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What if Nora is a 25 ish ye old law student waiting for her Bar results.. and American What if Cora is a 20 something Canadian What if they both love Salem though... O_O ======================== ![]() Leo: Hey, you want to freeze me in bed for your own personal pleasure, that is fine, but freezing Natalie is not gonna make her or the Elders happy. | |||
Scroller![]() |
What if that tattoo looks kinda real because of the colors,and kinda fake due to how it isnt level across the bottom of the back? What if Zoom is Dooming us with catering talk What if zoom did the monkey dance for you all What if zooms crew calls in sick what if this thread is to hard to keep up with What if this thread must be stopped at allcost What if most of my upper body is covered in tattoo I didnt chose to be sick zoom made me this way | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if the tattoo looks like an iron-on transfer? What if I hope it is not? What if I like the second Tam-posted Aly picture? What if ahh...thanks? ![]() What if I wonder if anyone's done the Buffy people in Playmobil? What if we have boxes and boxes of Playmobil and I'll bet the kids wouldn't miss a few people? What if I can't do that to them so I'll buy my own? What if my ex-husband brought home a new washer today? What if it isn't new so much as working? What if it belonged to a nice clean old couple so I don't mind it being used? What if now I don't have to go down to the basement every 5 minutes to advance the settings dial? What if now it also won't agitate for 45 minutes because I forgot to advance the settings dial? What if we both stood there and waited until it filled with water so we could see the wonder of an automatic washer that's really automatic? What if it's just a whole new week now? | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if where do you get pine nuts? What if I don't know if they'd be in the regular store or the healthier one? What if I doubt they'd have good turnover here so they might be old? What if they have mail-order pine nuts? What if Salem comes to my house to play Tropico and Rise of Nations and I cut his hair while he plays? What if my chair would get all hairsy? What if I shave his head and he looks just like Dr. Zoidberg? | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if being able to play a game while someone cuts your hair would be cool? What if I hate going to get a hair cut and having to sit in front of a mirror? What if I hate it when hair lands on the end of my nose and I can't get it away? What if I almost laugh out loud last time I got my hair cut when an assistant asked if I wanted a tea or coffee while I wait? What if, that was because of a comedy show? What if when there's lots of people waiting for the hair to be cut the hairdressers always seem to give me surfing magazines to read? What if the other night in bed I heard a seagull outside? What if I know I leave near a beach, but I have never ever ever heard one near my house before? What if it was very windy, so maybe it got blown off course? --------------- ![]() Don't be so hard on yourself my friend. You lost the woman of your dreams, but you still have Zoidberg. You all still have Zoidberg! | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I'm going away for a week? What if I'll see you all next Saturday? What if on the 23rd that is? What if bye!? What if *waves*? --------------- ![]() Don't be so hard on yourself my friend. You lost the woman of your dreams, but you still have Zoidberg. You all still have Zoidberg! | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if bye, have a good trip? ![]() What if that's assuming it's a trip? What if I'll miss Salem? | |||
<madogis> |
what if Salem's coming here for the week? what if it's a long shot, but i can dream? what if, speaking of dreaming, i should go home...for sleep? what if the bus doesn't come for another hour, so that fecks that up nicely, doesn't it? what if sorry for the course language and adult themes, but i haven't been having the best of days? what if, a slight panic attack for no good reason, loss of memory/ co-ordiantion, narrowly averted a complete nervous breakdown (again for no reason, idiot mac-lab computers wont accept 250 zip disks, internet access denied (i'm using an illegal account at the moment), eye and nasal passages uncomfortably twitchy, school bag far too heavy, can't think of anything good to write for my story, very sleepy and moody, sort of cold, shirt itchy, guilty concience (see 'illegal account), no one's on line and the fecking bus wont come for ages????? what if, yeah, i COULD walk, but it's cold and wet and getting dark so it ain't gonna happen bub? what if i'm desperately lonely? | ||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if there appears to be another member o the boards? what if i wonder if it's anyone i know? what if this is probably gonna have to be the end of me? what if i'd rather sit out in a bus shelter in the rain than be willfully ignored? what if, you're probably all asleep by now? what if i added a quote to the movie quotes game? what if i didn't solve the last one, but i've been checking in their every day for the last two or so weeks and nobody's figured it out? what if it was too hard and it made my brain hurt? what if the one i put in there isn't hard at all? what if it's probably not even right? what if i'm sorry, i'll go now? what if *logs off in shame*? -------------------------------------- ![]() if nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. | |||
