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What if John comes home today for a bit, and then tomorrow for the whole week? What if, again, it's crazy having him here one week and gone the next? What if, thanks to his dad being in hospice care and needing his son to stay with him every other week while his other son, my brother in law does the other alternate weeks. What if...but so far like I said, his dad's doing great! What if I hope the guy just heals up and goes back to the life he had before...that'd make everybody happy, especially him??? What if stranger things have happened??? What if the doctors pronounced him as dying when he couldn't swallow right after the pneumonia but thus far except for one minor incident, he's been swallowing just fine??? What if, he's still weak in other ways and needs help with basic things like hygiene and stuff tho, so that's why John has to be there 24/7 every other week... What if, it's a bit much to adjust to but we're getting somewhat used to it, but I still would love to see my father in law heal up. What if...fuggin mortality.... "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if glad to hear your father-in-law is doing better, Kate? what if 2nd edit of book 1 coming along fast? what if still lost on the pitch for the agents? what if Natalie Adel;e gettin' bossy recently? what if she gets cranky during winter months? what if she needs birds to cackle at? | |||
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What if thanks, xc, and I'm glad to hear your writing is going so well? What if, it's good to have an agent for things like that too...even if you have to pay out of pocket, if they're good and they get you a decent gig? What if, I've always gone the self-publishing route, which pretty much screwed me for publishing with a real company? What if, there's this weird stigma about self publishing that I guess publication companies feel threatened by or something...that's my guess, anyway. What if, depending on how well one can self-promote, there's definitely people who have made decent money selling books they self-publish. What if, competition is always the thing, but at this point, I'll be glad just to see my book in print once I'm finished this rewrite! What if...best of everything with it, xc and I hope to see it in print one day so I can read it!!!! ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if thanks, Kate, i hope it gets published, someday? what if the Trumpenstein monster won't be destroyed anytime soon? what if only Romney had the guts to vote the truth among the GOP? what if the Dems better pick someone credible to beat the creep & that cannot be Bernie? | |||
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Hiya, Good luck in all things to da boat of ya
what if there is No One better than Bernie... he WILL NOT bow to the loony Anti-White racists that cause the Dems to lose so much..? what if Whites created the modern world..endastory..? what if other races need to stop looking for a Blame advantage so American can drift back to sanity..? Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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What if I can only hope Trump won't get as many votes as he got last time(with Russia's help)? What if, I'll even take another Republican, ANY Republican so long as it isn't Trump! What if, but I'll probably end up voting for Bernie because I actually like him. I think he can do a lot for this country. Trump? Throw him out with the rest of the trash. What if, and yeah I'm bitter about the acquittal, even though everyone knew it was gonna happen. I'm pleasantly surprised about Romney though! What if...it takes guts to do what he did, and I'm glad he did it. Just wish more of them could've seen through Trump's veil of deception but that's asking too much, I know. What if...oh well. What can ya do. Back to my coffee!!! "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if i'd prefer seeing any Democrat in the white house? what if i can't see the south, the west (except californy) or some mid-west states voting for Bernie or Buddha-jug? what if i'd be surprised to see a socialist or a gay man elected? what if what happened in Iowa is a sign of bad things to come for the election? what if my vote won't count, cuz i live in Indhickiana, that usually always votes GOP? | |||
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What if it looks like 'Mr Moldy Oatmeal' Biden is down for the count....thank Zeus for that....!! What if Im saddened by a lack of support for E Warren & an overabundance of foolish support for Butt-egg-egg..Please no we dont need another worthless Dem president.... What if Im pretty sure he cannot win against trump......his mommy will call him home for dinner....& the playground bully will reign Soup-Ream Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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What if, my computer is acting real goofy right now? What if it takes awhile for it to open pages? What if, normally it's really fast, so I dunno? What if, aside from that, things are really awesome? What if, my husband is home after 6 days staying at his dad's to take care of him? What if, I'm glad about that...always miss him when he's gone, altho it's good his father has him to rely on. What if I love how my back doesn't hurt right now? ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if how did Milkcan Boom-booger get to be 2nd place among the Dems? what if oh yeah, thru tv ads & 'social media'? what if nuke fartbook, nuke twatter, nuke insta-granny? what if Boom-booger is the Dem's version of the Trumpenstein monster? what if i still doubt Bernie can beat the evil one? what if who cares if the Ruskies are interfering? what if anyone gettin their news from 'social media' should not be allowed to vote? what if it's a good thing Hitler was defeated in the '40s cuz if this 'social media', cell phone addicted country went against him now, we all would either be speaking German or dyin in a concentration camp & the Evil One would be his buddy as he is with Kreep Dung-ugh from North Korea? | |||
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What if I didn't watch the debate but I did hear Bloomberg was ahead by a lot? What if, I think I still like Bernie the best? What if I'm not sure I like Bloomberg's voice...a little whiney for my liking but if he's good and gets the job fixed after Trumpidump, I have no complaints, if he ends up winning? What if, it'll be exciting to go vote this year...I really do hope we get rid of Trumpidump and I hope no Russians are messing around this time...since he actually got AWAY with that... ![]() What if...AAAAA politics are gonna drive me crazy but this is the time to pay attention to them? What if...well...we shall see what might happen...hopefully Trumpedump ends up going back to the Apprentice show and leaving politics alone!!!!! ![]() ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if a Trump comes down with the coronavirus? what if he already has foot in mouth disease? what if i am feeling down? what if visit my wives thread? what if too many pics have x'd out? what if oh well? | |||
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What if Im sL0wLy lOsInG tOuCh wItH rEaLiTy...? What if all my Antenna TV stations are blinking out 1 by 1 ..??? What if all thats left is anti-white male PBS ..? What if I like Bernie best outta whos left too.... I still would prefer E Warren as her voice & mannerism arent so unpleasant on the ears....? What if I will adjust to Bernie just fine ... given time..?This message has been edited. Last edited by: Brucy Braless, | |||
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What if Im sorry to hear you're dismayed..? What if you need to be Aunt May'd..? What if I still havent seen the new Spider-man standalones because they butchered the Character & miscast P Parker SOoo badly..?? What if Well, It happened again...I got snookered outta my HEAP Bennys by a Hispanic racist this time..? What if after waiting on the 3 people in front of me between 3-3:30 PM she told me I was too late & had to show up B4 2 pm tomorrow if I wanted to be served..?? What if she sent the White male in front of me off to fill out a form I havent needed to fill out in Years when theres a WHITE person at the counter. He came out after getting in line & stormed past me obviously fuming... What if it seems she jerked him around too?? what if Im gonna report this as its only getting worse & worse...nearly every year... What if Ive been going there since 1991 & I K N O W whats what..? What if why are non-whites so nasty & stupid...I want this lil bitch's job..? What if the HEAP I go to is the elderly & disabled HEAP....so SHE Knows she F-in with old & sick people..? What if I was so annoyed with alla this I accidentally ran a red light with a CAM on it.....???? so Im out an entire afternoon 2 gallons of gas....& possibly a $50 ticket..? What if ....America has gotten So nasty in the last 20-30 years..? What if its sad really when I was 11-12 I was in an equal rights* march..with my parents....only to be treated like this..? Racial equal rights {@1966-7}.....the Women's movement was years off in the future ,then..?This message has been edited. Last edited by: Brucy Braless, Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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what if like rather be Gwen Stacy'd by the actress who played her in either movie? what if what is with Wall St? what if it needs new ppl who aren't scared of coronavirus when the flu kills more ppl? what if putting Vice Pres Murk Penis in charge of the coronavirus is bad news? what if put a doctor in charge for Pete's sake! what if make that Doc Strange? what if an honest doc, though there aren't many? what if get me a time machine back to 1977 when life was simpler, better? | |||
