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Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if when you die, your soul goes online? What if seances were conducted online? What if a once popular but dead politican ran for president of prime minister or whatever while online and won? What if the online souls were allowed to vote but they didn't have to pay taxes? What if CEO's worldwide decided to hire the dead online people for their online businesses since the online souls didn't need money? What if xc is really dead and this is where he'll be for a looooooong time (OOOOooo now that's scarey!). | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if my high school reunion people found me? What if it's been ten years since I was last in ol' Merced? What if the sadists are taking our senior pictures and making them into name badges? What if I've no desire to wear my face on my chest? What if that sounded dirty? What if it souned much more interesting than the reality? What if I don't think I have the money to make it to my reunion anyway? What if the name badge thing is merely a small reason in my avoidance? What if gas being really pricey is a big factor too? What if it's being held at the Merced Golf and Country club? What if I never knew where that was when I lived in Merced? What if the map they provided seems a bit too skimpy to help me visualize where it is? What if it says Golf Road? What if I am amused by the lack of creativity on that one? What if there's a "Remember When?" insert? What if Vanilla Ice is mentioned even though he was so four years ago by graduation? What if the World Series didn't happen because the players were on strike? What if that happened after graduation, so I don't see how that counts as a high school memory? What if there is a reference to the worst thing that could happen was getting canned? What if I was not aware of any such occurrence back in the day? What if noone was tired enough of life to try it on me? What if do remember K.I.T.? What if I'm guilty of having written it in a few yearbooks? What if more than a few? What if I'm looking at the names of the Reunion committee and drawing a blank on about half of 'em? What if that can happen when you turn loose 736 graduates? What if I remember lucking out at graduation because I sat next to somebody I was at least acquainted with? What if I didn't know anybody else in either the row behind me or ahead of me? What if that's probably what would happen at the Reunion? What if except there'd be a bunch of people who DID remember me without any reciprocation on my part? What if there were no people I wanted to see? What if I can't afford to go anyway? ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I am moved? What if sweet? What if actually it only took us 3 hours this morning to haul the heavy stuff? What if again, sweet? What if dude, I HAVE CABLE INTERNET!!!? ![]() What if I have seen the other side of the mountain and oh god, is it good? What if *sigh of contentment*? What if okay, back to unpacking now? ![]() ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I had the perfect oppurtunity to yell "You little bastards!!" today? What if I'm home alone and someone knocked on the door, so I went aaaall the way downstairs to answer it but there was no one there? What if then I heard voices and went to look out the window and saw two children in *my* backyard? What if they were giggling too? What if I heard someone else yell out "quick, throw it over!"? What if I realised they were just getting their ball back, because they've done that before, but they always knock and ask someone else to get it for them? What if, so I didn't bother yelling, because a) they weren't doing any damage and b) I don't like yelling anyway? What if and at least they didn't knock and run again? What if, it woulda been funny to go out and scare them in the backyard though? What if "We lost a good knick knocker here today, but he knew the risks, he knew the risks"? ____________________ ![]() | |||
What if, WE OWN A SUBARU OUTBACK What if that just had to be done in bold and capitals? What if i am talking to Maddie on MSN? What if I haven't talked to her, in what feels a very long time? What if i am heaps tired? What if we have been up since 4.30? What if Mick went deep sea fishing, and i had to drop him off at Ettalong by 6am? What if, so i just stayed at the markets until he came back to shore? What if that sounded funny? What if i think that most people don;t start reading what ifs from when they last posted, they just start from the top of the last page and be done with it? What if, or worse, don't read any at all? ********************************* | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i read most what ifs between posts? what if it has been a long time? what if the world has changed so very much in my absence? what if salem has a job *world crashing down* i blame myself? what if i wonder if salem will get his present soon? what if i think it may be slightly damaged ![]() what if he or someone claiming to be he is ignoring me right now? what if it's making me sad and confused? what if i'm far too appreciative of his angel efforts to ever be upset with him? what if the playboy stuff does sound interesting o.O? what if i want in on the weekend of comedy...assuming that a lowly, jobless creature like me is invited? what if i go drown my sorrows in a bottle of $6 chardonay? what if it worked yesterday? what if, and by worked, i mean caused me to pass out till i didn't know what's what? what if this is a terrible low point for me - salem entering the real