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What if Texas has much to offer? What if one of it's many offereings is an unnatural boot need? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ![]() | |||
What if I went out for dinenr last night for mum's birthday, which is why i wasn't on? What if Mingara, for Salem's benefit, since he always likes to know details? What if, busy busy? What if i finally bought the Dido CD, 'Life For Rent'? What if i have been meaning to buy it for ages, and always forget? What if, but i remembered obviously this time? What if it's funny zoomie, i actually named one of my pokemon.. 'my lil pony' LMAO What if i hate it when no one is on aim/icq and msn at the same time? ********************************* | |||
What if Heitie gets a multi region dvd player? What if that would be cool.. I think Argy has one. ********************************* | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if there is only one true response to an unnatural boot indeed being one of Texas's finest offerings? what if.....mm hm? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
quote: What if Heitie started shopping around for one last night? ![]() What if eBay people seem to have quite a few available for cheap? What if I have to make sure it'll work with my existing ancient legacy tv? What if there's some sort of PAL/NTSC ratio difference that some don't compensate for? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if why are there non-multi region dvd players to begin with? What if cd's had various region differences stuff like dvd's do? What if my "mind" doesn't work in any region setting harhar? | |||
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What if I am completely sleep deprived? What if everyone in a 200 mile radius of my house is too? What if it's not from overwork? What if it is from late nights watching the World Series? What if normally I feel like watching 9 innings of baseball on TV is only slightly more exciting that watching paint dry? What if not so much this year? What if go Red Sox!? ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
quote: What if Sid and Marty Krofft were smoking some stong stuff when they created 1970's "quality" children's television? What if ![]() | |||
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What if I did not mean for the picture to be so big? What if I can't/won't figure out how to resize now on account of the sleep deprivation and all? What if Go ...*yawn*..Red Sox!? | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if everyone goes and see's what Kath is smoking in the Kath & Kim thread? What if I wonder what Ame pacifically had to eat at Mingara? What if I wonder where Maddie is? What if my mother had one of her old school friends over today, who now lives at QLD? What if she is a strange lady? What if one of her daughters was with her? What if she's even stranger? What if she is covered in piercings? What if she had her new baby with her, which is why they were both around? What if I wasn't home though, so I missed out? What if I wanna know if dinner is ready, because I'm ravishing? What if ooh I think we are just getting take away? ![]() What if I hope Heitie gets a multi region DVD player? What if I should get one, so I can FINALLY get fricken Labyrinth on DVD? What if don't worry, I'm not going to go into that rant again? What if oh well, boring, places to see, people to do? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I'm back to being suicidal over the new Spyro game? ![]() What if I just watched the trailer and the voices are ALL different? What if I want my Tom Kenny Spyro? ![]() What if the new Spyro sounds really nasal? What if Sparx actually TALKS now, instead of his mumbled jibberish stuff? What if sigh? ![]() ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if i'm happy for lila997 that her Bo-Sox are cursed no more? what if i'll only truly know how she feels some day when the Titans win the Super Bowl? what if i hope i don't have to wait 86 years? what if there's a pretty good chance the New Englanders will celebrate another sports championship the way the Patriots are playing? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if honey, i'm home? what if i imagined a scene from "dinosaurs" (the short-lived dinosaur puppet version of the simpsons) when i typed that? what if i blame zoom? what if she did actually mean "land before time", if the her other examples of chilriana are anything to go by? what if thanks zoom, you've finally helped me to figure out what my deep attraction to pokemon is all about? what if my little pony, carebears, and the land before time were/are some of my very favourite childhood experiences ![]() what if i don't know about the PCP though - doesn't that stuff make you look like a vampire or something (so implies principal schnider)? what if damn it, i was supposed to see what buffy ep was on fox today? what if it was season 7 and i don't know the names of the episodes yet, so the title meant nothing to me? what if it was called "never leave me"? what if that, plus the discription sounded a lot like what i was lead to believe was called "lies my parents told me"? what if this will require more research? what if i'm quitting uni? what if, lismore and ceramics anyway? what if maybe writing at ourimbah (close to home) is the way to go? what if both my parents go there so i could scab lifts ![]() what if i kind of want a job too? what if salem can't be the only bread-winner - it suggests too much power, power i shall soon relieve him of *squint*? what if the power of...drive, might be handy too? what if all this sounds a bit complicated to be thinking abot just now though, so