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Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
quote: What if that's what I'm here for? quote: What if would it be too much to ask to stop for awhile, I mean seriously? quote: What if it'd be lovely if I could have one, but unfortunately, I can't? ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if okay, since you asked so nicely? what if buck up my friend, you know you can handle anything? what if i leave you with this tidbit...? what if i was almost named Wendy Ruth? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I wonder if it's considered impolite to laugh at someone's almost-name until you can't breathe? What if part of me wants to reveal my real name, but I'm enjoying the mystery? What if it's neither exotic nor overly ordinary? What if the only thing I don't like about it is that it never sounds right to me when I say it? What if I once met a girl with the same name who said the same thing about it? What if I wonder if everyone thinks the same thing about their own name? What if it's fun to type, though? What if I can't stop eating pumpkin seeds? | |||
What if i know Heitie's real name? What if it always makes me think of a show i used to watch as a teenager, csuse i thought it was really cooooooooooooool, and that's all i am gunna tell ya..LOL What if, i am shocked and saddened Sadie spilt the beans about her real name, now what will I harass her and poke fun at her about? What if i will only anwer to Shelley for Sara and Gabber and that is it, so no one else get any ideas? What if xc's name is Eugene? What if come to think of it, i know quite alot of scroller real names? What if some scrollers have no real names? What if we had a blackout last night for HOURS? What if it was very annoying? What if i started with chicken and corn soup at Mingara, then went on to have seafood, then all the hot stuff like roasts, and chinesey stuff? What if, i had no room left for dessert? What if i hope that is enough information for you slem? What if i am in the process of trading over my pokemon to leaf, but i keep going to the safari zone to catch anything, so i have something to trade? What if, and then, once i have completed all my current games, except leaf, i will restart ruby. What if i need breakfast?This message has been edited. Last edited by: Amethyst, ********************************* | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if thanks? ![]() What if the Powers That Be are doing their best to make things worse but they can't keep a good smart ass down? What if at least that's what I keep telling myself? What if no worries, they haven't invented the issue I can't work through yet? What if the whole Wendy Ruth thing did kinda make me grin? ![]() What if I always felt weird saying my own name Heitie cause it doesn't seem to fit me? What if but maybe it is the same for everyone? What if the day's almost over, monitoring stuff's almost done, thank god? ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if now everyone will know my real name? What if especially when I say that I don't pronounce it like that? What if I'm wrong and nobody knows what I'm talking about? | |||
What if it only feels strange when you say your own name, if you have a strange name? What if we bought timber blinds yesterday? What if i hope they look cool when we put em up on saturday? What if they can't look any worse than the silly white ones we have? What if Jess saw a picture of the turkey on the 'wild turkey' label, and wanted to have a drink of the chicken drink... hehehehehe ********************************* | |||
What if, ok, i'll go edit that post? ********************************* | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if ooohh i get it now? What if oooohhhhhh? What if hehehehehehehe? What if I kinda like that name, or rather the Spanish way of saying it? ![]() What if mystery solved? What if ![]() **editted by ame, since i said i would edit my post, then sara ruins it anyways..LOLThis message has been edited. Last edited by: Amethyst, ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if aww, no editing was necessary, I wasn't upset? What if that's nice of you, anyway? ![]() What if I only watched that show once or twice, partially because someone with my name was on it pronouncing it wrong? What if a lot of people say it like that around here, and with all kinds of accents and things where they don't belong? What if I wish someone would just pull out all the stops and roll the r so I can laugh at them? What if it has an r in it? What if at least my appearance is still a mystery, since I'm sure everyone gathers in secret and discusses what I could possibly look like? What if I wonder if that came off as jaded or good-naturedly humorous? | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i bought a new suv? what if it's purty? what if this is it? ![]() what if i post the pic in every thread? what if i probably won't? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
