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Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I feel like an apple? What if I mean, I feel like eating one? What if I don't? What if I used to watch early Buffy? ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i have "Slave For You" by Brittany Spears in my head? what if yay for Heitie and her cliches? what if i'm not really a fan of the waterlilles nither? what if i always giggle when someone claims that Monet was shot sighted? what if i had to watch a film with him in it this morning? what if holy crap those paintings are huge? what if now i want an apple? what if any Buffy is good Buffy? what if i recomend "The Pack" or "The Puppet Show" (god i hope that's the title. if you've seen it, you know what i'm talking about)? what if i especially recomend that "Puppet Show" (dear gravy let that be the name!) for Jubilee, to help her with her performance anxiety? what if i'm wondering what kind of twisted riligious cult (just joking, in case your starting to take offence) would demand it's followers to perform skits on command!? what if it's nuts? if nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if we used to do skits at church camp and occasionally in sunday school? What if it sucked? What if I hated it with the fire of a thousand suns? What if I like both "The Pack" and "Puppet Show or Whatever It's Called"? What if the dvds are my good friends? What if I also like "Ted"? What if nobody ever likes the puppet one and I was beginning to think I was alone in my enjoyment? What if the very end is worth the whole episode? What if they didn't do neeeearly enough silly stuff in the later seasons? | |||
What if me and my brother got kicked out of sunday school aged 7 and 9. What if Jubliee is a match, since here, a 'brand' name of match is red head? What if YES, you do have red hair jubs? What if I got 2 new DVD's today? (the guru and daredevil) What if I laybyed two as well? (who framed roger rabbit and married with children season 1) ======================== ![]() What in the name of..... me... do you think you're doing?? | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if agreed? what if the end is the best thing ever? what if it reminds me of "Nightmares"? what if, yep, that's pretty much season 1 in it's entirety for me? what if "Ted", "Thelma and Luisin' it"? what if i've never seen that movie but it still sounds fun? if nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. | |||
Ultimate Scroller![]() |
What if the skit is only for those who want to participate? What if my group is pretty good about participating? What if people who don't want to participate don't have to? What if I don't know whether to go for dramatic or funny? What if last year they did this beautiful song interp thingy and people in the audience were crying? What if I'm not sure if that's possible this year due to the fact that we have many giggly 13 year old girls and only a few 18 year olds? What if, wow, I've just realized there is a large gap in ages? What if we have about 6 13 yr. old girls and then the next age is 16? What if after that it goes pretty evenly? What if last year there were about 6 18yr olds of varrying sexes? What if why am I posting this, no one cares? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa. ![]() | |||
Ultimate Scroller![]() |
What if why oh why did they make my assistant youth leader? What if my head explodes from frantic skit-searching? What if no one likes the skit I choose? What if one of the giggly girls says "You know, Annie, I really don't like this, you kind of suck at your job"? What if, ok, I don't think any of them would say that, but still? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa. ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i asked Ame if her Married With Children dvds included the fabled "Movie Show" episode? what if (assuming i've got the name right - i suck at names) that's the episode with dear little Angelus in it? ![]() what if i really don't think it's a season one ep, but it's worth a looksee? if nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if you do a reinactment of the whole Christmas gig, and make all the giggly girls sheep? what if, when they point out that it's August, you tell them that you had a particularly groovey Xena pic on last year's December callendar page, so from now on it's Christmas all year 'round? what if that probably wont work, but it's worth a try? if nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i had access to the knight bus? what if i could ride it all the way home whenever i felt like it? what if i could ride it to the pizza palce and eat everything in sight? what if i'd start with a steaming hot cheese pizza, followed by a garlic pizza base, and then topped off with a barbeque meatlover's pizza - half beef half chicken? what if chicken would cost extra but i don't care? what if to hell with the expense!? what if there would be a variety of lemonades and colas to aide the digestion? what if i think i'm gonna pass out just thinking about such luxury? what if *drool* if nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if Jubilee puts on the best damn show since...the beginning of time? What if, now that was a show? What if I'm reading stuff at a Charmed message board? What if people are talking about Sabrina there? What if these people actually like the college saga the best? What if they also liked Josh? What if, are they mad?? What if gah!? What if Sabrina was released on DVD? What if that would be good? What if even though I don't like the later seasons, I'd still buy them all? What if for me, the show ended at the end of season 3 where she got her witches licence? What if I still watched the next seasons though? ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i like Harvey? what if one of my favourite episodes ever was when he got turned into a frog? what if it was cute? what if i'm wondering if it was the same episode where they say "when in Limbo, you must Limbo"? what if i don't think it was, but i still love that quote? what if i'm so hungry? what if i mean i'm really...really...hungry? *cries* what if it's not fair damn it!? >.< if nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. | |||
Ultimate Scroller![]() |
What if, man, I loved the early days of Sabrina? What if the college years are totally stupid, IMO? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa. ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if the Limbo episode was from when Jenny entered the Other Realm and Drell turned her into a grasshopper? What if whatever happened to Jenny? What if, also, what happened to Mr. Poole? What if I stumbled onto his home page once before? What if it was quite humerous? What if I couldn't believe it when the dropped Libby and Valerie from the cast? What if how stupid were they to drop Hilda and Zelda? What if I blame that on Caroline Rhea though? What if Beth Broderick really needed to be on the show to survive, but because Caroline left, they didn't want Zelda by herself? What if it's surprising they didn't drop Salem from the show? What if, well, Nick Bakay was the producer of the show..? What if Salem got his own spin off show? What if, actually, I heard that Sabrinas' cousin Amanda was getting a spin off show, based on that episode where she was sent to that school for trouble making witches run by Mr. Sheffield and Carol from Friends? What if that would have been a silly spin off? What if they had made a proper Sabrina movie, not like Sabrina goes to Rome and Sabrina Down Under, that actually had cast memebers besides Sabrina and Salem in it? What if they had kept all the people from that TV movie that started the show? What if I feel like watching that now? What if they release that on DVD? ![]() | |||
