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What if i offered him a harry potter bandaid when he did it, cause he came back to the computer swearing? What if he was still crying about it when i logged off later? What if hmmmmmmmmmmm? ********************************* | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if there's people talking about courses i'm interested in? what if *eves drops*? what if bah, they stopped? what if well now i'll never know? what if i should be in class right now? what if i came here at noon, ate lunch, and then felt violently ill and so decided to skip out on a writing tute to come here and wait for tina to drive me home after her class? what if jason is scaring me on DWTS? what if he's getting way too defensive? what if he's clearly jack of it? what if i don't mind personally, but i feel it will not look good to others? what if he's just so tired ![]() what if he loses votes ![]() ![]() what if, if i was paul, i'd have given him a 1 also, based soley on his back-chatting? what if, having said that, i don't think it wasn't very professional of either of them to behave he way they did? what if i want to see the today/tonight special on that one, with them both being drunk and abusive at the end of the night? what if there'll be tears for sure? what if jason did seem a little happier after suzie started talking about showing off her skin though ![]() what if he's so cute ![]() what if he was dancing the fox-trot (is there a hyphen in that?)? what if, or he claims he was, but no one else seemed to think so? what if i think it was a very appropriate name for it none the less, being that he is a major fox ![]() what if i'm sorry, you all knew it was coming and i couldn't dissapoint you? what if my trip to the grocery store went off without a hitch ![]() what if it wasn't dark at all? what if i missed neighbours though? what if i'm told connor is fine, after his dramatic tumble down the back steps? what if that's what you get for doing laundry? what if salem overcompensated for my not being there for connor by falling down the stairs to sympathise with him on my behalf? what if thanks for that? what if, if it looked anything like what happned to connor, i expect i would have been traumatized instead of laughing ![]() what if, well myabe if i had have been hysterical with trauma...? what if the grazing and twisting and such sounds far too painful ![]() what if i stop thinking about it now? what if just be glad that you didn't go through the little window at the bendy bit? what if that's my number one fear ![]() what if they need to fix he clock in this computer room so that it's not 10 minutes slow? what if i keep looking at it, thinking i have heaps of time, and then looking at my watch and thinking "oh god!"? what if hm, speaking of, almost time for me to be shoffyeured (*trying to sound like mr burns...also can't spell it properly anyway*) home? what if i still don't feel right, i hope i don't throw up in the car ![]() what if there's laundry to be done *thinks aprehensively of the steps* eep o_o? what if maybe i just pass out instead and hope that someone else does it for me somehow? what if i do it in my sleep? what if my dreams seem to be getting more pedestrian, if that's the right word? what if i was ording a small coke at the movies in the last one, and they kept saying "for 50c more you can get a large one"? what if "but then i'll have to go the bathroom even moreso than i already will! what are you trying to do to me!?"? what if riveting stuff? what if uh oh, now i can't remember if i was supposed to meet tina here or in the carpark? what if damn me not taking my gecko pills this morning! damn!!? what if my foot's asleep ![]() -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
what if i just discovered i have off tomorrow too? What if YAYYYY! ![]() What if I celebrate by sleeping in til two just cuz I can? ![]() What if I have bacon and eggs and coffee? What if then I watch a few movies? What if i'm having a late dinner just cuz I can? What if ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if my foot still hurts? What if it's probably broken? What if don't worry, I'm used to dealing with pain on my own? *sniff* What if I have my suit for the wedding on Saturday? What if all I can say is Sunday can't come soon enough? What if I loathe formal wear? What if I know everyone will be looking at the bride, but that doesn't stop myself from pointing out how stupid I look? What if it would be nice if I had the body type that was able to pull off wearing suits? What if this has nothing to do with the suit, but I have no idea how I'm going to NOT laugh at the wedding? What if I laugh at the most inappropriate times? What if I was laughing at the rehersal and had to look away? What if it will be rude to look away at the actual wedding? What if I just focus on the one spot and pass out from concentrating too much? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if WP9 has today off to celebrate Texas Independence Day? what if it's raining like a son-of-a-gun right now? what if generally that would be a good thing to me, but today the plumbers are coming and rain means difficult dog logistics? what if fortunately, Stella is not a difficult dog and adapts well to whatever is required of her? what if her morning nap will be in the back seat of the truck instead of in her "box" or on her picnic table at the shop as usual? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Chief Chesty Forlock![]() ![]() |
