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What if I understand Salem's paranoia that someone is trying to kill him? What if I'm paranoid about that very thing right now because I keep hearing scary noises and I'm home all alone? What if I am a nutter? What if did anyone ever realize that you hear the most scary noises when you're home alone? What if I am a wuss and a nutter? What if, I guess that's good, because if I'm a wuss, chances of me doing anything homicidal (because I am a nutter) myself are lessened because I would be affraid to do it? What if, oi, daylight needs to come now? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa. ![]() | |||
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What if there was a solar eclipse so Jubilee doesn't get any daylight? What if the cosmic ballet goes on? What if does any body wanna swap seats? What if I'm a nutter? What if Titanic is on tonight? What if I only saw that for the first time last year when I was doing an English assessment task the night before it was due and Titanic was on then, so I decided to watch while doing the English stuff? What if I dislike boats? What if Girl Interrupted is on on Sunday, but I wish it was on tonight because I feel like watching it? | |||
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What if I'm glad to see Salem is making the most of his study time? What if at first when I read "What if does any body wanna swap seats?" I read it as "What if does any seat wanna sway bodys?"? What if it would be weird if Salem switched bodies with a seat? What if I keep freakigng myself out when i look accross the hall into my bedroom and see the curtains moving? What if I keep thinkging people are crawling into my bedroom through the window? What if I sleep in my parents bedroom tonight and lock the door, just to be on the safe side? What if eek!? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa. ![]() | |||
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What if why are things always less scary in the day? What if even this old park in town where hobos sleep when they hop off trains, and dead bodies have been found there in the past (i'm not joking) is not scary during daytime, but is the worst place in the world at night? What if I REALLY have to think happy thoughts? What if Salem and I ended up in a scary dark place sometime and we ended up seeing all kinds of things tht would murder us? What if in daytime, they turned out to have just been shadows of trees blowing in the wind? What if we had stayed awake all night out of fear, like I am doing now? What if come on sun!? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa. ![]() | |||
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What if it'd be weird swapping bodies with a seat? What if a smelly person sat on you while you were the seat? What if a seat wouldn't know how to act human? What if they just stopped in the middle of a road and tried to act like a seat? What if I wanna know if Jubilee ever has moments where she says to herself "If this were a horror movie, there'll be someone behind me when I turn around"? What if "Or if they they aren't there when I turn around, when I turn back the way I was originally facing they'll be there"? What if I always think things like that when home alone? What if I also think "I'd be so dead by now if this were a horror movie"? What if I always make sure I have some object close by to attack with when alone? What if even if it's a TV remote or "popsicle" stick? What if I was going to say "paddle pop stick" but hardly anyone would know what I was talking about? | |||
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What if YES! Salem, I understand completely the thoughts about horror movies and what would happen? What if I think we have these thoughts because children today are exposed to scary things at too young of an age? What if, what am I talking about? What if, yes, the horror movie stuff is totally why I always freak myself out? What if I used to be affraid my porcelaine dolls would jump off of the shelves and kill me? What if I had this though when I was close to 8 years old after seeing The Puppetmaster on TV? What if, for a while, I would always make sure I played with all of my dollies and action figures equally so they wouldn't get mad at me that they were neglected? What if, if they did end up being neglected, I'd make sure they were secured in a bin in my brother's room? What if, hey, I was, like, 8 years old? What if, ok I'm still kinda freaked by the dolls in my room? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa. ![]() | |||
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What if I didn;t see the post about the hobo park? What if that reminded me of when my sister tried to get me to read one of her books called the Travelling Vampire Show or something? What if there wasn't a hobo park in it, but it still reminded me of it? What if I never finished the book? What if I didn't even get to the vampire part? What if I should finish it some time? What if I never saw The Puppet Master? What if I can remember a time when I was younger and was scared of Shadows tree's were making on my wall because I thought they were Gremlins? What if that's because of a ride at Movie Wolrd opn the Gold Coast? What if, before I continue, QLD is the abbreiviation of Queensland Heitie so yes you were right, I don't think I replied to that, but now I'm thinking Amethyst maybe replied to it, I dunno? What if, anyway, the ride consisted of you being in a cinema watching old movie bloopers when suddenly the film dissolves and you could see Gremlins making shadow puppets on the screen? What if then one of the attendants comes in screaming that the Gremlins have escaped and we needed to evacuate? What if everyone was then put in this big car that slowly made its way through the studios? What if there were animatronic Gremlins here and there doing things? What if at one point, you come around a corner and see a car like the one you are in has gone through the wall and has mannequins in it that are all supposed to be real dead people with Gremlins all over them? What if I remember crying the first time I went on it? What if lousy traumatic childhood? What if BeetleJuice was guiding you to safety in the ride? | |||
