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Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
quote: What if ok, yes there is? What if sometimes you want to wait until your little person gets a promotion or another charisma point or something, but that's easily overcome? What if I'd better go wash dishes or something to stop the posting madness? | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I forgot to say before that I haven't gotten to play The Sims yet? What if *sigh* What if I should go buy it then I too can become a slave to it? What if Survivor still hasn't started here yet? What if Monday can't come soon enough? What if I should watch the Amazing Race properly when the new one starts (assuming there is a new one)? What if it had been on before Futurama so I'd watch most of the episode before it started? What if it was also on the day after, so I'd watch it then if I remembered? What if The Panel was pretty funny last night? What if a new Kath & Kim is on tonight? What if I had a weird dream last night? What if, if I can remember it good, I'll post in the dream thread? --------------- ![]() What would the robot do? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if my MP3 player came today? What if I'm having a lot of fun with it? What if the sound is good enough for a girl who spent a decade in the brass section and no longer has a sensitive ear? What if the player only holds 17 or 18 tracks, but I bought a memory card that holds 50? What if that's plenty of music to get me through a walk or a brief exile at the laundromat? What if I'm thrilled with this gadget? What if I wouldn't let myself play with it until I wrote a cover letter? What if I sent the cover letter in an e-mail to my brother? What if I went over to the family's house to print off a draft so that we could examine the cover letter and resume in hard copy? What if my brother decided that he had to do something tricky and create a table in Xcel that he'd cut and paste into Word? What if this took him over an hour, when the changes that needed to be made could have been done in Word in less than 3 minutes? What if Y chromosome handicapped people are sometimes impossible? ![]() "I have a degree from the University of Life, a diploma from the School of Hard Knocks, and three gold stars from the Kindergarten of Getting the Shit Kicked Out of Me." Captain Edmund Blackadder: Blackadder Goes Forth | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if hooray for Nora's mp3 player? What if Kath & Kim was pretty funny tonight? What if Kath reminded me of my mum in this episode? What if Prue and Trude were in it, yay!? What if next week looks funny too? What if I have an itchy bite on my leg? What if it's itchy ![]() --------------- ![]() Dirt doesn't need luck. | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if i'd like to see lila997 do cartwheels? what if preferrably in a cheerleader outfit? what if two bits, four bits, six bits, a dollar; all for Survivor stand up and holler? what if lately i've been sleeping like a rock all night but still seem to want more when it's time to get up? what if i'll take that over insomnia any day? what if Argy's new phrase to practice is "Hook 'em Horns!"? what if i'm innudating her with American football this weekend? what if we're going to the Univeristy of Texas football game on Saturday then to the sports bar Sunday to watch the Titans vs. the Steelers (big rivalry...)? what if i'm totally disappointed that Ares has to go home Saturday and will miss the pagentry & spectacle (especially at Texas) that is college football? what if he showed me how a cricket ball is thrown last night? what if i sucked at it, but was better at throwing a football rugby style? what if lila997 had been our cheerleader? what if the lessons were interesting, but i'd better just stick to throwing the American football the American football way if i don't want to be collecting it from the neighbor's yard all the time? what if that happens sometimes anyway? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? i can't tell you where it is but i can tell you where it's at... | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if the cat is getting on in years so we've been getting ready to get another kitten? What if two of the most beautiful kittens ever were just in my backyard? What if one was white and grey and the other this Siamese-type coloring but also striped at the same time? What if *sigh*? What if their mother is this little light colored kitty we've seen around the yard from time to time, usually in the morning? What if they seem almost old enough to be on their own, but not entirely, so I hope she's ok? What if I want to catch them, foolhardy though that may be? What if they're verrrrrrrrrrrrrry afraid of people, apparently, so I wonder if anyone here has a feral-to-pet kitty success story? What if but I'll probably leave them be? What if they're gorgeous, but probably wormy and flea ridden? What if again, any it-worked-out-great-for-us stories? --------------------------------- This is my chicken sandwich and coffee. | |||
Scroll Guru |