i'll puts it on hold til later ![]() what if i want to try sara's punch? what if we make punch using raspberry vodka, passion pop ($4 champaigne ![]() what if, not quite so effective i'd presume, but it tastes kinda nifty all the same ![]() what if salem "cracking onto" the computer the other day took my mind to a very odd place? what if i pictured him with a sleezy grin on his face, whispering pick-up lines riddled with false-confidence into the moniter? what if, so yes, very odd indeed? what if gues what! i'm home! ![]() what if my kitty missed me and was all rubbing up against me and stuff ![]() what if she even came to me when i called her ^_^? what if i should point out that my cat doesn't necessarily like to be touched or fussed over, and she's rarely (if ever) obedient? what if, so hooray for a pet/owner relationship breakthrough ![]() what if she kept rolling on her back to play as well - she's so cute!!^_^? what if, ok, enough about the feline? what if i'm going to see the yugioh movie on sunday!! ![]() what if i'm dragging salem along too ![]() what if he'll have no idea what's going on and is certain to cry ![]() what if fun! ![]() what if, speaking of yugi and rip-offs there of, i chanced to see another episode of "duel masters" this afternoon? what if that show is frickin' hilarious!? what if, a list of quotes i found amusing: "cool, vacuous look: check." - "that's like trying to stop madonna from acting - it can't be done." - "it's a pain we'll just have to live with." - "we have movie nights." - "really, what kind of movies?" - "oh any kind really. last week we watched the entire works of <insert name of arty director here...spiel about technical aspects of films>" - *blank look* - "this week we're having a jackie chan marathon." - "oh, jackie chan! cool!" "two words: chick flick. i was thinking something dramatic where poeple fall in love and die, like 'a walk to remember what i forgot to remember.'" - "so how long ago did you start there? like, back when mullets were in fashion?" - "ah the mullet, an unfortunate hairstyle, thankfully one i was spared." - "it's a hologram. very princess laya" (sorry for the spelling) - "what's it for?" - "maybe it's a cry for help to save the galaxy." *and later* - "does he know he's trying to beat up a hologram?" ? what if i assure you, if those were in context, YOU would be in hysterics? what if uh oh, getting tired? what if eep! i have to go to the tripple j website to see if i can get that scrabble score card signed by andrew g!? what if i hope i'm not too late ![]() what if i can only win it if adam and wil deem me to be the geekiest of all the entries? what if i'm up against a guy who can sing the entire periodic table, and a guy who can recite pi to 15 decimal places in morse code o.o? what if there was also a guy whom i think that heitie should marry - he reads through instruction manuals, corrects the spelling mistakes, and then sends it back to the company to be re-printed? what if, uh...huh? what if someone's gotta do it...i guess? what if my entry will say "i am in love with andrew g, and yet, my first reaction to the offer of a signed scrabble score card was not the fact that i could own something that he has touched, but that i could own the score card that registered adam spencer's three bingo bonusses in one game of scrabble, and the thought of how impressed all of my scrabble buddies would be"? what if, and you all would be SO impressed, wouldn't you ![]() what if, ok, eyelids beginning to droop, salem beginning to bail, i should post this now before i collapse face-first intot he keyboard? what if, see you all tomorrow - from home!! ![]() what if it's good to be back ^_^? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
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What if we won?! What if 86 years is a long time to wait to win? What if it takes Salem that long to win on his new Spyro game? What if I don't even know if Spyro is a game that you "win"? What if GO RED SOX?! ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if hooray for lila! you're little evolving pokemon thingy seems extatic for you ![]() what if i on the other hand am in a shallow pothole of despare? what if i couldn't find the guestbook at the tripple j website, so no bingo bonus score card for maddie ![]() what if oh well, i can always beat up the geek that wins it and steal it from him, as well as his juice money? what if i should go to bed then to reserve my geek-beating energies? what if, though if it was anything like last night, i'll be expending more energy on a dream than i would in waking life? what if race around the world my foot? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
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What if... Go Red Sox, Go Red Sox - It's ya Birfday, It's ya Birfday! What if I by a Red Sox's cap instead of my Yankee's cap for my visit? What if this would make lila happy? What if sometime someone writes a Mel and Janice FF a la League of Their Own? What if HOP TO IT HEITIE, snap snap! What if I'm enjoying 'what ifing' again? What if sorry Madogis my scroll time is limited and such very looooooooooooooong what if's are scanned more than they are actually read? What if - How ya doin' Salem old chap? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ![]() | |||
<Xexy> |