world, leaving me alone in the childish land of makebelieve to either fend for myself or simply lay down and die? what if his status is set to away? what if that says it all then? what if i knew it was too good to last? what if he made it further than most of my other friends? what if it's all over now though? what if i try to move on? what if *moving on* i cut my toe open pretty badly the other day? what if blood and skin hanging off and such? what if i had to walk to uni today and will have to walk back? what if yowch? what if i should be home in a couple of weeks? what if i haven't seen troy yet, but i plan to in the very very near future? what if i finally did my glaze testing stuff? what if there's the remote possibility that i might pass now? what if..remote? what if the issue of robbie and kim's sexuality has finally been raised? what if duncan to tash(robbie's girlfriend): "you know they only keep you around as a cover"? what if, see, duncan knows? what if, and interestingly, neither robbie nor kim denied the suggestion? what if there was just alot of nervous laughter? what if, mmhmm? what if it's getting late and i should go soon? what if, or now may be a more acurate statement? what if i do hope salem likes his present, even though he's clearly dissowned me ![]() what if farewell sweet salem, we'll always have the art room? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if Ame wanted me to post again? what if I'm watcing some Canadian design show? What if those wacky Canadians of Scandanavian descent? What if it's "Divine Design" with Candace Olson? What if it features that wacky electrician Chico? What if Candice has an assistant named Paul? What if Paul is totally Candice's bitch? What if she's good at giving him orders? What if in another era he would have been the steward of some cruel tyrant? What if he has toady written all over him? ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I wasn't aware MSN was on when Madogis messaged me as I was downstairs? What if she knows this now, but I'm just sayin for everyone elses benefit? What if, teehee, Maddie thinks I'm a part of the real world? What if everything in my world is brightly coloured and my work mates are faeries and elves? ![]() What if Maddie is feeling how I felt when she first went to uni, her off to persue further education, and me a lowly uneducated creature? What if I would kill, well maybe not, just harm, for an Ocarina right now that I could use to travel to 2005? What if I wants a Nintendo DS and the new Zelda game? What if the truck song is on the second dvd of the FF:IR - V2? What if *looks in Madogis's direction*? What if ooh when I was watching the DVD last night, there was a sketch on there, and Jane slightly resembled current Kath and sorta spoke like her? What if and she said something about "Nanna Day"? What if, as in, Kath's last name in Kath & Kim is Day, not a Day for all Nanna's? What if, she also pointed out her husband, Kel, played by Glenn? What if it made me go "oooooooooh"? What if, but this characters daughter was named Caitlen, but she was still played by Gina? What if she was also blonde instead of brunette, but still? What if the show was Kath & Caitlen? What if, or Kath & Kaitlen? What if, Kath & Kim sounds better? ![]() What if everything was all just a happy accident? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Ultimate Scroller![]() |
What if there are too many what ifs to catch up? What if I just post quick? What if or maybe I should take a long time? What if Dubuquefest was this weekend? What if it is really handy to live right downtown for the festivals? What if that way we can just walk from our apartment to the festivites? What if no need to worry about parking? What if Dubuquefest is so much more fun when you're of legal drinking age? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |||
Warrior Scroller![]() |
What if there was a Golf Road where I used to live? What if there was no golf course? What if it was because there's a township called Golf on that road? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if nobody mowed their lawns anymore? What if people let the grass grow as high as it can get? What if we just mowed a maze of paths through the high tall grass to have fun in? | |||
What if i am off work sick? What if Sara just poked me? What if i woke up this morning with no voice? What if Mick was happy ![]() What if, so i thought screw it, and took the day off work? What if, yay to being permanent now, they have to pay me..LOL What if Sara tells me she has no sympathy for me? What if it hurts to swallow? What if my throat feels like it has razor blades? What if i ask if anyone has any home remedies for sore throats? What if, slight blocked up nose, but the main problem is the throat? What if Mick says he knows what will fix it? What if he is a rude rude boy? What if i have 6 people on AIM?? What if i have been tidying the house? What if, as in giving theings new homes, and moving stuff around and rearranging furniture? What if, i don;t know why..lol What if, but the comp desk seems to work better like this? ********************************* | |||
What if i curse sara and all that she knows to have genital warts? What if she is mean mean mean? ********************************* | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if dude, I never promised anyone a rose garden? What if wah wah, Ame quit your faking already? ![]() What if lol, I'm completely unpacked now? What if go me? ![]() What if and for the record, Ame gets the genital warts too, cause I know her? ![]() ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
