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what if hope BrucE can find a good affordable place to live that won't get broken into? what if section 8 around here gets nuthin but complaints for their stoopidity & red tape? what if best of luck to BrucE with S8 & his ex? what if wonders does the S8 woman have a boss BrucE file a complaint with? what if get her ass fired & get someone in there who'll do the job right? what if maybe they don't want that? what if they consider her a model employee for being a sh*thead? | |||
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what if another hour before leaving for work? what if used to leave much earlier on old job? what if sleep in tomorrow Saturday yay? what if still wakin up now? | |||
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What if this is my 800th post..? What if xc is gonna razz me @ countin.... What if Haters Gonna Hate..LOL What if I put A LOT of Capital Letters in this post...but Who is gonna stop me..? | |||
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what if ever the drama queen for 800 posts!? what if ya might beat Ame post wise by the time she ever decides to return? what if wonder whatever happened to Salem? what if it's been a couple weeks or more since Shawn & Heitie posted? what if cuz lila has been here more often? what if wonder if Argy & Ares are still travelin around? what if it would be nice if more ppl posted & more often? | |||
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what if haven't had to mow yard this week? what if nice dry spell? what if save on mower gas? what if shift from mowing yard to sweeping floors? what if Natalie Adele's room is messiest? what if kitty hair & kitty toys & stuffage kitty moves outta place when she runs round the house? | |||
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what if slow days at the scrolls? what if wonder what everyone's up to? what if i'm nosy so sue me!? what if naw i'm bored so let me in on yer lives? what if hurry before i fall asleep on my keyboard? | |||
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what if looks like no O-bombin-ya Syria? what if at least for now? what if war what's it good fer abso-fricken-lutely nuthin? what if what's so funny bout peace luv & understanding? what if leave it to the Russkies to give us peace? what if i been to Syria & don't wanna see them or anyone get bombed by any trigger happy politicians? what if jobs not war? | |||
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What if Im gonna spend daze & daze wondering what xc was doing in Syria..? What if I wonder if he went with R U Syria-ous...? What if I wonder why xc LUVz Obombya so much..? What if I was to smart to vote for him as the only qualifications he had to be President was that he was Black..IMO??? What if I think 'Progressives' & Blacks are the biggest racists in America..? | |||
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what if i was on vaca in the middle east many moons ago? what if Is-reel & E-jipped & Jor-duh-n & See-ree-ya? what if maybe i was a spy for the IBI (Indhickiana Bureau of Idiots)? what if BrucE spends daze pondering that!? | |||
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what if more jobs being cut locally? what if gonna be a nightmare findin a full time job now? what if GE letting many go soon? what if the university cutting hrs too? what if other biz's too? what if gov't get off their war-mongering butt & fix the job problem? | |||
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what if worked a few extra hrs today? what if college comps were down when got to work? what if that set ppl back awhile? what if just wait til the big, upcoming world wide computer crash happens? what if it'll be just the old days when ppl recorded stuffage on paper? | |||
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what if mowed front yard today? what if grass was wet & tall in spots? what if didn't miss mowing for couple weeks? what if mole hills behind trees on one side yard? what if pesky varmits? what if back yard gets mowed tomorrow? what if [sarcasm] can't wait [/sarcasm]? | |||
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what if went to record collectors convention today in Indy? what if hadn't been to one since last year? what if saw lotsa ppl i knows? what if talked music shop & stuffage? what if picked up some more music but didn't pay too much? what if the dealers really need to lower their prices as its still a recession? what if had funnage, hope to attend more cons before a year is up? | |||
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What if this has me wondering if IBI Mastermind xc 'Demon of the DarkNet' knows something the rest of the civilized world doesnt..? What if maybe I take alla my laptops offline forevah..? What if then *I* will have working computers went the darkness descends..? What if in a world of the blind the 1-eyed Brucy is King..??? What if xc slits my throat with a Crazor-blade for revealing his hidden plan too soon.? | |||
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what if wonders how many laptops BrucE has? what if besides me, BrucE is the only other person online? what if he has all these other IDs, user names & whatnots? what if i'll have to contact the IBI with this startling info? what if there is no BrucE- just a program that keeps on chuggin away with no one to delete or erase it? what if need the Terminator to stop this? what if "ah'll be back"? | |||
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What if I had to go to a work conference/training for 3 days ? What if I'm glad to be home but I miss the hotel? What if just the part where there is a jacuzzi and someone makes my bed for me everyday though? What if otherwise I'm glad to have my own tv, DVR, couch and most of all my coffee? What if hotel coffee was so sub-par that I considered quitting? What if I quickly came to my senses? | |||
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What if I hope Lila had a good time learning stuff..? What if today is Veal's Birthday...? What if shes so old I dont wanna say what her age is..? What if it appears xc took the dsy off from the scrolls to celebrate this day ..? | |||
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what if i ponder quittin every day? what if i have no sense to come back to? what if hope ya took advantage of hotel & ordered some premium movies & caviar & a massage? what if my old job never did anything nice like that fer me? what if just laid me off after too many yrs of blind loyal service? | |||
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What if I learned stuff but didn't get caviar and massage and movies? What if there was a wave pool in the hotel though and since it was weekdays no kids so I had it almost all to myself? What if I needed that plus the jacuzzi cause my tiny brain was full by the end of every day? What if the biggest thing I learned was that I am not giving up coffee, like, EVER? | |||
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what if i don't drink coffee? what if i drink tea? what if like my lipton tea? what if i never give up me tea!? | |||
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what if got my hair cut today? what if i was a long haired hippie til today? what if now a short haired red neck? what if but come full moon i'll be a werewolf? what if howlllllllllllllll!? | |||
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what if changed my sig pic now? what if not that i was tired of Camilla Bellecrazed? what if always like new blood? what if young blood too? what if feelin like a vampire then? | |||
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what if just back from dentist? what if final appointment with them? what if YAY!? what if get new dentist? what if that's if i still have insurance? | |||
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what if extension on leaf blower isn't working? what if with extension i can clean gutters from the ground? what if hate climbin ladders & gettin on the roof? what if might buy new extension from Sears online? what if hope it ain't too costly? what if more than that i hope it works? | |||
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