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what if good luck on your new cat, Kate? what if Natalie Adele hates loud noises, thunder & July 4 fireworks? what if when people let off firecrackers outside, i turn up the TV or music volume to block it out? what she goes to the vet next Friday for her annual shots? what if i had to reschedule since March. maybe again if it rains that morning? what if she cries in the carrying case, hating to leave the house and scared of big trucks on the highway we pass by? what if she will pout and hide when coming home, blaming me for the experience ? | |||
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what if wearing masks is now required in my county? what if this is okay but i bet there'll be trouble caused by people who don't want to wear them? what if sending kids into school isn't the brightest idea the gov't has made? what if Trumpenstein is all for it? what if everyone needs to stay safe til November to vote the dictator out? | |||
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What if I was just talking to my sister the other day about understanding cats and all that? What if, they really do want what they want, and they want to be in charge but they really do love humans once they're used to them and once they love you there's no getting rid of them? What if, this cat we have was originally named Spicy but John doesn't like that name so we changed it to Sophie? What if she likes me for the most part but she's mad at me right now because when I was petting her I accidentally touched her tail and she does NOT like anyone touching her tail no way lol. What if I gave her some Hemp oil for cats that's good for calming them down? What if slowly we're breaking her into this new home and at some point maybe even tomorrow we'll let her out to meet the other cats? What if, at least there's no constant fireworks going off all the time? What if, my sister is living with cancer right now, and is doing really well on the treatments for it, but because she's high risk, we wear masks when she visits and sit and talk to her with masks on? What if SHE doesn't even like that, it feels so weird so we end up going outside to the backyard where we can take our masks off? What if...will we ever see an end to this virus? What if...so far Philadelphia is not doing too bad I'm told! What if, and yeah we gotta get this dictator out of here. Maybe we'll have a chance of surviving if we can just get someone in there with some idea of how to cope with this virus. What if...I'd love to be where New Zealand is right now, that would be nice! What if, apparently New Zealand has no more cases but they're still not letting any outsiders travel there? What if I don't blame them? What if...oh well, maybe there'll be a good vaccine for everybody eventually, not just the High Elite in the government. "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if ... Is That Supposed to help your Boyfriend ![]() What if ..Bernie Sanders is a Socialist & alla the folks in Cahoots with Communist Putin are Republicans..?? What if I CANT be the only 'Stable Genius' who has made note of that..? What if American Capitalism can EASILY be turned into American Communism...by them RepubliCants..? What if it will be the 'Golden Rule'..? ![]() What if them wif the GOLD will make alla the Rules.....the rest of us will be living the Hunger Games..? What if put that in your Peace Pipe & toke on it..?? ![]() | |||
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What if .. HAY!! Everytime *I* go on UTube I get ads from Goddam 'Moldy Joe' asking me for favors & $$$ & stuff..?? What if wtf? does he think I'm made outta money...sure Im all dirty, green & wrinkled..but..but..its just not the same..ya Know..? What if after that its always ads for Android phone video games..?? What if or some miracle cure for baldness or impotence...Geexe.. why me? What if I *LIKE* being fat bald & impotent goddam it..? What if at least they leave my big floppy manboobs out of it.thank Zeus? | |||
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What if By the Way xc hows old 'Moldy Shmoe Joe' doin..?? What if did his Drooling problem go away..? What if can he wipe his ass for himself still..? What if the Voters NEED to Know..bud..?? ![]() Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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what if BrucE goes ahead and votes for his lover, Trumpenstein? what if Trumpenstein has an orange haired wig made for BrucE to wear? what if they're a match made in tarturus? what if Trumpenstein already talks like BrucE writes? what if BrucE becomes the new First Lady! Ewww! | |||
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What if that's scary shite but I can't say I'm surprised? What if I still say no matter who replaces him that I'd rather have anyone than Trump. Anyone. So long as they don't do shite like THAT. We need someone at least a "little" sane. "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if .. do you mean a steady stream of incoherent babble..? With alotta self promotin LIES tossed in for good measure? WHat if he STOLE it from uzz.....& We wants it back, precious..? | |||
