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Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i just lost all my what ifs? what if there's little to no time before my next class, so i'll be breif in summary? what if Heitie should get a shelter cat - continue befriending yard beasts? what if Argy, AFL or NRL, and will you be back for finals? what if Salem can play with my cat? what if i blame Ame's personal perversion for the downfall of msn? what if i'm screwed? what if my ceramic dragon goes into the kiln in a week and from their it's up to the gods? what if i have a class in minus 4 minutes so have i to go? what if see ya'll when I GET HOME TOMORROW!? what if ![]() -------------------------------------- ![]() if nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I don't have AIM installed on my computer? What if putting ICQ on never occurred to me? What if I went into the regular Scrabble room to see if anyone was in there? What if I saw Sara in there, but she was playing with someone so I left? What if the school holidays have started here? What if it's really crowded in my town now? What if I own it? What if it was busy before the school holidays started, but now it's even more busy? What if too many people? What if there was a list of the 100 best streets to live in in the Central Coast in the local paper the other day? What if my street was 54th? What if I own that too? What if go Greenhaven Drive!? What if hehe? --------------- ![]() Dirt doesn't need luck. | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
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Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if ooh, $50+ is kinda high for a shelter kitty? What if my local animal shelter charges slightly less than that then refunds all but $10 of it when you bring back the proof that you spayed/neutered? What if I want to know which Sims everyone is referring to when they talk about it in this thread - the home gaming (PS2) version or the PC version? What if that's probably a silly question but I am SO one-step-behind-the-rest-of-the-universe when it comes to games? | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if i emailed lila997 my cell # so the NE-to-Subtexas call could be made reagardless of our location? what if i should also email QB with a little friendly pre-Titans/Steeler game smack talk? what if i looooove football season? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? "C" is for cookie; that's good enough for me! | |||
Scroll Nightmare |
quote: What if I'm right there with ya? What if the whole rescheduling of TV shows is throwing me off? What if that makes others think I'm a geek? What if they shut up? ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if the pc version? What if I almost typed the pvc version? What if I disapprove of vinyl so that wouldn't be the case? What if my ex is buying roofing materials this evening and they (he and a friend) are starting on it in the morning? What if jeepers, that was fast? What if they're only doing half of it, though, because the street side isn't bad? What if but I'm insisting he replace the other half in the spring because it'll feel uneven? What if I can hear from the living room The Wild Thornberrys on tv right now? What if Tim Curry is hilarious in all he does? What if the yard tuna was totally gone this morning, to nobody's surprise? What if I got the old dog cage down from the garage attic last night and assembled it so we'd have some place to put whichever new kitty we get? What if because while the old kitty is very gentle he's also very large and I can't have my kids finding kitten bits? What if just until the cats get used to each other? --------------------------------- This is my chicken sandwich and coffee. | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
quote: What if consider the audience, Chiana and know that this crowd'll never fault ya for being a slave to the fall season? ![]() What if I feel your pain? What if the TV Guide and tvguide.com are my best friends and will continue to be for about a month until I figure out what MY must-see tv schedule is going to be? ----------------------------------- " Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying- 'I will try again tomorrow' " | |||
Scroll Guru |
What if tvguide.com recently changed a bunch and made me sign up to access listings? What if it seems to have gooten worse and can't find anything I'm looking for? What if *glares*? What if I'm hungry from a day of learning and will what if more later? ![]() I doubt, therefore I might be. | |||
Scroll Nightmare![]() |