What if... GO RED SOX!!!!(i apologize if previously posted) | ||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I've never written fan fiction, it might be fun? What if ooo, I could rent the DVDs to get back into the show, use fan fiction as a writing excercise, and then justify my new "5 at a time" Netflix program as a business expense...so to speak? What if yeah, that's the ticket? What if yes, Maddie, I should marry him? What if I...I love him already? What if I hope he writes polite little notes with his corrections, though? What if no need to be a grammar ogre? What if I got the Looney Toons Golden Collection vol. 1 and I'm saving it for the holidays? What if yeah, I might need to take a peak before then? What if just a peak...a very long peak? What if I can't believe I missed the Red Sox winning? What if I didn't even realize there was a game because we were watching Alias on DVD, which is also important? What if we need to watch as much as possible before the new season starts which is, I believe, some time in January? What if The Apprentice is on tonight? What if oh man, I love The Apprentice? What if even though this season's people seem particularly dumb, or possibly because of it? What if I like the remaining Jennifer and also Kevin? What if oh gosh, I hope Maria goes tonight? What if I wonder what the Australian viewers think of The Amazing Race? What if I assume they're getting the most recent season? What if I wonder if I can comment without spoiling anything? What if not that I would on purpose, but my emotions re: one team or another's successes or failures, for example, could give it away? What if I wonder if that was vague enough? What if geez, my daughter is extra cute today? What if heeheeee? ![]() What if I got the karate pictures of my also adorable son back this week, so now I've got to see about hooking up the scanner that I never use? What if I think we should all go someplace like on a school trip? What if a Renaissance faire, for example? What if there could be a bus and everything? What if I saw these lollipops in the store that I wanted to mention to Maddie? What if they were Yugioh, or however you spell it, ones and had stickers inside the wrappers or something? What if heh? What if I wonder whether most people use real names or Scroll names when talking about Scroll people? What if that is when real names are known? What if it seems long What If posts are becoming all the rage? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I usually refer to people by scroll name even when I know their real name? What if unless I'm speaking to someone who has no idea about the scrolls and names and such, then I use their real name, if I know it? What if but...I don't know your real name Heitie? What if I imagined once it'd either be something very simple or something rather exotic? What if Jane, Mary, or Sue? What if Talulah, Antigone, or something else exotic? What if except Shelley, she's always Shelley, never Ame, regardless of who I'm speaking to? ![]() ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if it pretty much depends on the Scroller and how much i encounter them outside the Scrolls whether i refer to them by Scroll name or given name? what if i readily answer to 'zoom? what if i do tend to stick with Scroll names regardless of context with certain people like pj? what if and Shawn, heh? what if i almost never call le "lebianerector"? what if i generally call Argy & lila997 by their real names? what if i call Sara by her real name right now? what if hey there, *****? what if i tell Sara how much i think she looks and acts like a *****? what if le's mother's hyper Whippet is named *****? what if Sara just keeps on giving me oppportunity to laugh and laugh and laugh....? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
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What if, Oh my that gave me two very good laughs? What if the thought of le going by lesbianerector at work? What if, Oh my Sara, Whippet, Whippet good! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ![]() | |||
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What if you know what, f*ck it? What if my real name is Sadie, big secret suddenly out? What if and no, I'm not too fond of it but I do answer to it and lots of friends and most all my family call me that? What if I've gotten more comfortable with it over the years and it doesn't nearly irk me as much as it used to? What if and yes, I know lotsa dogs named Sadie? What if and yes, I got "Sadie Hawkins" alot in school? What if it's a name, people have 'em, let it go? What if and no, I will not answer to Sadie here on the Scrolls, my name is Sara here? What if and yes, I will ignore you, cause I haven't given anyone permission to call me that, I prefer to be called Sara? What if ![]() ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
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What if I didn't know your name? What if I actually like it? What if it sounds like an old southern name? What if I don't get the whole 'I hate my name thing' some folks have? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ![]() | |||
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what if damn you and your blasted empowerment through self-exposure? what if oh well..i can always find another reason to rib you i'm sure? what if Sara needs a nap? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if thanks Shawn? What if it was primarily popular in the early 1900's? What if but my Dad came up with it in an odd sort of way? What if people are cruel, and when you're young, it hurts when they make fun? What if also, people can't spell for shit? What if it's got 5 letters, how freakin' hard can it be, jesus? What if eh, it's easier now that I'm older but growing up it was just another thing for kids to try and take me down with? What if and no little girl likes to be told that so and so has a dog named Sadie either? ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
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