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what if cool? what if is it supposed to be a commentary- sort of- on the Amber Heard/Johnny Depp thing? what if or maybe i read too much into it? | |||
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What if no you're not wrong...let's just say it was inspired by that? ![]() What if I tried to make it as different from that as possible but still with the same theme? What if 'cuz that kinda thing's a lot more common than just Johnny Depp...especially these days? ![]() What if thanks xc, and I hope things are going well with your books! "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if I dunno if its becoz I sorta slightly know you or what but that held my attention completely from beginning to end...!!! ![]() What if you have a much more powerful & confident voice than I would have guessed...? What if what I mean is....when you make an internet penpal one's mind sorta fills in the blanks about them without really thinkin about it..no? What if I thought you were younger... but then I forgot about how much time has passed.. I was @ 43 when I came to the scrolls...now Imma bald fat retired grumpy old Fart...kinda like xc..?? What if keep up the good work..? What if I watched a bit of some of your other stuff......you really DO have an obsession with Mr Depp.. Dontcha..? ![]() | |||
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what if you're no different now then you were then, other than being an outed cheerleader for Trumpenstein? | |||
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What if, thank you Brucy that means a lot to me? ![]() What if yeah I just turned 53 this year lol, I think I started on the scrolls when I was 33? What if...wow that's 20 years!!! ![]() What if so much can happen in 20 years...I certainly never expected a year like THIS. What if, but thank you again for your kind words, Brucy and I hope you're doing well with your health and things like that there! What if and yeah I do kinda have an obsession with Johnny...he's just so magnetic tho, it's hard not to? ![]() What if, there was someone else on the scrolls, Pandora I think it was, who also loved the Deppmeister? What if, I used to see her posts about him but back then I wasn't as much of a fan as I am now? What if, it took Pirates of the Carabbean to finally put me over the edge? ![]() what if, Disney made a HUGE blunder firing Johnny from the franchise just because of his nasty ex wife? What if I doubt many people will go to their "reboot?" What if but oh well, he's still making great movies and I'm gonna check out Waiting for the Barbarians at some point? What if, he got good reviews in that, which is good! What if, anyway, the fall weather is coming quickly and I don't know how much time I will spend in the pool today...doesn't look like it will be too warm? What if yesterday was hot and humid which was nice? What if the end of summer is kind of sad this year? What if even tho I love the fall, I normally look forward to the holidays as well and I don't know how that will be this year with the pandemic and such? What if, my sister said we should all get tested at some point and then when we are all found negative, we can plan to meet on Thanksgiving? What if...that would be great because...what else would we do, have a Thanksgiving on a Zoom video chat and everyone cooks their own turkey???? What if, that seems to be the "new normal" but I for one will skip that idea? ![]() What if I was at my mom's house yesterday and she wanted to hug me but didn't of course? What if...bring on the vaccine!!!! ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What ifs Imma lot different now than I wuz then....I type nearly 20x as fast....I went from @155 lbs to a recent high of 223 ..now down to 199lbs..? What ifs I went from having 95%of my hairs & lookin like a younger thersites to being mostly bald & lookin like a younger Patrick Stewrat..? What ifs the only Tee-Rump I want is Ivanka's..? What ifs only she had saved herOWNself for me......I dont want that Jarred Squishner's left overs ..Nuh-Uhhh What if that landlord I had back at the house in the city had an employee named Patrick...he used to call him Ratprick...!? What if that seems alot funnier to me now than it did then..? | |||
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What iffin at least I ADMIT Im the real me..?!? What if not some alternate worlds bizzarro..Bruzzy Bralixx..?? | |||
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What ifs ...hmmmm Bruisy Bralixx ..I think I LIKE that handle..?? What if this sounds like my new porn name...? . Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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What if I made an appointment with the old doc's office & that was today..? What if I spoke to a new Physician's assistant who was real nice..? What if but only referred me to someone else..? what if I now see why US medicine is the most expensive in the world..? WHat if no one will Actually DO ANYTHING.... they just play hot potato with me & pass off the Helping me part to the next one down the line..? what if...Jesus Fuck..!?!>!?! | |||
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WHat if... how the HELL did you 2 sucker me into being the 'Lone Gunman' poster here ..LoL | |||