What if when I signed on AIM last night NO one was online? What if so I went to bed? What if not before messing with my brothers msn? What if Will and Grace Was funny last night? What if I realllllllllllly reallllllllllllly Want a Kitty? What if I will probally never get one? What if I think though that the next pet I get will be a snake? What if I knew a girl at school who had one? What if when she brought it in everyone would run to the other end of the class? What if teacher included? What if the funniest part was all the 'Tough' guys in our class wouldnt go near it? What if ah good times good times? What if I go read a book? What if I am Reading Emily of New Monn ? What if it was the only book I remember my mom reading to me? What if therefor it is one of my favorites? What if I go now to read..? ----------------------------- Como e` bella ce` la luna brille e` strette strette como e` tutta bella a passeggiare Sotto il cielo di Roma 'The Road goes ever on and on Out from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone,Let others follow it who can!Let them a journey new begin,But I at last with weary feetWill turn towards the lighted inn, My evening-rest and sleep to meet.' | |||
Dream Scroller![]() |
what if i think getting a pet snake is ridiculous...? ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if the local Irish theme bar has decided to add a bunch of German beers to their stock in honor of Oktoberfest? What if Spaten Oktoberfestbier is pretty good? What if Hacken-Pschorr Oktoberfestbier is okay? What if I'd probaly do the Spaten again, but I'm not sure about the Hacken Pschorr? What if there are a lot of beers to choose from the next time I sit down at Kilkenny's? ![]() your profuse drinking will bring ye to the grave. http://mewing.net/deathquiz.shtml "I have a degree from the University of Life, a diploma from the School of Hard Knocks, and three gold stars from the Kindergarten of Getting the Shit Kicked Out of Me." Captain Edmund Blackadder: Blackadder Goes Forth | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if Madogis and I are going to meet Ame tomorrow? What if we're seeing a movie before hand though? What if this requires me to be up early? What if Ame doesn't know what time we're meeting her? What if neither do I? What if the movie starts at 9:15am? What if so sometime around 11 or something? What if it'd be convinient if Ame reads this before she leaves tomorrow? What if there's a Futurama marathon involved afterwards? What if a friend of mine has a pet snake? What if I never went to see it though? What if I wouldn't be able to have a pet snake because I wouldn't want to feed it? What if especially not live food..? What if on a completely unrelated topic, I downloaded a new Sonic Heroes video today? What if that games release can't come soon enough? --------------- ![]() Dirt doesn't need luck. | |||
Scroll Nightmare |
quote: What if that's one of the many reasons I love you guys? ![]() quote: What if I just went through the same thing? What if tvguide.com is a bunch of evil bastards? What if I'm exaggerating? What if I just had to spell check that word 'cause I didn't know there were two g's in it? ![]() | |||
Scroll Nightmare![]() |
What if 9:15 is really early for a movie? What if they dont start here until atleast 11? What if I wish I was going to have a Futurama marathon? What if I think a pet snake would be cool? What if hmm your right about the live food though? What if specially mice *shutters*? What if wait... thats what i have 2 brothers for? WHat if my brother Shawn is like me and wants a cat but since we both know we cant get one.. he wants a snake as well? What if I wonder what movie you are going to see? What if my dad is thumping around the house today? What if thats ok cause then I have a warning when hes coming? What if I have to go to work now? What if I wish I didnt have to go? What if everyone have a fun day? ![]() ----------------------------- Como e` bella ce` la luna brille e` strette strette como e` tutta bella a passeggiare Sotto il cielo di Roma 'The Road goes ever on and on Out from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone,Let others follow it who can!Let them a journey new begin,But I at last with weary feetWill turn towards the lighted inn, My evening-rest and sleep to meet.' | |||
Scroll Guru |
What if I stayed up last night dying white tissue paper? What if I wanted it to be purple, but the food coloring I was using wanted it to be red? What if I finally got it to be blue instead and left it alone? What if I did have a reason for dying it? What if, if anyone wants to see it, ask me? What if, a few minutes ago, one of my cats smashed into the sliding door inside while trying to get a bird? What if the bird was outside? ![]() What if I just heard Evan Marriot is going to be on the Charmed premiere tomorrow night? What if ew? >_< ![]() I doubt, therefore I might be. | |||
Scroll Guru |