What if Stellaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!? What if I finished all them buttons and it took me ages, but I have Moonshade keeping me company, so it's all good? ![]() What if I'm off to sleep now? ~~~~~~~~~~ ![]() | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if that Argy is a damned fine button-fixer? what if the plumber finished quickly and did a great job, s far as i can tell? what if the bill, however has yet to be represented? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if i can't believe there have been no what ifs for over 15 hours? what if i finally saw Hedwig last night? what if that's all i'm what iffin' til someone else comes off of some what if? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Chief Chesty Forlock![]() ![]() |
What if I forgot to 'What if' coz I got busy talking with Scrollers and doing actual work today? What if I made another Scroll change? What if it's subtle, but I like it? What if uh-uh, you have to find it for yourself? What if I have a new computer printer which is also a flat bed scanner and ... photocopier? What if, no lie? What if it also makes a mean espresso? What if, OK, so THAT was a lie? What if you can also stick media cards right in it and print out photos, without even connecting to a computer? What if it solves a lot of my issues, coz I've always wanted a flat bed scanner? What if I've thought that having a photocopier at home would be handy for my business, but I couldn't work out the logistics of where to put one in my house, coz they are so big? What if this one is tiny and can just sit on my desk? What if it also a fax machine, but I live in a fantasy world where faxes are outmoded? What if it DIDN'T come with a cable required to connect it to the computer? What if that was just plain weird? What if I was easily able to buy a cable and finish setting the printer/scanner/photocopier up tonight? What if that's an awful lot of 'What iffing' about something so mundane, but it's exciting to me? What if I've embarked on reading TS Eliot for my mini thesis this year? What if he wrote some poems in French and I'm forcing myself to translate them? What if I put in a case for Smirky to move to Oz, today? What if I chatted to Ame and Salem at the same time today and none of us spontaneously combusted? What if a thunder storm did start up, though? What if the three of us must never touch hands at the same time, or the universe will explode? What if I tidied up a bit today, which felt good? What if this is what happens when people want 'What ifs'? What if I got through the Regulator part of the Metroid: Hunters game today? What if that just leaves the Survival and Morph Ball parts? What if I finished Wario Ware Touched last night? What if I finished Fire Emblem the night before that? What if I'm a-chewin' through those games, so it's a good thing I'm a bit stuck on Prince Of Persia at the moment? What if there's a rumour that the next GameBoy in development will be able to play the current GameCube games? What if that would be sweet as!? What if I finished a bottle of sparkling Merlot last night, that was left over from my Oscars party? What if I wonder if WP9 has ever drunk sparkling Merlot? What if it's quite yummy? What if that's more than enough from me? What if I don't think I'll post in this thread for a couple of days, now, as I've fulfilled my 'What if' quota? ![]() ~~~~~~~~~~ ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I like the change Argy? ![]() What if damn you Aussies, you only want people who can benefit your country moving in? What if that leaves me out? ![]() What if embrace the Prince of Persia madness!? What if I'm glad the week is almost over? What if a week from now, I shall be camping and extinguishing the raging desire to slay people? What if that's a good thing? What if it would be sweet if I could play my GC games on my GBA? What if I practiced my guitar last night? What if my fingertips ached for a bit afterwards? What if poon? ![]() What if right then, back to work? ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if yes Argy i have drunk sparkling merlot and it was quite tasty? ![]() What if I think you and i were actually chatting at that time?(or was that someone else? ![]() ![]() What if it was blackberry sparkling merlot specifically? What if it tasted like soda? What if I had to keep myself from guzzling it because of that? ![]() What if I used to guzzle coolers like that? What if sweet drinks are like that? ![]() What if Asti Spumante is quite lovely? What if on a more sour note, I have a Trojan Horse? ![]() What if I must part with my computer tonight?(NOOOOOO!) ![]() What if but at least it will be fixed by tomorrow? ![]() What if, well knock on wood? ![]() What if oh well at least it will be fixed? What if and my parents are loaning us the money? ![]() What if well that's a good thing at least? What if laters all? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I keep feeling like I'm coming down with a cold? What if the cold never quite seems to materialize? What if I've felt all week like I'm at the day before a cold? What if my throat has that dry feeling, but doesn't actually hurt? What if LiveInAustralia.com has a visa questionnaire on its site? What if I meet basic qualifications to obtain a temporary work visa? What if now I just have to find a company in Oz that wants an American trained lawyer? What if it may just be easier to go to Texas? What if going to Texas is pretty much like going to another country anyway? ![]() | |||