quote: What if I am enjoying The Apprentice and I am SURE it is because the people are particularly dumb this time? What if you missed a great moment in sports history Heitie but I'm sure you'll get loads of news clips and whatnot so no worries? What if thanks for the happy baseball wishes zoom and Madogis and everyone? What if thanks for the Red Sox victory dance Shawn? What if it is possible that Shawn was not dancing as she typed her post but I was dancing as I read it so it's all good? What if I refer to people by their real name about 60% of the time? What if the other 40% of the time I use scroll names because I am forgetful, I don't know the person's real name or I am talking about zoom? What if I only use zoom's real name about 25-30% of the time when speaking of her and 80-90% of the time when speaking to her? What if that's weird? What if I never refer to le by her scroll name? What if it's because I met her before she scrolled and had a scroll name? What if it's because there are lots of syllables in lesbianerector and I am just lazy? What if I do not think i know Heitie's real name, but maybe I do? What if I may have been told what her name is or I may have made up what I think/thought Heitie's real name is? What if I definately did not know Sara's real name but I like it? What if I've always remembered her commenting that she shared a first name with a lot of dogs? What if I just assumed it was Brandy or Candy? What if I have no idea why I assumed that except that i have had pets with both of those names so why not? What if I am *so* egocentric? ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
quote: What if now everyone thinks my name is Blossom? | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if T's new car is awesome? What if I assume that's T, the clues point that direction? What if I'm having a name-confusion day? What if I develop some sort of aphasia like in that episode of Deep Space 9 but just with names? What if it extends to identities themselves and there is no longer any differentiation among people? What if the information I get from them is there, but the people all become as incarnations of one person, or merely white noise? What if hmmm...*opens Word*...? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
quote: What if I somehow missed the whole above post as well as Ame's pre-edit and post-edit of her post? What if I am now sure that I do not, nor did I ever know Heitie's name? What if I think I misused "nor" in my last sentence? What if someone lets me know if I did? What if it's wrong and is gonna drive me crazy and possibly lead to me editing this post? What if we get back on the name thing? What if, unlike Ame, I do *not* know quite a few scroller's RL names? What if I was thinking that if I still had IM I could be torturing said info out of Ame right now? ![]() What if,considering that I have met quite a few scrollers in person, knowing so few names of scrollers is pretty sad? What if people do not understand my last sentence and assume that scrollers who I have met actually would not tell me their names? What if that makes me sound shady/sinister/freakish? | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if indeed it is me, T? what if i thank heitie, she who has an r in her name, for complementing my car? what if i head off to bed now? | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I say 'you're welcome' to T, as that's who that is? What if I've missed T? What if I believe 'nor' is used correctly, lila, but I don't always know? What if I think I would've said "nor have I ever known," so that might make it sound a little different, but I'm not sure it's a necessary change? What if I know lila's name? What if I wonder how many I've picked up over the past 4 years and 2 weeks? What if the The Apprentice people certainly disappointed me this evening? What if just when I expound the virtues of Jennifer and Kevin they act like dips? What if sure, Elizabeth isn't the all time greatest, but geez? What if I'm enjoying Rise of Nations just a little too much? What if I wonder if there will be a Literati game at an hour when I can join in, if that's ok? | |||
Scroll Tragic![]() |
What if My name was gonna be Cheryl if I was a girl..???? What if ...aint THAT a Scream.....? Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if my name is odd, but a girl with the same name served me at coles the other week? what if at coles, there is a screen that shows what the customer is buying as the chick is scanning it, and it also says "hi, my name is such and such"? what if, so i saw that it said my name, and i got all freaked out? what if, but then i looked at the chick's name tag and all was right with the universe? what if she's one of only two people that i've met in my whole human life that actually has the same first name as me? what if i have heard of about five others roaming around the world, and a couple of middle names, but that's it? what if sadly, it is no way exotic, just oddly uncommon? what if i'm having vast amounst of fun pronouncing heitie's name with a rolled are and a spanish-ish accent ![]() what if i prounounce ame's name with a japanese accent just for the hell of it ![]() what if tehehehe? what if i'm not opposed to the name sadie because there's a song about a person named sadie that i'm quite partial to? what if i won't say what as i fear it will lead to the merciless mocking of both sara and i? what if i like it anyway - the song not the mocking? what if uh oh, mum's home, i think i need to get the..nope, she's just throwing pizza at me and running? what if it's a very good plan indeed? what if i reeeally wish i had the third