What if I am insulted Salem didn;t even tell me he was going away? What if we can get at least 10 pages done in a week do he's got heaps to read when he gets back? What if Maddie and I make some sort of conspiracy that he's not part of so he gets paranoid? What if i go play neopets no and talk to myself cause no one is online? What if Mick is in bed watch Newcastle vs Warriors? What if I went to bed? What if I am easily paranoid by strange noises in the night? What if Jess' new fav movie is Grease and we watch it at least once a day? ======================== ![]() Leo: Hey, you want to freeze me in bed for your own personal pleasure, that is fine, but freezing Natalie is not gonna make her or the Elders happy. | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if that was a wacky array of what if's i just read? what if wacky is good? what if bcb speaks no more of 'doom' and just brings his evil, poison ivy infested butt to work and makes his damn pasta? what if the monkey dance will start in earnest in December, thank you? what if i seriously want Lego X & G? what if the Lego Holy Grail, too? what if most Whole Foods type grocery stores will have pinenuts? what if if not in the bulk section, then ask somebody? what if or any place that carries imported, especialy Italian, groceries? what if or you can alwaus find a online source? what if Queer Eye for the Straight Guy went international and worked their make-over magic on Salem? what if i hope for Salem's sake he doesn't have any excessive hair in unwanted places cuz the Fab 5 do so love to send the straight boys for waxing? what if i've seen that Xena tattoo pic before and...sheesh...that's fandom? what if i've seen bcb's tattoo(s) and they are truly works of art? what if Ame has just about finished drilling the air holes in the suitcase she's going to come to Texas in? what if i typed "sir holes" at first? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? gimme back my bullets... | |||
Chief Chesty Forlock![]() ![]() |
What if Ame forgot about the suitcase and just got herself on a bloody plane and came to Texas? What if I felt like writing "dern fool"? What if'n I AM a dern fool? What if blood doesn't scare me, clowns don't scare me and boys don't scare me, but bloodyclownboy scares me? | |||
Scroll Nightmare![]() |
What if YAY POWER? What if *watchs lights* 2 good to be true? What if YAY got off work early? What if who is really to blame? What if no one knows what I mean? What if you laugh at me for living in this place? What if I blame the Americans? What if its really our fault? What if I am almost a 20 something Canadian? What if Nora's smarter than I am? What if how come Salem didnt Tell ME he was going away? *glares* What if how come he is just telling us now? What if where is he going? What if *whimper*? What if I had better go? What if thats because I dont know how long I will have power? | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if bcb ain't nearly as scary as he like to play at? what if he is? what if see for yourself in a few weeks? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? gimme back my bullets... | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I'm more like 27ish? What if the cable guy finally came today, so I can post from home? What if the bastards at the cable company set themselves up a five hour window? What if I need to go mail a package? What if it's not one to Oz? What if I mailed myself to Oz? What if Ame took one look at the package and said, "Bloody Hell! Does Aussie Post have a Return to Sender option?" ![]() Life is boring It's really got me snoring I'm wearing out the flooring In a cheap hotel But I don't have to work and I might be sinning But I never have to listen to The rings of school bells "The Air Near My Fingers" - Jack White | |||
Ultimate Scroller![]() |