What if, that storm last night was wicked? What if, i thought Salem was being a pussy last night, when he got offline die to a storm? What if, until we got the storm? What if lightening every 2 seconds, and thunder that sometimes lasted for 30, that sounded like it was coming from the next room? What if, although the rain wasn't super hard or anything, and storms don't usually bother me, i was a tad bothered by the amount of thunder and lightening? What if, and through all that jess didn't wake? What if, we all imagine what would happen if Argy, Salem and me ever get together for drinks? What if, all other countries will simultaniously join up with australia, being sucked into the southern hemisphere, and have xmas in summer? ********************************* | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I haven't gotten much accomplished today? What if I think I'll just go to Happy Hour? What if a pint of Guinness sounds mighty nice right now? ![]() | |||
Chief Chesty Forlock![]() ![]() |
What if a pint of Guinness sounds mighty nice at any time? ~~~~~~~~~~ ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if poker night with the boys? What if I did much better this go around? What if and Cousin Miguel even owes me $5, heh? What if it was just me and Ryan left? What if that bastard won though? What if I only ended up losing $5, so not too bad at all? What if thank god tomorrow is Friday? ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if there's going to be people at my house at 6:45am tomorrow? What if, strange sick twisted eerie people? What if I don't know what I'm supposed to do when I get up? What if I can't go downstairs?? What if my sister has been here for the past two days? What if I got to say "I'm not criticizing you, I'm just saying you look bad"? What if, it was fun? ![]() What if now I have a headache? What if bloody bastard lawn mowers? What if I had to get a 4 hour blank tape so I could leave it running in long play to tape 'Rosemary & Thyme'? What if I excuse myself from the wedding reception to seek out a TV? What if, or bring one back so everyone can watch and enjoy? ![]() | |||
What if Jess started tap today? What if she didn;t have tap shoes but seemed to enjoy it? What if when i rang up, i was told, she has to start this week? What if i thought that was weird? What if now i know why? What if they started their concert dance? What if, so early for the xmas concert dance, cause sometimes they'll put em in eistedfords (sp) etc, which would be cool, cause its the same costume and same dance as for the xmas concert? What if they are dancing to New York, New York? What if.... start spreadin' the news..... i'm leavin' today... ********************************* | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if i don't say how that sounds? what if i just say i'm glad you're improving at "it"? what if i have been getting some amazing sleep lately? what if a good night's sleep changes everything...? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Chief Chesty Forlock![]() ![]() |
What if Cyndi Lauper should have sung "a good night's sleep changes everything" instead of "money changes everything"? What if that would have sounded kinda cool? ![]() ~~~~~~~~~~ ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if shut up? What if I am improving at poker, thank you very much? What if I had terrible dreams last night, therefore did not have a good night's sleep? What if and that makes for uber cranky and grumpy Sara? ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Chief Chesty Forlock![]() ![]() |
What if I have a rash, and cannot sleep? What if I really NEED to sleep, because I have an orientation day at Uni tomorrow? What if my arms and legs are itching like buggery? What if they have been getting steadily worse over the past few couple of days? What if I just read a website which said I may have: lyme disease, scabies, herpes, shingles or cancer? What if none of those sound very nice? What if I'm hoping it's just an allergic reaction to something? What if I think it's high time I went to see a Doctor? ~~~~~~~~~~ ![]() | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if Jagermeister changes everything? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Scroll Stalker![]() |
Wat if I have been veeeeeeeeeeeeery busy? What if no one even noticed I wasn't around? What if ![]() What if I thought about trying to catch up, but have decided to just start fresh from here cuz there ain't no way I can read all that has been posted in the last week and a half? What if I introduced 'zoom and le to Hedwig? What if they got along nicely? What if cake or death? What if cake is from le, pick death ![]() >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ![]() | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if i feel it's going to be a long, strange, beautiful relationship? what if i immediately knew that cake was evil when i saw it? what if slicing/sawing/hacking it only proved my initial assessment? what if mysterious petrified yard brownies started out as that cake? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
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