What if *gasp* I'm watching football? What if only cuz I'm hopefully gonna be playing in about a month? What if it's only one game, but still? What if my dad's having lots of fun explaining everything? ![]() I doubt, therefore I might be. | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if all the shingles and things are off one side of my roof? What if I think they're starting the tar paper stuff, but they could be doing the metal flashing first? What if I ordered the poor boys some pizza? What if it rained a little, directly after the last stitch of shingle was taken off? What if oh, nice timing? What if I wish we'd emptied the attic since there are spaces between the roof boards and now it's all covered with shingle dust, etc? What if well...at least it'll be a nice dry attic now? What if hopefully it'll also appease the mortgage gods? What if I'm thinking of getting a live trap for the little yardlings? What if I'll probably trap a skunk instead? --------------------------------- This is my chicken sandwich and coffee. | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if I didn't know that food coloring was a good way to dye tissue paper? What if I wonder if it lasts or , even worse, if there is the potential for it bleed color onto other things if it ever got wet? What if Frip U knows the answers to my questions even though I am not entirely sure why I am even asking them as it is very unlikely that I will be attempting a tissue dye in the near future? What if I'm just curious? What if curiousity killed the cat (or the snake if you aren't allowed to have a cat or the skunk if that's all you can manage to trap ![]() What if okay I'm silly and a bit over-sugared? What if cause of spending the afternoon at at 2 year old's birthday party? What if I have the cutest niece ever? ![]() ----------------------------------- " Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying- 'I will try again tomorrow' " | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if if were a skiff? what if i feel the need to what if once in awhile even if i have nothing to what if about? _____________________________ can we start over and just run away? ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if Tam has confused my mind? What if I'm also sugared, as well as coffeed and pizzaed? What if we got a couple dozen assorted Krispy Kremes last night for the roofing today? What if they're almost gone? What if I hope the kids don't get sick? What if they eat pretty well otherwise so it should be ok (hope, hope)? What if I don't think I'd want to dye tissue paper? What if it would tear a lot? What if why couldn't you buy it already colored? What if there are 1 million nails in my backyard? What if I actually mean in my backyard? What if even with the giant canvass tarpaulins? What if I need one of those huge magnet things for picking up nails? What if it's raining a little and my roof is just roof paper right now? What if *sigh*? --------------------------------- This is my chicken sandwich and coffee. | |||
Scroll Guru |
quote: What if I didn't know either, so I had to try it? What if I hope it lasts and doubt it will bleed...unless I get it wet? quote: What if it did tear a little bit, but it was okay once it dried? What if it was about 12 am and I wanted to finish what I was doing right then instead of waiting till the next day to get colored tissue paper? What if I'm also cheap and if I can do it myself I will? ![]() What if I hope the nails don't keep the kittens away? ![]() I doubt, therefore I might be. | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if the fellows saw two of the kitties frolicking in the yard next door? What if at least they're close? ![]() What if I totally get the 12am-gotta-get-it-done notion? What if I'll sometimes set out late at night to just clean the bathroom floor and end up scouring half the house? What if ok, that's a little different, but I still get it? What if I've had a post-deroofing shower and now I'm going to sit down with some peppermint tea and watch Angel? What if after seeing that Dido video I'm extra glad David Boreanaz shaves for the show? What if it sounds funny to think of him as a "Dave"? --------------------------------- This is my chicken sandwich and coffee. | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if the next post starts page 100? What if I wasn't going to post specifically to do that, but it's driving me crazy and I can't relax with my tea? What if if this post doesn't do it then congratulations to whomever? --What if crap? --------------------------------- This is my chicken sandwich and coffee. | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I could have gone home with someone tonight? What if I'm kicking myself for declining? What if I'm an idiot? What if I wound up missing Ian Moore's show because I figured he would play until 10 so didn't go til 9:30? What if he was already playing but I met an old acquaintance and spent the rest of Ian Moore's set talking to him? What if Ian Moore walked by and the old acquaintance started talking to him about what his goals were in the music biz? What if I was so totally not star struck, but I didn't really have anything intelligent to add to the conversation so just smiled? What if I'm just going to have to try to catch Ian Moore the next time he's in town? ![]() your profuse drinking will bring ye to the grave. http://mewing.net/deathquiz.shtml "I have a degree from the University of Life, a diploma from the School of Hard Knocks, and three gold stars from the Kindergarten of Getting the Shit Kicked Out of Me." Captain Edmund Blackadder: Blackadder Goes Forth | |||
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