What if in art today I was drawing a car in the school parking lot? What if it drove away and I was too far along to start over? What if the drawing still came out alright, except for the fingerprints everywhere? What if, when I went to the student store at lunch to heat up some food, there was a guy who was heating one of those Campbell's soup cup things in the microwave below mine? What if it exploded? What if the soup cup, not the microwave? What if the guy swore, tossed the cup in the trash, and left w/o cleaning up the soup that was now all over the inside of the microwave? What if I decided to warn ppl not to use it cuz it was full of soup? What if I then decided that it might be better to clean it up? What if I did to some extent, then abandoned it to go eat my own lunch? What if, during lunch, one of my friends sprayed another friend w/ perfume? What if we were convinced she was trying to gas us and the sprayee kept saying how bad she smelled now? ![]() I doubt, therefore I might be. | |||
What if I watched some of Kath and Kim last night? What if I saw Prue and True (i thought their names were) What if i saw Kimmie's ugly yellow walls? What if Kath DID go to Ikea instead? What if I ask Salem if he watched CNNN?? ======================== ![]() Leo: Hey, you want to freeze me in bed for your own personal pleasure, that is fine, but freezing Natalie is not gonna make her or the Elders happy. | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if i have a fairly successful feral-to-relatively-tame cat story? what if Lil Missy? what if she's the resident stray at my shop? what if she was captured and neutered at a young age, and when she was in the hospital bit a tech and had to be quarantined a while, so she reverted to a more feral state before gradually becoming more and more ammenable to being touched? what if she's maybe 12 or 13 now, has never really had shots or exams since the ill-fated hospital experience, and let's us pet her but is still fairly aloof overall? what if feeding them helps a lot? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? "C" is for cookie; that's good enough for me! | |||
What if Zoom seems to really enjoy telling stories in what if form? What if while the Aussie posse are there, y'all get a tattoo that says... what if? ======================== ![]() Leo: Hey, you want to freeze me in bed for your own personal pleasure, that is fine, but freezing Natalie is not gonna make her or the Elders happy. | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if thanks, zoom? What if I tried approaching one of them and it looked like it'd chew through granite to get away from me? What if the poor little thing was beside itself and I haven't seen it since? What if I left out some tuna several hours ago and it's still untouched? What if we'll probably end up going to the pet store and getting one of their semi-rescued kittens? What if I really like the little wild ones, but I can't have scratchy kitties because of the kids? What if it's a shame because they're sooooooo cute and also very very playful? What if who knows, maybe they'll enjoy the tuna and we'll become fast friends? What if I had a little fantasy today about giving an Oscar speech in What If? --------------------------------- This is my chicken sandwich and coffee. | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if i was immediately intrigued when i heard someone in a interview on ESPN say "okay, let's play 'what if...' for a second here."? what if i was disappointed they didn't really play 'what if...'? what if duh...you're supposed to say 'what if' every time? ![]() what if i'd almost forgotten about smileys? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? "C" is for cookie; that's good enough for me! | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if we found out today that the roof has to be done in like a week and a half? What if completely replaced? What if....umm....? What if also we need to take care of a debt, and since we haven't been doing well financially for that long we haven't gotten to the saving-for-a-rainy-day stage yet? What if this should be a sticky couple of weeks? What if see why the free kittens are looking so attractive? What if the pet shop ones are from $50-100, and that's for just some kitten someone found? What if sure, they have their "first shots" and a worm pill, but I'd take it in for a vet visit anyway? What if I go check the tuna...? --------------------------------- This is my chicken sandwich and coffee. | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I didn't realize zoom couldn't do smileys before? What if I just thought she was saying everything with a straight face? --------------------------------- This is my chicken sandwich and coffee. | |||
What if i usually click on quick reply, and forget about smileys? What if i am just lazy, and should do it the right way? What if ![]() ======================== ![]() Leo: Hey, you want to freeze me in bed for your own personal pleasure, that is fine, but freezing Natalie is not gonna make her or the Elders happy. | |||
Scroll Guru |
What if a friend of mine used to play the what if game w/ her sister? What if she introduced it to me and several other friends? What if it's great for car trips, but for some reason she doesn't like it any more? What if one what if story ended up w/ a friend being a ghost, spying on Heath Ledger in the shower? What if another involved evil, dumpster-inhabiting bat-shark things? What if o_O? ![]() I doubt, therefore I might be. | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if I just realized that I never posted the Survivor thread I said that I was going to post last night? What if I was tired last night and very forgetful? What if cause of needy employees,dogs and family drama sucking the life out of me? What if, hmmm, maybe I'd better hold off on The Sims since I don't need any more demanding beings in my life at the moment? What if so yeah, tired brain and no Survivor post? What if oh well, no time now- I need to prepare for the episode? What if that means walk the pups, put on snuggly sweats, set VCR, check out TVWoP, gather provisions? What if provisions = ![]() --edited to correct heinous typos | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