harry potter movie on dvd? what if it looks like the kind of movie that would go really well with pizza? what if it just does - don't ask questions? what if i'll be back in a jiffy ![]() -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if Sara ignores anyone who calls her by her real name, and I ignore anyone who calls me Slem? What if I feel silly saying my own name? What if people always have trouble remembering my name? What if I wouldn't have thought Andrew was a hard name? What if this is a list of names I have been called at work? What if: Adam, Anthony, Matthew and John? What if John??? What if I can sort of understand Matthew, because there is someone else there named Matthew? What if and Matthew was one of the names I was going to be called when I was born? What if, but John??? What if also, I refer to all Scrollers by their Scroll name, except Maddie? What if though sometimes Maddie does slip out? What if in other news, I got my credit card today? *spins around and triumphantly holds the card up to the heavans* What if I had to go into the bank and this lady lead me into a special room? What if the bank closed while I was still in there? ![]() What if somehow, I managed to turn the conversation into Xena? ![]() What if my mother is annoying me so I just drowned her voice out by turning the music up really loud, so loud that it is barely distinguishable? What if my leg hurts? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i forgot to poat more dule monsters quotes before? what if: - "wow, that sure was an ominous thing to say." - "Thank you. i got an A in ominous class at evil school." ![]() - "boy, the animaters sure get a lot of milage out of this clip." - "Sh! you're not supposed to notice." ![]() "now go, and never bag my sideburns again." "Oh hi rikuda, shabu is upstairs, but on your way up, could you sweep the floor, wash the dishes, and make dinner? thanks hon, you're a real peach." (he actually did it all too, hehe) "okay, so i'm not an all-star. maybe i could be a rock star, or an anime writer - that's easy to do." ![]() what if i'm seriously loving this show ![]() -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
quote: what if Pariah carey is ver very careful about what he says about the name 'Cheryl'? what if you change one letter and it's my name? what if Heitie's not the first person to get a good laugh out of someone's almost name? what if i'd really been named Wendy Ruth i think i would have changed it legally to "zoom" by now? what if i know Heitie's real name but i don't know how she pronounces it nor the TV show featuring someone with that name? what if Heitie's name is Punky Brewster? what if nice ride, T? what if new rides are sweet, eh? quote: what if this makes me wonder just how much lila997 speaks of me? what if Shawn did a victory Riverdance? what if down by the banks of the River Charles...?This message has been edited. Last edited by: zoom, WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i should not be up this late? what if, well not interacting with people this late anyway? what if i forgot to mention t's car, which is "phat like cindy crawford"? what if that's a charming phrase i happened by and i presume it's meant as a complement? what if i just say the car is pretty and shiny and i wants it ![]() what if i think i'm in love with the new bad boy of summer bay? what if he's not unattractive, he's an evil genius, and he's deeply emotionally scarred? what if he's everything i look for in an obsession ![]() what if robbie will of course always be my true love and pet project (i WILL get him and kim together), but it might be nice to have a lil' bit on tha side if ya dig what i's sayin'dawg? what if i went all homie there for a second, i apologise? what if: colleen: "you look like one of those homo boys from the bronx" kane: "ah, i think you mean 'homies'." colleen: "i know what i mean when i say it." what if ![]() -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroll Stalker![]() |
What if I Riverdance in Red Sox? What if I do this while flinging rocks at marine life? What if I not only know Heitie's name but know how she looks too? What if "How YOU doin'?" ![]() What if Heitie is really a super model but has to keep her identity secret so that the tabloids won't print crazy stories? What if I know she'll get the joke? ![]() What if I know many a scroller's name as well? What if I just posted a bunch of names and expected everyone to figure out which name went with which scroller? What if, not to worry, I damn near spewed when I heard Wendy Ruth? What if I am dressed up for Halloween today? What if i finally got to see my favorite Halloween movie last night? What if "Amuck! Amuck! Amuck!" What if HOCUS POCUS! ? What if ![]() What if I start calling Salem, Binx? What if lila really is a cheerleader? What if my name is not really Shawn? What if I was supposed to be twin boys named William Shawn and Wesley Gannon (after both of my grandfathers)? What if I actually am twin 16 year old boys and not a 33 year old lesbain? What if that would explain a lot? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ![]() | |||
Scroll Stalker![]() |
What if I edited out the joke and she becomes very confused? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ![]() | |||
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