What if Salem has a Sabrina obsession? What if he has a thing about girlie looking blondes, which is why he likes gabby too? What if that means he should like Buffy? What if he secretly likes Buffy? ![]() What if OMG i can't think of any more what ifs? What if i go into shock? What if it took me three times to type shock? (dhock, then shick) What if i am listeing to friends, but taping it, but i will watch it when i get offline shortly? What if i was suprised Joey got a spin off show, i thought it would be pheobe, since i think she is the better actor? What if i hope from time to time, we'll see the other friends in joey, cause it will be strange after 10 yrs if they STOP seeing each other for no reason, unless the show ends on a big reason? What if i hope we get to see rachel's sisters again before the show ends? What if i think reece is way cool? What if i offer to sell jess to the highest bidder as long as they pay postage? ======================== ![]() What in the name of..... me... do you think you're doing?? | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I thought it was well known I had a Sabrina obsession? What if well, I guess I haven't spoken about it in a while..? What if hah, secret buffy obsession, yeah right...? What if I look around nervously? What if I would've preferred Phoebe getting her own show because she's my favourite Friend, but Joey is still cool? What if it would be nice if they made guest appearances occaisionally? What if I like Lois from Malcolm in the Middle? What if she got her own spin off? What if I'm hungry? What if I have some custard? ![]() | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if my don't y'all go on about your TV shows? what if i can relate, as it is almost football here in the States & i most certainly can go on about football? what if that's specifically the Tennessee Titans, but i can go on aout football in general as well? what if i was secretly pleased when the team i've always followed changed it's name (because they moved for Houston to Nashville) to a Xena ep title? what if this was a source of some comfort, as i was otherwise mighty PO'ed about the fact the team had moved? what if i'm almost 100% sure i've lost you all on with this line of what iffing? what if oh well, that's what the Buffy talk does to me? what if it takes all kinds? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sunshine. rainbows. unicorns. happy happy crap. | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if TV was my entire life? What if without TV, I'd probably waste a away? What if yes, that is sad, but it's the truth and I can't help it? What if it annoys me people want me to go out somewhere, and I say "but I'll miss <insert TV show here>" and they always reply "TV can't rule your life"? What if how can they say it can't when clearly it does? What if TV disappeared, I'd probably do what Peter did in Family Guy, as in cutting a sheet of cardboard into the shape of a TV and strapping it to me so it's a few feet in front of me, and I can look through it and pretend I'm watching TV? What if, ahh, just look at this? What if I could probably go on about football, but wouldn't know what I'm talking about? What if when I've been involved in a betting thing before, I chose the winner of each game based purely on which mascot I thought would win if they were in a fight together? What if I have to actually go to a football game in october I think? What if it's for the Rugby World Cup? What if thats's Rugby Union though? What if I said I didn't want to go, but my family said "you say that now, but at the time you'll be so caught up in the excitement you'll regret not going"? What if they clearly don't know me that well? What if the game I've been roped into seeing doesn't even have Australia playing? What if the rest of the family is going to see much more games, but I'm only going to the one? What if I'm going to have no idea whats going on? What if it'd be better if it was Rugby League because I almost get that game? What if oh well, I'm sure I'll pick it up as I watch? ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I followed the Titans reasoning quite well? What if I'm not a huge football fan, but I get the name business? What if I do watch the Superbowl every year, and sometimes the Army-Navy game? What if I pick winners based on whose uniform colors I like better? What if that mascot thing's a good idea? What if our local baseball team's mascot is a wave? What if as in water, not hands waving? What if I'm not sure you could have a team mascot that's a gesture? What if I used to watch the early Sabrinas? What if I lost interest after the second season, I think? What if I didn't know there was a Joey spinoff? What if I don't think I'll be watching? What if I didn't watch a single Friends last season? What if it just doesn't hold my attention anymore? What if I completely understand Salem's tv importance thing? What if I was the same way until my mothering responsibilities forced me to give it up to a degree? What if I can still put away some hefty measures of tv, given the right circumstances? | |||
Scroll Stalker![]() |
What if I can't keep up? What if Sorry I haven't replied Tam but I went through major computer upgrades on Thurs and Friday and email is still giving me Hell? What if I can now see what I am posting? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ![]() Stay with me precious wild Stay with me, hold me awhile Love me like a little child Stay baby... Let them talk in this cheap town We will burn the old house down Cuz I love you crazy, love you blind Love you til the end of time | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if that's okay i just thought my e-mail went astray? _____________________________ the tightrope i walk it splits sanity at the "i" ![]() | |||
What if i make myself and every other scroller who's lurking at the moment a bacon sandwich, then i'll catch up on the what ifs.. What if i have a bad feeling that 51 was the page it was on when i left last night What if 51 is the page it is on now? ======================== ![]() What in the name of..... me... do you think you're doing?? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if page 49 of this thread with all of it's spastic arm swingy dancing, behind-the-couch discoveries, warm patches of pool and naked what iffing made me laugh so hard that my eyes teared and a contact lens fell out? What if I CAN"T SEE!???! | |||
What if i never knew you wore contact lenses? What if i still don't believe you? What if.. handing you your complementary bacon sandwich ======================== ![]() What in the name of..... me... do you think you're doing?? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if yep...blind as a bat without 'em? What if mmmmmmmm... pftpt ...*mouth full of sandwich*... thanks!? | |||
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