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What if I don't have anything new or interesting to post but I just thought I'd poke my head in? What if I kinda like that Bruzzy Bralixx handle there? What if I have had so many handles, starting with Warrior Priestess 9 and ending up everywhere? What if I'm keeping Free Madness tho, it just kinda keeps working. What if, my husband and I are doing a play reading on Zoom video tonight with some friends...just one of those ways to not be bored in quarantine lol. What if I'm also watching a lot of Joe Rogan; he's in Austin now and I think I like his new studio? What if I liked the other one better tho, it just seemed more homey. This new one looks like a spaceship or something. Still cool but just different than what I'm used to. What if I love it when he talks about sciency stuff the best, but I love when he just talks shite with other comics like him? What if I thought about being a comedian at one point? What if my dad was so hilarious tho, he intimidated me at the time? What if that looks HARD to do, stand up there on stage telling jokes, not sure if anyone will laugh...yikes! What if...but more power to the ones who do? What if, I feel like a cup of tea right about now? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if D0pey J0e Biden strikes back/out as Usual...? ![]() WHat if this Dip-shit is makin ME miss GWB..??? What if I wonder if xc will notice the wee little ERROR at the end..LoL?? Joe Biden at his best -Video Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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what if this Thanksgiving will be my first one alone? what if since mama xc's been gone, i celebrated it with a cousin & a big array of relatives south of here? what if it's called off cause the relatives travel & are unsure of the virus? what if even if there's plenty of vaccines, still going through testing, but unlikely they'll be ready for the public by then, or maybe spring? what if Trumpenstein's supporters don't seem to wear masks or social distance? what if maybe they'll get sick & won't vote for the dictator? | |||
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what if i don't care? what if the election is a referendum on Trumpenstein? what if you're either for or against him? what if guess you're for him? | |||
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What if its good to see you postin on this fine day..? you dont care....perhaps thats the problem..? When tRump demonstrates what a Nothing Burger Biden really is ...you will have nothing to say..? What if ..was it Napoleon who said Never interrupt your enemy when they are makin a mistake..? What if now that y'all have picked 'D0pey J0e Biden'the most pathetic candidate I have ever seen from the list of 2nd stringers the Dems have always selected since I was an adult. Peeps be mad at me cause Im too smart to support him..? XC: what if the election is a referendum on Trumpenstein? What ifsorry..You dont get to decide that...Every voter will decide what this election is about when they make their picks..? what if you're either for or against him? what if guess you're for him? What if you dont get to decide what I think or feel or pick my beliefs ? What if just becoz I think 'D0pey J0e Biden' is WAAAAYYYY too lame to be president doesnt mean anything except EXACTLY that..? What if tRump is a horriblr Malignant narcississt but running a loser against him is not gonna make the evil of the Repub/COnservatives go away...it will fester & re-emerge when 'D0pey J0e' proves how D0pey he truly is..? What if anyways,I'm 4 "'Murica..FUCK Yeah !" ![]() What if... If it looks like tRump will win in NYS I will take a barf bag with me & vote for 'J0e Shm0e' but if he has failed THAT BAD.. it wont make a difference. What if for now, I plan to write in Hillary becoz I wanna hang out in the basement of her pedophile pixxa parlor eats babys, drink blood & laff over that STUPID email scandal y'all fell for...ok? What if it was Hillary's PLAN to FAIL & elect tRump ...theres a new conspiracy for alla the nutballs..? Maybe SHE is Putin's Sleeper agent..? What if edited to add: I dont think what I say would bug you so much .. if there wasnt a part of you that knows Im right about him..?This message has been edited. Last edited by: Brucy Braless, | |||
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what if no matter what happens in the debates, Trumpenstein is still a tyrant, anyone not recognizing that is as big a con as he is? what if Napoleon got his ass kicked by his enemy? what if don't care if Biden is Dopey, Grumpy, Doc, Happy, Bashful, Sneezy and Sleepy ( or even Snow White) put together as long as he defeats the dictator Trumpenstein? what if the election is a referendum on Trumpenstein because America has to decide whether to stay screwed up or get its ass back on track? what if a vote for Evil Hilarious Clton is a vote for Trumpenstein? what if what you say doesn't bug me at all, there's sure to be more exciting candidates than Biden with better ideas, doubtful if they'd get nominated with this country & the press being what they are, but i'd take 4 years of Biden doing nothing any day over Trumpenstein for 4 more minutes let alone 4 more years as we may not survive that long if he's re-elected? | |||