What if i am immune to my own curse you fiend? What if all the people you know come after me? What if i'm not scared? What if, well maybe, Nora, Zoom and Argy? What if, ok and Gabber too? ********************************* | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I got a package today? ![]() What if it's a birthday present from Maddie, for my 14th of May birthday? ![]() What if wheeee giant Evanescence poster? ![]() What if all these little pokemon kept falling out of the tube? What if they're little bobble head things? What if I'm going to line them up on my computer? ![]() What if they're kinda scary though, because their heads rotate? o.o What if they should be called excorcist heads or something? What if there's also a desperate looking dog plush toy? What if it's so cute ![]() What if and also, the coolest key ring ever? What if "I smile because I have no idea what's going on"? ![]() ![]() What if *runs to put it on wallet*? What if and also some scratchies? What if I scratch them now to see if I win big? What if, hehe there is a bow tie in one of the game panels and I hadn't fully scratched it, so it read "Bow ie"? ![]() What if Ancient Monopoly, yay!? What if I end up scratching the wrong things? ![]() What if *sigh* I didn't win? What if I got to scratch off Hercules, so that's gotta count? What if that sounds way dirty? What if there was a panel that said Hercules? What if mean scratchie making people, I just wanted to win $50,000? ![]() What if, but anyway, hooray, time to place the pokèmon!? ![]() ~What if, I probably could've placed them in a better order, like height based or something? ~What if I wanted Pikachu in the middle though? ~What if it goes Skitty, Torchic, Pikachu, Treecko and Wynaut? ~What if, oh well? ![]() ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if Ame takes some echinacea? What if 30 drops 3 or 4 times a day? What if I don't know if you can get it as I seem to remember hearing that Australia was going to stop herbal medicine imports, etc? What if but I don't know if they did? What if anyway, it kills the germs on contact and is also an anti-inflammatory and boosts the immune system? What if no side effects? What if also cut back on sugar for a few days because it lowers your immunities significantly? What if I'm sleepy and yet I ate frosting so it's just possible I won't be sleeping soon? What if higher blood sugar has the same effect on typing as the low blood sugar? What if to achieve typing excellence one must have balance? What if I'm being some sort of martial arts person there? What if typing arts? What if hiiiiiiYA! clickity-click-click? What if they put drugs in my frosting? What if mmmmm, chocolately drug goodness? What if I'd better take some echinacea now? | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
quote: what if that would be quite enough, dontcha think? what if xc's new color ramblings rminded me of Negativeland? what if i hadn't thought of them (it...?) in years? what if Neice-and-Nephew Weekend was great fun? what if my friend the ex-Mrs. Perdicus & her sweet baby are in town? what if she's thinking of extending her visit past the original Wednesday departure date? what if yay? what if there's rarely a reason to 'yay' on a Monday? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if my daughter is watching The Wiggles? What if heh, catchy? | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if my niece is all about The Wiggles? what if she dances like an emu? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if my kids do this dinosaur thing that kind of looks like an emu? What if but not to The Wiggles? What if sometimes they just want to be velociraptors? | |||
Ultimate Scroller![]() |
What if sometimes when my friends and I used to go to the park we'd pretend to be velociraptors also? What if...granted we did this while in high school? What if *looks around nervously*? What if at recess in elementary school we used to pretend to be teenage mutant ninja turtles? What if I always was Donatello because he was the purple one? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
quote: What if I now have to listen to Negativeland though I never have before? ... What if yesterday the weather people predicted a sunny dry day today? What if there wasn't supposed to be rain til Tuesday night? What if this morning & noon-time they still said no rain til Tuesday night? What if at 2 pm they said uh 30% chance of rain Monday afternoon? What if that 30% chance of rain turned into a fricken downpour!?!? What if they had predicted a 100% chance of rain- how could that produce more rain than this 30% chance is doing!?!? What if the only reason this matters is that xc had put off mowing his lawn & mama xc's lawn til today because some stoopid weather people had predicted sunny & dry weather and xc wanted even drier lawns to mow? | |||
Scroll Tragic![]() |
WHat if maybe xc should quit out all that whinin...cause here in Buffalo we get his used weather .. or Hercy's ... ?? What if a wee change in wind direction & we get used weather from Albeta or Saskatoon..? What if Buffalo is Sooo drab all we get is used up hand me down weather ...Except when we get really fresh lake Effect snowstorms..??? Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
Scroll Tragic![]() |
What if they keep showin this video from yesterdays news Over & over & over again..?? what if its that fishin boat sinmkin w 28 peeps abandoning it..??? What if TV never really covers a story properly if they dont have video,,??? | |||
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