What if i am cold? What if i didn;t explain QLD, and salem was seeing things? What if i mail myself to zoom in a box, just in time to get there when argy does? What if i take jess and she stares at zoom? What if i go to bed? What if i spend 18 hrs cleaning my house and argy gets here and says, ohh you don;t clean often do you? What if i put soap in every room of the house, with a bowl of water? What if salem remembers to bring the charmed tapes to work, and i leave them there and argy wanted them? what if he brings them, and i remember them, and argy doesn't want them? What if..what if? ======================== ![]() I LOVE MY NEW COMPUTER!! | |||
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What if that would be really sad if Argy said you don't clean often after spending all that time? What if I'm not sure if you gave me covers with the Charmed tapes? What if I don't think you did, but when I bring them to me you ask "where are the covers?" What if help me? What if speaking of Charmed, I was reading over my post in your Charmed thread and they way I wrote it makes it seem like I literally wanted to see more of Chris revealed? What if it's kinda funny, to me at least? What if that man from Jumanji is on the Titanic? What if he turned into Van Pelt and started hunting everyone? | |||
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what if i stare back at Jess? what if geezuzchristonakawasaki you what-iffers have been prolific? what if i've been too busy or too tired to even log on, let alone what if? what if i wished i lived somewhere with no digital phone communication? what if "macademia nut...that's the one that finally would get her..."? what if This Is Spinal Tap is the best of the mocumentaries? what if Jubilee's semi-see-through top was accented with a festively colored bra? what if i blew all your litle minds and told you i have a semi-see-through shirt & festive bra combo that is quite spiffy? what if Shawn gets all squirmy about if like she did when i showed her my slinky dress? what if until this last wave of what-iffing i thought Kim & Kath were real life friends of Salem's? what if i met the French version of Eddie Monsoon yesterday and she actually said "La Croix" to me??????? what if for real? what if i almost had a brain aneurysm trying not to laugh? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? | |||
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What if eyezoom thought I was a pervert when she thought Kath & Kim were my real life friends because I said I was going to watch them? What if she still does think I'm a pervert? What if I don't like Titanic? What if while watching it I'd forgotten that the boat was going to sink? What if I go watch a happy movie instead? What if I watch the Ducktales movie? What if I love that movie? What if that horrid scene where the man and that little boy get swept up in that big rush of water in the corridor is about to be on? What if I can't think of a worse way to die than drowning? What if I shudder again? What if I think of scabby faced Kath and Kim and that stops me shuddering? | |||
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What if I took a nap a little while ago and dreamed about zoom? What if it was before I read her fashion updates so they weren't involved? What if I dislike trying not to laugh? What if I wasted many years sitting in church trying not to laugh? What if my mother always scowled at me and apparently didn't have any urge to church-laugh at all? What if she was always sucking on a Certs? What if Retsin is a laugh suppressant? What if I used to sleep with a fingernail clippers under my pillow in case I needed to ward off burglering attackers? What if I bet you could do someone quite a mischief with the little file? What if I still do the grab-any-weapon thing as well? What if I find a pen works well as does a heavy flashlight? What if I've done the remote one too, though? What if you have to hide it by your leg when checking for bad guys because they might see it and disarm you? What if maybe I should get some kind of watch dog? | |||
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What if, yes I've tried th eheavy flashligt, but I usually end up sleeping on it (I move a lot in my sleep) and I wake up with a stiff back from sleeping on a flash light all night? What if pens do work nicely? What if has anyone seen the movie "The Faculty"? What if, well, in that movie, Josh Hartnet stabs John Stewart (at least I *think* it's John) in the eye with a pen? What if the pen is full of this drug that Josh Hartnett makes? What if, not to imply that Josh himself makes drugs, but his character in the movie did? What if his character reminded me of this really hot stoner guy who went to my high school? What if he was always really laid back, and I was so naive in fresh and soph year that I didn't understand why? What if, ok, maybe I kinda suspected it, but I didn't really know until he told me himself? What if, ooo, I want to see him again? What if, no, must not think of hot stoner guy? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa. ![]() | |||
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what if nail files placed under one's pillow warded off dreams of zoom? what if, while relieved the fashion revelations weren't part of Heitie's dream, i'm still fairly curious as to the nature of the dream nonetheless? what if Salem's "special assignment" pretty much locked up zoom's opinion of his level of perversion? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? | |||
