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WHat if thats Hilarious..? What if I dont think you have to be able wash your hands or wipe your ass to work @ Either of those places..? WHat if Im glad I dont have the job of checking underwear for skidmarks !?!?!? WHat if well maybe checking the girls wouldnt be so bad..? | |||
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what if not now but when jackass obombya's plans go into effect, even these worst of employers will only take the most over-qualified as jobs will be so scarce that the over-qualified will be vying for same jobs as us dummies? what if only all biz were owned by the employees? what if all employees- management & workers- were paid the same & received same bonuses & benefits? what if too few companies like that & none that i know aboot in my area? what if i bet obombya would wanna drive 'em outta bizness anyhoo? | |||
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WHat if you turn off Fox News & get info from an Honest & reliabable source..? What if or at least contrary opinion like PBS Newshour &/or Bill Moyers? What if I heard AGAIN yesterday that 'Obamacare' is basically 'Romneycare' thats been in Massachusetts for years & there is no sizable lag in either employment or full time employment so you are all worked up over nothing..? WHat if things will be just fine.. the world as we know it will not end ..& Yes Im a socialist so I think all wages should be ALOT closer together! WHat if No Billionaires & no Working Beggars? What if Obama is WAY WAY WAAAYYYY to far right for me...? WHat if hes little better than a Tea-bagger when viewed from my perspective on where the world so be in the future..?..? | |||
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what if i never watch Faux "news"? what if obombyacare will be the downfall of us all? what if things won't be fine? what if you believe "'Obamacare' is basically 'Romneycare' thats been in Massachusetts for years & there is no sizable lag in either employment or full time employment so you are all worked up over nothing.." then i have some swamp land in Fla. to sell ya? what if obombya is far too wrong for me? | |||
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what if i hear my job may be extended til end of Feb? what if this is cuz ppl on vaca or snowed in or leaving this poor state of Indhickiana? what if will need the mullah to buy unnecessary jackass obombyacare? what if oh well? | |||
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what if i miss summer? what if miss hot humid days? what if i'd rather sweat than freeze like i am now? what if c'mon Julu August get here alreadys? | |||
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what if i misspelled "July" in the post above? what if my apologies to July? what if dun wanna scare off July? what if i wanna scare away winter? what if my ugly face doin poor job at scarin away snow? | |||
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what if applied for more jobs? what if have lotta open jobs still? what if wonder if i'll hear back on any of them? what if not today i won't cuz it's Sunday? | |||
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what if took Natalie to vet today? what if she lost over 4 lbs on her diet? what if vet said she can have more food? what if she behaved much better? what if yay her!? | |||
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what if no one commented this is pg 50? what if wonder how many yrs before pg 100? what if i dun live that long? what if RIP xc? | |||
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what if someone is supposed to come over to sign me up for asswipe obombyacare soon? what if waste of money when money's tight? what if have to sign up to avoid paying penality? what if %$#@ obombya? | |||
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what if poo me tired? what if me no get muchy sleep? what if boring scrolls put me to sleep? what if scrolls cure for insomnia? | |||
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what if i dun see much point postin here? what if gonna mull it over? what if sign says long haired freaky ppl should leave scrolls? what if guess that means me? what if to be continued? | |||
Scroll Obsessive |
What if everyone else disappeared after I showed up because they didnt wanna just leave you here all by your lonesome..? What if they felt less guilty if they did a fast fade after You & I started posting up a storm..? What if Im sorry the Aussies all left too..? | |||
Warrior Scroller![]() |
What if booo politics What if people elected me presidunce? What if Olympic slogan sounds goofy in English? What if фбббц What if I forgot my assword because I haven't been here in ages? | |||
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What if you just really get rite down to it Dontcha..? What if umm "Hi Hercky How ya been..?" WHat if Im hiding your post writing this so it will be a REAL shocker to xc when he sees it..? | |||
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what if whaddaya know it's Hercy!? what if i'd vote for Hercy over that obombya jerky? what if BrucE's post above show he's a turkey? what if 3rd scroller here got me feelin perky? what if other ppl post insteada bein lurky? | |||
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what if i scared Hercy away? what if well that's me job here? what if i scared away girls sellin girl scout cookies? what if funny but their cookies don't taste like girls? what if i keep a cauldron in basement to cook girl scouts into eggnog flavored girl scout cookies? | |||
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what if potholes everywhere? what if potholes in my mind? what if grow pot in the potholes? what if but i get high off my wives? | |||
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what if Amy Adamscrazed has been in my sig pic awhile now? what if i should put in a different wife? what if but love lookin at Amy? what if maybe a diff Amy pic instead? what if maybe...? | |||
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what if impeach obombya now? what if impeachment don't go far enuff? what if send ombombya back in time? what if to 11/22/63 Dallas TX? what if exchange places with JFK? | |||
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what if jeeps i thought somebody'd rant aboot my post above? what if maybe time to impeach the scrolls? what if what's the point of continuing? what if i won't wait for an snswer? | |||
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What if xc is only posting to get a rise out of people..? What if Actually he LOVES Obama..? What if he secretly wishes he could marry him..? What if & have his presidential babys..? WHAT IF !?!?!??!?! | |||
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what if this post is proof not to do drugs ha ha ha? what if then again BrucE might be Mitt RomnE? what if could be cuz BrucE defends the Establishment? what if BrucE's a socialist Republican? ![]() | |||
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What if I have been discovered..? What if I am Mitt's oxygen deprived twin brother Twit RomnE ? What if more than 49% of people will not vote for Meeeeeee-e-e-e ? What if xc is really Obama's Mama..? | |||
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