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what if Trumpenstein denies climate change effecting wildfires out west? what if smoky skies from Oregon making things hazy in Indhickiana? what if haze & drastic temperature changes this time of year makes me dizzy? what if same thing happens in early-mid spring? what if i've got a cough from air conditioning part of the day & a headache from furnace being on when it gets too cool? what if temperature needs to stay steady instead of wishy-washy? | |||
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What if my steadfast, determined husband did walking-in-place exercising in the pool today even though it was cool as hell? What if, anything to get the workout in!!! ![]() What if, better him than me? What if I sat outside in a chair in my long pants and long sleeves??? What if, I'll keep this pool up awhile in case of some kind of resurgence of hot weather in September, which there might be of course? What if, I really need to get a large bin so I can store the pool over the winter? What if, I'll put that on my to-do list for the next couple days? What if, we'll find out how well or badly Biden does in the debates...if the Democrats'll let him do a debate? What if, I heard somewhere that they might not let him debate Trump?? What if I would love to be wrong though? What if, it may not be so bad if he doesn't debate him, maybe it's a better idea bc of all his speaking problems? What if, and he does have speaking problems...he gets lost and disoriented a lot, and that won't do in a debate? What if I really liked Biden in 2012 debating Paul Ryan...but a lot can happen in 8 years? What if, again I'm not sure about that debate thing but Joe Rogan mentioned it in his podcast so he must have read it somewhere? What if, I also don't know what not doing a debate would do either for or against Biden but I guess we'll see what happens? What if...as long as he gets in, that will be the ticket. Get the Nazi OUT. "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if well thats good to hear usually you write with a sensa humor.. but when it comes to Poly-Ticks....not this year anyways..? What if THAT is EXACTLY what bugs the Living SHIT outta me there were SO Many MUCH,MUCH,MUCH,MUCH,MUCH,Much,much....better candidates...than D0pey & Race-Baiter..! What if ....Hmm was that too much muchness..???? What if D0pey J0e is unable to complete his presidency we will have the most racist president since ..I cant even imagine when......more than 100 Years,maybe..? What if ....your Pal DJ Biden has made 1 & only 1 decision so far{besides annoying the FUCK outta me on youtube} & that was Kamala Hair-ASS...the most racist Dem in the debates....This message has been edited. Last edited by: Brucy Braless, | |||
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What if you are way too kind Ima Hopin they will all 'Die like a good little boys'..? | |||
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What if today was a wee bit TOO changeable... I went out as soon as I got up to get that Sunshine in my eyes & it was HOT!! SO I took my monthly shower & wet mt flimsy-est T-Shirt & went to do todays Stuff & DAMN!... temp went down by almost 10 degrees.. I was Cold.. | |||
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What if ... ummm yeah... Ok, Boomer...LoL ![]() | |||
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what if you're thinking of one of the other xc's. Maybe it's time i sold the handle on ebay | |||
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What if ..I know I figured it out..... D0pey J0e talks all slurry becoz he has been drinkin TOO MUCH eggnog with xc... What if on a less pleasant note someone got into my van parked out on the street. What if they turned on the headlites & the battery is Deader than post-capitalism earth. What if the aggravating thing is I glanced out the window the nite they did this & am too befuddled to realize what I was lookin at. What if Goddam it!!! they have been on for anywhere from 2-3 weeks...... WHAt if just when I was feelin up beat about gettin things done this was a REAL kick in the nuts I just dont need.. what if I couldnt sleep last nite ping-ponging back & forth from impotent anger to crushing depression....I have not had a pleasant surprise in I dunno how many years... | |||
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What if I'm sorry to hear that Brucy, I hope things work out better for you and you're able to get a new battery and stuff? What if I had the best conversation with a friend I'd had in a long time? What if, a lot of personal stuff but it made me feel amazing at the end of it? What if, and a lot of life lesson type stuff as well. What if, for example, one can look at mistakes as mistakes or one can look at them as just learning something new and applying it? What if, and not sharing every creative idea one has with the world until it's matured a little...something I used to do all the time lol. What if all and all tho, a pretty good day? What if, I think I might make some tea? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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