What if I'm too slow to read what if threads? What if, proportionally to the number of board members, this is the longest what if thread ever? E se eu escrever em Português? What if "e se" means "what if? What if I haven't seen any of my foreign friends on MSN of late? What if I tell Madogis my msn id is wladdrummond@xenafan.com? What if Madogis doesn't exist and is just a Salem & Ame's creation? What Brazil is doing better than Canada in the Pan-Am games? What if my sister is still with no power at home in NY? What I don't care much about Pan Am games? What if I liked Jaqueline Kim's role in the movie Brokedown Palace? What if message boards look still and quiet when a certain someone is not around? What if I miss Artemis Red for no special reason? What if I miss everybody who's no longer posting with us? What if I tend to cry every time I listen to AFIN's theme? What I miss chatting with Cho Chang? What if I'm afraid Akemi isn't speaking to me? What if it's a surprise Cora had power and could post? What if Canadians blame Americans and Americans blame Canadians and W. Bush blames W. Clinton? What if I've never heard of the boogeyman before that movie in NZ? | |||
Scroll Nightmare![]() |
What if we have had power allllll day? What if no air conditioning thou? What if we dont want it to be are fault if it goes again? What if everyone is pointing fingers? What if H. Clinton blames W.Bush? What If I never see prof On line anymore? What if just 2 busy? What if we got a big box? What if we all went to Aussie in that box? What if Ame pulled an Emperors New grove on the box? what if you dont know what I mean? What if I mean 'I'll put that flea in a box, and then I'l put that box in another box, then I'll mail that box to myself and when it arrives I'll SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH' What if I have seen that movie wayyy 2 many times? What if no one expects less of me? | |||
Scroll Nightmare![]() |
What if HELLO Anyone Home? What if *echo*? What if a WHOLE night here past and NO ONE posted? What if I find that strange? What if its because Salem isnt here? What if he is the most important part of this thread? What if I am the only What iffer? What If I continue in memory of Salem? What if My parents leave today? What if WOHOO? What if I still have to work though? What if I want that Legolas Lego? What if *drool* Legolas mmmmmm? What if August 26.. Aug 26 ????? What if excited now? ----------------------------- 'Lonely rivers flow to the sea,to the sea,To the open arms of the sea. Lonely rivers sigh, wait for me,wait for me,I'll be coming home, wait for me.' 'The Road goes ever on and on Out from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone,Let others follow it who can!Let them a journey new begin,But I at last with weary feetWill turn towards the lighted inn, My evening-rest and sleep to meet.' | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i wasted my time this morning going to pick up the hubcap i ordered from toyota? what if they ordered the wrong one? what if the parts guy and i couldn't tell by those stupid drawings on his computer which one to order next? what if it's all a crap shoot? what if they put photos instead of little black and white drawings? what if i planned on using the money from the insurance check for vacation instead of fixing hte dent in my car? what if the check hasn't arrived yet despite them saying it would by last wednesday or thursday? what if i want my damn check? _____________________________ lovers always speak in tongues ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What I've been here all week and keeping up on what ifs all this time? What if I was feeling quiet so I didn't contribute but enjoyed lurking? What if still feeling quiet but wanted to say hi? | |||
Warrior Scroller![]() |
What if the Cubs are first in their division? What if the Cubs are first in the National League? What if the Cubs win the World Ser... okay, okay, the first one is real, the second one is possible but far-fetched... never mind the World Series! ![]() | |||
Ultimate Scroller![]() |
What if, oh my goodness, I'm back? What if the "oh my goodness" was because I have no idea how in the world I'll catch up on old what ifs? What if ok...I need to do all kinds of laundry and start packing for my move and then I'm going to a movie as a farewell with the camp staff? What if but I really need to catch up on what ifs? What if I don't? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa. ![]() | |||
Ultimate Scroller![]() |
What if wow, there were a lot of what ifs? What if I mainly just skimmed through trying to catch the jist of what people were talking about? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa. ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if there have been some interesting points raised in the last 48-or-so hours? what if Salem is the heart, soul and *pauses to picture* body of this thread? what if i'm extremely concerned that he mentioned nothing of his abscence to me OR Ame? what if i'm extremely concerned that something terrible has happened in Salem's quiet little world? what if he's been kidnapped by Sandra Sully? what if she really wanted to end his post by saying "all hail Sandra! sincerely, little boy" but she thought it would be too obvious? what if, but seriously, i hope everything's ok? -------------------------------------- ![]() if nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. | |||
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