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What if, I think some people test themselves and each other to see how much horror we can take? What if, that's okay in and of itself as long as no one gets hurt...it's one thing to binge watch horror flicks, but messing around with innocent beings like humans or animals...some people can't leave well enough alone. What if...I think Trumpenstein is just BORED, and he's the kind of psycho that can't get out of himself enough to see what kind of interesting(and important, and maybe even DANGEROUS) stuff other people are doing, so when Trump is bored with himself, he'll do destructive things to all of us. Because he's just a little baby who wants to be entertained. What if, I think it's safe to say he's the worst president we ever had because he REALLY wants to make us crawl, he's not just flailing around messing things up. I think he WANTS to mess things up. What if...his warped sense of reality won't allow him to stop and think of the harm he could cause HIMSELF and his family either? What if...I do not know what kind of trouble we're in for if he wins in November, but I shudder to think about it? What if it turns out Trumpenoid is responsible for the COVID all himself...maybe he had hidden scientists create the disease and blame it all on China? Maybe he wanted the Dems and other anti-Trump folks to die out and all of his supporters to live. And again, he's so insane that he's not thinking of common sense, that COVID can wipe out everybody including him. What if I'm sure I'm not the only one who's mind this has crossed. What if...xc's cat should have been president LMAO. ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if Natalie Adele gets her annual shots Friday? what if she gonna be pouting & mad when she gets home? what if she gonna take it out on me? what if at least she doesn't have to be the one paying the vet bill? | |||
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What if R U Referring to me & xc tormenting each other..? What if I suspect xc can take & Dish out alot more than I can..? What if on a similar subject have either of you seen them SCATHING youtube ads against 'Dopey Joe'...they all use video of him SAYING we oughta cut welfare Social Security & Medicaid/Medicare. On the Floor in the Senate shouting LOUDLY...?!?!?!? What if 'Moldy Joe' is such a Loser he better hope DJ tRump doesnt get his act together..before election day..?!?! What if out of Everyone who was in the nominating processes Trump is Probably the ONLY one 'Worthless Joe Biden' could beat 1 on 1..? What if Above Should read : What if out of Everyone who was in the nominating processes 'Worthless Joe Biden' is Probably the ONLY one tRump could beat 1 on 1..? What if hes so lame Im having trouble pinning an Awful enuff nickname on him.. They all seem to dignified..?This message has been edited. Last edited by: Brucy Braless, Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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what if...i finally figured BrucE out! what if everything he says, he really means the opposite? what if he's not a socialist, he's a conservative, like Rush Limbaugh? what if he hates Bernie & Al Bore, and loves his sweetie, Trumpenstein? what if he doesn't care about the environment, that he owns the biggest SUV possible, and works at factory dumping pollutants into the air & water? what if he loves Dopey Joe, cuz they're both the same age? what if he hates gaming comps, preferring to play checkers at some county courthouse with old farts wearing their overalls? what if he's not braless, but...ewwww!...let's not talk about that? | |||
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What if Dey getz any bigger I will need a 42-C to contain meself..!! | |||
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What if i didnt see anybody sayin they seen dem ADzzzz??? What if some of the stuff is really old probably from the Reagan\Bush era.. But some seems alot newer..? What if Im considering makin window signs reading: Dopey Joe Biden 4 Prez... Because 5 losers in a row just aint cuttin it! Loser Joe Biden 4 Prez ... Putin thinks hes too stupid to bother with! What if they still need work.. not enuff Zing in them? | |||
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What if LOL I'm actually referring to people who like to see things crumble down and get off on the horror of it. Sort of like a "rush." You and xc just make me laugh lol. ![]() What if, basically I'm talking about politicians. ![]() What if, I know there's corruption on both sides and every election it's always about picking the lesser of the two evils. I sometimes wonder if this government will last too much longer. What if, I just see a lot of things falling completely apart and I wonder if we just need a complete overhaul. What if I was watching a Joe Rogan podcast about UFO's and stuffage like that? What if I always wanted to know if we were alone in space? What if, could it be true that an alien race out there could possibly help us get back on track with our world, if they don't want to kill us first? What if...nahhh maybe they don't care enough to do either of those things. What if, but it could be interesting if they were out there at least!!! What if it turns out Trump is really from another planet, a destructive one where they want all of us subservient or dead...or both? What if we're already in the middle of an interplanetary war and we don't even know it??? What if...all the top secret stuff and alla that? What if, this is just how my mind works sometimes when in quarantine with nothing much to do lmao. ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if Natalie Adele went to the vet today? what if she got her shots & everything was great? what if the staff treated her like royalty? what if maybe like a former Presidential candidate? what if brushing her teeth helped as she doesn't yet need the vet to clean them? what if she not gonna like me brushing her teeth for another year!? | |||