quote: What if "S-U-B-T-E-X-A-S ! That's the way we spell success!" (insert virtual cartwheel here)? What if ![]() What if QB, who is a big Steelers fan,had been able to make the trip to Texas- imagine the rivalry? What if I told you that QB is going to be here for a family birthday party this weekend and maybe a little bit next week and we should try to arrange a New England-to-Texas phone call? What if unless this is the camping or NOLA or something else weekend and y'all will be phoneless? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if Heitie went to her local animal pound? What if there is a fee, but it usually covers the cost of spaying/neutering and first shots? What if it would give a loving home to an alley cat that might otherwise be euthanized? What if she looked at the SPCA, Humane Society, Street Cats, etc? ![]() "I have a degree from the University of Life, a diploma from the School of Hard Knocks, and three gold stars from the Kindergarten of Getting the Shit Kicked Out of Me." Captain Edmund Blackadder: Blackadder Goes Forth | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if the fee at our local shelter is $50? What if Heitie goes here a lot? What if Heitie's local Petsmart has a "Luv A Pet" adoption center and the Pet Supplies Plus has the county pound animals? What if the pets are from shelters which is why that's where we're going if we can't tame the little yard beasts? What if Heitie only wants to get shelter pets or strays, but doesn't want to go to the actual shelter because it's depressing, so the store thing works out well? ![]() --what if that $50 is during the holiday open house in a couple months, so I think the regular fee is higher? --------------------------------- This is my chicken sandwich and coffee. | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I can't get Trillian to stay on? What if everytime it connects, it says it has encountered a problem and needs to be shut down? What if blast? What if there's a Prue and Trude good enunciation guide at the official website here? What if Delta Goodrem rang Cosima from Australian Idol after she performed one of her songs to wish her luck? What if, aww ![]() What if I wish I had a kitten? What if stupid cat hating family? --------------- ![]() Dirt doesn't need luck. | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I understand the shelter depression thing? What if everytime we've lost an animal and gone to see if someone's turned it in, I feel horrible for leaving all the animals behind? What if it's nice that they have pet store deals that bring the animals out--especially since animal shelters are usually located in out of the way little places that require you to travel through some questionable neighborhoods? ![]() your profuse drinking will bring ye to the grave. http://mewing.net/deathquiz.shtml "I have a degree from the University of Life, a diploma from the School of Hard Knocks, and three gold stars from the Kindergarten of Getting the Shit Kicked Out of Me." Captain Edmund Blackadder: Blackadder Goes Forth | |||
what if...... ![]() Someone else is going to kill you because you're so damn annoying. ======================== ![]() Leo: Hey, you want to freeze me in bed for your own personal pleasure, that is fine, but freezing Natalie is not gonna make her or the Elders happy. | |||
Scroll Nightmare![]() |
What if I cant get on to my Trillian either? What if that sucks cause Chris, my brothers is actually signed into his msn account so I cant go there? What if I am glad though that I am not the only one having difficulties? What if he got up so I quickly stole the computer? What if tonight I am writing letters to my friends? What if I feel like doing things the old fashioned way for a change? What if anyone wants me to write them a letter let me know? What if ya I know no one really wants a letter? What if *sigh* ? What if I am waiting for my 'tea' paper to dry? What if classic paper techniques? What if LMAO? What if take the Death Quiz? What if I am going to be murdered? What if see Ame: Priestess of Discord? What if we are both going to murder each other? What if *backs away slowly?* ----------------------------- Como e` bella ce` la luna brille e` strette strette como e` tutta bella a passeggiare Sotto il cielo di Roma 'The Road goes ever on and on Out from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone,Let others follow it who can!Let them a journey new begin,But I at last with weary feetWill turn towards the lighted inn, My evening-rest and sleep to meet.' | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if Salem and Cora just eschewed Trillian and turned on AIM/ICQ? What if Elvis Costello, Live By Request is on A&E right now? What if I just sent in an e-mail requesting my one EC song I adore (My Mood Swings)? What if I didn't send a personal message to Elvis, so I won't see my request on the air? What if I hadn't actually thought about that? What if I really don't have anything in particular I'd want to say to EC? ![]() your profuse drinking will bring ye to the grave. http://mewing.net/deathquiz.shtml "I have a degree from the University of Life, a diploma from the School of Hard Knocks, and three gold stars from the Kindergarten of Getting the Shit Kicked Out of Me." Captain Edmund Blackadder: Blackadder Goes Forth | |||
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