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What if, I've got a friend whose cousin works for the Center for Disease Control and she says the coronavirus is not as bad as the media is making it out to be??? What if the media blows everything out of proportion so it's no surprise the coronavirus has so much hyperbole? What if, but don't put a politician in charge of it, that's murder??? What if, get the CDC to set the record straight and then more people will be worrying about flu shots like they should be? What if flu shots can kill too? What if, I've never had a flu shot, never wanted one? What if...I don't follow crowds anyway!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() What if...my birthday's tomorrow yay! What if...if I went back in time it would be to 1986 where I could make better decisions? What if, and I'd be sure not to follow any crowds, even rebellious crowds can still be crowds. ![]() ![]() What if...ah well. Onward!!!!! "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if Happy Birthday, Kate! what if i'd bake ya a cake but it wouldn't be fit to eat? what if papa xc's b-day is the 29th- a year leap b-day- and he would be 24 years old if were here? | |||
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What if thanks, xc? ![]() What if I often get asked if I'm a leap year baby and have to remind people that leap year is the 29th lmao! What if it's been a pretty great birthday so far...lots of great gifts including getting a predetermination on some dental work I need done...that leaves me with No Copay??? ![]() What if I was worried about that for several months but that's a load off my mind??? What if...in other news, we're on a payment plan with the Gas Company that is a lot more reasonable and realistic than what we had before. What if...I like it when things fall into place!!!!! ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if OMG yes !! Happy Birthday, Kate! what if I hope everyone is well..? what if I played 88 hours of Skyrim in February.. what if I have a total of 210 now..? what if Im gettin aggravated & not enjoying it like I did...but somehow still wanna play..? what if that kinda sounds like an addiction..LoL..? | |||
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What if spring is SOON !!! What if Accuweather is calling for a high in the 40s at least for EVERY day in March..... What if that sounds like an early spring to me..? What if its saddening that Global Warming is the cause of it tho..? What if Im convinced that at least 1/2 of americans are too stupid to be allowed to live..?? What if we could have had a Utopia instead we have a capitalist/conservative nitemare..? What if I hear that the Democratic herd has thinned a bit..? What if I sure hope the Bernie-Warren peeps dont break up the nomination so that " Dopey Joe Biden " is our candidate..? | |||
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What if, thanks for the birthday wish, Brucy! ![]() What if the short film I wrote and produced is all done now? What if I'm excited? What if I'm going to submit it to a festival tomorrow? What if, also, I agree about a Utopia? What if, I wish we'd been more respectful to the Native Americans when we first came to these States after Columbus got lost? What if, we slaughtered them, and then we got greedy? What if, they had the right idea tho...go within, find your spirit, let it flow, things like that, paraphrased. What if, we could have learned so much from them back THEN instead of learning it now. THEN we would have had Utopia? What if oh well. What if g'night for now!!! ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if congrats to Kate on the short film? what if i had a video camera i'd film Natalie Adele mostly because she would demand it? what if i hope Dopey Joe Biden wins the nomination? what if Bernie is too la-la-land & he can't beat Trump in the electoral college? what if even if Bernie wins, his free this & free that won't pass Congress? what if no matter who wins, the rich will get richer & the poor poorer cause after all- they're all crooked politicians? | |||
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What if thanks for the congrats, xc! ![]() What if, it wouldn't surprise me if Biden won the nomination, altho I do like Bernie, hell I'd vote for ANYONE over Trump. What if, I guess you have to be more middle of the road, not radical liberal or something, otherwise they label you a socialist, etc. and the electoral college doesn't like that it seems. What if I always hated how the electoral college contradicts the popular vote...what about the people? Lol, I think that's why a lot of people don't vote. What if, I don't know how it all works, though. What if...here we are, 2020, and we might get the chance to kick Trump out...hopefully he won't win again, that would suck!!! What if...I won't think about that, I'll just vote!!!! ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if surprise, Pence is actually doing okay heading the coronavirus stuff? what if he's collaborating with docs & scientists? what if he's contradicting the propaganda that the Trumpenstein monster spews? what if according to the Trumpenstein monster, everything is ok & nobody's sick? what if that's the same nonsense you hear from Putin & Xi? | |||
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what if Biden vs Bernie? what if Tulsi Gabbard still running? what is she's a babe? what if what if she knocked on my door for a vote i'd say c'mon in and show me how much you want my vote? what if she'd scream if she saw me but i'd send Natalie Adele after her to haul her back? | |||
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