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what if last night i dreamed Kate drove to my house from Philly? what if when she drove up, she crawled on the ground beneath a shrub in my yard? what if why'd you do that, Kate? what if it was all wet neath the shrub & you got all wet & then got mad at me!? what if you didn't come to visit me, you wanted to see Natalie Adele? what if i told you that her highness wasn't receiving guests? what if that's when the dream ended? what if that's my first scroller dream in a long time? what if the last one featured Ame working at a swimming pool as a lifeguard who refused to rescue anyone drowning? | |||
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What if I watched 2 Joe Rogan yap fests & it was more intersting than I would have guessed ..? What if Im quite interested in alien life myself..? What if These are 2 Youtube Channels I enjoy for my Science fix...? What if John Michael Godier has maybe the most relaxing voice on youtube..? Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence in Radio What if I LOVE PBS Space Time but it easily gets into stuff that goes way over my head... What if I'm Just a Science fan not a Scientist..? PBS Space Time What if I hope you enjoy this well presented type of information...2 people spit-balling in a conversation can often give un-intended inaccurate info as both are working quickly from memory which can be faulty sometimes. | |||
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What if this DOES sound like Ame in IRL, heehee | |||
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What if it looks like I just missed being on with xc..? Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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What if Im so Lame Im gonna start quotin myOWNself..? What if I DID have an interesting dream ..? What if I was in a building being chased by Zombies? What if they were REALLY close & I ran thru a door & tried to shut it behind me but they were already coming thru so I lifted my rt leg & kicked then back with alla my might..!?!?!? What if this made wake up as I kicked the covers rite offa me & the bed..LoL which of course woke me up & thats why I remember the dream.. What if I have remembered only 2-3 dreams vividly from my entire life...& fragments like this of maybe 1 dozen others, most of which have faded completely.. What if I suspect I dream like a normal human but.....nada on remembering..? What if Since I woke up I dont know if I got away or died as a Republican Breakfast treat? | |||
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Free Madness: What if, basically I'm talking about politicians. ![]() What if, I know there's corruption on both sides and every election it's always about picking the lesser of the two evils. I sometimes wonder if this government will last too much longer. What if I dont wanna sound like a broken record but...90% of the evil Corruption & lying is on the RepubliCANTs/Conservative side..? What if Most Democratic/Liberal politicians really want whats good for ALL Americans..? What if ..unfortunately this is not true of the Anti-White racists nutballs in what I call the 'Progressive' movement..? What if, I just see a lot of things falling completely apart and I wonder if we just need a complete overhaul /QUOTE] What if NO Absolutely we do not...we just need more Honesty in media & to throw the RepubliCANT bass-turds OUT!!! What if Trump is a symptom of whats wrong with the eye-poppingly dishonest & corrupt party that has criminally seized power in America... What if the Crap-PubliCANTs are a Minority in AMerica but they have ended up with disproportionate amounts of representation & power because of flaws in our system of representation. What if All we need to do is to vote most out this go round & do away with the Electoral College ..everything then can slowly return to sanity... What if a Complete overhaul without getting the Republicans OUT of POWER First will turn this wonderful country into a 3rd world shit-hole very quickly. What if EVERYTHING that has happened since the Election of Ronny Reagan proves this beyond a shadow of a doubt..? | |||
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What if I MAY have finally found my 'bumper sticker' ...: Make Orwell Fiction Again! What if its sorta clear out tonite so I was hoping to get a 2nd look at our big rare comet..but nothing, dammit! | |||
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