midori and there ya go? What if by the 2nd cup, you're feeling rather good? What if I had 7 cups, 3 beers, and 2 jello shots? What if the party was a big success, KC enjoyed herself? What if but oi, I got home at 4:30 this morning and I was up at 9? What if donkey balls? ![]() What if and today I am not doing anything except figuring out how much money I spent yesterday buying party supplies and alcohol? What if and oh yes, I'm also lazing around too? ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I'm having a top Kath & Kim marathon while I finish a story? What if it's going grayshh? What if I had to look up "flutes in your orifice" because what the hell? What if ah, Orrefors I guess? What if I still don't quite get "plunger in your bowden"? What if I just realized that I sent a thank you e-mail to Salem at an older e-mail address? What if he thinks I'm terribly rude for not e-mailing? What if e-mail is confusing? What if to add to the matter I insist upon using the dash in its spelling because otherwise it looks like it's pronounced with a schwa, or possibly "ehmail"? What if eh as in the short e sound, not the long a that I can't figure out how people get it from eh? What if I...haven't slept? | |||
Chief Chesty Forlock![]() ![]() |
What if there was a company called 'Bodum' which used to make coffee plungers, in Oz? What if it was tres tres chique with the upper middle class a decade ago, everybody sayed so? What if I hope that clears up another mystery for Heitie? What if it doesn't because Yanks don't call them coffee plungers? ![]() ~~~~~~~~~~ ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if a-ha, thanks? ![]() What if I think mostly we call them French presses or something? What if I have one but I just call it "the press"? What if the context of my saying it is generally enough to figure which press I mean? | |||
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