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what if i'm freakin-ass glad this workweek is moreorless over? what if that's an hour or so tomorrow notwithstanding? what if i use a lot of words that are three-in-one? what if i continue to what if nevertheless? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? | |||
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what if i do so while breakin the law, breakin the law? what if someone actually catches a Judas Priest reference? what if last week amid the cacophonic din of our family gathering my brother cranked out Metallica at top volume just for effect? what if the effect was that my mom just talked louder? what if this is a heavy metal kinda day? what if they all are? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? | |||
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What if Judas Priest was what my father said as a swear word, presumably instead of Jesus Christ? What if he was a minister so I guess he felt this would be the better option? What if in the dream we were all in one huge room of computer stations? What if at least I assume it was all scrollers, though only the identities of zoom and myself were readily discernable? What if we all had little enclosures around our desks built with boxes and I think mine had a mattress? What if zoom was obsessed with looking at a website that tracked Red Cross blood distribution throughout the country and possibly the world? What if it had maps with different colors denoting different levels of blood use? What if near the end of the dream I walked past and she had fallen asleep on her desk so I tiptoed? | |||
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What if I'd already forgotten about my special assignment? What if it all just came screaming back to me? What if I've just gotten home from visiting Ame at the markets? What if I couldn't remember where her shop was? What if I saw her walking in the distance? What if I followed her and along the way a chinese man tried to get me to sit down so he could give me a massage? What if I mumbled something like "Oh.. nah... I.. up there... videos.." and waved the Charmed tapes around? What if when I got to where Ame was I saw she was talking to a lady so I hung back and pretended I was looking at plants for sale? What if the I said hello after the lady had left? What if Ame called the lady back because it was her mum? What if Ame told a man I was tall? What if I'm only tall in comparison to Ame What if I send Ame an SMS ICQ message later on? What if I've said Ame quite a lot in this post? | |||
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quote: What if I have been giggling over this statement for,like,5 minutes? | |||
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What if once I finally got to sleep last night, my cat jumped on my bed and wouldn't leave me alone? What if he's really quite a big fella and he kept stepping on my stomach? What if I thought I had left my cell phone down by the river tonight? What if I drove to the river and retraced every step i took there tonight looking for it? What if it turned out the phone was actually in my friend's car and I drove to the river and searched fanaticaly for nothing? What if it's actually kind of creepy down there by yourself? What if, it's ok, it's not as creepy as my house is at night ![]() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa. ![]() | |||
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What if my parents are home tonight so there's nothing to fear? What if I hope Ame and Argy are enjoying their dinner tonight? What if I had a yummy salad for dinner tonight? What if it came in a bread bowl? What if I really like the bread bowl? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The hottest thing this side of Epworth, Iowa. ![]() | |||
What if Argy couldn't make it? What if I saw Salem today for a little while? What if i swaer he's grown like 6 inches since i last saw him? What if he's about 6 foot 4 by now (or more) What if i have so many messages from Salem on my phone, that i had to erase some before anymore would fit in? What if he is now officially.. 'Ame's Stalker' and should change his scrool name to prove the fact? ======================== ![]() I LOVE MY NEW COMPUTER!! | |||
What if the reason i told ted that salem is tall, is the fact i think ted is taller and salem is even taller..? What if i said this now, cause i only just read the what ifs i hadn't seen today? What if salem plays battleships with me when he gets home? What if i neo while i wait? ======================== ![]() I LOVE MY NEW COMPUTER!! | |||
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What if My cousin is taller than Salem? what if he is 6'7 what if I am meeting him for the first time today? what if they live in North Carolina? What if I am making muffins? what If I have already screwed them up? what if I send the bad ones to salem? what if they where hard enough to throw at people? what if I remember seeing that on tv or in a movie but cant remember where? what if I am making it up? what if I am dreaming? | |||
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what if i spent much time tracking Red Cross blood distribution i probably would fall asleep? what if, despite being a minister, my father used a bit spicier curses than "Judas Priest"? what if my mom atually used "Judas Priest" though? what if my mom also said "if 'if' was a skiff we'd all have a boat ride"? what if my Irish great-grandmother really had some wacky sayings? what if the family is still trying to figure out exactly what "eat horse--get grass" means? what if her equivalent of "bullshit" was "in the market, under the stands"? what if she could be very confusing to a small child? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? | |||
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